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192 名前:お前名無しだろ [2016/03/15(火) 17:10:17.44 ID:VVUkDBKL.net]
James, Hiromitsu Gompei was killed in the New Japan dojo in 1995.
He was an amateur wrestler whose parents were worried about him going pro, but Hiroshi Hase assured them that he'd be ok.
What's believed to have happened is that as they were finishing the daily workouts, Riki Choshu walked in and Gompei was ordered to start over so the booker could check out how he was doing.
Gompei was exhausted and screwing up the exercises, so Kensuke Sasaki (with Choshu) shoot suplexed Gompei on his head over and over...and then he died.
Hase was devastated and left the company after the January '96 Tokyo Dome show.

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