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184 名前:こくないのだれか [2014/07/20(日) 18:35:27.57 ID:M3q3RGqs0.net]
If you use a Wii LAN adapter,do NOT connect wirelessly or with another LAN adapter.
The server is mistakenly banning people for MAC address changing
because it reads the adapter as an individual device.
DiddyKong is escalating this issue.
Please warn anyone who might be using an adapter.
This will give you error code 23915.

Error code 23915 "Banned: Abuse using of a console identifier"
- This happens when you have used a Wii LAN adapter,
and either switched to wireless, or changed LAN adapters.
This is NOT intentional and the server devs need to fix it.
DiddyKong is escalating the issue. As of June 18 2014 there is no way to fix this error.


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