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NOD32 ESS 【28xx ok complete】

1 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/02/20(水) 05:06:40 ]

28xx ok

ok complete


2 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 10:19:01 ]


3 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 10:19:37 ]

●アンチウイルス部分(NOD32) ごく一部のトラブル履歴


>482 名前:雑音 p84bef5.osaknt01.ap.so-net.ne.jp [sage] 投稿日:2005/04/25(月) 10:45:08
>NOD32をWindows Server 2003 で使っているユーザーへ

4 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 10:20:00 ]


知っておきたいウイルス対策を回避する手口(ITpro 日経コミュニケーション)


5 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 10:20:24 ]



6 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 10:20:47 ]

>■「Outpost-Pro」や「Spybot - Search & Destroy」の販売も同じ代理店です。

7 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 10:21:15 ]


アンチウイルスソフト体験版で無料生活 Part6

569:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:投稿日:2007/10/23(火) 14:08:03


>OutpostFirewall Pro Ver2.7 無償アップグレードのご案内 ( 2005.12.15 )


570:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:投稿日:2007/10/23(火) 14:17:45

571:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:投稿日:2007/10/23(火) 14:21:36

8 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 10:21:48 ]

>NOD32 Antivirus Detected File Action Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities
>NOD32 Antivirus Long Path Name Stack Overflow Vulnerabilities

>□NOD32アンチウィルス Part47
>710 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [] 投稿日:2007/05/26(土) 22:58:41
>NOD32 Ver2.70.37以下に脆弱性が見つかった。

9 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 10:22:16 ]


>【Pro版限定】Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro V

>883 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [] 投稿日:2008/01/26(土) 19:39:36
>Outpost Firewall Pro日本語版の正規ユーザーだけど、今日ひさびさにサイトを訪れて、


>しかもここって、 本家の英語版はバージョンアップ・セキュリティ修正をコツコツやって、

>Outpost Firewall Pro の販売は 2007年11月27日をもちまして終了しました。

>OutpostFirewall Pro Ver2.7 無償アップグレードのご案内 ( 2005.12.15 )

10 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 10:23:20 ]


16位)Nod32     88.32%

10.位 Nod32 version 2.70.32 - 94.00%


11 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 10:23:43 ]
・「PC WORLD」によるNOD32の評価


"NOD32's overall malware detection rate wasn't stellar, however. When pitted against AV-Test.org's nearly 900,000-strong "zoo"
of Trojans, viruses, and other malware, NOD32 caught only 90 percent, compared to the 96 percent rate of top performers Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6,
Symantec Norton AntiVirus 2007, and BitDefender Antivirus 10. It fared surprisingly poorly with 32-bit Windows viruses (approximately 1 in 11 samples in the zoo), catching only 73 percent.

In disinfection tests, NOD32 cleaned up all malware files but missed resulting changes to the Hosts network settings
file and most of the less-important Registry changes, for a disappointing 55 percent success rate."



12 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 10:24:05 ]






13 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 10:24:27 ]




>カスペルスキー 2005.5.4 Trojan-PSW.Win32.Delf.fz
>※1 各ソフトメーカーによってウイルスの名称や、ウイルスの定義(複数のウイルスを1つのウイルスとして

14 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 10:24:49 ]

>【Anti Virus】Kaspersky Lab Part34【AntiSpy】
>260 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2007/05/06(日) 22:36:27

>【Anti Virus】Kaspersky Lab Part24【AntiSpy】
>520 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2007/05/06(日) 22:27:48


15 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 10:25:11 ]

1位 Kaspersky Internet Security 7.0 (97%)

2位 VBA32 Antivirus 3.11 (71%)
3位 Symantec Internet Security 2007 (71%)
4位 F-Secure Internet Security 2007 (61%)

5位 ZoneAlarm Internet Security 7.0 (58%)
6位 Panda Internet Security 2007 (48%)
7位 McAfee Internet Security 2007 (47%)
8位 ESET Smart Security 3.0(NOD32) (44%)

16 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 10:25:34 ]

               (MAX 8)
Rootkit Unhooker 3.7.300    7.5
GMER 1.0.13            7
Kaspersky Anti-Virus 7.0    6.5
Avira Rootkit Detection 1.0   .6.5
AVG Anti-Rootkit 1.1      .5.5
Panda AntiRootkit 1.08     .5.5
Sophos Anti-Rootkit 1.3.1    5.5
Dr.Web 4.44            5
TrendMicro RootkitBuster 1.6 .5
Symantec Anti-Virus 2008   .4.5
F-Secure Anti-Virus 2008   4
McAfee Rootkit Detective 1.1 3.5
BitDefender Antivirus 2008   3
McAfee VirusScan Plus 2008 .1.5
Eset Nod32 Anti-Virus 3.0   1
Trend Micro Antivirus plus   1


17 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 10:25:55 ]

1 WebWasher  1,023,742  99,9 %
2 AVK 2008   1,022,418  99,8 %
3 AntiVir     1,020,627  99,6 %
4 Avast!      1,018,204  99,4 %
5 Trend Micro  1,009,662  98,6 %
6 Symantec    1,006,849  98,3 %
7 AVG       1,005,006  98,1 %
8 BitDefender  1,003,902  98,0 %
9 Kaspersky   1,003,470  98,0 %
10 Ikarus      1,002,894  97,9 %
11 Sophos     1,001,655  97,8 %
12 F-Secure    999,806  97,6 %
13 Microsoft     992,880  96,9 %
14 F-Prot      986,961  96,3 %
15 Panda       979,409  95,6 %
16 Rising       962,674  94,0 %
17 Norman      962,191  93,9 %
18 McAfee      959,919  93,7 %
19 Fortinet      957,558  93,5 %
20 Nod32       953,936  93,1 %

18 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 10:35:11 ]
■Webサイト4万ページに不正スクリプト トルコのMSNBCも感染

AntiVir 2007.11.06 TR/PSW.OnlineGames.gul
AVG 2007.11.06 PSW.OnlineGames.QCP
BitDefender 7.2 2007.11.06 Trojan.PWS.Onlinegames.NMG
DrWeb 2007.11.06 Trojan.PWS.Gamania.5503
Kaspersky 2007.11.06 Trojan-PSW.Win32.OnLineGames.gul
Symantec 10 2007.11.06 Infostealer.Gampass

NOD32 2641 2007.11.06 - スルー

19 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 10:35:33 ]


357:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/01(金) 23:16:17

20 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 10:37:26 ]


554 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2008/02/15(金) 09:20:17

21 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 10:38:00 ]

ESET Smart Security その7

377:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/10(日) 18:51:55
英語版でもNOD32 v3.0が安定するまではということで

379:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/10(日) 19:16:28

380:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/10(日) 21:45:18

381:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/10(日) 21:56:17

22 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 10:38:57 ]

大騒ぎになっているので、ユーザーの方は一度 目を通して下さい☆

対象:NOD32およびESET Smart Security

・Win32/Adware.Optmediaアプリケーションの亜種と検出される件について 2008.2.1



23 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 10:39:24 ]

ノートン,カスペ,NOD,AntiVir,ムーミン, GDATAでNo.1は?

889:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/14(木) 22:35:28

890:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/15(金) 08:17:58
リークテスト0点じゃねーかよ! ソースネクスト以下とは…。

891:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/15(金) 08:47:41

892:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/15(金) 09:24:42

24 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 10:39:53 ]
※トロイの新種  警報※


NOD32(同ベンダーの製品ESET Smart Security)


25 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 10:40:20 ]




26 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 10:46:13 ]



27 名前:>>26のvirustotal.com検出結果 mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 10:47:00 ]
AhnLab-V3 2008.2.16.10 2008.02.15 -
AntiVir 2008.02.18 TR/PSW.OnLineGa.odq
Authentium 4.93.8 2008.02.17 -
Avast 4.7.1098.0 2008.02.17 -
AVG 2008.02.18 PSW.OnlineGames.ACLC
BitDefender 7.2 2008.02.18 BehavesLike:Trojan.ShellHook
CAT-QuickHeal None 2008.02.16 TrojanPSW.OnLineGames.odq
ClamAV 0.92.1 2008.02.18 Trojan.Spy-23262
DrWeb 2008.02.18 Trojan.PWS.Gamania.7316
eSafe 2008.02.17 -
eTrust-Vet 31.3.5546 2008.02.18 -
Ewido 4.0 2008.02.17 Trojan.OnLineGames.odq
FileAdvisor 1 2008.02.18 -
Fortinet 2008.02.18 -
F-Prot 2008.02.17 -
F-Secure 6.70.13260.0 2008.02.18 Trojan-PSW.Win32.OnLineGames.odq
Ikarus T3.1.1.20 2008.02.18 Trojan-PWS.Win32.OnLineGames.odq
Kaspersky 2008.02.18 Trojan-PSW.Win32.OnLineGames.odq
McAfee 5231 2008.02.15 PWS-OnlineGames.e
Microsoft 1.3204 2008.02.18 -
NOD32v2 2881 2008.02.17 -
Norman 5.80.02 2008.02.15 W32/OnLineGames.AJVL
Panda 2008.02.17 -
Prevx1 V2 2008.02.18 Heuristic: Suspicious Self Modifying File
Rising 2008.02.18 -
Sophos 4.26.0 2008.02.18 -
Sunbelt 2.2.907.0 2008.02.16 -
Symantec 10 2008.02.18 -
TheHacker 2008.02.16 -
VBA32 2008.02.17 Trojan.PWS.Gamania
VirusBuster 4.3.26:9 2008.02.17 Trojan.PWS.OnlineGames.GFP
Webwasher-Gateway 6.6.2 2008.02.18 Trojan.PSW.OnLineGa.odq

28 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 10:51:28 ]


653:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/06(水) 22:35:07


654:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/06(水) 23:10:22

655:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/06(水) 23:21:20

29 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 15:54:14 ]

30 名前:2887おk mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 17:46:48 ]

31 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 20:47:29 ]


32 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 22:19:50 ]

33 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 23:14:29 ]

34 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/20(水) 23:29:07 ]


721 名前:[Fn]+[名無しさん] [] 投稿日:2008/02/20(水) 20:51:41 ID:iC+Ex0+P


722 名前:[Fn]+[名無しさん] [] 投稿日:2008/02/20(水) 22:48:37 ID:aH9rFzoP

723 名前:[Fn]+[名無しさん] [] 投稿日:2008/02/20(水) 23:06:38 ID:K4lwZ06j


724 名前:[Fn]+[名無しさん] [] 投稿日:2008/02/20(水) 23:15:42 ID:XdwgB0rb

725 名前:[Fn]+[名無しさん] [] 投稿日:2008/02/20(水) 23:17:50 ID:K4lwZ06j

35 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/22(金) 00:37:44 ]

36 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/23(土) 12:53:48 ]

520:名無しさん:2008/02/22(金) 10:08:03

ESET Smart Securityを買っていたんだけど、
ESET Smart Securityではぜんぜん検出できなかった。

37 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/23(土) 19:47:45 ]

38 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/23(土) 19:59:00 ]

39 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/24(日) 00:49:45 ]
Anti-Virus Comparative No.16 (2007年11月)


Kaspersky  ADVANCED+

Microsoft   ADVANCED
Symantec  ADVANCED

BitDefender STANDARD
Fortinet   ランク外

40 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/24(日) 00:50:33 ]
(a) 新型のバックドア、トロイなどのマルウエア検知率(プロアクティブ)
1. AVIRA 79%
2. NOD32 66%
3. TrustPort 62%
4. BitDefender 52%
5. Kaspersky 47%
6. Dr.Web, AVK 46%
7. Avast 43%
8. F-Prot 40%
9. Microsoft, McAfee 38%
10. Norman 35%
11. AVG 30%
12. Symantec 23%
13. F-Secure, eScan 16%
14. Fortinet 4%

(b) 新型のワーム、マクロ、スクリプトに埋め込まれたウイルス(プロアクティブ)
1. AVIRA 89%
2. NOD32 84%
3. Symantec 70%
4. TrustPort 38%
5. Norman, Microsoft 28%
6. McAfee 23%
7. Kaspersky 22%
8. AVK, BitDefender 21%
9. Avast 20%
10. Dr.Web 19%
11. F-Prot 15%
12. AVG 10%
13. F-Secure, eScan 7%
14. Fortinet 1%

41 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/02/24(日) 00:51:09 ]
(c) 新サンプルでの検知率(プロアクティブ)
1. AVIRA 81%
2. NOD32 71%
3. TrustPort 56%
4. BitDefender 44%
5. Kaspersky 40%
6. AVK, Dr.Web 39%
7. Avast 37%
8. Microsoft, Symantec 35%
9. McAfee 34%
10. F-Prot, Norman 33%
11. AVG 25%
12. F-Secure, eScan 14%
13. Fortinet 3%
※AVK, eScan, AVG, F-Secure and TrustPort はマルチエンジン搭載です。

5. 誤検知数

1. NOD32 0
2. eScan, F-Secure, Symantec 1
3. Kaspersky 5
4. Microsoft, Norman 6
5. AVG, Fortinet (without heuristic) 7
6. AVK, McAfee 8
7. Avast 9
8. AVIRA 16
9. BitDefender 19
10. TrustPort 29
11. Dr.Web 35
12. F-Prot 36

42 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/24(日) 00:55:17 ]

43 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/24(日) 14:45:32 ]


44 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/24(日) 22:56:17 ]






45 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/24(日) 22:58:05 ]

46 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/24(日) 23:38:14 ]

47 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/25(月) 00:06:40 ]

48 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/25(月) 00:12:34 ]

49 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/02/25(月) 13:46:26 ]
39 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2008/02/24(日) 00:49:45
Anti-Virus Comparative No.16 (2007年11月 最新)


Kaspersky  ADVANCED+

Microsoft   ADVANCED
Symantec  ADVANCED

BitDefender STANDARD
Fortinet   ランク外

50 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/02/25(月) 13:47:13 ]
(c) 新サンプルでの検知率(プロアクティブ) (2007年11月 最新)
1. AVIRA 81%
2. NOD32 71%
3. TrustPort 56%
4. BitDefender 44%
5. Kaspersky 40%
6. AVK, Dr.Web 39%
7. Avast 37%
8. Microsoft, Symantec 35%
9. McAfee 34%
10. F-Prot, Norman 33%
11. AVG 25%
12. F-Secure, eScan 14%
13. Fortinet 3%
※AVK, eScan, AVG, F-Secure and TrustPort はマルチエンジン搭載です。

5. 誤検知数

1. NOD32 0
2. eScan, F-Secure, Symantec 1
3. Kaspersky 5
4. Microsoft, Norman 6
5. AVG, Fortinet (without heuristic) 7
6. AVK, McAfee 8
7. Avast 9
8. AVIRA 16
9. BitDefender 19
10. TrustPort 29
11. Dr.Web 35
12. F-Prot 36

51 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/25(月) 13:57:20 ]






52 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/25(月) 13:59:04 ]

406:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/25(月) 13:43:31

407:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/25(月) 13:51:44

53 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/02/25(月) 15:06:59 ]




54 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/25(月) 16:29:00 ]
× 一日中、2chに張り付いてNODを叩いてるのは、カスペ厨ってわけか。
○ 一日中、2chに張り付いてNOD以外を叩いてるのは、NOD厨雑音ってわけか。

55 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/25(月) 16:33:28 ]

56 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/25(月) 22:41:45 ]




57 名前: ◆WGlV2Dh//2 mailto:sage [2008/02/25(月) 22:45:54 ]

58 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/25(月) 22:54:59 ]


59 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/25(月) 23:20:48 ]
ok complete!!

60 名前: ◆WGlV2Dh//2 mailto:sage [2008/02/25(月) 23:21:50 ]

61 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/02/27(水) 00:29:41 ]

62 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/27(水) 21:06:27 ]
   (    ).

63 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/02/28(木) 10:46:13 ]


64 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/28(木) 12:43:38 ]
          i,   Eset命    ::::::::::::,
          ゝ  /'  '\    :::::::::::
           . -・=-, 、-・=-  ::::::::::;'<誰も分からん固有名詞を何の疑問も無く使う自分が、
           |  .,ノ(・ ・ ( ⌒  ::6) <異常だと気がつかないのか?w
           .l ┃トョヨコイ┃  .ソ  <ワシが悪名高いのは置いといて言ってみた♪
           ヽ┃`ニ'´ ┃ ,.i-、  
             ,`~,'i' "~ /  ,>"'-、

65 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/28(木) 12:44:54 ]

66 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/02/28(木) 15:10:54 ]
ESET Smart Security その7

865:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/28(木) 13:57:28
自演の有無は兎も角として何故セキュ板は ID 制にならないのか不思議だな。

867:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/28(木) 14:03:30

869:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/28(木) 14:06:42

872:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/28(木) 14:26:02

873:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/28(木) 14:34:22

67 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/02/28(木) 19:27:25 ]

68 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/02/28(木) 20:03:04 ]


69 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/03/09(日) 16:01:20 ]

70 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/03/09(日) 19:55:46 ]

71 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/03/09(日) 20:16:54 ]
と、分り易すぎなZさんでつた。カワイソ(´・ω・) ス

72 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/03/09(日) 23:41:49 ]

73 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/03/10(月) 12:08:59 ]
最近まで軽いと評判のOutpost 1.0.1817.1645を使っていたのですが

74 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/03/10(月) 12:11:55 ]

75 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/03/10(月) 12:33:54 ]

76 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/03/10(月) 13:51:50 ]
windows FW

77 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/03/10(月) 17:36:26 ]

78 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/03/10(月) 18:32:08 ]

79 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/03/10(月) 19:09:15 ]

80 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/03/10(月) 23:16:20 ]

81 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/03/10(月) 23:18:10 ]

82 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/03/11(火) 01:08:42 ]

左翼団体は日本軍の残虐行為と無理矢理こじつけて相手を中傷するという常套手段を使ったようだ。    ←今ココ

83 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/03/11(火) 02:02:27 ]


84 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/03/11(火) 23:22:17 ]

1位TrustPort 99,8%
2位AVIRA AntiVir 99,6%
3位GDATA Security 99,5%
4位Kaspersky 98,3%
5位AVG 98,1%

Symantec Norton 97,7%
ESET NOD32 97,7%
avast! 97,6%

テスト用ウイルスサンプル総合計 168万3364個

85 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/03/12(水) 17:24:43 ]
オンデマンドテスト(2008/3)    プロアクティブテスト(2007/11)
ADVANCED+  TrustPort     ADVANCED+  Kaspersky 
ADVANCED+   GDATA AVK   ------------------------
ADVANCED+   Kaspersky    ADVANCED   AVG     
ADVANCED+   Symantec     ADVANCED  Avast    
ADVANCED+   Avast       ADVANCED  Microsoft  
ADVANCED+   F-Secure     ADVANCED  Norman   
ADVANCED+   eScan       ADVANCED  Symantec  
-------------------------    ------------------------
ADVANCED   BitDefender     STANDARD  BitDefender
ADVANCED   McAfee       STANDARD  Dr.Web   
ADVANCED   Norman       STANDARD  eScan    
ADVANCED   Microsoft      STANDARD  F-Prot   
-------------------------    STANDARD   F-Secure  
STANDARD    VBA32       STANDARD  TrustPort 
                      ランク外    Fortinet  

86 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/03/12(水) 21:47:55 ]






87 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/03/12(水) 21:48:37 ]


1位TrustPort 99,8%
2位AVIRA AntiVir 99,6%
3位GDATA Security 99,5%
4位Kaspersky 98,3%
5位AVG 98,1%

Symantec Norton 97,7%
ESET NOD32 97,7%
avast! 97,6%

テスト用ウイルスサンプル総合計 168万3364個

88 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/03/14(金) 01:16:33 ]
今年分の新しい rootkit検出テスト

Rootkit Unhooker 3.7 (7.5 out of 8 points)
GMER 1.0 (7 out of 8)
Kaspersky Anti-Virus 7.0 (6.5 out of 8)
Avira Rootkit Detection 1.0 (6.5 out of 8)

AVG Anti-Rootkit 1.1 (5.5 out of 8)
Panda AntiRootkit 1.08 (5.5 out of 8)
Sophos Anti-Rootkit 1.3.1 (5.5 out of 8)
Dr.Web 4.44 (5 out of 8)
Trend Micro RootkitBuster 1. (5 out of 8)

Symantec Anti-Virus 2008 (4.5 out of 8)
F-Secure Anti-Virus 2008 (4 out of 8)
McAfee Rootkit Detective 1.1 (3.5 out of 8)

BitDefender Antivirus 2008 (3 out of 8)
McAfee VirusScan Plus 2008 (1.5 out of 8)
ESET NOD32 Anti-Virus 3.0 (1 out of 8)
Trend Micro Antivirus plus Antispyware 2008 (1 out of 8)

89 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/03/15(土) 09:55:10 ]
                    ./:;:;:;::;;::; :;:;:;:/
                   /`ンー-、:;;:;:;::;:|    ト、      ,イ|
                  ,イ/  q q`ヾh    | LY´ ̄ ̄`7/ !
                      ,jイリ' rェzjゞ _,,,,jカ}    | | ``ー‐'"´; |   麻呂のスタンド『ガゾークレー』は…
                 リ^j゙',  "´V'''''~jミi!    l |        ', |   スデに『ZIP』を要求している…
                 トレ' ,'  ‐-、,, /ソ'     V       _} !
                 ヾト、   `` ,゙/       {「::i!;ヽ ,ィ;;i!:7 |
                 /j  ヾ:;;;;;;:.:,イ´        l ゞ=''゙; ;ゞ='',' |
                , イ〈    .:;;;;;:.:/     _ _」 ',     ,' i!
               ,イ  ヽ ー-─/´ト、  ,r'´子タ ト、 ‐'- /:.!L,.-──- 、
         _,.-‐''´ \ヽー -- 、_/ `ヽ/。 。 。  _」;;:ヽ __,ィ ,r'´  ,r''"´ ̄`フ\
     ,r─''"´       `──∥∥─''´ゝノ   ,rュ_」7,イj!;:;:;:;:;::.:.:,ノ, イ7′  , '´/7rェヽ
    / i;;;;;;;|               / ̄,/q /ハ レ'ヾヾ\;;:;:.:.:: .: . ./´ー==イ、, 弋夲/i
    ! |;;;;;;|              /  ,イl   L_」l  レ'´     _ノ二ニヽ  ヾヽ  `¨7
    | ゙i;;;;;|              ハ__ノ^|」 o o oト、/  ,.-‐'"´\  _」」_」_」、  /
    ,〉、 ゙i;;;;、           ノ-、/, イ:; ̄ ̄`¨`Y;:,r'"´二ニヽ,.-‐''"´`ヽ   ヽi| /
   ,ハ \ト;;、          /ー-/  / .:.:    _,リ´   ̄`\\   ヽ  \  ,j!,イ
   / iヽ  ハ        ;r'ー=,/  /  .:.:  _/        / ゙i\   `,   !/.:;:;!
  ,/  ! \,! ト、      ,r'´  ̄i  i  / ̄         /  |  !   i /   /

90 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/03/15(土) 11:56:20 ]


91 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/03/15(土) 12:38:31 ]

92 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/03/15(土) 13:12:16 ]

93 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/03/16(日) 03:22:55 ]

94 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/03/16(日) 03:28:21 ]

95 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/03/16(日) 11:07:21 ]

96 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/03/16(日) 12:24:41 ]

・関西在住 →某半島からの密入国定住者が激しく多い



97 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/03/16(日) 14:39:43 ]

98 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/03/16(日) 20:20:52 ]

99 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/03/17(月) 21:43:55 ]

100 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/03/29(土) 15:06:33 ]

NOD32アンチウィルス Part54

42 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [] 投稿日:2008/03/27(木) 00:40:17

44 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [] 投稿日:2008/03/27(木) 00:44:26

101 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/03/29(土) 17:15:10 ]

102 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/03/29(土) 19:16:39 ]

103 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/03/29(土) 22:11:37 ]

104 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/03/29(土) 22:26:13 ]

105 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/03/29(土) 22:52:41 ]

106 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/03/30(日) 13:41:13 ]
     / /〃 イ.: : : .: .:/ : : : /.: .: .:/  | : : : : : | ':. : : : : : : :|\: ヘ: : : : : :|:.冂ト、\`ヽ
     く // // / l: : : : : / : : : /:|: : :/    | {: : : : l  、.: .: .: .: :|: : :\}.: : : : :|:.| | \ \}ハ
      \// / l: : : : : .: : : :厶.-‐/ ─- |: :.ヽ: : : . -‐\ : : : ト、: : .:j\: .: .:|: l l   \ノノ
       / /  l: : : : : :{: : : :{  |:/      |:.:|  \: :.、  \: :| \:j: : :\: |.:.l l:
.      / /  l: :!: : : : {: : : :   ンラ宀ぅト、 ヽ!    \: ィゥ弋うト、 / : :/ : : |: :! !i
      ' .   l: :|: : : :八: : .:ー《. むィ::::り  丶     りィ:::い 》-: :/.: : : :|: :| |:i
        | |   |: :|: : :/.: :ヽ: : V`,弋_::::。ノ           '。::::_,ノ,, / : : : : : : |: :| | i
        | |   |: :|: .: : : : : :\: :〃´                 `シ イ : : : : : |: :| |: !
        | |   ハ /!: : : : : : : : :ト、:. :::::::::::       ,      ::::::::://: |: : : : : : |: :| |: :!
        | | ///|: : : : : |: : : 从`\       ′      / ハ:.|: : : : : : : : | |: :|
        レヘ/   |: : : : : |: : : |:.:ヘ      ー _‐一       /.: :リ: : : : :/ : : レヘ: :|
            |ハ: : : |: : : |: : :.ヽ 、            イ: : /: : : : :/: : : :从: : |
            |: ∧: : |: : : |: : :/ 丿 /`!      ,.イ.: .:|: / : : : : /: : : :/ !: : j
            |/  \l: : : l/ // /  .  ,.    .|ュ.:_j : : : : : /.: : ://  |: :/
            |    「ヽ /  / /  , く    `´    / ∧ : : : '': : : //  jノ
           ___   | /  / /  /  \      /   /: :/: : ://
.         ,. '"/─--厂 ノ /  / /  / .  --──ァ/,. -─:// `ー--  ===‐- .
.     /    |__{  〃     ′/    -─< _/..::.::.::.::.::/       }___|   \

107 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/04/02(水) 20:07:30 ]

108 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/04/03(木) 04:12:44 ]

109 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:3003 [2008/04/05(土) 05:28:05 ]

110 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/04/06(日) 12:05:29 ]

>【ソース厨は】ウイルスセキュリティZERO 20【ゆとり】
>8:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/04/05(土) 20:19:44
>※ 算数出来ないソース厨が暴れる限りこのスレタイと内容を継続させていただきます。

>283:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/27(木) 23:48:57

111 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/04/06(日) 12:06:15 ]

>【ウイルスセキュリティ Part13】
>>524 名前:p84bedc.osaknt01.ap.so-net.ne.jp 投稿日:2005/06/28(火) 01:21:52

>>757 名前:p84bedc.osaknt01.ap.so-net.ne.jp 投稿日:2005/07/03(日) 22:38:02 ID:CpVgWHbQ
> 私を叩くと称して荒らし放題。

↑「 私を叩くと称して荒らし放題。」

tmp6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/tubo/1176131495/30 より

112 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/04/06(日) 17:13:37 ]


113 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/04/06(日) 17:36:28 ]

114 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/04/13(日) 00:36:47 ]
ESET Smart Security その8

721 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [] 投稿日:2008/04/11(金) 01:23:26

722 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2008/04/11(金) 08:00:30

359 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/04/10(木) 12:19:56

371 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/04/10(木) 20:52:08

115 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/04/19(土) 00:51:13 ]

Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

1st 95% 43 BitDefender
2nd 95% 43 AVG
3rd 95% 47 AntiVir
4th 95% 50 Ikarus
5th 94% 61 Webwasher-Gateway
6th 93% 63 Kaspersky
7th 91% 92 CAT-QuickHeal
8th 89% 107 ClamAV
9th 88% 116 Norman
10th 88% 120 Microsoft
11th 88% 122 Avast
12th 87% 126 F-Secure
13th 87% 129 VirusBuster
14th 87% 134 AhnLab-V3
15th 85% 154 Sophos
16th 83% 169 DrWeb
17th 83% 171 F-Prot
18th 83% 175 TheHacker
19th 82% 184 eTrust-Vet
20th 79% 209 VBA32
21st 78% 221 Symantec
22nd 78% 224 Rising
23rd 77% 230 Panda
24th 74% 259 Fortinet
25th 74% 265 McAfee
26th 72% 282 NOD32

116 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/04/20(日) 12:21:13 ]

117 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/04/22(火) 00:14:08 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1位 95% 43 BitDefender
2位 95% 43 AVG
3位 95% 47 AntiVir
4位 95% 50 Ikarus
5位 94% 61 Webwasher-Gateway
6位 93% 63 Kaspersky
7位 91% 92 CAT-QuickHeal
8位 89% 107 ClamAV
9位 88% 116 Norman
10位 88% 120 Microsoft
11位 88% 122 Avast
12位 87% 126 F-Secure
13位 87% 129 VirusBuster
14位 87% 134 AhnLab-V3
15位 85% 154 Sophos
16位 83% 169 DrWeb
17位 83% 171 F-Prot
18位 83% 175 TheHacker
19位 82% 184 eTrust-Vet
20位 79% 209 VBA32
21位 78% 221 Symantec
22位 78% 224 Rising
23位 77% 230 Panda
24位 74% 259 Fortinet
25位 74% 265 McAfee
26位 72% 282 NOD32v2

118 名前:絶好調 [2008/04/22(火) 21:50:47 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1位 95% 43 BitDefender
2位 95% 43 AVG
3位 95% 47 AntiVir
4位 95% 50 Ikarus
5位 94% 61 Webwasher-Gateway
6位 93% 63 Kaspersky
7位 91% 92 CAT-QuickHeal
8位 89% 107 ClamAV
9位 88% 116 Norman
10位 88% 120 Microsoft
11位 88% 122 Avast
12位 87% 126 F-Secure
13位 87% 129 VirusBuster
14位 87% 134 AhnLab-V3
15位 85% 154 Sophos
16位 83% 169 DrWeb
17位 83% 171 F-Prot
18位 83% 175 TheHacker
19位 82% 184 eTrust-Vet
20位 79% 209 VBA32
21位 78% 221 Symantec
22位 78% 224 Rising
23位 77% 230 Panda
24位 74% 259 Fortinet
25位 74% 265 McAfee
26位 72% 282 NOD32v2

