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MX・tvk・テレ玉・チバ・群馬・とちぎ実況 ★ 54966

311 名前:LIVEの名無しさん mailto:sage [2017/07/13(木) 07:28:24.48 ID:o2Pc11uv.net]
HARDtalk celebrates its twentieth anniversary with another chance to see Allan Little's 2013 interview with the former Bishop of Edinburgh, Richard Holloway.
He entered a seminary at the age of 14, intent on becoming a monk and rose to be the leader of the Anglican Church in Scotland. But he gradually lost faith in many of the certainties of Christianity, including the existence of God.
He finally resigned from the church, accusing it of cruelly persecuting gay people. So did his own loss of faith betray those he one preached to?

出演者【ゲスト】 リチャード・ホロウェイ(イギリス・元エジンバラ主教)


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