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76 名前:世界@名無史さん [2018/10/16(火) 22:50:27.55 0.net]
Herodotus and Strabo place them on the banks of the Thermodon,[3][4] while Diodorus states that before the Amazons of the Thermodon there were, much earlier in time, the Amazons of Libya.[5]
These Amazons started from Libya, passed through Egypt and Syria, and stopped at the Caicus in Aeolis, near which they founded several cities.

But now that we have examined these matters to discuss the account which history records of the Amazons who were in Libya in ancient times.
For the majority of mankind believe that the only Amazons were those who are reported to have dwelt in the neighbourhood of the Thermodon river on the Pontus;
but the truth is otherwise, since the Amazons of Libya were much earlier in point of time and accomplished notable deeds.
紀元前60年くらいのDiodorus Siculus The Library of Historyから

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