119 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/04/23(水) 05:29:50 ]

120 名前:絶好調 mailto:sage [2008/04/23(水) 08:57:26 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1位 95% 43 BitDefender
2位 95% 43 AVG
3位 95% 47 AntiVir
4位 95% 50 Ikarus
5位 94% 61 Webwasher-Gateway
6位 93% 63 Kaspersky
7位 91% 92 CAT-QuickHeal
8位 89% 107 ClamAV
9位 88% 116 Norman
10位 88% 120 Microsoft
11位 88% 122 Avast
12位 87% 126 F-Secure
13位 87% 129 VirusBuster
14位 87% 134 AhnLab-V3
15位 85% 154 Sophos
16位 83% 169 DrWeb
17位 83% 171 F-Prot
18位 83% 175 TheHacker
19位 82% 184 eTrust-Vet
20位 79% 209 VBA32
21位 78% 221 Symantec
22位 78% 224 Rising
23位 77% 230 Panda
24位 74% 259 Fortinet
25位 74% 265 McAfee
26位 72% 282 NOD32v2

121 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/04/24(木) 05:00:51 ]
代理店のCanon solがネックというのはnod32発売時から言われてた事だけど

122 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/04/24(木) 07:08:15 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1位 95% 43 BitDefender
2位 95% 43 AVG
3位 95% 47 AntiVir
4位 95% 50 Ikarus
5位 94% 61 Webwasher-Gateway
6位 93% 63 Kaspersky
7位 91% 92 CAT-QuickHeal
8位 89% 107 ClamAV
9位 88% 116 Norman
10位 88% 120 Microsoft
11位 88% 122 Avast
12位 87% 126 F-Secure
13位 87% 129 VirusBuster
14位 87% 134 AhnLab-V3
15位 85% 154 Sophos
16位 83% 169 DrWeb
17位 83% 171 F-Prot
18位 83% 175 TheHacker
19位 82% 184 eTrust-Vet
20位 79% 209 VBA32
21位 78% 221 Symantec
22位 78% 224 Rising
23位 77% 230 Panda
24位 74% 259 Fortinet
25位 74% 265 McAfee
26位 72% 282 NOD32v2

123 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/04/24(木) 22:40:34 ]


124 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/04/25(金) 06:34:09 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1位 95% 43 BitDefender
2位 95% 43 AVG
3位 95% 47 AntiVir
4位 95% 50 Ikarus
5位 94% 61 Webwasher-Gateway
6位 93% 63 Kaspersky
7位 91% 92 CAT-QuickHeal
8位 89% 107 ClamAV
9位 88% 116 Norman
10位 88% 120 Microsoft
11位 88% 122 Avast
12位 87% 126 F-Secure
13位 87% 129 VirusBuster
14位 87% 134 AhnLab-V3
15位 85% 154 Sophos
16位 83% 169 DrWeb
17位 83% 171 F-Prot
18位 83% 175 TheHacker
19位 82% 184 eTrust-Vet
20位 79% 209 VBA32
21位 78% 221 Symantec
22位 78% 224 Rising
23位 77% 230 Panda
24位 74% 259 Fortinet
25位 74% 265 McAfee
26位 72% 282 NOD32v2

125 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/04/25(金) 12:09:28 ]

126 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/04/27(日) 10:59:51 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1位 95% 78 Ikarus
2位 92% 133 AVG
3位 89% 182 AntiVir
4位 89% 193 BitDefender
5位 88% 208 Webwasher-Gateway
6位 87% 222 CAT-QuickHeal
7位 83% 284 Norman
8位 82% 309 F-Secure
9位 82% 310 Kaspersky
10位 80% 334 ClamAV
11位 80% 337 Microsoft
12位 79% 367 TheHacker
13位 77% 390 VirusBuster
14位 76% 405 F-Prot
15位 76% 415 Avast
16位 74% 447 AhnLab-V3
17位 74% 450 eTrust-Vet
18位 73% 472 Sophos
19位 72% 487 Symantec
20位 72% 488 DrWeb
21位 70% 512 Rising
22位 70% 525 VBA32
23位 65% 599 Panda
24位 62% 653 McAfee
25位 61% 672 Fortinet
26位 59% 703 NOD32v2

127 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/04/27(日) 11:20:44 ]

128 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/04/27(日) 21:00:26 ]

129 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/04/27(日) 23:07:31 ]

130 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/04/28(月) 06:25:49 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 95% 75 Ikarus
2nd 92% 124 AVG
3rd 89% 180 AntiVir
4th 89% 186 BitDefender
5th 88% 206 Webwasher-Gateway
6th 87% 213 CAT-QuickHeal
7th 83% 280 Norman
8th 82% 301 F-Secure
9th 82% 302 Kaspersky
10th 81% 322 ClamAV
11th 80% 331 Microsoft
12th 79% 363 TheHacker
13th 77% 390 VirusBuster
14th 76% 402 F-Prot
15th 76% 406 Avast
16th 74% 436 AhnLab-V3
17th 74% 439 eTrust-Vet
18th 73% 468 Sophos
19th 72% 477 DrWeb
20th 72% 479 Symantec
21st 71% 502 Rising
22nd 70% 513 VBA32
23rd 66% 586 Panda
24th 63% 641 McAfee
25th 62% 658 Fortinet
26th 60% 689 NOD32v2

131 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/04/28(月) 12:56:06 ]


132 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/04/29(火) 06:35:08 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 95% 75 Ikarus
2nd 92% 129 AVG
3rd 90% 174 AntiVir
4th 90% 175 BitDefender
5th 88% 197 Webwasher-Gateway
6th 88% 208 CAT-QuickHeal
7th 84% 275 Norman
8th 83% 292 F-Secure
9th 83% 296 Kaspersky
10th 81% 315 ClamAV
11th 80% 333 Microsoft
12th 79% 361 TheHacker
13th 77% 386 VirusBuster
14th 77% 400 Avast
15th 76% 404 F-Prot
16th 75% 424 AhnLab-V3
17th 75% 426 eTrust-Vet
18th 74% 454 Sophos
19th 73% 468 DrWeb
20th 72% 481 Symantec
21st 71% 499 Rising
22nd 70% 512 VBA32
23rd 66% 587 Panda
24th 63% 635 McAfee
25th 62% 651 Fortinet
26th 60% 682 NOD32v2

133 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/04/29(火) 19:57:19 ]


134 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/04/30(水) 06:32:57 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 95% 76 Ikarus
2nd 92% 133 AVG
3rd 90% 172 AntiVir
4th 90% 173 BitDefender
5th 89% 194 Webwasher-Gateway
6th 88% 209 CAT-QuickHeal
7th 83% 283 Norman
8th 83% 287 F-Secure
9th 83% 298 Kaspersky
10th 82% 315 ClamAV
11th 80% 337 Microsoft
12th 79% 367 TheHacker
13th 77% 390 VirusBuster
14th 77% 400 Avast
15th 77% 404 F-Prot
16th 76% 421 AhnLab-V3
17th 75% 424 eTrust-Vet
18th 74% 446 Sophos
19th 73% 463 DrWeb
20th 72% 485 Symantec
21st 71% 499 Rising
22nd 70% 516 VBA32
23rd 66% 590 Panda
24th 63% 638 McAfee
25th 62% 652 Fortinet
26th 61% 685 NOD32v2

135 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/04/30(水) 11:23:25 ]
大体[New Malware] って書いてあるからね


136 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/04/30(水) 11:31:51 ]


137 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/04/30(水) 21:45:47 ]

138 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/01(木) 05:14:24 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 95% 77 Ikarus
2nd 92% 138 AVG
3rd 90% 171 AntiVir
4th 90% 173 BitDefender
5th 89% 193 Webwasher-Gateway
6th 88% 209 CAT-QuickHeal
7th 84% 281 Norman
8th 83% 285 F-Secure
9th 83% 297 Kaspersky
10th 82% 317 ClamAV
11th 80% 339 Microsoft
12th 79% 363 TheHacker
13th 77% 393 VirusBuster
14th 77% 399 Avast
15th 76% 409 F-Prot
16th 76% 422 AhnLab-V3
17th 76% 423 eTrust-Vet
18th 74% 444 Sophos
19th 73% 464 DrWeb
20th 72% 486 Symantec
21st 71% 504 Rising
22nd 70% 521 VBA32
23rd 66% 591 Panda
24th 64% 638 McAfee
25th 63% 644 Fortinet
26th 61% 682 NOD32v2

139 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/02(金) 06:11:30 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 95% 76 Ikarus
2nd 92% 143 AVG
3rd 90% 169 AntiVir
4th 90% 170 BitDefender
5th 89% 190 Webwasher-Gateway
6th 88% 208 CAT-QuickHeal
7th 84% 275 Norman
8th 84% 279 F-Secure
9th 83% 292 Kaspersky
10th 82% 313 ClamAV
11th 81% 340 Microsoft
12th 79% 361 TheHacker
13th 78% 393 VirusBuster
14th 78% 393 Avast
15th 77% 409 F-Prot
16th 76% 416 eTrust-Vet
17th 76% 421 AhnLab-V3
18th 75% 434 Sophos
19th 74% 459 DrWeb
20th 72% 496 Symantec
21st 72% 501 Rising
22nd 70% 527 VBA32
23rd 67% 587 Panda
24th 64% 633 McAfee
25th 64% 638 Fortinet
26th 62% 674 NOD32v2

140 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/03(土) 06:12:49 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

1st 95% 77 Ikarus
2nd 91% 150 AVG
3rd 91% 164 AntiVir
4th 90% 170 BitDefender
5th 89% 185 Webwasher-Gateway
6th 88% 210 CAT-QuickHeal
7th 85% 271 Norman
8th 85% 271 F-Secure
9th 83% 293 Kaspersky
10th 82% 315 ClamAV
11th 81% 346 Microsoft
12th 79% 366 TheHacker
13th 78% 391 Avast
14th 78% 394 VirusBuster
15th 77% 410 eTrust-Vet
16th 77% 414 F-Prot
17th 77% 418 AhnLab-V3
18th 76% 420 Sophos
19th 75% 453 DrWeb
20th 72% 499 Symantec
21st 72% 503 Rising
22nd 70% 533 VBA32
23rd 67% 587 Panda
24th 65% 630 McAfee
25th 64% 639 Fortinet
26th 63% 670 NOD32v2

141 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/05/03(土) 21:12:17 ]


142 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/05/03(土) 23:03:37 ]


143 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/04(日) 05:10:11 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 95% 78 Ikarus
2nd 91% 158 AVG
3rd 90% 166 AntiVir
4th 90% 172 BitDefender
5th 89% 186 Webwasher-Gateway
6th 88% 207 CAT-QuickHeal
7th 85% 267 F-Secure
8th 85% 272 Norman
9th 84% 293 Kaspersky
10th 82% 314 ClamAV
11th 80% 351 Microsoft
12th 79% 368 TheHacker
13th 78% 390 Avast
14th 78% 396 VirusBuster
15th 77% 405 eTrust-Vet
16th 77% 410 Sophos
17th 77% 416 AhnLab-V3
18th 77% 418 F-Prot
19th 75% 447 DrWeb
20th 72% 497 Symantec
21st 72% 508 Rising
22nd 70% 541 VBA32
23rd 67% 590 Panda
24th 65% 629 McAfee
25th 65% 637 Fortinet
26th 63% 665 NOD32v2

144 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/05/04(日) 19:18:26 ]


145 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/05(月) 06:04:24 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 95% 79 Ikarus
2nd 91% 164 AVG
3rd 91% 165 AntiVir
4th 90% 174 BitDefender
5th 89% 185 Webwasher-Gateway
6th 88% 208 CAT-QuickHeal
7th 85% 263 F-Secure
8th 85% 268 Norman
9th 84% 290 Kaspersky
10th 82% 315 ClamAV
11th 80% 352 Microsoft
12th 80% 365 TheHacker
13th 79% 385 Avast
14th 78% 398 VirusBuster
15th 78% 402 eTrust-Vet
16th 78% 404 Sophos
17th 77% 415 AhnLab-V3
18th 77% 422 F-Prot
19th 75% 444 DrWeb
20th 73% 495 Symantec
21st 72% 511 Rising
22nd 70% 540 VBA32
23rd 68% 585 Panda
24th 65% 626 McAfee
25th 65% 631 Fortinet
26th 64% 659 NOD32v2

146 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/05(月) 08:28:45 ]
Windows Live OneCareで、Korgo.V

147 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/06(火) 05:28:20 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 95% 78 Ikarus
2nd 91% 162 AVG
3rd 91% 162 AntiVir
4th 90% 171 BitDefender
5th 90% 183 Webwasher-Gateway
6th 88% 207 CAT-QuickHeal
7th 85% 262 F-Secure
8th 85% 265 Norman
9th 84% 285 Kaspersky
10th 82% 314 ClamAV
11th 80% 353 Microsoft
12th 80% 364 TheHacker
13th 79% 379 Avast
14th 78% 392 VirusBuster
15th 78% 397 Sophos
16th 78% 398 eTrust-Vet
17th 77% 410 AhnLab-V3
18th 77% 418 F-Prot
19th 76% 438 DrWeb
20th 73% 492 Symantec
21st 72% 506 Rising
22nd 70% 534 VBA32
23rd 68% 577 Panda
24th 66% 617 McAfee
25th 66% 621 Fortinet
26th 64% 655 NOD32v2

148 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/07(水) 06:16:17 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 95% 81 Ikarus
2nd 91% 155 AntiVir
3rd 91% 164 BitDefender
4th 90% 168 AVG
5th 90% 174 Webwasher-Gateway
6th 88% 211 CAT-QuickHeal
7th 86% 254 F-Secure
8th 86% 256 Norman
9th 85% 271 Kaspersky
10th 83% 309 ClamAV
11th 81% 349 Microsoft
12th 80% 366 Avast
13th 80% 367 TheHacker
14th 79% 373 Sophos
15th 79% 382 VirusBuster
16th 79% 387 eTrust-Vet
17th 78% 408 AhnLab-V3
18th 77% 417 F-Prot
19th 77% 420 DrWeb
20th 73% 486 Symantec
21st 72% 503 Rising
22nd 71% 531 VBA32
23rd 69% 569 Panda
24th 67% 603 McAfee
25th 67% 608 Fortinet
26th 65% 645 NOD32v2

149 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/08(木) 01:02:39 ]
このサイト右側の What Internet Security? での各ベンダーの
 つ ttp://trtsoftware.blogspot.com

150 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/08(木) 06:43:01 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 95% 81 Ikarus
2nd 91% 154 AntiVir
3rd 91% 165 BitDefender
4th 90% 173 Webwasher-Gateway
5th 90% 174 AVG
6th 88% 224 CAT-QuickHeal
7th 86% 260 Norman
8th 86% 260 F-Secure
9th 85% 276 Kaspersky
10th 82% 322 ClamAV
11th 81% 352 Microsoft
12th 80% 366 Avast
13th 80% 376 Sophos
14th 79% 384 TheHacker
15th 79% 395 VirusBuster
16th 78% 397 eTrust-Vet
17th 77% 417 AhnLab-V3
18th 77% 425 DrWeb
19th 77% 427 F-Prot
20th 73% 497 Symantec
21st 72% 518 Rising
22nd 71% 543 VBA32
23rd 68% 587 Panda
24th 67% 611 McAfee
25th 67% 617 Fortinet
26th 65% 657 NOD32v2

151 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/09(金) 06:58:13 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 95% 79 Ikarus
2nd 92% 143 AntiVir
3rd 91% 155 BitDefender
4th 91% 162 Webwasher-Gateway
5th 90% 177 AVG
6th 88% 220 CAT-QuickHeal
7th 86% 247 F-Secure
8th 86% 250 Norman
9th 86% 257 Kaspersky
10th 83% 316 ClamAV
11th 82% 334 Microsoft
12th 81% 346 Sophos
13th 81% 348 Avast
14th 79% 379 VirusBuster
15th 79% 381 TheHacker
16th 79% 383 eTrust-Vet
17th 78% 403 DrWeb
18th 78% 413 AhnLab-V3
19th 77% 420 F-Prot
20th 74% 485 Symantec
21st 73% 508 Rising
22nd 71% 533 VBA32
23rd 69% 576 Panda
24th 68% 593 McAfee
25th 68% 594 Fortinet
26th 66% 638 NOD32v2

152 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/10(土) 07:28:53 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 95% 78 Ikarus
2nd 92% 137 AntiVir
3rd 91% 152 BitDefender
4th 91% 156 Webwasher-Gateway
5th 90% 177 AVG
6th 88% 217 CAT-QuickHeal
7th 87% 243 F-Secure
8th 86% 246 Norman
9th 86% 251 Kaspersky
10th 83% 311 ClamAV
11th 82% 330 Microsoft
12th 82% 333 Sophos
13th 82% 336 Avast
14th 80% 371 VirusBuster
15th 80% 375 eTrust-Vet
16th 79% 382 TheHacker
17th 79% 391 DrWeb
18th 78% 411 F-Prot
19th 77% 415 AhnLab-V3
20th 74% 477 Symantec
21st 73% 504 Rising
22nd 72% 523 VBA32
23rd 69% 568 Panda
24th 69% 575 Fortinet
25th 69% 579 McAfee
26th 66% 627 NOD32v2

153 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/05/10(土) 13:15:04 ]

154 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/11(日) 06:14:24 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 95% 78 Ikarus
2nd 93% 132 AntiVir
3rd 92% 146 BitDefender
4th 92% 151 Webwasher-Gateway
5th 90% 182 AVG
6th 88% 211 CAT-QuickHeal
7th 87% 239 F-Secure
8th 87% 241 Norman
9th 86% 246 Kaspersky
10th 83% 306 ClamAV
11th 82% 323 Microsoft
12th 82% 325 Sophos
13th 82% 331 Avast
14th 80% 367 VirusBuster
15th 80% 368 eTrust-Vet
16th 79% 380 TheHacker
17th 79% 387 DrWeb
18th 78% 408 F-Prot
19th 78% 414 AhnLab-V3
20th 74% 471 Symantec
21st 73% 506 Rising
22nd 72% 525 VBA32
23rd 70% 564 Panda
24th 69% 566 Fortinet
25th 69% 572 McAfee
26th 67% 620 NOD32v2

155 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/12(月) 06:24:13 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 95% 77 Ikarus
2nd 92% 133 AntiVir
3rd 92% 147 BitDefender
4th 91% 152 Webwasher-Gateway
5th 90% 183 AVG
6th 88% 209 CAT-QuickHeal
7th 87% 239 F-Secure
8th 87% 240 Norman
9th 87% 245 Kaspersky
10th 83% 306 ClamAV
11th 83% 321 Sophos
12th 82% 322 Microsoft
13th 82% 329 Avast
14th 80% 366 eTrust-Vet
15th 80% 366 VirusBuster
16th 80% 377 TheHacker
17th 79% 386 DrWeb
18th 78% 412 F-Prot
19th 77% 420 AhnLab-V3
20th 75% 467 Symantec
21st 73% 508 Rising
22nd 72% 525 VBA32
23rd 70% 562 Panda
24th 70% 564 Fortinet
25th 69% 570 McAfee
26th 67% 618 NOD32v2

156 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/13(火) 06:30:48 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 95% 77 Ikarus
2nd 93% 133 AntiVir
3rd 92% 148 BitDefender
4th 92% 152 Webwasher-Gateway
5th 90% 185 AVG
6th 88% 212 CAT-QuickHeal
7th 87% 238 F-Secure
8th 87% 241 Norman
9th 86% 248 Kaspersky
10th 83% 311 ClamAV
11th 83% 321 Sophos
12th 83% 322 Microsoft
13th 82% 331 Avast
14th 80% 368 eTrust-Vet
15th 80% 369 VirusBuster
16th 79% 382 TheHacker
17th 79% 387 DrWeb
18th 78% 416 F-Prot
19th 77% 429 AhnLab-V3
20th 75% 468 Symantec
21st 73% 511 Rising
22nd 72% 529 VBA32
23rd 70% 566 Fortinet
24th 70% 568 Panda
25th 69% 572 McAfee
26th 67% 623 NOD32v2

157 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/14(水) 03:42:03 ]


158 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/17(土) 09:22:11 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 74 Ikarus
2nd 94% 106 AntiVir
3rd 93% 118 BitDefender
4th 93% 122 Webwasher-Gateway
5th 90% 186 AVG
6th 89% 201 CAT-QuickHeal
7th 89% 203 F-Secure
8th 89% 206 Kaspersky
9th 88% 217 Norman
10th 85% 269 Sophos
11th 84% 286 ClamAV
12th 84% 288 Avast
13th 83% 305 Microsoft
14th 82% 333 eTrust-Vet
15th 82% 337 VirusBuster
16th 81% 349 DrWeb
17th 80% 371 TheHacker
18th 79% 394 F-Prot
19th 78% 409 AhnLab-V3
20th 76% 442 Symantec
21st 74% 483 Rising
22nd 73% 501 VBA32
23rd 72% 516 Fortinet
24th 72% 529 McAfee
25th 71% 535 Panda
26th 69% 582 NOD32v2

159 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/17(土) 11:29:59 ]


160 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/18(日) 06:11:21 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New 1869 Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 73 Ikarus
2nd 94% 99 AntiVir
3rd 94% 111 BitDefender
4th 93% 115 Webwasher-Gateway
5th 90% 181 AVG
6th 89% 195 CAT-QuickHeal
7th 89% 196 F-Secure
8th 89% 197 Kaspersky
9th 88% 208 Norman
10th 86% 253 Sophos
11th 85% 274 Avast
12th 85% 275 ClamAV
13th 84% 295 Microsoft
14th 82% 322 eTrust-Vet
15th 82% 326 VirusBuster
16th 82% 337 DrWeb
17th 80% 363 TheHacker
18th 79% 382 F-Prot
19th 78% 397 AhnLab-V3
20th 77% 429 Symantec
21st 74% 470 Rising
22nd 73% 488 VBA32
23rd 73% 502 Fortinet
24th 72% 515 McAfee
25th 72% 520 Panda
26th 69% 566 NOD32v2

161 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/19(月) 06:12:39 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 71 Ikarus
2nd 95% 87 AntiVir
3rd 94% 99 BitDefender
4th 94% 103 Webwasher-Gateway
5th 90% 178 Kaspersky
6th 90% 180 AVG
7th 90% 183 F-Secure
8th 89% 189 CAT-QuickHeal
9th 89% 196 Norman
10th 87% 229 Sophos
11th 86% 254 Avast
12th 85% 261 ClamAV
13th 84% 283 Microsoft
14th 83% 305 VirusBuster
15th 83% 307 eTrust-Vet
16th 82% 315 DrWeb
17th 80% 358 TheHacker
18th 79% 372 F-Prot
19th 79% 383 AhnLab-V3
20th 77% 414 Symantec
21st 75% 457 Rising
22nd 74% 475 VBA32
23rd 74% 480 Fortinet
24th 73% 489 McAfee
25th 73% 498 Panda
26th 70% 541 NOD32v2

162 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/20(火) 06:16:50 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 71 Ikarus
2nd 95% 83 AntiVir
3rd 94% 95 BitDefender
4th 94% 99 Webwasher-Gateway
5th 90% 173 Kaspersky
6th 90% 177 AVG
7th 90% 179 F-Secure
8th 89% 189 CAT-QuickHeal
9th 89% 193 Norman
10th 87% 223 Sophos
11th 86% 249 Avast
12th 86% 257 ClamAV
13th 84% 278 Microsoft
14th 83% 299 VirusBuster
15th 83% 302 eTrust-Vet
16th 83% 309 DrWeb
17th 80% 357 TheHacker
18th 80% 368 F-Prot
19th 79% 378 AhnLab-V3
20th 77% 410 Symantec
21st 75% 453 Rising
22nd 74% 470 VBA32
23rd 74% 472 Fortinet
24th 73% 483 McAfee
25th 73% 491 Panda
26th 70% 535 NOD32v2

163 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/21(水) 06:04:01 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 71 Ikarus
2nd 95% 81 AntiVir
3rd 94% 94 BitDefender
4th 94% 97 Webwasher-Gateway
5th 90% 170 Kaspersky
6th 90% 176 F-Secure
7th 90% 178 AVG
8th 89% 188 CAT-QuickHeal
9th 89% 190 Norman
10th 88% 219 Sophos
11th 86% 248 Avast
12th 86% 257 ClamAV
13th 84% 276 Microsoft
14th 83% 298 VirusBuster
15th 83% 299 eTrust-Vet
16th 83% 305 DrWeb
17th 80% 359 TheHacker
18th 79% 367 F-Prot
19th 79% 380 AhnLab-V3
20th 77% 406 Symantec
21st 75% 451 Rising
22nd 74% 465 VBA32
23rd 74% 468 Fortinet
24th 73% 477 McAfee
25th 73% 488 Panda
26th 71% 528 NOD32v2

164 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/22(木) 06:24:00 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 71 Ikarus
2nd 95% 81 AntiVir
3rd 94% 94 BitDefender
4th 94% 97 Webwasher-Gateway
5th 90% 170 Kaspersky
6th 90% 175 F-Secure
7th 90% 177 AVG
8th 89% 185 CAT-QuickHeal
9th 89% 191 Norman
10th 88% 216 Sophos
11th 86% 245 Avast
12th 86% 257 ClamAV
13th 85% 274 Microsoft
14th 83% 296 eTrust-Vet
15th 83% 298 VirusBuster
16th 83% 303 DrWeb
17th 80% 358 TheHacker
18th 80% 366 F-Prot
19th 79% 380 AhnLab-V3
20th 77% 406 Symantec
21st 75% 449 Rising
22nd 74% 465 VBA32
23rd 74% 468 Fortinet
24th 73% 477 McAfee
25th 73% 489 Panda
26th 71% 528 NOD32v2

165 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/23(金) 06:00:49 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 71 Ikarus
2nd 96% 74 AntiVir
3rd 95% 85 BitDefender
4th 95% 90 Webwasher-Gateway
5th 91% 160 Kaspersky
6th 90% 172 F-Secure
7th 90% 176 AVG
8th 90% 184 CAT-QuickHeal
9th 89% 188 Norman
10th 88% 203 Sophos
11th 87% 237 Avast
12th 86% 251 ClamAV
13th 85% 268 Microsoft
14th 84% 285 eTrust-Vet
15th 84% 290 VirusBuster
16th 84% 292 DrWeb
17th 80% 358 TheHacker
18th 80% 363 F-Prot
19th 79% 378 AhnLab-V3
20th 78% 403 Symantec
21st 75% 446 Rising
22nd 74% 460 Fortinet
23rd 74% 461 VBA32
24th 74% 468 McAfee
25th 73% 484 Panda
26th 71% 521 NOD32v2

166 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/05/23(金) 18:01:46 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 71 Ikarus
2nd 96% 74 AntiVir    ←←←
3rd 95% 85 BitDefender
4th 95% 90 Webwasher-Gateway
5th 91% 160 Kaspersky
6th 90% 172 F-Secure
7th 90% 176 AVG
8th 90% 184 CAT-QuickHeal
9th 89% 188 Norman
10th 88% 203 Sophos
11th 87% 237 Avast
12th 86% 251 ClamAV
13th 85% 268 Microsoft
14th 84% 285 eTrust-Vet
15th 84% 290 VirusBuster
16th 84% 292 DrWeb
17th 80% 358 TheHacker
18th 80% 363 F-Prot
19th 79% 378 AhnLab-V3
20th 78% 403 Symantec
21st 75% 446 Rising
22nd 74% 460 Fortinet
23rd 74% 461 VBA32
24th 74% 468 McAfee
25th 73% 484 Panda
26th 71% 521 NOD32v2

167 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/24(土) 05:47:55 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 68 AntiVir
2nd 96% 71 Ikarus
3rd 95% 80 BitDefender
4th 95% 84 Webwasher-Gateway
5th 91% 156 Kaspersky
6th 90% 172 F-Secure
7th 90% 173 AVG
8th 89% 186 CAT-QuickHeal
9th 89% 189 Norman
10th 89% 196 Sophos
11th 87% 231 Avast
12th 86% 255 ClamAV
13th 85% 264 Microsoft
14th 84% 282 eTrust-Vet
15th 84% 286 DrWeb
16th 84% 288 VirusBuster
17th 80% 359 TheHacker
18th 80% 360 F-Prot
19th 79% 376 AhnLab-V3
20th 78% 401 Symantec
21st 76% 442 Rising
22nd 75% 458 Fortinet
23rd 75% 459 VBA32
24th 74% 466 McAfee
25th 73% 481 Panda
26th 71% 518 NOD32v2

168 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/25(日) 05:40:09 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 68 AntiVir
2nd 96% 71 Ikarus
3rd 95% 81 BitDefender
4th 95% 84 Webwasher-Gateway
5th 91% 157 Kaspersky
6th 90% 172 F-Secure
7th 90% 173 AVG
8th 89% 187 CAT-QuickHeal
9th 89% 189 Norman
10th 89% 196 Sophos
11th 87% 232 Avast
12th 86% 256 ClamAV
13th 85% 265 Microsoft
14th 84% 283 eTrust-Vet
15th 84% 286 DrWeb
16th 84% 288 VirusBuster
17th 80% 361 TheHacker
18th 80% 364 F-Prot
19th 79% 386 AhnLab-V3
20th 78% 402 Symantec
21st 76% 444 Rising
22nd 75% 459 Fortinet
23rd 75% 462 VBA32
24th 74% 467 McAfee
25th 74% 484 Panda
26th 72% 520 NOD32v2

