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【方針転換】TeamViewer part5【商用判定全快】

134 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2018/06/07(木) 23:39:29.33 ID:VgGIJsii0.net]
Dear User,

Thank you very much for your message.

I set your ID to private, non-commercial usage,
because I believe you that you do only use TeamViewer for private use.
So you are now able to use the free, non-commercial version again.

But please keep in mind:TeamViewer is only free for private,
non-commercial use.
If you want to use TeamViewer commercially, please buy a license.
The free version can only be used in a private environment - for example
if you help friends or relatives in your free time and do not receive
any money for it.
Commercial use is every usage in a business environment.
This means, if you use it at work or support customers and colleagues,
it will be commercial usage. Therefore you are not allowed to use the free version of TeamViewer
in any office environments. As soon as one of the PCs participating in a session is connected to
a commercial network (office/school/etc.) it is considered commercial use.
If you have any further questions or require further information,
please feel free to contact us.

Best regards

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