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朝鮮人のWikipedia(ウィキペディア)捏造に対抗せよ 17

835 名前:マンセー名無しさん [2007/04/30(月) 16:47:03 ID:4kbf5Gns]

Although sakura trees were already indigenous to Korea, other sakura trees were planted in Korea
before World War II by Japanese annexation in locations that Koreans found to be offensive
such as sites where ancient palaces once stood, like Gyeongbokgung palace.
Most of these trees were later cut down and removed by the locals, complaining that
the sakura trees reminded Koreans of Japan's imperialism age in Korea,
but areas where sakura had been blossoming for millennia were left alone. Ironically,
sakura trees were replanted by Koreans for appreciation again after having been cut in regions such as Cheju Island


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