169 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/26(月) 06:02:14 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 67 AntiVir
2nd 96% 71 Ikarus
3rd 95% 81 BitDefender
4th 95% 82 Webwasher-Gateway
5th 91% 157 Kaspersky
6th 90% 170 F-Secure
7th 90% 172 AVG
8th 90% 185 CAT-QuickHeal
9th 89% 188 Norman
10th 89% 196 Sophos
11th 87% 232 Avast
12th 86% 254 ClamAV
13th 85% 264 Microsoft
14th 84% 281 eTrust-Vet
15th 84% 286 DrWeb
16th 84% 287 VirusBuster
17th 80% 359 TheHacker
18th 80% 363 F-Prot
19th 79% 384 AhnLab-V3
20th 78% 401 Symantec
21st 76% 443 Rising
22nd 75% 457 Fortinet
23rd 75% 460 VBA32
24th 74% 467 McAfee
25th 74% 483 Panda
26th 72% 517 NOD32v2

170 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/05/26(月) 18:35:39 ]

171 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/27(火) 05:48:06 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 67 AntiVir
2nd 96% 70 Ikarus
3rd 95% 81 BitDefender
4th 95% 82 Webwasher-Gateway
5th 91% 157 Kaspersky
6th 90% 170 F-Secure
7th 90% 171 AVG
8th 90% 185 CAT-QuickHeal
9th 89% 187 Norman
10th 89% 196 Sophos
11th 87% 232 Avast
12th 86% 254 ClamAV
13th 85% 264 Microsoft
14th 84% 281 eTrust-Vet
15th 84% 286 DrWeb
16th 84% 287 VirusBuster
17th 80% 356 TheHacker
18th 80% 363 F-Prot
19th 79% 383 AhnLab-V3
20th 78% 399 Symantec
21st 76% 442 Rising
22nd 75% 454 Fortinet
23rd 75% 457 VBA32
24th 74% 466 McAfee
25th 74% 482 Panda
26th 72% 515 NOD32v2

172 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/28(水) 06:18:37 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 67 AntiVir
2nd 96% 70 Ikarus
3rd 95% 81 BitDefender
4th 95% 82 Webwasher-Gateway
5th 91% 157 Kaspersky
6th 90% 169 F-Secure
7th 90% 171 AVG
8th 90% 184 CAT-QuickHeal
9th 89% 187 Norman
10th 89% 196 Sophos
11th 87% 232 Avast
12th 86% 254 ClamAV
13th 85% 264 Microsoft
14th 84% 281 eTrust-Vet
15th 84% 285 DrWeb
16th 84% 287 VirusBuster
17th 80% 356 TheHacker
18th 80% 363 F-Prot
19th 79% 383 AhnLab-V3
20th 78% 399 Symantec
21st 76% 441 Rising
22nd 75% 454 Fortinet
23rd 75% 457 VBA32
24th 74% 466 McAfee
25th 74% 482 Panda
26th 72% 514 NOD32v2

173 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/29(木) 06:22:54 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 67 AntiVir
2nd 96% 70 Ikarus
3rd 95% 81 BitDefender
4th 95% 82 Webwasher-Gateway
5th 91% 157 Kaspersky
6th 90% 169 F-Secure
7th 90% 171 AVG
8th 90% 184 CAT-QuickHeal
9th 89% 187 Norman
10th 89% 196 Sophos
11th 87% 232 Avast
12th 86% 254 ClamAV
13th 85% 264 Microsoft
14th 84% 281 eTrust-Vet
15th 84% 285 DrWeb
16th 84% 287 VirusBuster
17th 80% 356 TheHacker
18th 80% 363 F-Prot
19th 79% 383 AhnLab-V3
20th 78% 399 Symantec
21st 76% 441 Rising
22nd 75% 454 Fortinet
23rd 75% 457 VBA32
24th 74% 466 McAfee
25th 74% 482 Panda
26th 72% 514 NOD32v2

174 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/29(木) 13:44:28 ]


ESET Smart Security その9

175 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/30(金) 01:41:32 ]

176 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/30(金) 05:32:09 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 66 AntiVir
2nd 96% 70 Ikarus
3rd 95% 81 Webwasher-Gateway
4th 95% 82 BitDefender
5th 91% 156 Kaspersky
6th 90% 168 F-Secure
7th 90% 171 AVG
8th 90% 186 CAT-QuickHeal
9th 89% 187 Norman
10th 89% 197 Sophos
11th 87% 233 Avast
12th 86% 254 ClamAV
13th 85% 265 Microsoft
14th 84% 283 eTrust-Vet
15th 84% 285 DrWeb
16th 84% 288 VirusBuster
17th 80% 355 TheHacker
18th 80% 363 F-Prot
19th 79% 385 AhnLab-V3
20th 78% 398 Symantec
21st 76% 441 Rising
22nd 75% 452 Fortinet
23rd 75% 458 VBA32
24th 74% 466 McAfee
25th 74% 482 Panda
26th 72% 515 NOD32v2

177 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/05/30(金) 15:52:09 ]


ESET Smart Security その9

178 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/05/31(土) 05:12:21 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 66 AntiVir
2nd 96% 70 Ikarus
3rd 95% 81 Webwasher-Gateway
4th 95% 82 BitDefender
5th 91% 156 Kaspersky
6th 91% 168 F-Secure
7th 90% 172 AVG
8th 89% 187 CAT-QuickHeal
9th 89% 188 Norman
10th 89% 197 Sophos
11th 87% 233 Avast
12th 86% 255 ClamAV
13th 85% 266 Microsoft
14th 84% 284 eTrust-Vet
15th 84% 286 DrWeb
16th 84% 289 VirusBuster
17th 80% 356 TheHacker
18th 80% 364 F-Prot
19th 79% 388 AhnLab-V3
20th 78% 398 Symantec
21st 76% 442 Rising
22nd 75% 453 Fortinet
23rd 75% 459 VBA32
24th 74% 467 McAfee
25th 74% 483 Panda
26th 72% 516 NOD32v2

179 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/05/31(土) 17:21:24 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 66 AntiVir
2nd 96% 70 Ikarus
3rd 95% 81 Webwasher-Gateway
4th 95% 82 BitDefender
5th 91% 156 Kaspersky
6th 91% 168 F-Secure
7th 90% 172 AVG
8th 89% 187 CAT-QuickHeal
9th 89% 188 Norman
10th 89% 197 Sophos
11th 87% 233 Avast
12th 86% 255 ClamAV
13th 85% 266 Microsoft
14th 84% 284 eTrust-Vet
15th 84% 286 DrWeb
16th 84% 289 VirusBuster
17th 80% 356 TheHacker
18th 80% 364 F-Prot
19th 79% 388 AhnLab-V3
20th 78% 398 Symantec
21st 76% 442 Rising
22nd 75% 453 Fortinet
23rd 75% 459 VBA32
24th 74% 467 McAfee
25th 74% 483 Panda
26th 72% 516 NOD32v2

180 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/01(日) 07:41:24 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 64 AntiVir
2nd 96% 74 Ikarus
3rd 95% 79 Webwasher-Gateway
4th 95% 81 BitDefender
5th 91% 152 Kaspersky
6th 90% 169 F-Secure
7th 90% 173 AVG
8th 89% 191 Norman
9th 89% 192 CAT-QuickHeal
10th 89% 195 Sophos
11th 87% 232 Avast
12th 86% 258 ClamAV
13th 85% 272 Microsoft
14th 84% 284 DrWeb
15th 84% 284 eTrust-Vet
16th 84% 289 VirusBuster
17th 80% 365 F-Prot
18th 80% 366 TheHacker
19th 79% 391 AhnLab-V3
20th 78% 400 Symantec
21st 76% 440 Rising
22nd 75% 453 Fortinet
23rd 75% 458 VBA32
24th 74% 468 McAfee
25th 74% 484 Panda
26th 72% 517 NOD32v2

181 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/06/01(日) 18:55:00 ]

182 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/02(月) 06:18:41 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 68 AntiVir
2nd 95% 76 Ikarus
3rd 95% 83 Webwasher-Gateway
4th 95% 84 BitDefender
5th 91% 154 Kaspersky
6th 90% 170 F-Secure
7th 90% 177 AVG
8th 89% 195 Norman
9th 89% 197 CAT-QuickHeal
10th 89% 198 Sophos
11th 87% 235 Avast
12th 85% 263 ClamAV
13th 85% 277 Microsoft
14th 84% 289 DrWeb
15th 84% 289 eTrust-Vet
16th 84% 294 VirusBuster
17th 80% 370 F-Prot
18th 79% 376 TheHacker
19th 78% 399 AhnLab-V3
20th 78% 403 Symantec
21st 76% 444 Rising
22nd 75% 458 Fortinet
23rd 75% 463 VBA32
24th 74% 472 McAfee
25th 73% 488 Panda
26th 72% 520 NOD32v2

183 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/03(火) 05:21:53 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 68 AntiVir
2nd 96% 76 Ikarus
3rd 95% 82 Webwasher-Gateway
4th 95% 84 BitDefender
5th 91% 155 Kaspersky
6th 90% 171 F-Secure
7th 90% 178 AVG
8th 89% 195 Norman
9th 89% 197 Sophos
10th 89% 198 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 234 Avast
12th 86% 262 ClamAV
13th 85% 276 Microsoft
14th 84% 288 DrWeb
15th 84% 288 eTrust-Vet
16th 84% 295 VirusBuster
17th 80% 370 F-Prot
18th 79% 378 TheHacker
19th 78% 401 AhnLab-V3
20th 78% 402 Symantec
21st 76% 445 Rising
22nd 75% 459 Fortinet
23rd 75% 463 VBA32
24th 74% 473 McAfee
25th 74% 488 Panda
26th 72% 523 NOD32v2

184 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/03(火) 20:54:06 ]
Retrospective / ProActive - Test May 2008 by AV-Comparatives

    検出率 (%)           誤検出数 (個)         スキャン速度 (MB/s)
1. Sophos       74  1. McAfee           0    1. Symantec   25.5
2. AVIRA        72  2. Symantec, Kaspersky,      2. AVIRA     17.7
3. TrustPort      64    eScan, F-Secure    2    3. McAfee     14.3
4. NOD32       57   3. Microsoft          5   4. NOD32    13.3
5. BitDefender    44   4. NOD32          7   5. AVG      12.3
6. Norman       35   5. AVIRA           8    6. Avast      10.4
7. AVG, McAfee   32   6. AVG           10    7. Norman     9.7
8. Microsoft, AVK  29   7. AVK           11    8. BitDefender  9.4
9. Avast        28   8. BitDefender       17   9. Microsoft   8.2
10. VBA32        25   9. Avast            23   10 Sophos    7.8
11. Kaspersky5    21   10. Norman          29    11 AVK       5.3
12. Symantec6    14   11. VBA32           37   12 Kaspersky  5.0
13. F-Secure, eScan 6   12. TrustPort         105   13 F-Secure   4.1
                 13. Sophos          400~ 14 VBA32    4.0
                                     15 eScan     3.0
                                     16 TrustPort  1.8

185 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/04(水) 05:56:16 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 69 AntiVir            ADVANCED+
2nd 95% 77 Ikarus
3rd 95% 83 Webwasher-Gateway
4th 95% 84 BitDefender
5th 91% 156 Kaspersky
6th 90% 172 F-Secure
7th 90% 179 AVG
8th 89% 196 Norman
9th 89% 198 Sophos
10th 89% 200 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 235 Avast
12th 86% 263 ClamAV
13th 85% 277 Microsoft
14th 84% 289 DrWeb
15th 84% 290 eTrust-Vet
16th 84% 296 VirusBuster
17th 80% 372 F-Prot
18th 79% 379 TheHacker
19th 78% 403 Symantec
20th 78% 404 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 447 Rising
22nd 75% 460 Fortinet
23rd 75% 465 VBA32
24th 74% 475 McAfee
25th 74% 489 Panda
26th 72% 524 NOD32v2            ADVANCED+(wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

186 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/06/05(木) 05:26:22 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 68 AntiVir
2nd 95% 77 Ikarus
3rd 95% 82 Webwasher-Gateway
4th 95% 83 BitDefender
5th 91% 157 Kaspersky
6th 90% 172 F-Secure
7th 90% 179 AVG
8th 89% 196 Sophos
9th 89% 196 Norman
10th 89% 201 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 233 Avast
12th 86% 264 ClamAV
13th 85% 275 Microsoft
14th 84% 289 DrWeb
15th 84% 289 eTrust-Vet
16th 84% 295 VirusBuster
17th 80% 374 F-Prot
18th 79% 380 TheHacker
19th 78% 402 Symantec
20th 78% 408 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 448 Rising
22nd 75% 459 Fortinet
23rd 75% 466 VBA32
24th 74% 473 McAfee
25th 74% 490 Panda
26th 72% 524 NOD32v2

187 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/05(木) 19:37:30 ]
Retrospective / ProActive - Test May 2008 by AV-Comparatives

    検出率 (%)           誤検出数 (個)         スキャン速度 (MB/s)
1. Sophos       74  1. McAfee           0    1. Symantec   25.5
2. AVIRA        72  2. Symantec, Kaspersky,      2. AVIRA     17.7
3. TrustPort      64    eScan, F-Secure    2    3. McAfee     14.3
4. NOD32       57   3. Microsoft          5   4. NOD32    13.3
5. BitDefender    44   4. NOD32          7   5. AVG      12.3
6. Norman       35   5. AVIRA           8    6. Avast      10.4
7. AVG, McAfee   32   6. AVG           10    7. Norman     9.7
8. Microsoft, AVK  29   7. AVK           11    8. BitDefender  9.4
9. Avast        28   8. BitDefender       17   9. Microsoft   8.2
10. VBA32        25   9. Avast            23   10 Sophos    7.8
11. Kaspersky5    21   10. Norman          29    11 AVK       5.3
12. Symantec6    14   11. VBA32           37   12 Kaspersky  5.0
13. F-Secure, eScan 6   12. TrustPort         105   13 F-Secure   4.1
                 13. Sophos          400~ 14 VBA32    4.0
                                     15 eScan     3.0
                                     16 TrustPort  1.8

188 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/06(金) 06:12:25 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 68 AntiVir
2nd 95% 77 Ikarus
3rd 95% 82 Webwasher-Gateway
4th 95% 83 BitDefender
5th 91% 157 Kaspersky
6th 90% 172 F-Secure
7th 90% 179 AVG
8th 89% 196 Sophos
9th 89% 196 Norman
10th 89% 201 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 233 Avast
12th 86% 264 ClamAV
13th 85% 275 Microsoft
14th 84% 289 DrWeb
15th 84% 289 eTrust-Vet
16th 84% 295 VirusBuster
17th 80% 374 F-Prot
18th 79% 380 TheHacker
19th 78% 402 Symantec
20th 78% 408 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 448 Rising
22nd 75% 459 Fortinet
23rd 75% 465 VBA32
24th 74% 473 McAfee
25th 74% 490 Panda
26th 72% 524 NOD32v2

189 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/06/06(金) 18:53:34 ]

190 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/07(土) 03:53:48 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 68 AntiVir
2nd 95% 77 Ikarus
3rd 95% 80 Webwasher-Gateway
4th 95% 83 BitDefender
5th 91% 157 Kaspersky
6th 90% 172 F-Secure
7th 90% 179 AVG
8th 89% 195 Sophos
9th 89% 195 Norman
10th 89% 200 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 231 Avast
12th 86% 263 ClamAV
13th 85% 275 Microsoft
14th 84% 286 eTrust-Vet
15th 84% 287 DrWeb
16th 84% 295 VirusBuster
17th 80% 372 F-Prot
18th 79% 379 TheHacker
19th 78% 401 Symantec
20th 78% 409 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 447 Rising
22nd 75% 457 Fortinet
23rd 75% 464 VBA32
24th 75% 471 McAfee
25th 74% 488 Panda
26th 72% 522 NOD32v2

191 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/07(土) 07:55:33 ]

192 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/07(土) 14:33:57 ]

193 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/06/07(土) 16:41:12 ]

194 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/07(土) 18:31:29 ]

195 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/08(日) 06:26:08 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 70 AntiVir
2nd 95% 79 Ikarus
3rd 95% 82 Webwasher-Gateway
4th 95% 84 BitDefender
5th 91% 158 Kaspersky
6th 90% 173 F-Secure
7th 90% 180 AVG
8th 89% 197 Sophos
9th 89% 199 Norman
10th 89% 201 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 233 Avast
12th 86% 264 ClamAV
13th 85% 276 Microsoft
14th 84% 288 eTrust-Vet
15th 84% 292 DrWeb
16th 84% 299 VirusBuster
17th 80% 375 F-Prot
18th 79% 381 TheHacker
19th 78% 404 Symantec
20th 78% 415 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 449 Rising
22nd 75% 461 Fortinet
23rd 75% 468 VBA32
24th 74% 475 McAfee
25th 73% 493 Panda
26th 72% 527 NOD32v2

196 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/08(日) 19:31:45 ]
113 名前:最低人類0号 [] 投稿日:2008/06/08(日) 18:50:14 ID:jp/JhUsh0

【インターネット板】 AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 8.0

54 名前: [] 投稿日:2008/06/08(日) 02:07:22 ID:aNHIPBdJ0

58 名前: [sage] 投稿日:2008/06/08(日) 10:28:06 ID:6uD2/P6B0

59 名前: [sage] 投稿日:2008/06/08(日) 11:48:15 ID:n48Yywe80

60 名前: [] 投稿日:2008/06/08(日) 11:57:25 ID:SajOokVE0

61 名前: [sage] 投稿日:2008/06/08(日) 13:55:51 ID:aNHIPBdJ0

197 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/09(月) 05:55:25 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 71 AntiVir
2nd 95% 81 Ikarus
3rd 95% 83 Webwasher-Gateway
4th 95% 85 BitDefender
5th 91% 159 Kaspersky
6th 90% 175 F-Secure
7th 90% 181 AVG
8th 89% 199 Sophos
9th 89% 201 Norman
10th 89% 202 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 234 Avast
12th 86% 265 ClamAV
13th 85% 277 Microsoft
14th 84% 290 eTrust-Vet
15th 84% 293 DrWeb
16th 84% 302 VirusBuster
17th 80% 378 F-Prot
18th 79% 385 TheHacker
19th 78% 407 Symantec
20th 78% 419 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 453 Rising
22nd 75% 465 Fortinet
23rd 75% 471 VBA32
24th 74% 478 McAfee
25th 73% 496 Panda
26th 72% 529 NOD32v2

198 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/10(火) 05:58:32 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 71 AntiVir
2nd 95% 82 Ikarus
3rd 95% 83 Webwasher-Gateway
4th 95% 85 BitDefender
5th 91% 160 Kaspersky
6th 90% 175 F-Secure
7th 90% 184 AVG
8th 89% 199 Sophos
9th 89% 203 Norman
10th 89% 205 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 234 Avast
12th 86% 268 ClamAV
13th 85% 277 Microsoft
14th 84% 293 eTrust-Vet
15th 84% 296 DrWeb
16th 84% 305 VirusBuster
17th 80% 381 F-Prot
18th 79% 388 TheHacker
19th 78% 410 Symantec
20th 77% 423 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 456 Rising
22nd 75% 468 Fortinet
23rd 75% 474 VBA32
24th 74% 481 McAfee
25th 73% 499 Panda
26th 72% 532 NOD32v2

199 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/06/11(水) 02:38:43 ]

200 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/11(水) 02:40:18 ]
Retrospective / ProActive - Test May 2008 by AV-Comparatives

    検出率 (%)           誤検出数 (個)         スキャン速度 (MB/s)
1. Sophos       74  1. McAfee           0    1. Symantec   25.5
2. AVIRA        72  2. Symantec, Kaspersky,      2. AVIRA     17.7
3. TrustPort      64    eScan, F-Secure    2    3. McAfee     14.3
4. NOD32       57   3. Microsoft          5   4. NOD32    13.3
5. BitDefender    44   4. NOD32          7   5. AVG      12.3
6. Norman       35   5. AVIRA           8    6. Avast      10.4
7. AVG, McAfee   32   6. AVG           10    7. Norman     9.7
8. Microsoft, AVK  29   7. AVK           11    8. BitDefender  9.4
9. Avast        28   8. BitDefender       17   9. Microsoft   8.2
10. VBA32        25   9. Avast            23   10 Sophos    7.8
11. Kaspersky5    21   10. Norman          29    11 AVK       5.3
12. Symantec6    14   11. VBA32           37   12 Kaspersky  5.0
13. F-Secure, eScan 6   12. TrustPort         105   13 F-Secure   4.1
                 13. Sophos          400~ 14 VBA32    4.0
                                     15 eScan     3.0
                                     16 TrustPort  1.8

201 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/11(水) 06:03:54 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 70 AntiVir
2nd 95% 82 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 82 Ikarus
4th 95% 86 BitDefender
5th 91% 159 Kaspersky
6th 90% 174 F-Secure
7th 90% 184 AVG
8th 89% 199 Sophos
9th 89% 202 Norman
10th 89% 205 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 236 Avast
12th 86% 268 ClamAV
13th 85% 281 Microsoft
14th 84% 294 eTrust-Vet
15th 84% 296 DrWeb
16th 84% 305 VirusBuster
17th 80% 380 F-Prot
18th 79% 388 TheHacker
19th 78% 410 Symantec
20th 77% 427 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 458 Rising
22nd 75% 468 Fortinet
23rd 75% 474 VBA32
24th 74% 481 McAfee
25th 73% 499 Panda
26th 72% 534 NOD32v2

202 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/12(木) 06:29:05 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 70 AntiVir
2nd 95% 82 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 82 Ikarus
4th 95% 86 BitDefender
5th 91% 159 Kaspersky
6th 90% 174 F-Secure
7th 90% 184 AVG
8th 89% 201 Sophos
9th 89% 202 Norman
10th 89% 205 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 236 Avast
12th 86% 269 ClamAV
13th 85% 281 Microsoft
14th 84% 296 eTrust-Vet
15th 84% 297 DrWeb
16th 84% 307 VirusBuster
17th 80% 383 F-Prot
18th 79% 389 TheHacker
19th 78% 410 Symantec
20th 77% 435 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 458 Rising
22nd 75% 470 Fortinet
23rd 75% 476 VBA32
24th 74% 482 McAfee
25th 73% 502 Panda
26th 72% 537 NOD32v2

203 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/06/12(木) 11:54:37 ]

204 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/13(金) 05:55:24 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 70 AntiVir
2nd 95% 82 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 82 Ikarus
4th 95% 86 BitDefender
5th 91% 159 Kaspersky
6th 91% 175 F-Secure
7th 90% 184 AVG
8th 89% 201 Sophos
9th 89% 202 Norman
10th 89% 205 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 236 Avast
12th 86% 271 ClamAV
13th 85% 282 Microsoft
14th 84% 298 eTrust-Vet
15th 84% 299 DrWeb
16th 84% 308 VirusBuster
17th 80% 384 F-Prot
18th 79% 389 TheHacker
19th 78% 414 Symantec
20th 77% 442 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 459 Rising
22nd 75% 471 Fortinet
23rd 75% 477 VBA32
24th 75% 484 McAfee
25th 73% 505 Panda
26th 72% 542 NOD32v2

205 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/14(土) 05:49:13 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 72 AntiVir
2nd 95% 84 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 84 Ikarus
4th 95% 86 BitDefender
5th 91% 161 Kaspersky
6th 90% 176 F-Secure
7th 90% 185 AVG
8th 89% 203 Sophos
9th 89% 203 Norman
10th 89% 207 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 237 Avast
12th 86% 272 ClamAV
13th 85% 283 Microsoft
14th 84% 300 eTrust-Vet
15th 84% 301 DrWeb
16th 84% 309 VirusBuster
17th 80% 386 F-Prot
18th 79% 391 TheHacker
19th 78% 416 Symantec
20th 77% 445 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 461 Rising
22nd 75% 473 Fortinet
23rd 75% 478 VBA32
24th 75% 486 McAfee
25th 73% 507 Panda
26th 72% 544 NOD32v2

206 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/14(土) 16:53:59 ]

207 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/14(土) 17:29:18 ]


208 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/14(土) 21:58:37 ]

209 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/14(土) 22:11:42 ]
いや 軽くなってますよwwww

210 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/14(土) 22:26:27 ]

211 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/14(土) 22:49:52 ]

212 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/06/14(土) 22:50:16 ]

 + ∩___∩                               ____
   | ノ⌒ヽ '⌒ ヽ                     +       / /  \\
  / (●),) ((●) |                         / (●)  (●)\
  |   ,,ノ(●●)ヽ ミ                       /   ⌒ノ(、_, )ヽ⌒  \
 彡、  ´トェェェイ`、`\ バスターのほうががええよぉ~  |      `-=ニ=-      | 普通にカスペだろ
/ __ |,r-r-|/´>  )                       \      `ー'´      / +
(___)`ニニ´/ (_/ +                     /     ∩ノ ⊃  /
 |       /                           (  \ / _ノ |  |
                                   .\ “  /__|  |
                                     . \ /___ /

     【バ】                               【カス】
   ,$7000000                            ,$4500000

213 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/06/14(土) 22:50:42 ]
読み方:vakasu or bakasu
(Virus Buster(日本国外ではPC-cillin) Believer & Kaspersky Believer)を併せての名称。
これには「NOD32アンチウィルス Part54」のレス44氏が考案者という説も出ているがレス44氏は「2008/03/27(木) 00:44:26」
これに対し本スレを立てた1氏は「2008/03/26(水) 01:45:08」となっており、本スレが立った方が早い為
この説は、完全にデマである。なお「バ」か「カス」のどちらかが、「NOD32アンチウィルス Part2」の頃から


この本スレ内では「バカスって、まるでスがダメみたいじゃないか変更しろ 」

「ぼくの なまえは ばすたー
ぼくの なまえは かすぺー
二匹 あわせて バカスー
きみーと ぼくとで バカスー」

214 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/06/14(土) 22:51:25 ]
Q, バカスってなんですか?
A, 毎回スレで必要以上に暴れ、混乱に拍車をかけるバスター信者並びにカスペルスキー信者のコンビを指します。
受賞作品名: 【バカス】一番いいセキュリティソフトはなんだ!!48
受賞者: スレタイ考案者
受賞者の考案した作品名: 【バカス】一番いいセキュリティソフトはなんだ!!48

215 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/06/14(土) 23:04:46 ]
 + ∩___∩                               ____
   | ノ⌒ヽ '⌒ ヽ                     +       / /  \\
  / (●),) ((●) |                         / (●)  (●)\
  |   ,,ノ(●●)ヽ ミ                       /   ⌒ノ(、_, )ヽ⌒  \
 彡、  ´トェェェイ`、`\ avast!のほうががええよぉ~    |      `-=ニ=-      | 普通にNOD32だろ
/ __ |,r-r-|/´>  )                       \      `ー'´      / +
(___)`ニニ´/ (_/ +                     /     ∩ノ ⊃  /
 |       /                           (  \ / _ノ |  |
                                   .\ “  /__|  |
                                     . \ /___ /

    【アバ】                               【ノド】
   ,$7000000                            ,$4500000

216 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/14(土) 23:17:31 ]
 + ∩___∩                               ____
   | ノ⌒ヽ '⌒ ヽ                     +       / /  \\
  / (●),) ((●) |                         / (●)  (●)\
  |   ,,ノ(●●)ヽ ミ                       /   ⌒ノ(、_, )ヽ⌒  \
 彡、  ´トェェェイ`、`\ 黄色は正義だよぉ~         |      `-=ニ=-      | 普通に日本のデファクトだろ
/ __ |,r-r-|/´>  )                       \      `ー'´      / +
(___)`ニニ´/ (_/ +                     /     ∩ノ ⊃  /
 |       /                           (  \ / _ノ |  |
                                   .\ “  /__|  |
                                     . \ /___ /

    【先生】                             【バスタ】
   ,$7000000                            ,$4500000

217 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/06/14(土) 23:28:26 ]

218 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/14(土) 23:40:38 ]
= (バ)スター & (カ)スペ & (ス)

219 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/14(土) 23:45:40 ]
 + ∩___∩                               ____
   | ノ⌒ヽ '⌒ ヽ                     +       / /  \\
  / (●),) ((●) |                         / (●)  (●)\
  |   ,,ノ(●●)ヽ ミ                       /   ⌒ノ(、_, )ヽ⌒  \
 彡、  ´トェェェイ`、`\ ペッパ~~              |      `-=ニ=-      |  警部!
/ __ |,r-r-|/´>  )                       \      `ー'´      / +
(___)`ニニ´/ (_/ +                     /     ∩ノ ⊃  /
 |       /                           (  \ / _ノ |  |
                                   .\ “  /__|  |
                                     . \ /___ /

    【ミー】                              【ケイ】
   ,$7000000                            ,$4500000

220 名前:(バ)スター & (カ)スペ & (ス) mailto:sage [2008/06/15(日) 04:24:45 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 72 AntiVir
2nd 95% 84 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 84 Ikarus
4th 95% 86 BitDefender
5th 91% 161 Kaspersky
6th 91% 176 F-Secure
7th 90% 186 AVG
8th 89% 204 Norman
9th 89% 205 Sophos
10th 89% 207 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 239 Avast
12th 85% 274 ClamAV
13th 85% 284 Microsoft
14th 84% 302 eTrust-Vet
15th 84% 303 DrWeb
16th 84% 311 VirusBuster
17th 80% 388 F-Prot
18th 79% 392 TheHacker
19th 78% 418 Symantec
20th 77% 447 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 462 Rising
22nd 75% 475 Fortinet
23rd 75% 479 VBA32
24th 75% 487 McAfee
25th 73% 509 Panda
26th 71% 547 NOD32v2

221 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/06/15(日) 16:53:52 ]

222 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/15(日) 17:06:34 ]

223 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/15(日) 17:30:17 ]
このパッチは見事に AntiVir, Avast, BitDefender, Kaspersky,
NOD32 といった並み居る強力なベンダーを軒並みスルーさせてるな。



224 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/06/15(日) 18:03:13 ]

225 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/16(月) 06:04:38 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 72 AntiVir
2nd 95% 84 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 84 Ikarus
4th 95% 87 BitDefender
5th 91% 164 Kaspersky
6th 90% 179 F-Secure
7th 90% 186 AVG
8th 89% 205 Norman
9th 89% 207 Sophos
10th 89% 210 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 243 Avast
12th 85% 275 ClamAV
13th 85% 290 Microsoft
14th 84% 308 eTrust-Vet
15th 84% 309 DrWeb
16th 84% 313 VirusBuster
17th 80% 388 F-Prot
18th 79% 397 TheHacker
19th 78% 420 Symantec
20th 76% 454 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 468 Rising
22nd 75% 478 Fortinet
23rd 75% 482 VBA32
24th 74% 490 McAfee
25th 73% 512 Panda
26th 71% 553 NOD32v2

