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朝鮮人のWikipedia(ウィキペディア)捏造に対抗せよ 18

409 名前:マンセー名無しさん [2007/06/09(土) 22:10:09 ID:SI6Rkg9Q]


Bangasayusang というやつなんだけど

The Miroku bosatsu at the Koryu-ji Temple of Kyoto, which is the first Japanese National Treasure,
is the twin of the Bangasayusang and is almost certainly of Korean origin.
[1] The Miroku is carved from red pine and may be the statue the Nihon Shoki mentions
that a King of Silla sent to the Yamato court. The statues both share the elegant contemplative pose,
highly proportional figures, realistic draperies, slim bodies, and plain tri-fold crowns.

日本の国宝 百済観音ははウリナラ起源っていうのは本当かね。

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