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世界選手権・GP【L.A】生観戦スレ 14

566 名前:氷上の名無しさん@実況厳禁 mailto:sage [2009/03/13(金) 07:22:02 ID:hcjalyrX0]

All large bags such as backpacks, suitcases,
beach bags and luggage of any kind will be prohibited from entry into the arenas.

Bags/Backpacks/Large Bags/Suitcases
All bags larger than 14" square, i.e. backpacks, suitcases, beach bags, etc.
will be prohibited from entry into the arena.

All large bags, i.e. backpacks, suitcases, beach bags, etc.
will be prohibited from entry into the arena.

14" square より大きいものはダメ持ち込めないみたい

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read.cgi ver5.27 [feat.BBS2 +1.6] / e.0.2 (02/09/03) / eucaly.net products.