226 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/16(月) 19:30:47 ]
Retrospective / ProActive - Test May 2008 by AV-Comparatives

    検出率 (%)           誤検出数 (個)         スキャン速度 (MB/s)
1. Sophos       74  1. McAfee           0    1. Symantec   25.5
2. AVIRA        72  2. Symantec, Kaspersky,      2. AVIRA     17.7
3. TrustPort      64    eScan, F-Secure    2    3. McAfee     14.3
4. NOD32       57   3. Microsoft          5   4. NOD32    13.3
5. BitDefender    44   4. NOD32          7   5. AVG      12.3
6. Norman       35   5. AVIRA           8    6. Avast      10.4
7. AVG, McAfee   32   6. AVG           10    7. Norman     9.7
8. Microsoft, AVK  29   7. AVK           11    8. BitDefender  9.4
9. Avast        28   8. BitDefender       17   9. Microsoft   8.2
10. VBA32        25   9. Avast            23   10 Sophos    7.8
11. Kaspersky5    21   10. Norman          29    11 AVK       5.3
12. Symantec6    14   11. VBA32           37   12 Kaspersky  5.0
13. F-Secure, eScan 6   12. TrustPort         105   13 F-Secure   4.1
                 13. Sophos          400~ 14 VBA32    4.0
                                     15 eScan     3.0
                                     16 TrustPort  1.8

227 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/17(火) 06:10:49 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 72 AntiVir
2nd 95% 84 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 84 Ikarus
4th 95% 87 BitDefender
5th 91% 163 Kaspersky
6th 91% 177 F-Secure
7th 90% 186 AVG
8th 89% 206 Norman
9th 89% 207 Sophos
10th 89% 210 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 246 Avast
12th 86% 272 ClamAV
13th 85% 291 Microsoft
14th 84% 311 eTrust-Vet
15th 84% 312 DrWeb
16th 84% 314 VirusBuster
17th 80% 388 F-Prot
18th 79% 398 TheHacker
19th 78% 420 Symantec
20th 76% 458 AhnLab-V3
21st 75% 471 Rising
22nd 75% 481 Fortinet
23rd 75% 483 VBA32
24th 74% 494 McAfee
25th 73% 514 Panda
26th 71% 556 NOD32v2

228 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/17(火) 06:34:52 ]

229 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/17(火) 23:16:28 ]
>>226-227=NOD32厨 雑音



自作PC板版の雑音過去ログ(旧名 録音)


230 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/18(水) 06:03:40 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 71 AntiVir
2nd 95% 83 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 83 Ikarus
4th 95% 87 BitDefender
5th 91% 162 Kaspersky
6th 91% 176 F-Secure
7th 90% 185 AVG
8th 89% 205 Norman
9th 89% 207 Sophos
10th 89% 208 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 246 Avast
12th 86% 271 ClamAV
13th 85% 290 Microsoft
14th 84% 312 DrWeb
15th 84% 312 eTrust-Vet
16th 84% 313 VirusBuster
17th 80% 387 F-Prot
18th 79% 398 TheHacker
19th 78% 420 Symantec
20th 76% 458 AhnLab-V3
21st 75% 471 Rising
22nd 75% 479 Fortinet
23rd 75% 482 VBA32
24th 74% 492 McAfee
25th 73% 513 Panda
26th 71% 554 NOD32v2

231 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/19(木) 06:23:34 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 72 AntiVir
2nd 95% 84 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 84 Ikarus
4th 95% 89 BitDefender
5th 91% 163 Kaspersky
6th 91% 176 F-Secure
7th 90% 185 AVG
8th 89% 206 Norman
9th 89% 208 CAT-QuickHeal
10th 89% 209 Sophos
11th 87% 247 Avast
12th 86% 272 ClamAV
13th 85% 291 Microsoft
14th 84% 314 DrWeb
15th 84% 314 eTrust-Vet
16th 84% 315 VirusBuster
17th 80% 388 F-Prot
18th 79% 400 TheHacker
19th 78% 423 Symantec
20th 76% 462 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 473 Rising
22nd 75% 481 Fortinet
23rd 75% 483 VBA32
24th 74% 495 McAfee
25th 73% 514 Panda
26th 71% 557 NOD32v2

232 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/19(木) 19:57:25 ]
ESET Smart Security 3.0.621.0 5% / 62 1

233 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/20(金) 00:23:11 ]

234 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/20(金) 05:41:09 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 73 AntiVir
2nd 95% 85 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 87 Ikarus
4th 95% 90 BitDefender
5th 91% 165 Kaspersky
6th 91% 176 F-Secure
7th 90% 185 AVG
8th 89% 207 Norman
9th 89% 209 Sophos
10th 89% 211 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 245 Avast
12th 86% 275 ClamAV
13th 85% 291 Microsoft
14th 84% 313 DrWeb
15th 84% 315 eTrust-Vet
16th 84% 316 VirusBuster
17th 80% 390 F-Prot
18th 79% 403 TheHacker
19th 78% 423 Symantec
20th 76% 464 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 475 Rising
22nd 75% 483 Fortinet
23rd 75% 484 VBA32
24th 75% 495 McAfee
25th 74% 514 Panda
26th 72% 560 NOD32v2

235 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/20(金) 23:45:07 ]

236 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/21(土) 07:20:33 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 72 AntiVir
2nd 95% 84 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 87 Ikarus
4th 95% 90 BitDefender
5th 91% 164 Kaspersky
6th 91% 176 F-Secure
7th 90% 185 AVG
8th 89% 207 Sophos
9th 89% 207 Norman
10th 89% 210 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 245 Avast
12th 86% 274 ClamAV
13th 85% 289 Microsoft
14th 84% 311 DrWeb
15th 84% 314 eTrust-Vet
16th 84% 316 VirusBuster
17th 80% 389 F-Prot
18th 79% 402 TheHacker
19th 78% 422 Symantec
20th 76% 462 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 474 Rising
22nd 75% 482 Fortinet
23rd 75% 484 VBA32
24th 75% 494 McAfee
25th 74% 514 Panda
26th 72% 557 NOD32v2

237 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/21(土) 14:46:58 ]

238 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/22(日) 01:13:26 ]

239 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/22(日) 07:41:38 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 72 AntiVir
2nd 95% 83 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 87 Ikarus
4th 95% 90 BitDefender
5th 91% 164 Kaspersky
6th 91% 176 F-Secure
7th 90% 186 AVG
8th 89% 207 Norman
9th 89% 209 Sophos
10th 89% 210 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 246 Avast
12th 86% 275 ClamAV
13th 85% 288 Microsoft
14th 84% 311 DrWeb
15th 84% 314 eTrust-Vet
16th 84% 317 VirusBuster
17th 80% 389 F-Prot
18th 79% 402 TheHacker
19th 78% 423 Symantec
20th 76% 463 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 474 Rising
22nd 75% 482 Fortinet
23rd 75% 484 VBA32
24th 75% 495 McAfee
25th 74% 515 Panda
26th 72% 556 NOD32v2

240 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/23(月) 06:09:36 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 71 AntiVir
2nd 95% 83 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 86 Ikarus
4th 95% 91 BitDefender
5th 91% 163 Kaspersky
6th 91% 176 F-Secure
7th 90% 186 AVG
8th 89% 207 Norman
9th 89% 208 Sophos
10th 89% 209 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 246 Avast
12th 86% 274 ClamAV
13th 85% 288 Microsoft
14th 84% 310 DrWeb
15th 84% 313 eTrust-Vet
16th 84% 318 VirusBuster
17th 80% 388 F-Prot
18th 79% 401 TheHacker
19th 78% 423 Symantec
20th 76% 463 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 472 Rising
22nd 75% 481 Fortinet
23rd 75% 483 VBA32
24th 75% 493 McAfee
25th 74% 516 Panda
26th 72% 558 NOD32v2

241 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/24(火) 05:58:53 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 71 AntiVir
2nd 95% 83 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 86 Ikarus
4th 95% 91 BitDefender
5th 91% 163 Kaspersky
6th 91% 176 F-Secure
7th 90% 186 AVG
8th 89% 207 Norman
9th 89% 208 Sophos
10th 89% 209 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 246 Avast
12th 86% 275 ClamAV
13th 85% 288 Microsoft
14th 84% 310 DrWeb
15th 84% 314 eTrust-Vet
16th 84% 319 VirusBuster
17th 80% 388 F-Prot
18th 79% 404 TheHacker
19th 78% 435 Symantec
20th 77% 463 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 472 Rising
22nd 76% 482 Fortinet
23rd 76% 483 VBA32
24th 75% 493 McAfee
25th 74% 516 Panda
26th 72% 559 NOD26

242 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/06/24(火) 10:30:38 ]

243 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/25(水) 05:46:24 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 71 AntiVir
2nd 95% 83 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 86 Ikarus
4th 95% 91 BitDefender
5th 91% 163 Kaspersky
6th 91% 176 F-Secure
7th 90% 186 AVG
8th 89% 207 Norman
9th 89% 209 Sophos
10th 89% 209 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 246 Avast
12th 86% 275 ClamAV
13th 85% 288 Microsoft
14th 84% 310 DrWeb
15th 84% 315 eTrust-Vet
16th 84% 319 VirusBuster
17th 80% 388 F-Prot
18th 79% 405 TheHacker
19th 78% 436 Symantec
20th 77% 463 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 472 Rising
22nd 76% 483 Fortinet
23rd 76% 483 VBA32
24th 75% 494 McAfee
25th 74% 517 Panda
26th 72% 560 NOD26v2

244 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/26(木) 06:10:29 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 72 AntiVir
2nd 95% 84 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 87 Ikarus
4th 95% 91 BitDefender
5th 91% 164 Kaspersky
6th 91% 175 F-Secure
7th 90% 187 AVG
8th 89% 208 Sophos
9th 89% 208 Norman
10th 89% 210 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 87% 246 Avast
12th 86% 276 ClamAV
13th 85% 288 Microsoft
14th 84% 309 DrWeb
15th 84% 315 eTrust-Vet
16th 84% 318 VirusBuster
17th 80% 390 F-Prot
18th 79% 410 TheHacker
19th 78% 435 Symantec
20th 77% 462 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 472 Rising
22nd 76% 482 Fortinet
23rd 76% 484 VBA32
24th 75% 494 McAfee
25th 74% 517 Panda
26th 72% 561 NOD26w2

245 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/26(木) 21:56:11 ]

> www.virusbtn.com/conference/vb2008



1位:G DATA アンチウイルス2008(99.21%)
2位:Kaspersky アンチウイルス7.0(98.96%)
3位:Norton アンチウイルス2008(98.89%)
4位:Windows ライブ ワンケア(98.53%)
5位:F-Secure インターネットセキュリティ 2008(98.09%)
6位:McAfee ウイルススキャンプラス(95.77%)
8位:ウイルスセキュリティ ZERO(90.50%)
9位:NOD32アンチウイルス V2.7(88.85%)

(記事引用 以下略)

246 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/27(金) 05:31:31 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 72 AntiVir
2nd 95% 84 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 89 Ikarus
4th 95% 93 BitDefender
5th 92% 165 Kaspersky
6th 91% 177 F-Secure
7th 90% 189 AVG
8th 89% 210 Norman
9th 89% 212 Sophos
10th 89% 212 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 88% 247 Avast
12th 86% 279 ClamAV
13th 86% 290 Microsoft
14th 84% 312 DrWeb
15th 84% 319 eTrust-Vet
16th 84% 320 VirusBuster
17th 81% 392 F-Prot
18th 79% 415 TheHacker
19th 78% 438 Symantec
20th 77% 465 AhnLab-V3
21st 76% 477 Rising
22nd 76% 487 Fortinet
23rd 76% 490 VBA32
24th 75% 499 McAfee
25th 74% 521 Panda
26th 72% 568 NOD26w2

247 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/06/27(金) 18:12:48 ]

248 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/06/27(金) 18:22:16 ]

249 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/06/28(土) 00:59:46 ]
28/02/2008 テスト結果。Aviraフリー版 金賞

250 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/28(土) 04:05:02 ]

251 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/28(土) 06:20:06 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 73 AntiVir
2nd 95% 86 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 89 Ikarus
4th 95% 95 BitDefender
5th 92% 167 Kaspersky
6th 91% 179 F-Secure
7th 91% 188 AVG
8th 89% 211 CAT-QuickHeal
9th 89% 212 Norman
10th 89% 214 Sophos
11th 88% 249 Avast
12th 86% 278 ClamAV
13th 86% 292 Microsoft
14th 84% 314 DrWeb
15th 84% 320 eTrust-Vet
16th 84% 321 VirusBuster
17th 81% 394 F-Prot
18th 80% 416 TheHacker
19th 78% 440 Symantec
20th 77% 466 AhnLab-V3
21st 77% 478 Rising
22nd 76% 489 Fortinet
23rd 76% 491 VBA32
24th 76% 500 McAfee
25th 75% 521 Panda
26th 72% 570 NOD26w2

252 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/28(土) 09:02:07 ]
>>249-250 → Eset厨雑音の芝居

253 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/06/28(土) 18:47:47 ]

254 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/28(土) 19:13:20 ]

255 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/28(土) 20:53:51 ]

256 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/06/28(土) 23:55:07 ]

257 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/06/29(日) 00:24:22 ]
ok complete

258 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/29(日) 05:06:39 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 75 AntiVir
2nd 95% 88 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 95 Ikarus
4th 95% 102 BitDefender
5th 91% 179 Kaspersky
6th 91% 181 F-Secure
7th 91% 191 AVG
8th 89% 221 Norman
9th 89% 222 CAT-QuickHeal
10th 89% 223 Sophos
11th 88% 255 Avast
12th 86% 287 ClamAV
13th 86% 301 Microsoft
14th 85% 322 DrWeb
15th 84% 332 eTrust-Vet
16th 84% 332 VirusBuster
17th 81% 404 F-Prot
18th 80% 428 TheHacker
19th 78% 456 Symantec
20th 77% 482 AhnLab-V3
21st 77% 487 Rising
22nd 77% 495 Fortinet
23rd 76% 507 VBA32
24th 75% 517 McAfee
25th 74% 540 Panda
26th 72% 591 NOD26w2

259 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/06/29(日) 12:10:08 ]
AV Comparatives


AVIRA 72% (8)
NOD32 57% (7)

AVG 32% (10)
McAfee 32% (0)
Microsoft 29% (5)
G DATA 29% (11)

BitDefender 44% (17)
Norman 35% (29)
Avast 28% (23)
Kaspersky 21% (2)
VBA32 25% (37)
Symantec 18% (2)

Sophos 74% (400以上)
TrustPort 64% (105)
F-Secure 6% (2)
eScan 6% (2)


260 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/29(日) 12:37:14 ]

261 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/06/30(月) 08:44:05 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 80 AntiVir
2nd 96% 93 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 120 Ikarus
4th 94% 131 BitDefender
5th 92% 186 F-Secure
6th 91% 206 AVG
7th 90% 229 Kaspersky
8th 89% 248 Norman
9th 89% 252 Sophos
10th 88% 267 CAT-QuickHeal
11th 88% 270 Avast
12th 86% 317 ClamAV
13th 85% 334 Microsoft
14th 84% 361 DrWeb
15th 84% 370 VirusBuster
16th 83% 386 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 456 F-Prot
18th 79% 478 TheHacker
19th 78% 494 Symantec
20th 78% 506 Rising
21st 77% 519 Fortinet
22nd 76% 548 AhnLab-V3
23rd 75% 561 VBA32
24th 75% 581 McAfee
25th 73% 610 Panda
26th 71% 661 NOD26w

262 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/01(火) 09:08:26 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 82 AntiVir
2nd 96% 95 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 121 Ikarus
4th 94% 141 BitDefender
5th 92% 186 F-Secure
6th 91% 215 AVG
7th 89% 257 Kaspersky
8th 89% 263 Sophos
9th 89% 265 Norman
10th 88% 277 Avast
11th 88% 290 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 86% 335 ClamAV
13th 85% 358 Microsoft
14th 84% 386 DrWeb
15th 84% 388 VirusBuster
16th 83% 413 eTrust-Vet
17th 79% 487 F-Prot
18th 79% 506 TheHacker
19th 78% 516 Rising
20th 78% 522 Symantec
21st 78% 531 Fortinet
22nd 75% 588 AhnLab-V3
23rd 75% 595 VBA32
24th 74% 619 McAfee
25th 73% 644 Panda
26th 71% 699 NOD26w

263 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/02(水) 06:30:12 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 82 AntiVir
2nd 96% 95 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 125 Ikarus
4th 93% 157 BitDefender
5th 92% 188 F-Secure
6th 91% 219 AVG
7th 89% 275 Norman
8th 89% 278 Sophos
9th 88% 280 Kaspersky
10th 88% 287 Avast
11th 87% 317 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 86% 352 ClamAV
13th 85% 375 Microsoft
14th 84% 403 VirusBuster
15th 83% 407 DrWeb
16th 82% 444 eTrust-Vet
17th 79% 512 F-Prot
18th 79% 526 Rising
19th 79% 531 TheHacker
20th 78% 545 Symantec
21st 78% 545 Fortinet
22nd 75% 620 AhnLab-V3
23rd 75% 623 VBA32
24th 74% 649 McAfee
25th 73% 672 Panda
26th 71% 734 NOD26w

264 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/03(木) 05:49:05 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 82 AntiVir
2nd 96% 95 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 125 Ikarus
4th 93% 157 BitDefender
5th 92% 188 F-Secure
6th 91% 219 AVG
7th 89% 275 Norman
8th 89% 278 Sophos
9th 88% 280 Kaspersky
10th 88% 287 Avast
11th 87% 317 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 86% 352 ClamAV
13th 85% 375 Microsoft
14th 84% 403 VirusBuster
15th 83% 407 DrWeb
16th 82% 444 eTrust-Vet
17th 79% 512 F-Prot
18th 79% 526 Rising
19th 79% 529 TheHacker
20th 78% 545 Symantec
21st 78% 545 Fortinet
22nd 75% 620 AhnLab-V3
23rd 75% 623 VBA32
24th 74% 649 McAfee
25th 73% 671 Panda
26th 71% 733 NOD26

265 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/04(金) 05:14:09 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 84 AntiVir
2nd 96% 97 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 131 Ikarus
4th 93% 167 BitDefender
5th 92% 193 F-Secure
6th 91% 223 AVG
7th 89% 288 Sophos
8th 88% 296 Kaspersky
9th 88% 296 Avast
10th 88% 297 Norman
11th 87% 336 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 85% 377 ClamAV
13th 84% 421 DrWeb
14th 83% 426 VirusBuster
15th 83% 437 Microsoft
16th 82% 464 eTrust-Vet
17th 79% 534 F-Prot
18th 79% 536 Rising
19th 78% 556 Fortinet
20th 78% 558 TheHacker
21st 78% 571 Symantec
22nd 75% 648 VBA32
23rd 75% 652 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 685 McAfee
25th 73% 701 Panda
26th 70% 771 NOD26w

266 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/05(土) 04:51:49 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 85 AntiVir
2nd 96% 98 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 133 Ikarus
4th 93% 168 BitDefender
5th 92% 194 F-Secure
6th 91% 223 AVG
7th 89% 289 Sophos
8th 88% 297 Avast
9th 88% 298 Norman
10th 88% 299 Kaspersky
11th 87% 338 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 85% 380 ClamAV
13th 84% 423 DrWeb
14th 83% 427 VirusBuster
15th 82% 453 Microsoft
16th 82% 464 eTrust-Vet
17th 79% 536 Rising
18th 79% 537 F-Prot
19th 78% 558 Fortinet
20th 78% 563 TheHacker
21st 78% 572 Symantec
22nd 75% 649 VBA32
23rd 75% 652 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 686 McAfee
25th 73% 702 Panda
26th 70% 774 NOD26w

267 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/06(日) 04:20:18 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 87 AntiVir
2nd 96% 100 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 137 Ikarus
4th 93% 170 BitDefender
5th 92% 194 F-Secure
6th 91% 224 AVG
7th 89% 291 Sophos
8th 88% 299 Avast
9th 88% 302 Norman
10th 88% 302 Kaspersky
11th 87% 341 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 85% 383 ClamAV
13th 84% 425 DrWeb
14th 83% 430 VirusBuster
15th 82% 456 Microsoft
16th 82% 469 eTrust-Vet
17th 79% 537 Rising
18th 79% 541 F-Prot
19th 79% 559 Fortinet
20th 78% 567 TheHacker
21st 78% 573 Symantec
22nd 75% 654 VBA32
23rd 75% 658 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 689 McAfee
25th 73% 704 Panda
26th 70% 776 NOD26w

268 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/07(月) 05:19:03 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 86 AntiVir
2nd 96% 98 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 135 Ikarus
4th 93% 169 BitDefender
5th 92% 193 F-Secure
6th 91% 225 AVG
7th 89% 289 Sophos
8th 88% 298 Avast
9th 88% 301 Norman
10th 88% 301 Kaspersky
11th 87% 340 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 85% 382 ClamAV
13th 84% 425 DrWeb
14th 83% 429 VirusBuster
15th 82% 457 Microsoft
16th 82% 467 eTrust-Vet
17th 79% 535 Rising
18th 79% 538 F-Prot
19th 79% 553 Fortinet
20th 78% 569 TheHacker
21st 78% 572 Symantec
22nd 75% 654 VBA32
23rd 75% 656 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 685 McAfee
25th 73% 703 Panda
26th 71% 767 NOD26w

269 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/08(火) 05:20:33 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 85 AntiVir
2nd 96% 97 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 133 Ikarus
4th 93% 171 BitDefender
5th 92% 191 F-Secure
6th 91% 229 AVG
7th 89% 289 Sophos
8th 88% 298 Kaspersky
9th 88% 298 Avast
10th 88% 302 Norman
11th 87% 344 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 85% 381 ClamAV
13th 83% 428 DrWeb
14th 83% 433 VirusBuster
15th 82% 457 Microsoft
16th 82% 469 eTrust-Vet
17th 79% 535 F-Prot
18th 79% 537 Rising
19th 79% 554 Fortinet
20th 78% 570 Symantec
21st 78% 575 TheHacker
22nd 75% 655 VBA32
23rd 75% 658 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 688 McAfee
25th 73% 704 Panda
26th 71% 772 NOD26w

270 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/07/09(水) 04:49:57 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 84 AntiVir
2nd 96% 96 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 95% 133 Ikarus
4th 93% 172 BitDefender
5th 92% 190 F-Secure
6th 91% 229 AVG
7th 89% 287 Sophos
8th 88% 296 Kaspersky
9th 88% 298 Avast
10th 88% 300 Norman
11th 87% 346 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 85% 381 ClamAV
13th 84% 429 DrWeb
14th 83% 435 VirusBuster
15th 83% 454 Microsoft
16th 82% 469 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 535 F-Prot
18th 79% 537 Rising
19th 79% 551 Fortinet
20th 78% 570 Symantec
21st 78% 578 TheHacker
22nd 75% 652 VBA32
23rd 75% 656 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 688 McAfee
25th 73% 705 Panda
26th 71% 771 NOD26w

271 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/10(木) 06:01:11 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 84 AntiVir
2nd 96% 96 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 136 Ikarus
4th 93% 173 BitDefender
5th 92% 191 F-Secure
6th 91% 229 AVG
7th 89% 287 Sophos
8th 89% 297 Avast
9th 88% 298 Kaspersky
10th 88% 303 Norman
11th 87% 347 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 85% 385 ClamAV
13th 84% 430 DrWeb
14th 83% 439 VirusBuster
15th 83% 454 Microsoft
16th 82% 470 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 537 F-Prot
18th 80% 538 Rising
19th 79% 552 Fortinet
20th 78% 572 Symantec
21st 78% 581 TheHacker
22nd 75% 654 VBA32
23rd 75% 660 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 690 McAfee
25th 73% 709 Panda
26th 71% 776 NOD26w

272 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/11(金) 05:54:23 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 83 AntiVir
2nd 96% 94 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 137 Ikarus
4th 93% 171 BitDefender
5th 93% 189 F-Secure
6th 91% 229 AVG
7th 89% 283 Sophos
8th 89% 294 Kaspersky
9th 89% 294 Avast
10th 89% 298 Norman
11th 87% 344 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 85% 382 ClamAV
13th 84% 427 DrWeb
14th 83% 436 VirusBuster
15th 83% 450 Microsoft
16th 82% 466 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 532 F-Prot
18th 80% 539 Rising
19th 79% 549 Fortinet
20th 79% 568 Symantec
21st 78% 580 TheHacker
22nd 75% 653 VBA32
23rd 75% 656 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 686 McAfee
25th 74% 704 Panda
26th 71% 773 NOD26w

273 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/12(土) 04:14:34 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 84 AntiVir
2nd 96% 95 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 139 Ikarus
4th 93% 172 BitDefender
5th 93% 191 F-Secure
6th 91% 230 AVG
7th 89% 284 Sophos
8th 89% 296 Kaspersky
9th 89% 296 Avast
10th 89% 300 Norman
11th 87% 346 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 85% 384 ClamAV
13th 84% 429 DrWeb
14th 83% 437 VirusBuster
15th 83% 451 Microsoft
16th 82% 468 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 533 F-Prot
18th 80% 541 Rising
19th 79% 551 Fortinet
20th 79% 570 Symantec
21st 78% 585 TheHacker
22nd 75% 655 VBA32
23rd 75% 659 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 688 McAfee
25th 74% 706 Panda
26th 71% 776 NOD26w

274 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/13(日) 05:27:52 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 85 AntiVir
2nd 96% 96 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 141 Ikarus
4th 93% 176 BitDefender
5th 92% 194 F-Secure
6th 91% 233 AVG
7th 89% 287 Sophos
8th 89% 300 Kaspersky
9th 89% 300 Avast
10th 88% 303 Norman
11th 87% 350 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 85% 388 ClamAV
13th 84% 433 DrWeb
14th 83% 441 VirusBuster
15th 83% 455 Microsoft
16th 82% 473 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 537 F-Prot
18th 80% 545 Rising
19th 79% 557 Fortinet
20th 79% 574 Symantec
21st 78% 592 TheHacker
22nd 75% 661 VBA32
23rd 75% 663 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 692 McAfee
25th 74% 711 Panda
26th 71% 781 NOD26w

275 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/14(月) 08:36:34 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 86 AntiVir
2nd 96% 97 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 143 Ikarus
4th 93% 176 BitDefender
5th 92% 194 F-Secure
6th 91% 233 AVG
7th 89% 288 Sophos
8th 89% 299 Avast
9th 89% 301 Kaspersky
10th 89% 304 Norman
11th 87% 351 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 85% 389 ClamAV
13th 84% 433 DrWeb
14th 84% 440 VirusBuster
15th 83% 455 Microsoft
16th 82% 474 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 538 F-Prot
18th 80% 545 Rising
19th 79% 557 Fortinet
20th 79% 575 Symantec
21st 78% 594 TheHacker
22nd 76% 662 VBA32
23rd 75% 664 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 692 McAfee
25th 74% 711 Panda
26th 71% 783 NOD26w

276 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/15(火) 06:00:27 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 87 AntiVir
2nd 96% 98 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 145 Ikarus
4th 93% 178 BitDefender
5th 92% 196 F-Secure
6th 91% 235 AVG
7th 89% 292 Sophos
8th 89% 302 Avast
9th 89% 304 Kaspersky
10th 88% 311 Norman
11th 87% 356 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 85% 393 ClamAV
13th 84% 438 DrWeb
14th 83% 447 VirusBuster
15th 83% 460 Microsoft
16th 82% 480 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 541 F-Prot
18th 80% 548 Rising
19th 79% 560 Fortinet
20th 79% 578 Symantec
21st 78% 602 TheHacker
22nd 75% 668 VBA32
23rd 75% 671 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 700 McAfee
25th 74% 720 Panda
26th 71% 790 NOD26w

277 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/16(水) 04:53:26 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 87 AntiVir
2nd 96% 99 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 145 Ikarus
4th 93% 177 BitDefender
5th 92% 198 F-Secure
6th 91% 235 AVG
7th 89% 292 Sophos
8th 89% 304 Avast
9th 89% 305 Kaspersky
10th 88% 311 Norman
11th 87% 358 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 85% 395 ClamAV
13th 84% 439 DrWeb
14th 84% 447 VirusBuster
15th 83% 461 Microsoft
16th 82% 483 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 541 F-Prot
18th 80% 550 Rising
19th 79% 562 Fortinet
20th 79% 578 Symantec
21st 78% 606 TheHacker
22nd 76% 671 VBA32
23rd 76% 672 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 702 McAfee
25th 74% 722 Panda
26th 71% 795 NOD26w

278 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/17(木) 05:38:50 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 87 AntiVir
2nd 96% 99 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 146 Ikarus
4th 93% 179 BitDefender
5th 92% 199 F-Secure
6th 91% 236 AVG
7th 89% 295 Sophos
8th 89% 306 Kaspersky
9th 89% 306 Avast
10th 88% 312 Norman
11th 87% 361 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 85% 395 ClamAV
13th 84% 441 DrWeb
14th 84% 448 VirusBuster
15th 83% 462 Microsoft
16th 82% 486 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 542 F-Prot
18th 80% 552 Rising
19th 79% 565 Fortinet
20th 79% 579 Symantec
21st 78% 609 TheHacker
22nd 76% 673 VBA32
23rd 76% 675 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 705 McAfee
25th 74% 724 Panda
26th 71% 800 NOD26w

