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【フィギュアスケート】羽生結弦、宇野昌磨らが出場 世界国別対抗戦・男子フリーの結果[4/21]

876 名前:名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ mailto:sage [2017/04/22(土) 00:55:47.75 ID:mgZCIFKI0.net]


He almost comes out faster than he goes in, doesn't he? It's incredible!
So everything that is requested, in terms of the poise the length of the jumps, the height of the jumps the quality of the landing edges
as well as the intervening step sequences... all the detail (is) there

Oh gosh... he skates like a champion... yeah, he is
Well, he's almost superhuman isn't he?

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