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150 名前:774mgさん [2008/01/18(金) 20:33:34 ID:PtqWjQBm]
Hydrogen cyanide is a poisonous gas. Of all the chemicals in tobacco
smoke, it does the most damage to the heart and blood vessels.
Hydrogen cyanide does not cause cancer, but it increases the risk of
other chemicals causing cancer by damaging cilia. These are tiny
hairs lining the airways that help to clear toxins away.
By killing cilia, hydrogen cyanide causes other dangerous chemicals
to be stuck in the lungs and airways.
Hydrogen cyanide=シアン化水素(=青酸ガス)

Ammonia is a gas with a strong, irritating smell, and is used in some
toilet cleaners. Some studies have found that ammonia enhances the
addictive power of nicotine. It changes nicotine into a gas that is
more readily absorbed into the lungs, airways and bloodstream.

Like carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide, ammonia also kills cilia.

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