279 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/18(金) 04:26:18 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 86 AntiVir
2nd 96% 98 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 146 Ikarus
4th 93% 177 BitDefender
5th 92% 198 F-Secure
6th 91% 236 AVG
7th 89% 295 Sophos
8th 89% 306 Kaspersky
9th 89% 306 Avast
10th 89% 308 Norman
11th 87% 361 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 85% 394 ClamAV
13th 84% 441 DrWeb
14th 84% 448 VirusBuster
15th 83% 460 Microsoft
16th 82% 486 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 542 F-Prot
18th 80% 552 Rising
19th 79% 564 Fortinet
20th 79% 577 Symantec
21st 78% 610 TheHacker
22nd 76% 673 VBA32
23rd 75% 675 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 706 McAfee
25th 74% 724 Panda
26th 71% 799 NOD26w

280 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/19(土) 05:10:55 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 86 AntiVir
2nd 96% 98 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 146 Ikarus
4th 93% 177 BitDefender
5th 93% 197 F-Secure
6th 91% 235 AVG
7th 89% 295 Sophos
8th 89% 306 Kaspersky
9th 89% 306 Avast
10th 89% 308 Norman
11th 87% 361 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 85% 396 ClamAV
13th 84% 441 DrWeb
14th 84% 448 VirusBuster
15th 83% 460 Microsoft
16th 82% 488 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 542 F-Prot
18th 80% 551 Rising
19th 79% 565 Fortinet
20th 79% 576 Symantec
21st 78% 613 TheHacker
22nd 76% 675 AhnLab-V3
23rd 75% 676 VBA32
24th 74% 705 McAfee
25th 74% 723 Panda
26th 71% 800 NOD26w

281 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/20(日) 06:32:24 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 87 AntiVir
2nd 96% 99 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 148 Ikarus
4th 93% 181 BitDefender
5th 92% 201 F-Secure
6th 91% 237 AVG
7th 89% 299 Sophos
8th 89% 308 Avast
9th 89% 311 Norman
10th 88% 313 Kaspersky
11th 87% 365 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 85% 399 ClamAV
13th 84% 445 DrWeb
14th 84% 451 VirusBuster
15th 83% 462 Microsoft
16th 82% 492 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 547 F-Prot
18th 80% 555 Rising
19th 79% 568 Fortinet
20th 79% 575 Symantec
21st 78% 618 TheHacker
22nd 76% 679 AhnLab-V3
23rd 75% 681 VBA32
24th 74% 710 McAfee
25th 74% 727 Panda
26th 71% 805 NOD26w

282 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/21(月) 05:55:58 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 89 AntiVir
2nd 96% 101 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 149 Ikarus
4th 93% 183 BitDefender
5th 92% 201 F-Secure
6th 91% 240 AVG
7th 89% 301 Sophos
8th 89% 310 Avast
9th 89% 313 Norman
10th 88% 316 Kaspersky
11th 87% 368 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 85% 402 ClamAV
13th 84% 449 DrWeb
14th 84% 454 VirusBuster
15th 83% 464 Microsoft
16th 82% 495 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 549 F-Prot
18th 80% 557 Rising
19th 79% 570 Fortinet
20th 79% 577 Symantec
21st 78% 622 TheHacker
22nd 76% 681 AhnLab-V3
23rd 76% 682 VBA32
24th 75% 712 McAfee
25th 74% 729 Panda
26th 71% 807 NOD26w

283 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/22(火) 06:00:50 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 90 AntiVir
2nd 96% 102 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 150 Ikarus
4th 93% 184 BitDefender
5th 93% 200 F-Secure
6th 91% 240 AVG
7th 89% 300 Sophos
8th 89% 311 Avast
9th 89% 312 Norman
10th 88% 319 Kaspersky
11th 87% 368 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 85% 403 ClamAV
13th 84% 449 DrWeb
14th 84% 454 VirusBuster
15th 83% 465 Microsoft
16th 82% 496 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 550 F-Prot
18th 80% 556 Rising
19th 80% 570 Fortinet
20th 79% 577 Symantec
21st 78% 621 TheHacker
22nd 76% 682 AhnLab-V3
23rd 76% 683 VBA32
24th 75% 712 McAfee
25th 74% 730 Panda
26th 71% 810 NOD26w

284 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/23(水) 05:44:29 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 91 AntiVir
2nd 96% 104 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 151 Ikarus
4th 93% 185 BitDefender
5th 92% 202 F-Secure
6th 91% 241 AVG
7th 89% 301 Sophos
8th 89% 312 Avast
9th 89% 313 Norman
10th 88% 323 Kaspersky
11th 87% 369 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 85% 405 ClamAV
13th 84% 450 DrWeb
14th 84% 455 VirusBuster
15th 83% 466 Microsoft
16th 82% 497 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 551 F-Prot
18th 80% 557 Rising
19th 80% 571 Fortinet
20th 79% 576 Symantec
21st 78% 623 TheHacker
22nd 76% 683 AhnLab-V3
23rd 76% 686 VBA32
24th 75% 713 McAfee
25th 74% 731 Panda
26th 71% 812 NOD26w

285 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/24(木) 05:53:42 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 91 AntiVir
2nd 96% 104 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 150 Ikarus
4th 93% 184 BitDefender
5th 92% 204 F-Secure
6th 91% 241 AVG
7th 89% 300 Sophos
8th 89% 311 Norman
9th 89% 313 Avast
10th 88% 326 Kaspersky
11th 87% 370 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 86% 403 ClamAV
13th 84% 449 DrWeb
14th 84% 455 VirusBuster
15th 83% 467 Microsoft
16th 82% 498 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 553 F-Prot
18th 80% 560 Rising
19th 80% 573 Fortinet
20th 80% 576 Symantec
21st 78% 626 TheHacker
22nd 76% 685 AhnLab-V3
23rd 76% 686 VBA32
24th 75% 713 McAfee
25th 74% 732 Panda
26th 71% 815 NOD26w

286 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/25(金) 06:01:48 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 93 AntiVir
2nd 96% 106 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 151 Ikarus
4th 93% 186 BitDefender
5th 92% 207 F-Secure
6th 91% 243 AVG
7th 89% 300 Sophos
8th 89% 314 Norman
9th 89% 315 Avast
10th 88% 328 Kaspersky
11th 87% 373 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 86% 405 ClamAV
13th 84% 451 DrWeb
14th 84% 457 VirusBuster
15th 83% 469 Microsoft
16th 82% 500 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 554 F-Prot
18th 80% 562 Rising
19th 80% 576 Symantec
20th 80% 576 Fortinet
21st 78% 631 TheHacker
22nd 76% 689 AhnLab-V3
23rd 76% 690 VBA32
24th 75% 715 McAfee
25th 74% 735 Panda
26th 71% 817 NOD26w

287 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/26(土) 06:40:13 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 92 AntiVir
2nd 96% 105 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 150 Ikarus
4th 93% 184 BitDefender
5th 92% 205 F-Secure
6th 91% 242 AVG
7th 89% 296 Sophos
8th 89% 311 Norman
9th 89% 315 Avast
10th 88% 330 Kaspersky
11th 87% 374 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 86% 403 ClamAV
13th 84% 451 DrWeb
14th 84% 454 VirusBuster
15th 83% 468 Microsoft
16th 82% 501 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 552 F-Prot
18th 80% 564 Rising
19th 80% 573 Fortinet
20th 80% 578 Symantec
21st 78% 630 TheHacker
22nd 76% 688 VBA32
23rd 76% 689 AhnLab-V3
24th 75% 715 McAfee
25th 74% 732 Panda
26th 71% 814 NOD26w

288 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/27(日) 06:53:29 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 92 AntiVir
2nd 96% 104 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 150 Ikarus
4th 93% 184 BitDefender
5th 92% 205 F-Secure
6th 91% 243 AVG
7th 89% 294 Sophos
8th 89% 310 Norman
9th 89% 314 Avast
10th 88% 332 Kaspersky
11th 87% 374 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 86% 402 ClamAV
13th 84% 451 DrWeb
14th 84% 456 VirusBuster
15th 83% 467 Microsoft
16th 82% 502 eTrust-Vet
17th 81% 552 F-Prot
18th 80% 566 Rising
19th 80% 574 Fortinet
20th 80% 577 Symantec
21st 78% 633 TheHacker
22nd 76% 686 VBA32
23rd 76% 688 AhnLab-V3
24th 75% 715 McAfee
25th 74% 731 Panda
26th 72% 814 NOD26w

289 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/28(月) 04:46:11 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 93 AntiVir
2nd 96% 105 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 151 Ikarus
4th 93% 185 BitDefender
5th 93% 206 F-Secure
6th 91% 244 AVG
7th 89% 295 Sophos
8th 89% 313 Norman
9th 89% 315 Avast
10th 88% 334 Kaspersky
11th 87% 376 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 86% 406 ClamAV
13th 84% 453 DrWeb
14th 84% 460 VirusBuster
15th 84% 469 Microsoft
16th 82% 507 eTrust-Vet
17th 81% 556 F-Prot
18th 80% 569 Rising
19th 80% 578 Fortinet
20th 80% 580 Symantec
21st 78% 638 TheHacker
22nd 76% 688 VBA32
23rd 76% 690 AhnLab-V3
24th 75% 719 McAfee
25th 74% 735 Panda
26th 72% 820 NOD26w

290 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/29(火) 05:40:57 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 93 AntiVir
2nd 96% 105 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 151 Ikarus
4th 93% 184 BitDefender
5th 92% 214 F-Secure
6th 91% 244 AVG
7th 89% 295 Sophos
8th 89% 316 Norman
9th 89% 318 Avast
10th 88% 334 Kaspersky
11th 87% 378 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 86% 408 ClamAV
13th 84% 455 DrWeb
14th 84% 463 VirusBuster
15th 84% 470 Microsoft
16th 82% 512 eTrust-Vet
17th 81% 558 F-Prot
18th 80% 569 Rising
19th 80% 580 Fortinet
20th 80% 584 Symantec
21st 78% 639 TheHacker
22nd 76% 689 VBA32
23rd 76% 691 AhnLab-V3
24th 75% 722 McAfee
25th 74% 738 Panda
26th 71% 824 NOD26w

291 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/29(火) 12:14:12 ]

292 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/29(火) 22:01:00 ]

293 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/07/29(火) 22:20:17 ]

294 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/29(火) 23:24:10 ]
の定義ファイル(ウイルス定義ファイルのバージョン 3304)より提供すべき


295 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/07/30(水) 01:05:33 ]

296 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/30(水) 06:21:39 ]

297 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/30(水) 06:41:40 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 94 AntiVir
2nd 96% 106 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 151 Ikarus
4th 93% 184 BitDefender
5th 92% 214 F-Secure
6th 91% 244 AVG
7th 89% 297 Sophos
8th 89% 316 Norman
9th 89% 319 Avast
10th 88% 337 Kaspersky
11th 87% 379 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 86% 408 ClamAV
13th 84% 457 DrWeb
14th 84% 466 VirusBuster
15th 83% 472 Microsoft
16th 82% 516 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 560 F-Prot
18th 80% 571 Rising
19th 80% 585 Fortinet
20th 80% 587 Symantec
21st 78% 642 TheHacker
22nd 76% 691 VBA32
23rd 76% 693 AhnLab-V3
24th 75% 725 McAfee
25th 74% 742 Panda
26th 71% 829 NOD26w

298 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/30(水) 06:48:41 ]

●6月の検出率順位 製品名 検出率
1位 G DATA アンチウイルス2008         99.21%
2位 Kaspersky アンチウイルス7.0         98.96%
3位 Norton アンチウイルス2008         98.89%
4位 Windows ライブ ワンケア           98.53%
5位 F-Secure インターネットセキュリティ 2008 98.09%
6位 McAfee ウイルススキャンプラス       95.77%
7位 ウイルスバスター2008             92.42%
8位 ウイルスセキュリティ ZERO          90.50%  ★
9位 NOD32アンチウイルス V2.7          88.85%
10位 ウイルスキラーゼロ               85.32%

299 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/07/30(水) 07:13:05 ]
3308 おk

300 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/30(水) 09:16:45 ]
ok complete

301 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/30(水) 10:31:18 ]
ESET NOD32アンチウイルス V3.0
NOD32アンチウイルス V2.7

NOD32アンチウイルス V2.7 限定ですかね?

302 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/30(水) 18:54:59 ]
3309 おk

303 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/30(水) 23:44:42 ]

304 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/30(水) 23:45:41 ]
3310 ok

305 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/31(木) 02:39:38 ]
ok complete

306 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/31(木) 03:26:15 ]

307 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/31(木) 03:39:42 ]
3311 ok

308 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/31(木) 06:17:05 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 95 AntiVir
2nd 96% 107 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 152 Ikarus
4th 93% 187 BitDefender
5th 92% 215 F-Secure
6th 91% 246 AVG
7th 89% 301 Sophos
8th 89% 320 Norman
9th 89% 327 Avast
10th 88% 344 Kaspersky
11th 87% 386 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 86% 411 ClamAV
13th 84% 470 DrWeb
14th 84% 473 VirusBuster
15th 83% 481 Microsoft
16th 82% 531 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 569 F-Prot
18th 80% 579 Rising
19th 80% 595 Fortinet
20th 79% 599 Symantec
21st 78% 648 TheHacker
22nd 76% 706 VBA32
23rd 76% 708 AhnLab-V3
24th 75% 742 McAfee
25th 74% 758 Panda
26th 71% 847 NOD26w

309 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/07/31(木) 09:37:26 ]
ok complete

310 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/01(金) 05:55:13 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 95 AntiVir
2nd 96% 107 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 152 Ikarus
4th 93% 187 BitDefender
5th 92% 216 F-Secure
6th 91% 246 AVG
7th 89% 302 Sophos
8th 89% 323 Norman
9th 89% 328 Avast
10th 88% 345 Kaspersky
11th 86% 390 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 86% 413 ClamAV
13th 84% 471 DrWeb
14th 84% 475 VirusBuster
15th 83% 482 Microsoft
16th 82% 536 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 571 F-Prot
18th 80% 580 Rising
19th 80% 596 Fortinet
20th 79% 601 Symantec
21st 78% 650 TheHacker
22nd 76% 709 VBA32
23rd 76% 712 AhnLab-V3
24th 75% 744 McAfee
25th 74% 762 Panda
26th 71% 852 NOD26w

311 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/02(土) 05:58:40 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 94 AntiVir
2nd 96% 106 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 151 Ikarus
4th 93% 187 BitDefender
5th 92% 215 F-Secure
6th 91% 245 AVG
7th 89% 302 Sophos
8th 89% 321 Norman
9th 89% 327 Avast
10th 88% 345 Kaspersky
11th 86% 389 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 86% 412 ClamAV
13th 84% 470 DrWeb
14th 84% 474 VirusBuster
15th 83% 482 Microsoft
16th 82% 535 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 570 F-Prot
18th 80% 578 Rising
19th 80% 594 Fortinet
20th 79% 599 Symantec
21st 78% 647 TheHacker
22nd 76% 707 VBA32
23rd 76% 711 AhnLab-V3
24th 75% 742 McAfee
25th 74% 760 Panda
26th 71% 850 NOD32v2

312 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/03(日) 03:37:03 ]

313 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/03(日) 05:27:53 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 94 AntiVir
2nd 96% 106 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 153 Ikarus
4th 93% 190 BitDefender
5th 92% 218 F-Secure
6th 91% 246 AVG
7th 89% 308 Sophos
8th 89% 328 Norman
9th 88% 335 Avast
10th 88% 361 Kaspersky
11th 86% 404 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 86% 419 ClamAV
13th 84% 481 VirusBuster
14th 83% 489 Microsoft
15th 83% 489 DrWeb
16th 81% 556 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 580 F-Prot
18th 80% 590 Rising
19th 79% 605 Fortinet
20th 79% 611 Symantec
21st 78% 661 TheHacker
22nd 75% 728 VBA32
23rd 75% 733 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 759 McAfee
25th 73% 785 Panda
26th 71% 872 NOD26w

314 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/03(日) 10:18:55 ]

315 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/03(日) 10:20:09 ]

316 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/08/03(日) 13:37:20 ]

317 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/03(日) 13:53:39 ]
3320 @ u23 OK

318 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/03(日) 18:23:12 ]

319 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/03(日) 19:14:00 ]

320 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/08/03(日) 22:54:58 ]

321 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/03(日) 23:37:30 ]

>NOD32 Antivirus Detected File Action Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities
>NOD32 Antivirus Long Path Name Stack Overflow Vulnerabilities

>□NOD32アンチウィルス Part47
>710 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [] 投稿日:2007/05/26(土) 22:58:41
>NOD32 Ver2.70.37以下に脆弱性が見つかった。

322 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/04(月) 04:12:26 ]

323 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/04(月) 04:14:12 ]

324 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/04(月) 05:13:32 ]

325 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/04(月) 06:07:01 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 91 AntiVir
2nd 96% 103 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 155 Ikarus
4th 93% 193 BitDefender
5th 92% 217 F-Secure
6th 91% 247 AVG
7th 89% 317 Sophos
8th 89% 330 Norman
9th 88% 337 Avast
10th 87% 377 Kaspersky
11th 86% 421 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 86% 427 ClamAV
13th 84% 481 VirusBuster
14th 84% 488 Microsoft
15th 83% 500 DrWeb
16th 81% 571 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 586 F-Prot
18th 80% 593 Rising
19th 80% 609 Fortinet
20th 79% 621 Symantec
21st 77% 677 TheHacker
22nd 75% 741 VBA32
23rd 75% 754 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 776 McAfee
25th 73% 809 Panda
26th 70% 889 NOD26w

326 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/04(月) 17:30:34 ]

327 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/05(火) 06:00:57 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 94 AntiVir
2nd 96% 106 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 157 Ikarus
4th 93% 197 BitDefender
5th 92% 222 F-Secure
6th 91% 248 AVG
7th 89% 328 Sophos
8th 89% 334 Norman
9th 88% 342 Avast
10th 87% 387 Kaspersky
11th 86% 428 CAT-QuickHeal
12th 86% 431 ClamAV
13th 84% 488 VirusBuster
14th 84% 490 Microsoft
15th 83% 509 DrWeb
16th 81% 581 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 591 F-Prot
18th 80% 600 Rising
19th 79% 617 Fortinet
20th 79% 630 Symantec
21st 77% 686 TheHacker
22nd 75% 752 VBA32
23rd 75% 763 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 785 McAfee
25th 73% 821 Panda
26th 70% 900 NOD26w

328 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/08/05(火) 08:06:35 ]
更新サーバ u49.eset.com/eset_eval

329 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/08/05(火) 08:07:08 ]

330 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/05(火) 09:28:57 ]
>>328 更新出来ません。

331 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/08/05(火) 11:18:23 ]



332 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/05(火) 15:59:01 ]

333 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/05(火) 17:43:02 ]
更新できないとか言うやつは update.ver のサイズを確認してみるとイイよ
簡単なスクリプトでテストしてみた 鯖:サイズ(bytes)
u21:303 u22:303 u23:303 u24:303 u30:303 u31:303 u32:303 u33:303
u34:303 u35:303 u36:303 u37:303 u38:303 u39:303 u40:303 u41:303
u42:303 u43:303 u44:303 u45:303 u46:303 u47:303 u48:303 u49:2563
ってことで eval では u49 以外は外れ
ちなみに upd では全て 2579 になってます

334 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/05(火) 18:04:56 ]

335 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/05(火) 20:34:24 ]
2.7 3327

336 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/05(火) 23:33:00 ]

337 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/06(水) 01:27:07 ]
2.7 3329@u21 OK

338 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/06(水) 06:02:10 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 94 AntiVir
2nd 96% 106 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 158 Ikarus
4th 93% 195 BitDefender
5th 92% 223 F-Secure
6th 92% 249 AVG
7th 89% 334 Sophos
8th 89% 339 Norman
9th 89% 343 Avast
10th 87% 403 Kaspersky
11th 85% 438 ClamAV
12th 85% 441 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 84% 494 Microsoft
14th 84% 494 VirusBuster
15th 83% 521 DrWeb
16th 80% 602 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 607 Rising
18th 80% 608 F-Prot
19th 79% 629 Fortinet
20th 79% 642 Symantec
21st 77% 698 TheHacker
22nd 75% 769 VBA32
23rd 74% 782 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 804 McAfee
25th 72% 842 Panda
26th 70% 915 NOD26w

339 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/06(水) 06:03:11 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 94 AntiVir
2nd 96% 106 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 158 Ikarus
4th 93% 195 BitDefender
5th 92% 223 F-Secure
6th 92% 249 AVG
7th 89% 334 Sophos
8th 89% 339 Norman
9th 89% 343 Avast
10th 87% 403 Kaspersky
11th 85% 438 ClamAV
12th 85% 441 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 84% 494 Microsoft
14th 84% 494 VirusBuster
15th 83% 521 DrWeb
16th 80% 602 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 607 Rising
18th 80% 608 F-Prot
19th 79% 629 Fortinet
20th 79% 642 Symantec
21st 77% 698 TheHacker
22nd 75% 769 VBA32
23rd 74% 782 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 804 McAfee
25th 72% 842 Panda
26th 70% 915 NOD26w

340 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/06(水) 09:23:24 ]

341 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/06(水) 09:41:48 ]



342 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/06(水) 09:51:30 ]
VirusTotalの使い方間違えてたorz 再スキャンかけなきゃ駄目なのか。




343 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/06(水) 10:27:09 ]

344 名前:343 mailto:sage [2008/08/06(水) 10:35:50 ]

345 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/06(水) 13:42:33 ]

346 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/06(水) 14:04:35 ]

347 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/06(水) 14:14:00 ]

348 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/06(水) 14:26:04 ]

349 名前:346 mailto:sage [2008/08/06(水) 17:30:24 ]

350 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/06(水) 19:12:13 ]


消えて無くなったもの = デバイス全部。マイコンピュータ全部。メール全部。


351 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/06(水) 19:18:29 ]
誰 も い ま せ ん

352 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/06(水) 19:35:49 ]


353 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/06(水) 19:45:24 ]


354 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/06(水) 20:22:16 ]
あ、そっか。  ホントにそうですね。

355 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/06(水) 23:21:45 ]

356 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/06(水) 23:22:28 ]

357 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/07(木) 01:35:01 ]

358 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/08/07(木) 01:52:51 ]

359 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/07(木) 02:22:04 ]

360 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/07(木) 02:54:55 ]

361 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/07(木) 03:19:50 ]

362 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/07(木) 04:00:41 ]

363 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/07(木) 04:17:52 ]

364 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/07(木) 05:36:34 ]


365 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/07(木) 06:07:44 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 93 AntiVir
2nd 96% 105 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 163 Ikarus
4th 93% 196 BitDefender
5th 92% 229 F-Secure
6th 92% 249 AVG
7th 89% 339 Sophos
8th 89% 340 Norman
9th 89% 344 Avast
10th 87% 406 Kaspersky
11th 85% 445 ClamAV
12th 85% 448 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 84% 497 Microsoft
14th 84% 498 VirusBuster
15th 83% 526 DrWeb
16th 80% 610 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 614 F-Prot
18th 80% 614 Rising
19th 79% 635 Fortinet
20th 79% 645 Symantec
21st 77% 707 TheHacker
22nd 75% 776 VBA32
23rd 74% 786 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 814 McAfee
25th 72% 852 Panda
26th 70% 924 NOD26w

366 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/07(木) 11:00:32 ]

367 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/07(木) 11:44:09 ]

368 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/07(木) 14:14:33 ]

369 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/07(木) 15:00:32 ]

370 名前:362 mailto:sage [2008/08/07(木) 15:29:09 ]

371 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/07(木) 19:11:35 ]

372 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/07(木) 19:44:49 ]

373 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/07(木) 20:10:58 ]
3336 OK

374 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/07(木) 21:08:29 ]
3336 OKでいけた

375 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/07(木) 21:58:03 ]

376 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/08/08(金) 01:05:00 ]

NOD32 Ver 2.7の体験版使ってて




377 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/08(金) 01:07:28 ] でOK!

378 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/08(金) 01:10:41 ]

379 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/08(金) 01:38:01 ]

380 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/08(金) 01:44:47 ]

381 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/08(金) 01:45:41 ]

382 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/08(金) 02:12:55 ]

383 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/08(金) 05:40:22 ]

384 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/08(金) 05:47:12 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 94 AntiVir
2nd 96% 106 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 165 Ikarus
4th 93% 198 BitDefender
5th 92% 233 F-Secure
6th 92% 250 AVG
7th 89% 344 Sophos
8th 89% 344 Norman
9th 89% 346 Avast
10th 87% 410 Kaspersky
11th 85% 449 ClamAV
12th 85% 454 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 84% 500 Microsoft
14th 84% 502 VirusBuster
15th 83% 532 DrWeb
16th 80% 616 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 617 F-Prot
18th 80% 620 Rising
19th 79% 639 Fortinet
20th 79% 650 Symantec
21st 77% 714 TheHacker
22nd 75% 785 VBA32
23rd 74% 792 AhnLab-V3
24th 73% 824 McAfee
25th 72% 859 Panda
26th 70% 933 NOD26w

385 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/08(金) 06:04:59 ]

386 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/08(金) 07:23:10 ]

387 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/08(金) 11:36:30 ]

388 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/08(金) 12:30:40 ]

389 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/08(金) 13:13:21 ]

390 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/08(金) 13:21:33 ]


391 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/08/08(金) 13:56:46 ]

392 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/08(金) 15:00:49 ]

393 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/08(金) 16:09:33 ]

394 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/08(金) 18:50:24 ]
2.7 3339

395 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/08(金) 19:11:15 ]

396 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/08(金) 19:17:52 ]

397 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/08(金) 19:38:40 ]

398 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/08(金) 19:49:53 ]

399 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/08(金) 20:29:14 ]
単にmax user数の制限を取るためのIDだと思う。

400 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/08(金) 22:31:15 ]
3340 OK

401 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/09(土) 00:02:23 ]
乗り換え OK complete !

402 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/09(土) 01:12:58 ]

403 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/09(土) 05:44:00 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 95 AntiVir
2nd 96% 107 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 165 Ikarus
4th 93% 198 BitDefender
5th 92% 234 F-Secure
6th 92% 250 AVG
7th 89% 342 Sophos
8th 89% 347 Norman
9th 89% 348 Avast
10th 86% 413 Kaspersky
11th 85% 449 ClamAV
12th 85% 453 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 84% 499 Microsoft
14th 84% 503 VirusBuster
15th 83% 534 DrWeb
16th 80% 615 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 616 F-Prot
18th 80% 625 Rising
19th 79% 635 Fortinet
20th 79% 650 Symantec
21st 77% 717 TheHacker
22nd 75% 787 VBA32
23rd 75% 793 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 823 McAfee
25th 72% 860 Panda
26th 70% 932 NOD26w

404 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/09(土) 08:13:56 ]
2.7 3341

405 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/09(土) 08:17:20 ]

406 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/09(土) 09:28:16 ]

407 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/08/09(土) 12:02:35 ]
3341 北

408 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/09(土) 15:29:48 ]

409 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/09(土) 15:32:06 ]

410 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/10(日) 00:57:09 ]

411 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/10(日) 02:50:41 ]

412 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/10(日) 04:24:17 ]

413 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/10(日) 05:49:54 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 96 AntiVir
2nd 96% 107 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 167 Ikarus
4th 93% 201 BitDefender
5th 92% 239 F-Secure
6th 92% 252 AVG
7th 89% 340 Sophos
8th 89% 350 Norman
9th 89% 350 Avast
10th 86% 414 Kaspersky
11th 85% 452 ClamAV
12th 85% 454 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 84% 499 Microsoft
14th 84% 505 VirusBuster
15th 83% 534 DrWeb
16th 80% 617 eTrust-Vet
17th 80% 618 F-Prot
18th 80% 630 Rising
19th 80% 634 Fortinet
20th 79% 652 Symantec
21st 77% 721 TheHacker
22nd 75% 788 VBA32
23rd 74% 796 AhnLab-V3
24th 74% 824 McAfee
25th 72% 861 Panda
26th 70% 934 NOD26w  (VB100プラチナスポンサーw

414 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/10(日) 06:44:12 ]

NOD32アンチウィルス Part57

415 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/10(日) 10:05:10 ]

416 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/10(日) 11:58:37 ]



□ネットワークセキュリティ板@2ch 避難所(ID付き)


417 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/10(日) 11:59:09 ]



418 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/10(日) 12:57:44 ]

419 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/10(日) 14:54:30 ]
3343 @ u58 OK

420 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/10(日) 15:41:00 ]

421 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/08/10(日) 20:17:13 ]

422 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/10(日) 21:51:09 ]

423 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/10(日) 21:52:48 ]

424 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/08/11(月) 02:49:53 ]

425 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/11(月) 05:32:24 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 96 AntiVir
2nd 96% 107 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 169 Ikarus
4th 93% 202 BitDefender
5th 92% 241 F-Secure
6th 92% 252 AVG
7th 89% 349 Sophos
8th 89% 352 Norman
9th 89% 352 Avast
10th 86% 421 Kaspersky
11th 85% 454 ClamAV
12th 85% 461 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 84% 499 Microsoft
14th 84% 509 VirusBuster
15th 83% 540 DrWeb
16th 80% 620 F-Prot
17th 80% 625 eTrust-Vet
18th 80% 631 Rising
19th 80% 634 Fortinet
20th 79% 658 Symantec
21st 77% 725 TheHacker
22nd 75% 799 VBA32
23rd 74% 806 AhnLab-V3
24th 73% 833 McAfee
25th 72% 872 Panda
26th 70% 944 NOD26w

426 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/11(月) 10:44:21 ]

427 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/11(月) 11:55:41 ]

428 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/11(月) 12:45:12 ]

429 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/08/11(月) 15:56:00 ]

430 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/11(月) 19:36:54 ]
3345 ok

431 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/11(月) 20:09:26 ]


ESET Smart Security その11

432 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/11(月) 22:10:08 ]

433 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/11(月) 22:11:14 ]

434 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/12(火) 01:01:40 ]
u34 3346

435 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/12(火) 03:38:03 ]

