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21 名前:彼氏いない歴774年 [2008/06/23(月) 02:33:36 ID:+Ufx2uU4]
525 名前:名無しさん@全板トナメ参戦中[sage] 投稿日:2008/06/22(日) 22:36:44 ID:nVBhTzvV0
Sexy scams taking horny gents for a ride
Sunday, Oct. 31, 1999
The ad, just three lines in a tabloid newspaper, was small, considering that it promised the thrills of a lifetime.
"Two days and one night of uninhibited debauchery," it promised. "In the bus. In the bath. Under the dinner table.
Come join our orgy."
The temptation, reports Shukan Jitsuwa, was simply too great for the 42-year-old salaryman we'll call Mr. T.
Phoning for more information, he was informed that the tour would be packed with promiscuous young females.
Bathing facilities at the hot springs hotel would be completely co-educational. And not only would participants wear
their birthday suits to the dinner party that evening; they would eat each other for dessert.




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