436 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/12(火) 05:42:40 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 97 AntiVir
2nd 96% 109 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 172 Ikarus
4th 93% 204 BitDefender
5th 92% 241 F-Secure
6th 92% 253 AVG
7th 89% 355 Avast
8th 89% 356 Sophos
9th 88% 360 Norman
10th 86% 432 Kaspersky
11th 85% 457 ClamAV
12th 85% 472 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 84% 502 Microsoft
14th 84% 514 VirusBuster
15th 83% 547 DrWeb
16th 80% 632 F-Prot
17th 80% 635 Rising
18th 80% 640 eTrust-Vet
19th 80% 642 Fortinet
20th 79% 668 Symantec
21st 77% 732 TheHacker
22nd 74% 818 VBA32
23rd 74% 821 AhnLab-V3
24th 73% 846 McAfee
25th 72% 889 Panda
26th 70% 957 Authentium
27th 70% 959 NOD27w    (祝:順位後退www

437 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/12(火) 05:59:07 ]

438 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/12(火) 12:55:27 ]

439 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/12(火) 13:45:50 ]
432 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2008/08/11(月) 22:10:08

433 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2008/08/11(月) 22:11:14

429 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[] 投稿日:2008/08/11(月) 15:56:00


440 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/12(火) 14:07:45 ]

441 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/12(火) 14:16:51 ]



442 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/08/12(火) 21:32:04 ]
3348 U34 ok

443 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/12(火) 23:43:26 ]

444 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/13(水) 00:27:11 ]

445 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/13(水) 05:44:40 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 98 AntiVir
2nd 96% 109 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 173 Ikarus
4th 93% 205 BitDefender
5th 92% 243 F-Secure
6th 92% 253 AVG
7th 89% 355 Avast
8th 88% 360 Sophos
9th 88% 367 Norman
10th 86% 443 Kaspersky
11th 85% 460 ClamAV
12th 85% 483 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 84% 507 Microsoft
14th 84% 519 VirusBuster
15th 82% 557 DrWeb
16th 80% 639 Rising
17th 80% 641 F-Prot
18th 80% 647 Fortinet
19th 80% 652 eTrust-Vet
20th 79% 678 Symantec
21st 77% 743 TheHacker
22nd 74% 832 VBA32
23rd 74% 834 AhnLab-V3
24th 73% 858 McAfee
25th 72% 902 Panda
26th 70% 966 Authentium
27th 70% 971 NOD27w

446 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/13(水) 12:32:28 ]
3350 ok @nod32v3.0.675.0

447 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/13(水) 14:11:27 ]


448 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/13(水) 14:50:12 ]

449 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/13(水) 16:59:00 ]


450 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/08/13(水) 18:00:38 ]

451 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/13(水) 18:47:50 ]

452 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/13(水) 21:52:28 ]

453 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/13(水) 21:53:54 ]

454 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/13(水) 22:52:00 ]

455 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/14(木) 01:31:38 ]
3.0.669.0 ESETの公式からDLできるよ

456 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/14(木) 06:56:21 ]

457 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/14(木) 07:54:22 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 97 AntiVir
2nd 96% 108 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 174 Ikarus
4th 93% 207 BitDefender
5th 92% 244 F-Secure
6th 92% 252 AVG
7th 89% 353 Avast
8th 89% 363 Sophos
9th 88% 369 Norman
10th 86% 457 Kaspersky
11th 85% 466 ClamAV
12th 85% 495 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 84% 506 Microsoft
14th 84% 520 VirusBuster
15th 82% 564 DrWeb
16th 80% 645 Rising
17th 80% 649 F-Prot
18th 80% 654 Fortinet
19th 79% 664 eTrust-Vet
20th 79% 685 Symantec
21st 77% 755 TheHacker
22nd 74% 847 VBA32
23rd 74% 847 AhnLab-V3
24th 73% 870 McAfee
25th 72% 912 Panda
26th 70% 973 Authentium
27th 70% 983 NOD32v2

458 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/15(金) 06:26:07 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 96 AntiVir
2nd 96% 107 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 173 Ikarus
4th 93% 206 BitDefender
5th 92% 249 F-Secure
6th 92% 252 AVG
7th 89% 353 Avast
8th 89% 364 Sophos
9th 88% 371 Norman
10th 86% 462 Kaspersky
11th 85% 467 ClamAV
12th 84% 500 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 84% 508 Microsoft
14th 84% 521 VirusBuster
15th 82% 567 DrWeb
16th 80% 647 Rising
17th 80% 658 F-Prot
18th 80% 658 Fortinet
19th 79% 671 eTrust-Vet
20th 79% 693 Symantec
21st 77% 758 TheHacker
22nd 74% 856 AhnLab-V3
23rd 74% 859 VBA32
24th 73% 881 McAfee
25th 72% 920 Panda
26th 70% 982 Authentium
27th 70% 992 NOD27w

459 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/16(土) 06:24:44 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 96 AntiVir
2nd 96% 107 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 172 Ikarus
4th 93% 205 BitDefender
5th 92% 250 F-Secure
6th 92% 252 AVG
7th 89% 354 Avast
8th 88% 371 Sophos
9th 88% 375 Norman
10th 85% 473 Kaspersky
11th 85% 475 ClamAV
12th 84% 511 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 84% 512 Microsoft
14th 84% 530 VirusBuster
15th 82% 574 DrWeb
16th 80% 653 Rising
17th 80% 666 F-Prot
18th 80% 666 Fortinet
19th 79% 683 eTrust-Vet
20th 79% 703 Symantec
21st 77% 769 TheHacker
22nd 74% 867 AhnLab-V3
23rd 73% 875 VBA32
24th 73% 894 McAfee
25th 72% 936 Panda
26th 70% 989 Authentium
27th 70% 1006 NOD27w

460 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/17(日) 06:46:42 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 95 AntiVir
2nd 96% 106 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 171 Ikarus
4th 93% 205 BitDefender
5th 92% 251 AVG
6th 92% 252 F-Secure
7th 89% 355 Avast
8th 88% 371 Sophos
9th 88% 373 Norman
10th 85% 472 Kaspersky
11th 85% 475 ClamAV
12th 84% 510 Microsoft
13th 84% 511 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 84% 530 VirusBuster
15th 82% 573 DrWeb
16th 80% 650 Rising
17th 80% 665 Fortinet
18th 80% 666 F-Prot
19th 79% 683 eTrust-Vet
20th 79% 703 Symantec
21st 77% 768 TheHacker
22nd 74% 866 AhnLab-V3
23rd 73% 875 VBA32
24th 73% 893 McAfee
25th 72% 937 Panda
26th 70% 989 Authentium
27th 70% 1004 NOD27w

461 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[27th] mailto:sage [2008/08/18(月) 07:11:08 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 95 AntiVir
2nd 96% 106 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 171 Ikarus
4th 93% 205 BitDefender
5th 92% 251 AVG
6th 92% 252 F-Secure
7th 89% 355 Avast
8th 88% 372 Sophos
9th 88% 373 Norman
10th 85% 473 Kaspersky
11th 85% 475 ClamAV
12th 84% 510 Microsoft
13th 84% 512 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 84% 531 VirusBuster
15th 82% 575 DrWeb
16th 80% 650 Rising
17th 80% 666 Fortinet
18th 80% 667 F-Prot
19th 79% 684 eTrust-Vet
20th 79% 704 Symantec
21st 77% 769 TheHacker
22nd 74% 867 AhnLab-V3
23rd 73% 878 VBA32
24th 73% 894 McAfee
25th 72% 938 Panda
26th 70% 990 Authentium
27th 70% 1007 NOD27w

462 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/19(火) 17:28:43 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 94 AntiVir
2nd 96% 105 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 170 Ikarus
4th 93% 204 BitDefender
5th 92% 251 AVG
6th 92% 252 F-Secure
7th 89% 353 Avast
8th 88% 371 Sophos
9th 88% 371 Norman
10th 86% 470 Kaspersky
11th 85% 474 ClamAV
12th 84% 508 Microsoft
13th 84% 511 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 84% 530 VirusBuster
15th 82% 572 DrWeb
16th 80% 648 Rising
17th 80% 661 Fortinet
18th 80% 664 F-Prot
19th 79% 681 eTrust-Vet
20th 79% 700 Symantec
21st 77% 771 TheHacker
22nd 74% 864 AhnLab-V3
23rd 73% 876 VBA32
24th 73% 891 McAfee
25th 72% 935 Panda
26th 70% 986 Authentium
27th 69% 1007 NOD27w

463 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/20(水) 06:03:09 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 94 AntiVir
2nd 96% 105 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 170 Ikarus
4th 93% 204 BitDefender
5th 92% 251 AVG
6th 92% 252 F-Secure
7th 89% 353 Avast
8th 88% 371 Sophos
9th 88% 371 Norman
10th 86% 470 Kaspersky
11th 85% 474 ClamAV
12th 84% 508 Microsoft
13th 84% 511 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 84% 530 VirusBuster
15th 82% 572 DrWeb
16th 80% 648 Rising
17th 80% 661 Fortinet
18th 80% 664 F-Prot
19th 79% 681 eTrust-Vet
20th 79% 700 Symantec
21st 77% 771 TheHacker
22nd 74% 864 AhnLab-V3
23rd 73% 876 VBA32
24th 73% 891 McAfee
25th 72% 935 Panda
26th 70% 986 Authentium
27th 69% 1007 NOD27w

464 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/20(水) 09:06:57 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 93 AntiVir
2nd 96% 104 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 170 Ikarus
4th 93% 204 BitDefender
5th 92% 252 AVG
6th 92% 255 F-Secure
7th 89% 353 Avast
8th 88% 372 Sophos
9th 88% 372 Norman
10th 85% 472 Kaspersky
11th 85% 475 ClamAV
12th 84% 511 Microsoft
13th 84% 512 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 84% 531 VirusBuster
15th 82% 571 DrWeb
16th 80% 649 Rising
17th 80% 662 Fortinet
18th 80% 665 F-Prot
19th 79% 683 eTrust-Vet
20th 79% 695 Symantec
21st 77% 771 TheHacker
22nd 74% 866 AhnLab-V3
23rd 73% 879 VBA32
24th 73% 894 McAfee
25th 72% 935 Panda
26th 70% 987 Authentium
27th 69% 1008 NOD27w

465 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/21(木) 04:40:59 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 94 AntiVir
2nd 96% 105 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 171 Ikarus
4th 93% 204 BitDefender
5th 92% 254 AVG
6th 92% 260 F-Secure
7th 89% 354 Avast
8th 88% 371 Norman
9th 88% 373 Sophos
10th 85% 474 Kaspersky
11th 85% 476 ClamAV
12th 84% 513 Microsoft
13th 84% 513 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 84% 532 VirusBuster
15th 82% 572 DrWeb
16th 80% 651 Rising
17th 80% 663 Fortinet
18th 80% 666 F-Prot
19th 79% 684 eTrust-Vet
20th 79% 695 Symantec
21st 77% 772 TheHacker
22nd 74% 867 AhnLab-V3
23rd 73% 879 VBA32
24th 73% 896 McAfee
25th 72% 935 Panda
26th 70% 989 Authentium
27th 69% 1009 NOD27w

466 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/22(金) 12:14:53 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 96 AntiVir
2nd 96% 107 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 173 Ikarus
4th 93% 206 BitDefender
5th 92% 256 AVG
6th 92% 263 F-Secure
7th 89% 355 Avast
8th 88% 373 Norman
9th 88% 376 Sophos
10th 85% 476 Kaspersky
11th 85% 479 ClamAV
12th 84% 514 Microsoft
13th 84% 515 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 84% 535 VirusBuster
15th 82% 575 DrWeb
16th 80% 654 Rising
17th 80% 667 Fortinet
18th 80% 668 F-Prot
19th 79% 687 eTrust-Vet
20th 79% 691 Symantec
21st 77% 774 TheHacker
22nd 74% 870 AhnLab-V3
23rd 73% 883 VBA32
24th 73% 899 McAfee
25th 72% 939 Panda
26th 70% 992 Authentium
27th 69% 1016 NOD27w

467 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/23(土) 10:16:27 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 95 AntiVir
2nd 96% 106 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 173 Ikarus
4th 93% 205 BitDefender
5th 92% 256 AVG
6th 92% 263 F-Secure
7th 89% 355 Avast
8th 88% 374 Norman
9th 88% 376 Sophos
10th 85% 476 Kaspersky
11th 85% 479 ClamAV
12th 84% 513 Microsoft
13th 84% 515 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 84% 535 VirusBuster
15th 82% 575 DrWeb
16th 80% 655 Rising
17th 80% 668 F-Prot
18th 80% 668 Fortinet
19th 79% 687 eTrust-Vet
20th 79% 691 Symantec
21st 76% 777 TheHacker
22nd 74% 871 AhnLab-V3
23rd 73% 884 VBA32
24th 73% 900 McAfee
25th 72% 940 Panda
26th 70% 989 Authentium
27th 69% 1017 NOD27w

468 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[27th] mailto:sage [2008/08/24(日) 10:05:08 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 95 AntiVir
2nd 96% 106 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 174 Ikarus
4th 93% 205 BitDefender
5th 92% 256 AVG
6th 92% 264 F-Secure
7th 89% 356 Avast
8th 88% 375 Norman
9th 88% 378 Sophos
10th 85% 477 Kaspersky
11th 85% 480 ClamAV
12th 84% 514 Microsoft
13th 84% 517 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 84% 537 VirusBuster
15th 82% 577 DrWeb
16th 80% 656 Rising
17th 80% 670 F-Prot
18th 80% 670 Fortinet
19th 79% 690 eTrust-Vet
20th 79% 692 Symantec
21st 76% 780 TheHacker
22nd 74% 874 AhnLab-V3
23rd 73% 888 VBA32
24th 73% 902 McAfee
25th 72% 942 Panda
26th 70% 988 Authentium
27th 69% 1020 NOD27w

469 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[27th] mailto:sage [2008/08/25(月) 05:26:30 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 95 AntiVir
2nd 96% 106 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 173 Ikarus
4th 93% 205 BitDefender
5th 92% 256 AVG
6th 92% 265 F-Secure
7th 89% 355 Avast
8th 88% 376 Norman
9th 88% 378 Sophos
10th 85% 477 Kaspersky
11th 85% 481 ClamAV
12th 84% 512 Microsoft
13th 84% 518 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 84% 537 VirusBuster
15th 82% 574 DrWeb
16th 80% 654 Rising
17th 80% 668 F-Prot
18th 80% 668 Fortinet
19th 79% 689 eTrust-Vet
20th 79% 691 Symantec
21st 76% 781 TheHacker
22nd 74% 873 AhnLab-V3
23rd 73% 886 VBA32
24th 73% 901 McAfee
25th 72% 940 Panda
26th 70% 986 Authentium
27th 69% 1019 NOD27w

470 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[27th] mailto:sage [2008/08/26(火) 06:55:05 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 96 AntiVir
2nd 96% 107 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 173 Ikarus
4th 93% 205 BitDefender
5th 92% 256 AVG
6th 92% 267 F-Secure
7th 89% 356 Avast
8th 88% 376 Norman
9th 88% 378 Sophos
10th 85% 479 Kaspersky
11th 85% 482 ClamAV
12th 84% 513 Microsoft
13th 84% 519 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 84% 538 VirusBuster
15th 82% 575 DrWeb
16th 80% 655 Rising
17th 80% 668 F-Prot
18th 80% 669 Fortinet
19th 79% 690 eTrust-Vet
20th 79% 694 Symantec
21st 76% 783 TheHacker
22nd 74% 873 AhnLab-V3
23rd 73% 886 VBA32
24th 73% 903 McAfee
25th 72% 941 Panda
26th 70% 984 Authentium
27th 69% 1019 NOD27w

471 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[27th] mailto:sage [2008/08/27(水) 06:09:03 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 97 AntiVir
2nd 96% 108 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 175 Ikarus
4th 93% 207 BitDefender
5th 92% 257 AVG
6th 92% 268 F-Secure
7th 89% 361 Avast
8th 88% 376 Norman
9th 88% 378 Sophos
10th 85% 483 ClamAV
11th 85% 484 Kaspersky
12th 84% 518 Microsoft
13th 84% 520 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 84% 541 VirusBuster
15th 82% 579 DrWeb
16th 80% 660 Rising
17th 80% 673 F-Prot
18th 80% 673 Fortinet
19th 79% 695 eTrust-Vet
20th 79% 698 Symantec
21st 76% 783 TheHacker
22nd 74% 879 AhnLab-V3
23rd 73% 892 VBA32
24th 73% 908 McAfee
25th 72% 945 Panda
26th 70% 988 Authentium
27th 69% 1023 NOD32v2

472 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[27th] mailto:sage [2008/08/28(木) 06:33:23 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 97 AntiVir
2nd 96% 107 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 174 Ikarus
4th 93% 208 BitDefender
5th 92% 257 AVG
6th 92% 269 F-Secure
7th 89% 360 Avast
8th 88% 373 Sophos
9th 88% 377 Norman
10th 85% 481 ClamAV
11th 85% 483 Kaspersky
12th 84% 518 Microsoft
13th 84% 518 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 83% 543 VirusBuster
15th 82% 576 DrWeb
16th 80% 661 Rising
17th 80% 664 Fortinet
18th 80% 669 F-Prot
19th 79% 690 Symantec
20th 79% 690 eTrust-Vet
21st 76% 780 TheHacker
22nd 73% 880 AhnLab-V3
23rd 73% 891 VBA32
24th 73% 893 McAfee
25th 72% 938 Panda
26th 70% 978 Authentium
27th 69% 1018 NOD27w

473 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/08/29(金) 05:59:33 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 97 AntiVir
2nd 96% 107 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 174 Ikarus
4th 93% 208 BitDefender
5th 92% 257 AVG
6th 91% 270 F-Secure
7th 89% 362 Avast
8th 88% 373 Sophos
9th 88% 377 Norman
10th 85% 480 ClamAV
11th 85% 485 Kaspersky
12th 84% 518 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 84% 519 Microsoft
14th 83% 544 VirusBuster
15th 82% 578 DrWeb
16th 80% 658 Rising
17th 80% 667 Fortinet
18th 80% 670 F-Prot
19th 79% 691 Symantec
20th 79% 691 eTrust-Vet
21st 76% 779 TheHacker
22nd 73% 881 AhnLab-V3
23rd 73% 892 VBA32
24th 73% 895 McAfee
25th 72% 940 Panda
26th 70% 975 Authentium
27th 69% 1019 NOD27w

474 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[27th] mailto:sage [2008/08/30(土) 05:25:53 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 96 AntiVir
2nd 96% 107 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 174 Ikarus
4th 93% 208 BitDefender
5th 92% 257 AVG
6th 91% 270 F-Secure
7th 89% 357 Avast
8th 88% 373 Sophos
9th 88% 377 Norman
10th 85% 479 ClamAV
11th 85% 484 Kaspersky
12th 84% 516 Microsoft
13th 84% 517 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 83% 543 VirusBuster
15th 82% 573 DrWeb
16th 80% 653 Rising
17th 80% 664 F-Prot
18th 80% 665 Fortinet
19th 79% 685 Symantec
20th 79% 688 eTrust-Vet
21st 76% 778 TheHacker
22nd 73% 880 AhnLab-V3
23rd 73% 886 VBA32
24th 73% 890 McAfee
25th 72% 934 Panda
26th 71% 968 Authentium
27th 69% 1017 NOD27w

475 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[27th] mailto:sage [2008/08/31(日) 09:40:41 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 95 AntiVir
2nd 96% 106 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 173 Ikarus
4th 93% 207 BitDefender
5th 92% 256 AVG
6th 92% 268 F-Secure
7th 89% 358 Avast
8th 88% 372 Sophos
9th 88% 375 Norman
10th 85% 482 ClamAV
11th 85% 485 Kaspersky
12th 84% 515 Microsoft
13th 84% 515 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 83% 547 VirusBuster
15th 82% 573 DrWeb
16th 80% 654 Rising
17th 80% 665 F-Prot
18th 80% 665 Fortinet
19th 79% 686 Symantec
20th 79% 692 eTrust-Vet
21st 76% 780 TheHacker
22nd 73% 881 AhnLab-V3
23rd 73% 886 VBA32
24th 73% 890 McAfee
25th 72% 937 Panda
26th 71% 968 Authentium
27th 69% 1020 NOD27w

476 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[27th] mailto:sage [2008/09/01(月) 04:47:17 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 94 AntiVir
2nd 96% 105 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 171 Ikarus
4th 93% 207 BitDefender
5th 92% 256 AVG
6th 91% 271 F-Secure
7th 89% 359 Avast
8th 88% 372 Sophos
9th 88% 372 Norman
10th 85% 482 ClamAV
11th 85% 486 Kaspersky
12th 84% 513 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 84% 514 Microsoft
14th 83% 551 VirusBuster
15th 82% 574 DrWeb
16th 80% 655 Rising
17th 80% 666 F-Prot
18th 80% 669 Fortinet
19th 79% 682 Symantec
20th 79% 692 eTrust-Vet
21st 76% 780 TheHacker
22nd 73% 880 AhnLab-V3
23rd 73% 887 McAfee
24th 73% 890 VBA32
25th 72% 937 Panda
26th 71% 964 Authentium
27th 69% 1018 NOD27w

477 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[27th] mailto:sage [2008/09/02(火) 04:32:15 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 94 AntiVir
2nd 96% 105 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 171 Ikarus
4th 93% 207 BitDefender
5th 92% 255 AVG
6th 91% 269 F-Secure
7th 89% 357 Avast
8th 89% 362 Sophos
9th 88% 370 Norman
10th 85% 481 ClamAV
11th 85% 483 Kaspersky
12th 84% 508 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 84% 512 Microsoft
14th 83% 547 VirusBuster
15th 82% 570 DrWeb
16th 80% 652 Rising
17th 80% 659 F-Prot
18th 80% 661 Fortinet
19th 79% 677 Symantec
20th 79% 683 eTrust-Vet
21st 76% 774 TheHacker
22nd 73% 875 McAfee
23rd 73% 879 AhnLab-V3
24th 73% 884 VBA32
25th 72% 929 Panda
26th 71% 947 Authentium
27th 69% 1007 NOD27w

478 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[27th] mailto:sage [2008/09/03(水) 05:54:29 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 93 AntiVir
2nd 96% 104 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 170 Ikarus
4th 93% 207 BitDefender
5th 92% 255 AVG
6th 91% 269 F-Secure
7th 89% 353 Avast
8th 89% 362 Sophos
9th 88% 370 Norman
10th 85% 481 ClamAV
11th 85% 482 Kaspersky
12th 84% 507 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 84% 508 Microsoft
14th 83% 545 VirusBuster
15th 82% 567 DrWeb
16th 80% 649 Rising
17th 80% 656 F-Prot
18th 80% 656 Fortinet
19th 79% 673 Symantec
20th 79% 681 eTrust-Vet
21st 76% 773 TheHacker
22nd 73% 874 McAfee
23rd 73% 878 AhnLab-V3
24th 73% 880 VBA32
25th 72% 924 Panda
26th 71% 941 Authentium
27th 69% 1005 NOD27w

479 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/09/04(木) 19:16:40 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 100% 1 TrendMicro
2nd 97% 91 AntiVir
3rd 96% 102 Webwasher
4th 94% 167 Ikarus
5th 93% 205 BitDefender
6th 92% 253 AVG
7th 91% 267 F-Secure
8th 89% 348 Avast
9th 89% 360 Sophos
10th 88% 367 Norman
11th 85% 479 ClamAV
12th 85% 482 Kaspersky
13th 84% 504 Microsoft
14th 84% 505 CAT-QuickHeal
15th 83% 540 VirusBuster
16th 82% 561 DrWeb
17th 80% 643 Rising
18th 80% 650 F-Prot
19th 80% 650 Fortinet
20th 79% 668 Symantec
21st 79% 679 eTrust-Vet
22nd 76% 769 TheHacker
23rd 73% 871 McAfee
24th 73% 874 VBA32
25th 73% 876 AhnLab-V3
26th 72% 918 Panda
27th 71% 932 Authentium
28th 69% 1000 NOD28w

480 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/09/05(金) 16:18:42 ]

481 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/09/06(土) 01:02:07 ]
12th 85% 482 Kaspersky
28th 69% 1000 NOD28w

482 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[28th] mailto:sage [2008/09/06(土) 08:57:21 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 100% 1 TrendMicro
2nd 97% 91 AntiVir
3rd 96% 102 Webwasher-Gateway
4th 94% 167 Ikarus
5th 93% 205 BitDefender
6th 92% 253 AVG
7th 91% 267 F-Secure
8th 89% 348 Avast
9th 89% 360 Sophos
10th 88% 367 Norman
11th 85% 479 ClamAV
12th 85% 482 Kaspersky
13th 84% 504 Microsoft
14th 84% 505 CAT-QuickHeal
15th 83% 540 VirusBuster
16th 82% 561 DrWeb
17th 80% 643 Rising
18th 80% 650 F-Prot
19th 80% 650 Fortinet
20th 79% 668 Symantec
21st 79% 679 eTrust-Vet
22nd 76% 769 TheHacker
23rd 73% 871 McAfee
24th 73% 874 VBA32
25th 73% 876 AhnLab-V3
26th 72% 918 Panda
27th 71% 932 Authentium
28th 69% 1000 NOD28w

483 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[28th] mailto:sage [2008/09/06(土) 08:57:31 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 100% 1 TrendMicro
2nd 97% 91 AntiVir
3rd 96% 102 Webwasher-Gateway
4th 94% 167 Ikarus
5th 93% 205 BitDefender
6th 92% 253 AVG
7th 91% 267 F-Secure
8th 89% 347 Avast
9th 89% 360 Sophos
10th 88% 366 Norman
11th 85% 479 ClamAV
12th 85% 481 Kaspersky
13th 84% 503 Microsoft
14th 84% 505 CAT-QuickHeal
15th 83% 539 VirusBuster
16th 82% 560 DrWeb
17th 80% 641 Rising
18th 80% 648 Fortinet
19th 80% 649 F-Prot
20th 79% 666 Symantec
21st 79% 678 eTrust-Vet
22nd 76% 766 TheHacker
23rd 73% 869 McAfee
24th 73% 872 VBA32
25th 73% 875 AhnLab-V3
26th 72% 916 Panda
27th 71% 930 Authentium
28th 69% 998 NOD28w

484 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/09/06(土) 16:41:57 ]

485 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/09/06(土) 21:09:27 ]

486 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/09/06(土) 21:11:10 ]

487 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/09/06(土) 23:26:27 ]

>AV-Test.org比較テスト   2008年 9月 2日
>検体数  1,164,662     34製品
>22 Nod32 (Eset)         94.4%
>25 K7 Computing         92.1%  ウイルスセキュリティZERO


488 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/09/07(日) 00:09:48 ]

489 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/09/07(日) 00:10:42 ]

490 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[28th] mailto:sage [2008/09/07(日) 03:26:39 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 100% 1 TrendMicro
2nd 97% 91 AntiVir
3rd 96% 102 Webwasher-Gateway
4th 94% 167 Ikarus
5th 93% 205 BitDefender
6th 92% 253 AVG
7th 91% 267 F-Secure
8th 89% 347 Avast
9th 89% 360 Sophos
10th 88% 366 Norman
11th 85% 479 ClamAV
12th 85% 481 Kaspersky
13th 84% 503 Microsoft
14th 84% 505 CAT-QuickHeal
15th 83% 539 VirusBuster
16th 82% 560 DrWeb
17th 80% 641 Rising
18th 80% 648 Fortinet
19th 80% 649 F-Prot
20th 79% 666 Symantec
21st 79% 678 eTrust-Vet
22nd 76% 766 TheHacker
23rd 73% 869 McAfee
24th 73% 872 VBA32
25th 73% 875 AhnLab-V3
26th 72% 916 Panda
27th 71% 930 Authentium
28th 69% 998 NOD28w

491 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/09/07(日) 10:07:45 ]
>ESET Smart Security その12
>1st 100% 1 TrendMicro
>1st 100% 1 TrendMicro
>1st 100% 1 TrendMicro
>1st 100% 1 TrendMicro

やっぱりコピペの真犯人はNODスレ主だな フウ(´Α`)y─┛~~

492 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/09/07(日) 13:07:09 ]

493 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/09/07(日) 18:40:30 ]

494 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/09/07(日) 18:42:17 ]

認めさせ、 児童福祉と子育て手当てとフリーター自立支援を

495 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/09/07(日) 19:48:12 ]

496 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[27th] mailto:sage [2008/09/08(月) 06:09:47 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 90 AntiVir
2nd 96% 101 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 167 Ikarus
4th 93% 205 BitDefender
5th 92% 253 AVG
6th 91% 266 F-Secure
7th 89% 346 Avast
8th 89% 359 Sophos
9th 88% 365 Norman
10th 85% 478 ClamAV
11th 85% 481 Kaspersky
12th 84% 502 Microsoft
13th 84% 504 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 83% 538 VirusBuster
15th 82% 559 DrWeb
16th 80% 640 Rising
17th 80% 647 Fortinet
18th 80% 648 F-Prot
19th 79% 665 Symantec
20th 79% 677 eTrust-Vet
21st 76% 765 TheHacker
22nd 73% 869 McAfee
23rd 73% 871 VBA32
24th 73% 875 AhnLab-V3
25th 72% 915 Panda
26th 71% 929 Authentium
27th 69% 997 NOD27w ★
28th 47% 1712 TrendMicro ★

497 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[27th] mailto:sage [2008/09/09(火) 03:31:45 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 90 AntiVir
2nd 96% 101 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 167 Ikarus
4th 93% 205 BitDefender
5th 92% 253 AVG
6th 91% 265 F-Secure
7th 89% 346 Avast
8th 89% 359 Sophos
9th 88% 364 Norman
10th 85% 478 ClamAV
11th 85% 481 Kaspersky
12th 84% 502 Microsoft
13th 84% 503 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 83% 538 VirusBuster
15th 82% 559 DrWeb
16th 80% 639 Rising
17th 80% 646 Fortinet
18th 80% 648 F-Prot
19th 79% 665 Symantec
20th 79% 677 eTrust-Vet
21st 76% 763 TheHacker
22nd 73% 869 McAfee
23rd 73% 869 VBA32
24th 73% 875 AhnLab-V3
25th 71% 915 Panda
26th 71% 928 Authentium
27th 69% 997 NOD27w
28th 47% 1704 TrendMicro

498 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/09/10(水) 05:55:52 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 90 AntiVir
2nd 96% 101 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 167 Ikarus
4th 93% 205 BitDefender
5th 92% 253 AVG
6th 91% 263 F-Secure
7th 89% 346 Avast
8th 88% 359 Sophos
9th 88% 363 Norman
10th 85% 478 ClamAV
11th 85% 481 Kaspersky
12th 84% 501 Microsoft
13th 84% 502 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 83% 538 VirusBuster
15th 82% 559 DrWeb
16th 80% 637 Rising
17th 80% 645 Fortinet
18th 80% 648 F-Prot
19th 79% 664 Symantec
20th 79% 676 eTrust-Vet
21st 76% 762 TheHacker
22nd 73% 867 VBA32
23rd 73% 869 McAfee
24th 73% 875 AhnLab-V3
25th 71% 915 Panda
26th 71% 928 Authentium
27th 69% 996 NOD27w
28th 47% 1695 TrendMicro

499 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[27th] mailto:sage [2008/09/11(木) 05:47:34 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 90 AntiVir
2nd 96% 101 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 167 Ikarus
4th 93% 205 BitDefender
5th 92% 252 AVG
6th 91% 261 F-Secure
7th 89% 344 Avast
8th 89% 357 Sophos
9th 88% 361 Norman
10th 85% 477 ClamAV
11th 85% 481 Kaspersky
12th 84% 501 Microsoft
13th 84% 501 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 83% 536 VirusBuster
15th 82% 557 DrWeb
16th 80% 635 Rising
17th 80% 644 Fortinet
18th 80% 647 F-Prot
19th 79% 662 Symantec
20th 79% 674 eTrust-Vet
21st 76% 761 TheHacker
22nd 73% 866 VBA32
23rd 73% 868 McAfee
24th 73% 873 AhnLab-V3
25th 71% 913 Panda
26th 71% 926 Authentium
27th 69% 994 NOD27w
28th 47% 1692 TrendMicro

500 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/09/12(金) 06:07:44 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 90 AntiVir
2nd 96% 99 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 167 Ikarus
4th 93% 205 BitDefender
5th 92% 251 AVG
6th 91% 258 F-Secure
7th 89% 340 Sophos
8th 89% 342 Avast
9th 88% 358 Norman
10th 85% 470 ClamAV
11th 85% 478 Kaspersky
12th 84% 494 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 84% 498 Microsoft
14th 83% 532 VirusBuster
15th 82% 551 DrWeb
16th 80% 625 Fortinet
17th 80% 633 Rising
18th 80% 638 F-Prot
19th 79% 652 Symantec
20th 79% 658 eTrust-Vet
21st 76% 757 TheHacker
22nd 73% 838 McAfee
23rd 73% 863 VBA32
24th 72% 867 AhnLab-V3
25th 72% 893 Authentium
26th 71% 897 Panda
27th 69% 966 NOD27w
28th 48% 1640 TrendMicro

501 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/09/12(金) 16:07:32 ]

502 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/09/12(金) 21:44:40 ]

503 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/09/13(土) 04:05:09 ]

NOD32アンチウイルス V2.7 / ESET NOD32アンチウイルス V3.0 / ESET Smart Security

504 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[27th] mailto:sage [2008/09/13(土) 05:56:33 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 89 AntiVir
2nd 96% 98 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 166 Ikarus
4th 93% 205 BitDefender
5th 92% 250 AVG
6th 91% 256 F-Secure
7th 89% 333 Sophos
8th 89% 340 Avast
9th 88% 356 Norman
10th 85% 468 ClamAV
11th 85% 477 Kaspersky
12th 84% 492 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 84% 497 Microsoft
14th 83% 530 VirusBuster
15th 82% 548 DrWeb
16th 80% 619 Fortinet
17th 80% 632 Rising
18th 80% 635 F-Prot
19th 79% 647 Symantec
20th 79% 654 eTrust-Vet
21st 76% 754 TheHacker
22nd 73% 830 McAfee
23rd 72% 862 VBA32
24th 72% 865 AhnLab-V3
25th 72% 884 Authentium
26th 71% 892 Panda
27th 69% 960 NOD27w
28th 48% 1625 TrendMicro

505 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[27th] mailto:sage [2008/09/14(日) 05:55:55 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 93 AntiVir
2nd 96% 102 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 170 Ikarus
4th 93% 210 BitDefender
5th 92% 255 AVG
6th 91% 272 F-Secure
7th 89% 341 Sophos
8th 89% 352 Avast
9th 88% 364 Norman
10th 85% 473 ClamAV
11th 85% 484 Kaspersky
12th 84% 501 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 84% 504 Microsoft
14th 83% 538 VirusBuster
15th 82% 559 DrWeb
16th 80% 630 Fortinet
17th 79% 647 F-Prot
18th 79% 647 Rising
19th 79% 658 Symantec
20th 79% 662 eTrust-Vet
21st 76% 762 TheHacker
22nd 74% 840 McAfee
23rd 72% 873 VBA32
24th 72% 873 AhnLab-V3
25th 72% 897 Authentium
26th 72% 901 Panda
27th 69% 970 NOD27w
28th 49% 1630 TrendMicro

506 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[27th] mailto:sage [2008/09/15(月) 07:21:21 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 94 AntiVir
2nd 96% 102 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 170 Ikarus
4th 93% 211 BitDefender
5th 92% 256 AVG
6th 91% 272 F-Secure
7th 89% 342 Sophos
8th 89% 355 Avast
9th 88% 363 Norman
10th 85% 474 ClamAV
11th 85% 486 Kaspersky
12th 84% 501 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 84% 506 Microsoft
14th 83% 542 VirusBuster
15th 82% 561 DrWeb
16th 80% 633 Fortinet
17th 80% 650 F-Prot
18th 80% 650 Rising
19th 79% 660 Symantec
20th 79% 666 eTrust-Vet
21st 76% 772 TheHacker
22nd 74% 843 McAfee
23rd 73% 876 AhnLab-V3
24th 73% 878 VBA32
25th 72% 900 Authentium
26th 72% 905 Panda
27th 70% 973 NOD27w
28th 49% 1630 TrendMicro

507 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/09/16(火) 06:28:04 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 102 AntiVir
2nd 96% 110 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 177 Ikarus
4th 93% 219 BitDefender
5th 92% 260 AVG
6th 91% 280 F-Secure
7th 89% 347 Sophos
8th 89% 364 Avast
9th 88% 367 Norman
10th 85% 483 ClamAV
11th 85% 494 Kaspersky
12th 84% 509 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 84% 511 Microsoft
14th 83% 555 VirusBuster
15th 83% 563 DrWeb
16th 80% 642 Fortinet
17th 80% 660 F-Prot
18th 80% 662 Rising
19th 79% 669 Symantec
20th 79% 680 eTrust-Vet
21st 76% 787 TheHacker
22nd 74% 855 McAfee
23rd 73% 884 AhnLab-V3
24th 73% 890 VBA32
25th 72% 910 Authentium
26th 72% 920 Panda
27th 70% 988 NOD27w
28th 50% 1633 TrendMicro

508 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/09/17(水) 05:00:32 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 103 AntiVir
2nd 96% 108 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 176 Ikarus
4th 93% 220 BitDefender
5th 92% 259 AVG
6th 91% 280 F-Secure
7th 89% 348 Sophos
8th 89% 365 Avast
9th 89% 368 Norman
10th 85% 483 ClamAV
11th 85% 497 Kaspersky
12th 84% 511 Microsoft
13th 84% 512 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 83% 557 VirusBuster
15th 83% 566 DrWeb
16th 80% 641 Fortinet
17th 80% 663 F-Prot
18th 80% 666 Rising
19th 80% 670 Symantec
20th 79% 681 eTrust-Vet
21st 76% 799 TheHacker
22nd 74% 857 McAfee
23rd 73% 886 AhnLab-V3
24th 73% 893 VBA32
25th 72% 913 Authentium
26th 72% 922 Panda
27th 70% 992 NOD27w
28th 51% 1630 TrendMicro

509 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[27th] mailto:sage [2008/09/18(木) 05:33:04 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 105 AntiVir
2nd 96% 109 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 176 Ikarus
4th 93% 222 BitDefender
5th 92% 262 AVG
6th 91% 279 F-Secure
7th 90% 328 Sophos
8th 89% 365 Avast
9th 88% 370 Norman
10th 85% 479 ClamAV
11th 85% 493 Kaspersky
12th 84% 507 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 84% 508 Microsoft
14th 83% 551 VirusBuster
15th 83% 562 DrWeb
16th 81% 624 Fortinet
17th 80% 655 F-Prot
18th 80% 658 Symantec
19th 80% 665 Rising
20th 80% 666 eTrust-Vet
21st 76% 801 TheHacker
22nd 75% 827 McAfee
23rd 73% 883 AhnLab-V3
24th 73% 887 Authentium
25th 73% 893 VBA32
26th 72% 904 Panda
27th 71% 966 NOD27w
28th 52% 1584 TrendMicro

510 名前:検知力テスト(2008年9月18日) mailto:sage [2008/09/19(金) 05:22:54 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 105 AntiVir
2nd 96% 109 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 174 Ikarus
4th 93% 222 BitDefender
5th 92% 260 AVG
6th 91% 279 F-Secure
7th 90% 325 Sophos
8th 89% 363 Avast
9th 89% 367 Norman
10th 85% 476 ClamAV
11th 85% 493 Kaspersky
12th 84% 506 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 84% 508 Microsoft
14th 83% 548 VirusBuster
15th 83% 562 DrWeb
16th 81% 619 Fortinet
17th 80% 653 F-Prot
18th 80% 655 Symantec
19th 80% 662 Rising
20th 80% 663 eTrust-Vet
21st 75% 805 TheHacker
22nd 75% 821 McAfee
23rd 73% 881 AhnLab-V3
24th 73% 883 Authentium
25th 73% 892 VBA32
26th 73% 900 Panda
27th 71% 960 NOD27w
28th 52% 1571 TrendMicro

511 名前:検知力テスト(2008年9月19日) mailto:sage [2008/09/20(土) 05:13:43 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 104 AntiVir
2nd 96% 108 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 174 Ikarus
4th 93% 223 BitDefender
5th 92% 260 AVG
6th 91% 279 F-Secure
7th 90% 325 Sophos
8th 89% 362 Avast
9th 89% 367 Norman
10th 85% 477 ClamAV
11th 85% 493 Kaspersky
12th 84% 506 Microsoft
13th 84% 507 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 83% 547 VirusBuster
15th 83% 560 DrWeb
16th 81% 616 Fortinet
17th 80% 653 F-Prot
18th 80% 655 Symantec
19th 80% 660 Rising
20th 80% 662 eTrust-Vet
21st 75% 807 TheHacker
22nd 75% 819 McAfee
23rd 73% 879 Authentium
24th 73% 880 AhnLab-V3
25th 73% 890 VBA32
26th 73% 898 Panda
27th 71% 959 NOD27w
28th 53% 1558 TrendMicro

512 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/09/21(日) 01:51:38 ]


Comodo Firewall Pro 15

230 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2008/09/21(日) 00:30:45 ID:D9LnA1pI0

232 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2008/09/21(日) 00:33:32 ID:D9LnA1pI0

236 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2008/09/21(日) 00:37:09 ID:D9LnA1pI0

513 名前:検知力テスト(2008年9月20日) mailto:sage [2008/09/21(日) 03:38:38 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 105 AntiVir
2nd 96% 109 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 175 Ikarus
4th 93% 224 BitDefender
5th 92% 261 AVG
6th 91% 282 F-Secure
7th 90% 326 Sophos
8th 89% 363 Avast
9th 89% 367 Norman
10th 85% 478 ClamAV
11th 85% 493 Kaspersky
12th 84% 507 Microsoft
13th 84% 508 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 83% 547 VirusBuster
15th 83% 561 DrWeb
16th 81% 617 Fortinet
17th 80% 654 F-Prot
18th 80% 656 Symantec
19th 80% 661 Rising
20th 80% 663 eTrust-Vet
21st 75% 811 TheHacker
22nd 75% 820 McAfee
23rd 73% 880 Authentium
24th 73% 881 AhnLab-V3
25th 73% 890 VBA32
26th 73% 899 Panda
27th 71% 961 NOD27w
28th 53% 1559 TrendMicro

514 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/09/22(月) 06:13:42 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 105 AntiVir
2nd 96% 109 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 174 Ikarus
4th 93% 224 BitDefender
5th 92% 261 AVG
6th 91% 282 F-Secure
7th 90% 326 Sophos
8th 89% 362 Avast
9th 89% 367 Norman
10th 85% 478 ClamAV
11th 85% 493 Kaspersky
12th 84% 507 Microsoft
13th 84% 508 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 83% 547 VirusBuster
15th 83% 560 DrWeb
16th 81% 616 Fortinet
17th 80% 653 F-Prot
18th 80% 656 Symantec
19th 80% 660 Rising
20th 80% 663 eTrust-Vet
21st 75% 811 TheHacker
22nd 75% 820 McAfee
23rd 73% 877 Authentium
24th 73% 881 AhnLab-V3
25th 73% 889 VBA32
26th 73% 898 Panda
27th 71% 961 NOD32v2
28th 53% 1546 TrendMicro

515 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/09/22(月) 09:12:22 ]
フジサンケイビジネスアイ 11月30日金曜日

1位 98.69% G DATA AntiVirus 2008
2位 97.66% F-Secureインターネットセキュリティ 2008
3位 97.65% Windows one care
4位 97.33% Kaspersky AntiVirus 7.0
5位 96.66% Norton AntiVirus 2008
6位 95.02% ウイルスバスター2008
7位 93.86% ウイルスキラーゼロ
8位 93.02% McAfeeウイルススキャンプラス
9位 91.45% NOD32アンチウイルス V2.7

AV-Test 2008年6月11日
1位:G DATA アンチウイルス2008(99.21%)
2位:Kaspersky アンチウイルス7.0(98.96%)
3位:Norton アンチウイルス2008(98.89%)
4位:Windows ライブ ワンケア(98.53%)
5位:F-Secure インターネットセキュリティ 2008(98.09%)
6位:McAfee ウイルススキャンプラス(95.77%)
8位:ウイルスセキュリティ ZERO(90.50%)
9位:NOD32アンチウイルス V2.7(88.85%)

516 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/09/23(火) 06:18:17 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 105 AntiVir
2nd 96% 109 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 174 Ikarus
4th 93% 224 BitDefender
5th 92% 261 AVG
6th 91% 281 F-Secure
7th 90% 326 Sophos
8th 89% 362 Avast
9th 89% 367 Norman
10th 85% 478 ClamAV
11th 85% 493 Kaspersky
12th 84% 507 Microsoft
13th 84% 510 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 83% 547 VirusBuster
15th 83% 560 DrWeb
16th 81% 617 Fortinet
17th 80% 653 F-Prot
18th 80% 656 Symantec
19th 80% 660 Rising
20th 80% 665 eTrust-Vet
21st 75% 815 TheHacker
22nd 75% 820 McAfee
23rd 73% 877 Authentium
24th 73% 881 AhnLab-V3
25th 73% 889 VBA32
26th 73% 898 Panda
27th 71% 962 NOD32v2
28th 54% 1539 TrendMicro

517 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/09/25(木) 03:51:11 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 104 AntiVir
2nd 96% 108 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 173 Ikarus
4th 93% 224 BitDefender
5th 92% 260 AVG
6th 91% 280 F-Secure
7th 90% 326 Sophos
8th 89% 361 Avast
9th 89% 366 Norman
10th 85% 477 ClamAV
11th 85% 493 Kaspersky
12th 84% 507 Microsoft
13th 84% 510 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 83% 546 VirusBuster
15th 83% 559 DrWeb
16th 81% 616 Fortinet
17th 80% 652 F-Prot
18th 80% 655 Symantec
19th 80% 659 Rising
20th 80% 664 eTrust-Vet
21st 75% 814 TheHacker
22nd 75% 819 McAfee
23rd 74% 876 Authentium
24th 73% 880 AhnLab-V3
25th 73% 888 VBA32
26th 73% 897 Panda
27th 71% 961 NOD32v2
28th 54% 1536 TrendMicro

518 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/09/25(木) 03:54:49 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 106 AntiVir
2nd 96% 110 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 175 Ikarus
4th 93% 226 BitDefender
5th 92% 261 AVG
6th 91% 282 F-Secure
7th 90% 327 Sophos
8th 89% 363 Avast
9th 89% 368 Norman
10th 85% 479 ClamAV
11th 85% 494 Kaspersky
12th 84% 509 Microsoft
13th 84% 514 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 83% 547 VirusBuster
15th 83% 560 DrWeb
16th 81% 618 Fortinet
17th 80% 654 F-Prot
18th 80% 655 Symantec
19th 80% 660 Rising
20th 80% 668 eTrust-Vet
21st 75% 820 TheHacker
22nd 75% 821 McAfee
23rd 74% 877 Authentium
24th 73% 881 AhnLab-V3
25th 73% 890 VBA32
26th 73% 899 Panda
27th 71% 975 NOD32v2
28th 54% 1534 TrendMicro

519 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/09/26(金) 07:31:03 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 109 AntiVir
2nd 96% 114 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 178 Ikarus
4th 93% 229 BitDefender
5th 92% 263 AVG
6th 91% 285 F-Secure
7th 90% 330 Sophos
8th 89% 366 Avast
9th 89% 371 Norman
10th 85% 482 ClamAV
11th 85% 497 Kaspersky
12th 84% 511 Microsoft
13th 84% 519 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 83% 550 VirusBuster
15th 83% 564 DrWeb
16th 81% 621 Fortinet
17th 80% 658 Symantec
18th 80% 658 F-Prot
19th 80% 666 Rising
20th 80% 673 eTrust-Vet
21st 75% 825 McAfee
22nd 75% 826 TheHacker
23rd 74% 883 Authentium
24th 73% 885 AhnLab-V3
25th 73% 896 VBA32
26th 73% 904 Panda
27th 70% 994 NOD32v2
28th 54% 1535 TrendMicro

520 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/09/27(土) 18:19:35 ]

ESET Smart Security パーソナルファイアウォール機能のアップデートによる通信障害について
現状の対策としては、 誠に恐れ入りますが、ESET Smart Security の再インストール

NOD32アンチウイルス V2.7 / ESET NOD32アンチウイルス V3.0 / ESET Smart Security


521 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/09/27(土) 21:30:54 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 109 AntiVir
2nd 96% 128 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 178 Ikarus
4th 93% 229 BitDefender
5th 92% 265 AVG
6th 91% 285 F-Secure
7th 90% 332 Sophos
8th 89% 365 Avast
9th 89% 370 Norman
10th 85% 484 ClamAV
11th 85% 499 Kaspersky
12th 84% 513 Microsoft
13th 84% 521 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 83% 552 VirusBuster
15th 83% 566 DrWeb
16th 81% 622 Fortinet
17th 80% 658 Symantec
18th 80% 659 F-Prot
19th 80% 667 Rising
20th 80% 675 eTrust-Vet
21st 75% 824 McAfee
22nd 75% 827 TheHacker
23rd 74% 884 Authentium
24th 73% 888 AhnLab-V3
25th 73% 899 VBA32
26th 73% 905 Panda
27th 70% 1008 NOD32v2
28th 55% 1527 TrendMicro

522 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/09/28(日) 07:04:52 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 110 AntiVir
2nd 95% 169 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 182 Ikarus
4th 93% 233 BitDefender
5th 92% 270 AVG
6th 91% 292 F-Secure
7th 90% 345 Sophos
8th 89% 371 Avast
9th 89% 375 Norman
10th 85% 487 ClamAV
11th 85% 505 Kaspersky
12th 85% 515 Microsoft
13th 84% 531 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 83% 567 VirusBuster
15th 83% 574 DrWeb
16th 81% 633 Fortinet
17th 80% 668 F-Prot
18th 80% 669 Symantec
19th 80% 674 Rising
20th 80% 685 eTrust-Vet
21st 75% 831 McAfee
22nd 75% 835 TheHacker
23rd 74% 893 Authentium
24th 73% 900 AhnLab-V3
25th 73% 907 VBA32
26th 73% 929 Panda
27th 69% 1053 NOD32v2
28th 55% 1529 TrendMicro

523 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/09/29(月) 06:21:16 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 110 AntiVir
2nd 94% 180 Webwasher-Gateway
3rd 94% 182 Ikarus
4th 93% 233 BitDefender
5th 92% 270 AVG
6th 91% 292 F-Secure
7th 89% 348 Sophos
8th 89% 371 Avast
9th 89% 373 Norman
10th 85% 487 ClamAV
11th 85% 508 Kaspersky
12th 85% 516 Microsoft
13th 84% 533 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 83% 571 VirusBuster
15th 83% 574 DrWeb
16th 81% 634 Fortinet
17th 80% 669 Symantec
18th 80% 671 F-Prot
19th 80% 676 Rising
20th 80% 689 eTrust-Vet
21st 75% 830 McAfee
22nd 75% 835 TheHacker
23rd 74% 895 Authentium
24th 73% 902 AhnLab-V3
25th 73% 908 VBA32
26th 73% 931 Panda
27th 69% 1063 NOD32v2
28th 55% 1526 TrendMicro

524 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/09/30(火) 05:56:06 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 110 AntiVir
2nd 94% 182 Ikarus
3rd 94% 195 Webwasher-Gateway
4th 93% 233 BitDefender
5th 92% 269 AVG
6th 91% 293 F-Secure
7th 89% 349 Sophos
8th 89% 368 Avast
9th 89% 375 Norman
10th 85% 486 ClamAV
11th 85% 509 Kaspersky
12th 85% 516 Microsoft
13th 84% 534 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 83% 571 DrWeb
15th 83% 572 VirusBuster
16th 81% 636 Fortinet
17th 80% 669 F-Prot
18th 80% 670 Symantec
19th 80% 677 Rising
20th 80% 688 eTrust-Vet
21st 75% 832 McAfee
22nd 75% 837 TheHacker
23rd 74% 893 Authentium
24th 74% 901 AhnLab-V3
25th 73% 907 VBA32
26th 73% 930 Panda
27th 68% 1079 NOD2.7w
28th 56% 1522 TrendMicro

525 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[27th] mailto:sage [2008/10/01(水) 06:04:53 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 110 AntiVir
2nd 94% 182 Ikarus
3rd 94% 206 Webwasher-Gateway
4th 93% 233 BitDefender
5th 92% 269 AVG
6th 91% 293 F-Secure
7th 89% 349 Sophos
8th 89% 367 Avast
9th 89% 375 Norman
10th 85% 486 ClamAV
11th 85% 507 Kaspersky
12th 85% 514 Microsoft
13th 84% 534 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 83% 567 DrWeb
15th 83% 573 VirusBuster
16th 81% 633 Fortinet
17th 80% 667 Symantec
18th 80% 669 F-Prot
19th 80% 676 Rising
20th 80% 688 eTrust-Vet
21st 75% 833 McAfee
22nd 75% 838 TheHacker
23rd 74% 891 Authentium
24th 74% 900 AhnLab-V3
25th 73% 905 VBA32
26th 73% 928 Panda
27th 68% 1090 NOD32v2
28th 56% 1512 TrendMicro

526 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/10/02(木) 05:59:51 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 112 AntiVir
2nd 94% 185 Ikarus
3rd 93% 227 Webwasher-Gateway
4th 93% 235 BitDefender
5th 92% 271 AVG
6th 91% 294 F-Secure
7th 89% 351 Sophos
8th 89% 368 Avast
9th 89% 378 Norman
10th 85% 488 ClamAV
11th 85% 507 Kaspersky
12th 85% 515 Microsoft
13th 84% 536 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 83% 568 DrWeb
15th 83% 573 VirusBuster
16th 81% 632 Fortinet
17th 80% 665 Symantec
18th 80% 670 F-Prot
19th 80% 677 Rising
20th 80% 689 eTrust-Vet
21st 76% 832 McAfee
22nd 75% 841 TheHacker
23rd 74% 891 Authentium
24th 74% 901 AhnLab-V3
25th 73% 904 VBA32
26th 73% 928 Panda
27th 68% 1109 NOD2.7w
28th 56% 1498 TrendMicro

527 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/10/03(金) 05:42:06 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 112 AntiVir
2nd 94% 186 Ikarus
3rd 93% 235 BitDefender
4th 93% 244 Webwasher-Gateway
5th 92% 271 AVG
6th 91% 295 F-Secure
7th 89% 351 Sophos
8th 89% 367 Avast
9th 89% 377 Norman
10th 86% 487 ClamAV
11th 85% 507 Kaspersky
12th 85% 515 Microsoft
13th 84% 535 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 83% 567 DrWeb
15th 83% 572 VirusBuster
16th 81% 631 Fortinet
17th 80% 664 Symantec
18th 80% 669 F-Prot
19th 80% 678 Rising
20th 80% 689 eTrust-Vet
21st 76% 830 McAfee
22nd 75% 840 TheHacker
23rd 74% 890 Authentium
24th 74% 898 AhnLab-V3
25th 74% 903 VBA32
26th 73% 926 Panda
27th 67% 1125 NOD2.7w
28th 57% 1492 TrendMicro

528 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[27th] mailto:sage [2008/10/04(土) 04:51:47 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 112 AntiVir
2nd 94% 185 Ikarus
3rd 93% 234 BitDefender
4th 92% 255 Webwasher-Gateway
5th 92% 270 AVG
6th 91% 294 F-Secure
7th 89% 351 Sophos
8th 89% 366 Avast
9th 89% 376 Norman
10th 86% 485 ClamAV
11th 85% 507 Kaspersky
12th 85% 515 Microsoft
13th 84% 534 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 83% 569 DrWeb
15th 83% 570 VirusBuster
16th 81% 631 Fortinet
17th 81% 661 Symantec
18th 80% 668 F-Prot
19th 80% 676 Rising
20th 80% 688 eTrust-Vet
21st 76% 829 McAfee
22nd 75% 839 TheHacker
23rd 74% 888 Authentium
24th 74% 898 AhnLab-V3
25th 74% 904 VBA32
26th 73% 924 Panda
27th 67% 1135 NOD2.7w
28th 57% 1487 TrendMicro

529 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[27th] mailto:sage [2008/10/05(日) 06:05:37 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 113 AntiVir
2nd 94% 185 Ikarus
3rd 93% 235 BitDefender
4th 92% 270 AVG
5th 92% 275 Webwasher-Gateway
6th 91% 297 F-Secure
7th 89% 353 Sophos
8th 89% 367 Avast
9th 89% 378 Norman
10th 86% 487 ClamAV
11th 85% 508 Kaspersky
12th 85% 516 Microsoft
13th 84% 535 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 83% 571 DrWeb
15th 83% 572 VirusBuster
16th 81% 630 Fortinet
17th 81% 659 Symantec
18th 80% 670 F-Prot
19th 80% 679 Rising
20th 80% 690 eTrust-Vet
21st 76% 832 McAfee
22nd 75% 841 TheHacker
23rd 74% 891 Authentium
24th 74% 900 AhnLab-V3
25th 74% 905 VBA32
26th 73% 924 Panda
27th 67% 1154 NOD2.7w
28th 57% 1479 TrendMicro

530 名前:検知力テスト(2008年10月05日) mailto:sage [2008/10/06(月) 06:17:05 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 113 AntiVir
2nd 94% 184 Ikarus
3rd 93% 235 BitDefender
4th 92% 265 AVG
5th 91% 288 Webwasher-Gateway
6th 91% 296 F-Secure
7th 89% 352 Sophos
8th 89% 361 Avast
9th 89% 377 Norman
10th 86% 483 ClamAV
11th 85% 505 Kaspersky
12th 85% 514 Microsoft
13th 84% 533 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 83% 565 VirusBuster
15th 83% 567 DrWeb
16th 82% 618 Fortinet
17th 81% 653 Symantec
18th 80% 669 F-Prot
19th 80% 672 Rising
20th 80% 688 eTrust-Vet
21st 76% 824 McAfee
22nd 75% 840 TheHacker
23rd 74% 878 Authentium
24th 74% 893 AhnLab-V3
25th 74% 902 VBA32
26th 73% 911 Panda
27th 66% 1153 NOD2.7w
28th 58% 1457 TrendMicro

531 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[27th] mailto:sage [2008/10/07(火) 05:56:48 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 116 AntiVir
2nd 94% 186 Ikarus
3rd 93% 238 BitDefender
4th 92% 263 AVG
5th 91% 299 F-Secure
6th 91% 304 Webwasher-Gateway
7th 89% 355 Sophos
8th 89% 357 Avast
9th 89% 379 Norman
10th 86% 485 ClamAV
11th 85% 507 Kaspersky
12th 85% 516 Microsoft
13th 84% 535 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 83% 563 VirusBuster
15th 83% 568 DrWeb
16th 82% 614 Fortinet
17th 81% 653 Symantec
18th 80% 669 Rising
19th 80% 671 F-Prot
20th 80% 690 eTrust-Vet
21st 76% 822 McAfee
22nd 75% 842 TheHacker
23rd 75% 872 Authentium
24th 74% 891 AhnLab-V3
25th 74% 903 VBA32
26th 74% 904 Panda
27th 66% 1158 NOD32v2
28th 58% 1445 TrendMicro

532 名前:検知力テスト(2008年10月07日) mailto:sage [2008/10/08(水) 05:57:03 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 117 AntiVir
2nd 94% 185 Ikarus
3rd 93% 240 BitDefender
4th 92% 255 AVG
5th 91% 301 F-Secure
6th 90% 324 Webwasher-Gateway
7th 89% 351 Avast
8th 89% 356 Sophos
9th 89% 378 Norman
10th 86% 483 ClamAV
11th 85% 507 Kaspersky
12th 85% 514 Microsoft
13th 84% 535 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 84% 554 VirusBuster
15th 83% 564 DrWeb
16th 82% 599 Fortinet
17th 81% 649 Symantec
18th 81% 660 Rising
19th 80% 669 F-Prot
20th 80% 688 eTrust-Vet
21st 76% 813 McAfee
22nd 75% 845 TheHacker
23rd 75% 856 Authentium
24th 74% 885 AhnLab-V3
25th 74% 888 Panda
26th 74% 901 VBA32
27th 66% 1159 NOD32v2
28th 59% 1427 TrendMicro

533 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/10/09(木) 06:07:52 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 119 AntiVir
2nd 94% 186 Ikarus
3rd 93% 242 BitDefender
4th 92% 258 AVG
5th 91% 304 F-Secure
6th 90% 347 Webwasher-Gateway
7th 89% 355 Avast
8th 89% 359 Sophos
9th 89% 381 Norman
10th 86% 488 ClamAV
11th 85% 508 Kaspersky
12th 85% 516 Microsoft
13th 84% 538 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 84% 558 VirusBuster
15th 83% 566 DrWeb
16th 82% 603 Fortinet
17th 81% 652 Symantec
18th 81% 665 Rising
19th 80% 673 F-Prot
20th 80% 690 eTrust-Vet
21st 76% 818 McAfee
22nd 75% 854 TheHacker
23rd 75% 861 Authentium
24th 74% 887 AhnLab-V3
25th 74% 892 Panda
26th 74% 904 VBA32
27th 66% 1180 NOD32v2
28th 59% 1424 TrendMicro

534 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/10/10(金) 06:39:03 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 119 AntiVir
2nd 94% 186 Ikarus
3rd 93% 244 BitDefender
4th 92% 259 AVG
5th 91% 304 F-Secure
6th 89% 354 Avast
7th 89% 360 Sophos
8th 89% 368 Webwasher-Gateway
9th 89% 379 Norman
10th 86% 487 ClamAV
11th 85% 508 Kaspersky
12th 85% 515 Microsoft
13th 84% 538 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 84% 559 VirusBuster
15th 83% 565 DrWeb
16th 82% 604 Fortinet
17th 81% 651 Symantec
18th 81% 665 Rising
19th 80% 674 F-Prot
20th 80% 691 eTrust-Vet
21st 76% 817 McAfee
22nd 75% 855 TheHacker
23rd 75% 861 Authentium
24th 74% 888 AhnLab-V3
25th 74% 891 Panda
26th 74% 905 VBA32
27th 65% 1200 NOD32v2
28th 59% 1419 TrendMicro

535 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[27th] mailto:sage [2008/10/11(土) 05:06:57 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 119 AntiVir
2nd 94% 186 Ikarus
3rd 93% 244 BitDefender
4th 92% 259 AVG
5th 91% 306 F-Secure
6th 90% 355 Avast
7th 89% 360 Sophos
8th 89% 378 Norman
9th 88% 408 Webwasher-Gateway
10th 86% 486 ClamAV
11th 85% 508 Kaspersky
12th 85% 515 Microsoft
13th 84% 538 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 84% 559 VirusBuster
15th 84% 564 DrWeb
16th 83% 604 Fortinet
17th 81% 648 Symantec
18th 81% 667 Rising
19th 81% 674 F-Prot
20th 80% 691 eTrust-Vet
21st 76% 818 McAfee
22nd 75% 860 TheHacker
23rd 75% 861 Authentium
24th 75% 887 AhnLab-V3
25th 74% 889 Panda
26th 74% 905 VBA32
27th 65% 1238 NOD2.7w
28th 60% 1412 TrendMicro

536 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/10/12(日) 06:37:54 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 119 AntiVir
2nd 94% 186 Ikarus
3rd 93% 244 BitDefender
4th 92% 259 AVG
5th 91% 306 F-Secure
6th 90% 355 Avast
7th 89% 360 Sophos
8th 89% 378 Norman
9th 88% 425 Webwasher-Gateway
10th 86% 486 ClamAV
11th 85% 508 Kaspersky
12th 85% 515 Microsoft
13th 84% 538 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 84% 559 VirusBuster
15th 84% 564 DrWeb
16th 83% 604 Fortinet
17th 81% 648 Symantec
18th 81% 667 Rising
19th 81% 674 F-Prot
20th 80% 691 eTrust-Vet
21st 77% 818 McAfee
22nd 75% 861 Authentium
23rd 75% 862 TheHacker
24th 75% 887 AhnLab-V3
25th 75% 889 Panda
26th 74% 905 VBA32
27th 64% 1255 NOD32v2
28th 60% 1412 TrendMicro

537 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[27th] mailto:sage [2008/10/13(月) 06:13:21 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 119 AntiVir
2nd 94% 186 Ikarus
3rd 93% 244 BitDefender
4th 92% 259 AVG
5th 91% 311 F-Secure
6th 90% 356 Avast
7th 90% 360 Sophos
8th 89% 378 Norman
9th 87% 455 Webwasher-Gateway
10th 86% 486 ClamAV
11th 85% 508 Kaspersky
12th 85% 515 Microsoft
13th 85% 539 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 84% 559 VirusBuster
15th 84% 564 DrWeb
16th 83% 604 Fortinet
17th 81% 648 Symantec
18th 81% 668 Rising
19th 81% 674 F-Prot
20th 80% 695 eTrust-Vet
21st 77% 818 McAfee
22nd 76% 861 Authentium
23rd 75% 868 TheHacker
24th 75% 887 AhnLab-V3
25th 75% 888 Panda
26th 74% 906 VBA32
27th 64% 1283 NOD32v2
28th 60% 1410 TrendMicro

538 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/10/14(火) 22:08:10 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 120 AntiVir
2nd 94% 187 Ikarus
3rd 93% 243 BitDefender
4th 92% 260 AVG
5th 91% 312 F-Secure
6th 90% 356 Avast
7th 90% 362 Sophos
8th 89% 379 Norman
9th 86% 483 Webwasher-Gateway
10th 86% 485 ClamAV
11th 85% 509 Kaspersky
12th 85% 515 Microsoft
13th 85% 539 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 84% 560 VirusBuster
15th 84% 564 DrWeb
16th 83% 604 Fortinet
17th 82% 647 Symantec
18th 81% 669 Rising
19th 81% 675 F-Prot
20th 80% 695 eTrust-Vet
21st 77% 818 McAfee
22nd 76% 861 Authentium
23rd 75% 872 TheHacker
24th 75% 888 Panda
25th 75% 889 AhnLab-V3
26th 74% 908 VBA32
27th 63% 1308 NOD32v2
28th 61% 1407 TrendMicro

539 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/10/16(木) 06:02:04 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 120 AntiVir
2nd 94% 187 Ikarus
3rd 93% 243 BitDefender
4th 92% 260 AVG
5th 91% 312 F-Secure
6th 90% 356 Avast
7th 90% 362 Sophos
8th 89% 379 Norman
9th 86% 485 ClamAV
10th 86% 498 Webwasher-Gateway
11th 85% 509 Kaspersky
12th 85% 515 Microsoft
13th 85% 539 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 84% 560 VirusBuster
15th 84% 564 DrWeb
16th 83% 606 Fortinet
17th 82% 646 Symantec
18th 81% 671 Rising
19th 81% 675 F-Prot
20th 80% 695 eTrust-Vet
21st 77% 818 McAfee
22nd 76% 861 Authentium
23rd 75% 874 TheHacker
24th 75% 887 AhnLab-V3
25th 75% 888 Panda
26th 74% 909 VBA32
27th 63% 1324 NOD32v2
28th 61% 1399 TrendMicro

540 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/10/16(木) 06:02:24 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 121 AntiVir
2nd 94% 191 Ikarus
3rd 93% 244 BitDefender
4th 92% 262 AVG
5th 91% 313 F-Secure
6th 90% 360 Avast
7th 89% 366 Sophos
8th 89% 380 Norman
9th 86% 489 ClamAV
10th 86% 510 Kaspersky
11th 85% 519 Microsoft
12th 85% 524 Webwasher-Gateway
13th 85% 543 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 84% 565 VirusBuster
15th 84% 568 DrWeb
16th 83% 611 Fortinet
17th 82% 650 Symantec
18th 81% 677 Rising
19th 81% 679 F-Prot
20th 80% 698 eTrust-Vet
21st 77% 824 McAfee
22nd 76% 864 Authentium
23rd 75% 881 TheHacker
24th 75% 891 AhnLab-V3
25th 75% 893 Panda
26th 74% 914 VBA32
27th 63% 1348 NOD32v2
28th 61% 1395 TrendMicro

541 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/10/21(火) 05:37:23 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 119 AntiVir
2nd 94% 191 Ikarus
3rd 93% 243 BitDefender
4th 92% 261 AVG
5th 91% 311 F-Secure
6th 90% 359 Avast
7th 89% 367 Sophos
8th 89% 378 Norman
9th 86% 481 ClamAV
10th 86% 509 Kaspersky
11th 85% 518 Microsoft
12th 85% 541 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 85% 544 Webwasher-Gateway
14th 84% 563 VirusBuster
15th 84% 565 DrWeb
16th 83% 607 Fortinet
17th 82% 644 Symantec
18th 81% 676 Rising
19th 81% 678 F-Prot
20th 80% 696 eTrust-Vet
21st 77% 822 McAfee
22nd 76% 858 Authentium
23rd 75% 880 TheHacker
24th 75% 886 AhnLab-V3
25th 75% 888 Panda
26th 75% 910 VBA32
27th 62% 1362 NOD32v2
28th 62% 1364 TrendMicro

542 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[28th] mailto:sage [2008/10/22(水) 05:30:06 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 119 AntiVir
2nd 94% 192 Ikarus
3rd 93% 243 BitDefender
4th 92% 262 AVG
5th 91% 311 F-Secure
6th 90% 359 Avast
7th 90% 366 Sophos
8th 89% 379 Norman
9th 86% 480 ClamAV
10th 86% 509 Kaspersky
11th 85% 515 Microsoft
12th 85% 545 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 84% 563 DrWeb
14th 84% 572 VirusBuster
15th 84% 582 Webwasher-Gateway
16th 83% 610 Fortinet
17th 82% 641 Symantec
18th 81% 672 Rising
19th 81% 683 F-Prot
20th 80% 703 eTrust-Vet
21st 77% 828 McAfee
22nd 76% 859 Authentium
23rd 75% 884 TheHacker
24th 75% 885 AhnLab-V3
25th 75% 893 Panda
26th 75% 910 VBA32
27th 63% 1348 TrendMicro
28th 61% 1395 NOD28w

543 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/10/23(木) 06:42:52 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 120 AntiVir
2nd 94% 192 Ikarus
3rd 93% 244 BitDefender
4th 92% 263 AVG
5th 91% 312 F-Secure
6th 90% 360 Avast
7th 90% 367 Sophos
8th 89% 380 Norman
9th 86% 481 ClamAV
10th 86% 510 Kaspersky
11th 86% 516 Microsoft
12th 85% 546 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 84% 564 DrWeb
14th 84% 573 VirusBuster
15th 83% 607 Webwasher-Gateway
16th 83% 613 Fortinet
17th 82% 648 Symantec
18th 81% 673 Rising
19th 81% 684 F-Prot
20th 80% 704 eTrust-Vet
21st 77% 829 McAfee
22nd 76% 859 Authentium
23rd 75% 886 TheHacker
24th 75% 886 AhnLab-V3
25th 75% 896 Panda
26th 75% 913 VBA32
27th 63% 1347 TrendMicro
28th 61% 1420 NOD32v2

544 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[28th] mailto:sage [2008/10/25(土) 04:03:35 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 117 AntiVir
2nd 94% 190 Ikarus
3rd 93% 243 BitDefender
4th 93% 261 AVG
5th 91% 311 F-Secure
6th 90% 355 Avast
7th 90% 367 Sophos
8th 89% 380 Norman
9th 87% 478 ClamAV
10th 86% 509 Kaspersky
11th 86% 511 Microsoft
12th 85% 552 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 84% 559 DrWeb
14th 84% 586 VirusBuster
15th 83% 622 Fortinet
16th 82% 646 Symantec
17th 82% 660 Webwasher-Gateway
18th 82% 668 Rising
19th 81% 690 F-Prot
20th 81% 705 eTrust-Vet
21st 77% 836 McAfee
22nd 76% 865 Authentium
23rd 76% 885 AhnLab-V3
24th 76% 886 TheHacker
25th 75% 907 Panda
26th 75% 910 VBA32
27th 64% 1327 TrendMicro
28th 60% 1471 NOD32v2

545 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[28th] mailto:sage [2008/10/26(日) 07:11:32 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 117 AntiVir
2nd 94% 190 Ikarus
3rd 93% 241 BitDefender
4th 93% 259 AVG
5th 91% 311 F-Secure
6th 90% 354 Avast
7th 90% 368 Sophos
8th 89% 378 Norman
9th 87% 477 ClamAV
10th 86% 505 Microsoft
11th 86% 508 Kaspersky
12th 85% 552 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 85% 555 DrWeb
14th 84% 582 VirusBuster
15th 83% 618 Fortinet
16th 82% 642 Symantec
17th 82% 665 Rising
18th 81% 670 Webwasher-Gateway
19th 81% 686 F-Prot
20th 80% 706 eTrust-Vet
21st 77% 834 McAfee
22nd 76% 857 Authentium
23rd 76% 884 AhnLab-V3
24th 76% 886 TheHacker
25th 75% 902 Panda
26th 75% 907 VBA32
27th 64% 1311 TrendMicro
28th 60% 1477 NOD32v2

546 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[28th] mailto:sage [2008/10/27(月) 06:12:13 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 117 AntiVir
2nd 94% 190 Ikarus
3rd 93% 238 BitDefender
4th 93% 262 AVG
5th 91% 320 F-Secure
6th 90% 360 Avast
7th 90% 373 Norman
8th 89% 378 Sophos
9th 87% 482 ClamAV
10th 86% 502 Microsoft
11th 86% 513 Kaspersky
12th 85% 558 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 84% 564 DrWeb
14th 84% 587 VirusBuster
15th 83% 624 Fortinet
16th 82% 644 Symantec
17th 82% 668 Rising
18th 81% 691 F-Prot
19th 80% 713 eTrust-Vet
20th 80% 720 Webwasher-Gateway
21st 77% 838 McAfee
22nd 77% 856 Authentium
23rd 76% 890 AhnLab-V3
24th 75% 899 TheHacker
25th 75% 906 Panda
26th 75% 913 VBA32
27th 65% 1300 TrendMicro
28th 59% 1523 NOD32v2

547 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[28th] mailto:sage [2008/10/28(火) 05:44:09 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 117 AntiVir
2nd 94% 191 Ikarus
3rd 93% 238 BitDefender
4th 93% 265 AVG
5th 91% 325 F-Secure
6th 90% 364 Avast
7th 90% 376 Norman
8th 89% 388 Sophos
9th 87% 486 ClamAV
10th 86% 499 Microsoft
11th 86% 519 Kaspersky
12th 84% 570 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 84% 574 DrWeb
14th 84% 601 VirusBuster
15th 83% 638 Fortinet
16th 82% 650 Symantec
17th 82% 673 Rising
18th 81% 701 F-Prot
19th 80% 723 eTrust-Vet
20th 79% 773 Webwasher-Gateway
21st 77% 849 McAfee
22nd 77% 863 Authentium
23rd 76% 897 AhnLab-V3
24th 75% 913 TheHacker
25th 75% 923 VBA32
26th 75% 925 Panda
27th 65% 1289 TrendMicro
28th 58% 1573 NOD32v2

548 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[28th] mailto:sage [2008/10/29(水) 04:35:40 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 117 AntiVir
2nd 94% 192 Ikarus
3rd 93% 239 BitDefender
4th 93% 262 AVG
5th 91% 325 F-Secure
6th 90% 364 Avast
7th 89% 380 Norman
8th 89% 394 Sophos
9th 87% 488 ClamAV
10th 86% 494 Microsoft
11th 86% 517 Kaspersky
12th 84% 573 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 84% 579 DrWeb
14th 83% 610 VirusBuster
15th 83% 638 Symantec
16th 83% 640 Fortinet
17th 82% 670 Rising
18th 81% 698 F-Prot
19th 80% 727 eTrust-Vet
20th 78% 807 Webwasher-Gateway
21st 77% 854 McAfee
22nd 77% 855 Authentium
23rd 76% 896 AhnLab-V3
24th 75% 917 VBA32
25th 75% 922 TheHacker
26th 75% 929 Panda
27th 66% 1258 TrendMicro
28th 57% 1606 NOD32v2 ★

549 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[28th] mailto:sage [2008/10/30(木) 05:19:03 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 117 AntiVir
2nd 94% 198 Ikarus
3rd 93% 237 BitDefender
4th 93% 259 AVG
5th 91% 325 F-Secure
6th 90% 361 Avast
7th 90% 380 Norman
8th 89% 397 Sophos
9th 87% 485 ClamAV
10th 87% 490 Microsoft
11th 86% 518 Kaspersky
12th 84% 585 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 84% 586 DrWeb
14th 83% 623 VirusBuster
15th 83% 642 Symantec
16th 82% 653 Fortinet
17th 82% 670 Rising
18th 81% 699 F-Prot
19th 80% 734 eTrust-Vet
20th 77% 845 Authentium
21st 77% 867 McAfee
22nd 77% 873 Webwasher-Gateway
23rd 76% 903 AhnLab-V3
24th 75% 917 VBA32
25th 75% 927 TheHacker
26th 75% 945 Panda
27th 67% 1226 TrendMicro
28th 56% 1667 NOD32v2 ★

550 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/10/31(金) 05:18:49 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 117 AntiVir
2nd 94% 198 Ikarus
3rd 93% 236 BitDefender
4th 93% 255 AVG
5th 91% 324 F-Secure
6th 90% 359 Avast
7th 90% 379 Norman
8th 89% 398 Sophos
9th 87% 482 ClamAV
10th 87% 487 Microsoft
11th 86% 517 Kaspersky
12th 84% 586 DrWeb
13th 84% 586 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 83% 622 VirusBuster
15th 83% 640 Symantec
16th 82% 651 Fortinet
17th 82% 665 Rising
18th 81% 695 F-Prot
19th 80% 733 eTrust-Vet
20th 78% 839 Authentium
21st 77% 864 McAfee
22nd 76% 898 Webwasher-Gateway
23rd 76% 900 AhnLab-V3
24th 76% 913 VBA32
25th 75% 925 TheHacker
26th 75% 943 Panda
27th 68% 1205 TrendMicro
28th 55% 1689 NOD32v2

551 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[28th] mailto:sage [2008/11/01(土) 04:47:26 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 119 AntiVir
2nd 94% 200 Ikarus
3rd 93% 238 BitDefender
4th 93% 252 AVG
5th 91% 329 F-Secure
6th 90% 360 Avast
7th 90% 381 Norman
8th 89% 403 Sophos
9th 87% 485 ClamAV
10th 87% 487 Microsoft
11th 86% 519 Kaspersky
12th 84% 585 DrWeb
13th 84% 588 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 83% 623 VirusBuster
15th 83% 642 Symantec
16th 82% 653 Fortinet
17th 82% 666 Rising
18th 81% 697 F-Prot
19th 80% 736 eTrust-Vet
20th 78% 837 Authentium
21st 77% 866 McAfee
22nd 76% 902 AhnLab-V3
23rd 76% 909 VBA32
24th 75% 930 TheHacker
25th 75% 932 Webwasher-Gateway
26th 75% 949 Panda
27th 68% 1193 TrendMicro
28th 55% 1720 NOD28w ★

552 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[28th] mailto:sage [2008/11/02(日) 07:04:04 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 120 AntiVir
2nd 94% 200 Ikarus
3rd 93% 240 BitDefender
4th 93% 254 AVG
5th 91% 333 F-Secure
6th 90% 362 Avast
7th 90% 383 Norman
8th 89% 405 Sophos
9th 87% 487 ClamAV
10th 87% 488 Microsoft
11th 86% 521 Kaspersky
12th 84% 587 DrWeb
13th 84% 589 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 83% 625 VirusBuster
15th 83% 643 Symantec
16th 83% 655 Fortinet
17th 82% 668 Rising
18th 81% 699 F-Prot
19th 80% 737 eTrust-Vet
20th 78% 837 Authentium
21st 77% 868 McAfee
22nd 76% 905 AhnLab-V3
23rd 76% 914 VBA32
24th 75% 933 TheHacker
25th 75% 952 Panda
26th 75% 960 Webwasher-Gateway
27th 69% 1186 TrendMicro
28th 54% 1747 NOD32v2

553 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[28th] mailto:sage [2008/11/03(月) 04:47:56 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 120 AntiVir
2nd 94% 200 Ikarus
3rd 93% 241 BitDefender
4th 93% 250 AVG
5th 91% 329 F-Secure
6th 90% 356 Avast
7th 90% 381 Norman
8th 89% 406 Sophos
9th 87% 479 ClamAV
10th 87% 479 Microsoft
11th 86% 517 Kaspersky
12th 84% 584 DrWeb
13th 84% 586 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 83% 621 VirusBuster
15th 83% 639 Symantec
16th 83% 650 Fortinet
17th 82% 660 Rising
18th 82% 694 F-Prot
19th 80% 735 eTrust-Vet
20th 78% 822 Authentium
21st 77% 862 McAfee
22nd 76% 897 AhnLab-V3
23rd 76% 910 VBA32
24th 75% 934 TheHacker
25th 75% 945 Panda
26th 74% 997 Webwasher-Gateway
27th 70% 1154 TrendMicro
28th 53% 1774 NOD28w ★

554 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[28th] mailto:sage [2008/11/04(火) 05:26:38 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 119 AntiVir
2nd 94% 199 Ikarus
3rd 93% 238 BitDefender
4th 93% 244 AVG
5th 91% 317 F-Secure
6th 90% 350 Avast
7th 90% 379 Norman
8th 89% 395 Sophos
9th 87% 463 ClamAV
10th 87% 471 Microsoft
11th 86% 510 Kaspersky
12th 85% 570 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 84% 572 DrWeb
14th 84% 605 VirusBuster
15th 83% 624 Symantec
16th 83% 632 Fortinet
17th 83% 640 Rising
18th 82% 674 F-Prot
19th 81% 721 eTrust-Vet
20th 79% 789 Authentium
21st 77% 845 McAfee
22nd 76% 881 AhnLab-V3
23rd 76% 891 VBA32
24th 76% 912 TheHacker
25th 75% 921 Panda
26th 73% 999 Webwasher-Gateway
27th 71% 1101 TrendMicro
28th 53% 1756 NOD28w ★

555 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[28th] mailto:sage [2008/11/05(水) 05:54:34 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 119 AntiVir
2nd 94% 200 Ikarus
3rd 93% 237 AVG
4th 93% 238 BitDefender
5th 91% 316 F-Secure
6th 90% 346 Avast
7th 90% 375 Norman
8th 89% 393 Sophos
9th 87% 455 ClamAV
10th 87% 467 Microsoft
11th 86% 506 Kaspersky
12th 85% 564 CAT-QuickHeal
13th 85% 565 DrWeb
14th 84% 596 VirusBuster
15th 83% 618 Symantec
16th 83% 623 Fortinet
17th 83% 628 Rising
18th 82% 660 F-Prot
19th 81% 715 eTrust-Vet
20th 79% 767 Authentium
21st 77% 832 McAfee
22nd 77% 863 AhnLab-V3
23rd 76% 875 VBA32
24th 76% 903 TheHacker
25th 75% 908 Panda
26th 73% 1000 Webwasher-Gateway
27th 71% 1064 TrendMicro
28th 53% 1743 NOD28w ★

556 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[28th] mailto:sage [2008/11/06(木) 04:57:58 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 119 AntiVir
2nd 94% 199 Ikarus
3rd 93% 237 AVG
4th 93% 238 BitDefender
5th 91% 318 F-Secure
6th 90% 344 Avast
7th 90% 376 Norman
8th 89% 394 Sophos
9th 88% 452 ClamAV
10th 87% 464 Microsoft
11th 86% 506 Kaspersky
12th 85% 564 DrWeb
13th 85% 565 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 84% 593 VirusBuster
15th 83% 616 Symantec
16th 83% 622 Fortinet
17th 83% 625 Rising
18th 82% 657 F-Prot
19th 81% 714 eTrust-Vet
20th 79% 760 Authentium
21st 78% 829 McAfee
22nd 77% 852 AhnLab-V3
23rd 76% 872 VBA32
24th 76% 902 TheHacker
25th 76% 904 Panda
26th 72% 1026 Webwasher-Gateway
27th 72% 1040 TrendMicro
28th 53% 1765 NOD28w ★

557 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[28th] mailto:sage [2008/11/07(金) 06:26:35 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 119 AntiVir
2nd 94% 199 Ikarus
3rd 93% 231 AVG
4th 93% 238 BitDefender
5th 91% 317 F-Secure
6th 91% 340 Avast
7th 90% 374 Norman
8th 89% 395 Sophos
9th 88% 449 ClamAV
10th 87% 464 Microsoft
11th 86% 504 Kaspersky
12th 85% 562 DrWeb
13th 84% 570 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 84% 600 VirusBuster
15th 83% 614 Symantec
16th 83% 617 Rising
17th 83% 622 Fortinet
18th 82% 655 F-Prot
19th 81% 717 eTrust-Vet
20th 80% 755 Authentium
21st 78% 829 McAfee
22nd 77% 844 AhnLab-V3
23rd 77% 863 VBA32
24th 76% 900 TheHacker
25th 76% 907 Panda
26th 73% 1014 TrendMicro
27th 71% 1068 Webwasher-Gateway
28th 52% 1801 NOD28w  ★

558 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/11/08(土) 07:47:44 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 118 AntiVir
2nd 94% 205 Ikarus
3rd 94% 229 AVG
4th 93% 241 BitDefender
5th 91% 318 F-Secure
6th 91% 339 Avast
7th 90% 380 Norman
8th 89% 402 Sophos
9th 88% 446 ClamAV
10th 88% 460 Microsoft
11th 86% 505 Kaspersky
12th 85% 573 DrWeb
13th 84% 588 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 83% 619 Rising
15th 83% 622 Symantec
16th 83% 626 VirusBuster
17th 83% 642 Fortinet
18th 82% 665 F-Prot
19th 81% 724 eTrust-Vet
20th 80% 759 Authentium
21st 77% 849 McAfee
22nd 77% 851 AhnLab-V3
23rd 77% 872 VBA32
24th 76% 910 TheHacker
25th 75% 935 Panda
26th 74% 999 TrendMicro
27th 70% 1145 Webwasher-Gateway
28th 51% 1876 NOD32v2  ★

559 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[28th] mailto:sage [2008/11/09(日) 09:49:39 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 118 AntiVir
2nd 94% 208 Ikarus
3rd 94% 225 AVG
4th 93% 242 BitDefender
5th 91% 317 F-Secure
6th 91% 337 Avast
7th 90% 382 Norman
8th 89% 405 Sophos
9th 88% 439 ClamAV
10th 88% 460 Microsoft
11th 87% 505 Kaspersky
12th 85% 580 DrWeb
13th 84% 598 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 84% 618 Rising
15th 84% 625 Symantec
16th 83% 647 VirusBuster
17th 83% 656 Fortinet
18th 82% 677 F-Prot
19th 81% 727 eTrust-Vet
20th 80% 768 Authentium
21st 78% 850 AhnLab-V3
22nd 77% 866 McAfee
23rd 77% 876 VBA32
24th 76% 923 TheHacker
25th 75% 956 Panda
26th 74% 986 TrendMicro
27th 68% 1220 Webwasher-Gateway
28th 50% 1944 NOD28w ★

560 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/11/10(月) 06:39:23 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 118 AntiVir
2nd 94% 208 Ikarus
3rd 94% 220 AVG
4th 93% 243 BitDefender
5th 91% 317 F-Secure
6th 91% 338 Avast
7th 90% 382 Norman
8th 89% 407 Sophos
9th 88% 437 ClamAV
10th 88% 460 Microsoft
11th 87% 503 Kaspersky
12th 85% 578 DrWeb
13th 84% 596 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 84% 614 Rising
15th 84% 623 Symantec
16th 83% 645 VirusBuster
17th 83% 654 Fortinet
18th 82% 673 F-Prot
19th 81% 727 eTrust-Vet
20th 80% 760 Authentium
21st 78% 847 AhnLab-V3
22nd 78% 862 McAfee
23rd 77% 868 VBA32
24th 76% 928 TheHacker
25th 75% 952 Panda
26th 75% 968 TrendMicro
27th 67% 1255 Webwasher-Gateway
28th 49% 1972 NOD32v2 ★

561 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[28th] mailto:sage [2008/11/12(水) 06:57:05 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 97% 118 AntiVir
2nd 94% 210 AVG
3rd 94% 211 Ikarus
4th 93% 245 BitDefender
5th 91% 319 F-Secure
6th 91% 332 Avast
7th 90% 381 Norman
8th 89% 405 Sophos
9th 89% 431 ClamAV
10th 88% 440 Microsoft
11th 87% 500 Kaspersky
12th 85% 579 DrWeb
13th 84% 599 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 84% 606 Rising
15th 84% 619 Symantec
16th 83% 641 VirusBuster
17th 83% 650 Fortinet
18th 83% 668 F-Prot
19th 81% 724 eTrust-Vet
20th 80% 753 Authentium
21st 78% 836 AhnLab-V3
22nd 78% 857 McAfee
23rd 77% 869 VBA32
24th 76% 927 TheHacker
25th 76% 931 TrendMicro
26th 75% 950 Panda
27th 66% 1320 Webwasher-Gateway
28th 48% 2029 NOD32v2 ★

562 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[28th] mailto:sage [2008/11/13(木) 06:47:43 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 120 AntiVir
2nd 94% 210 AVG
3rd 94% 213 Ikarus
4th 93% 246 BitDefender
5th 91% 320 F-Secure
6th 91% 332 Avast
7th 90% 383 Norman
8th 89% 410 Sophos
9th 89% 432 ClamAV
10th 88% 436 Microsoft
11th 87% 503 Kaspersky
12th 85% 582 DrWeb
13th 84% 603 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 84% 608 Rising
15th 84% 623 Symantec
16th 83% 641 VirusBuster
17th 83% 654 Fortinet
18th 83% 666 F-Prot
19th 81% 728 eTrust-Vet
20th 81% 750 Authentium
21st 78% 835 AhnLab-V3
22nd 78% 861 McAfee
23rd 78% 868 VBA32
24th 76% 918 TrendMicro
25th 76% 937 TheHacker
26th 76% 948 Panda
27th 65% 1343 Webwasher-Gateway
28th 48% 2050 NOD28w ★

563 名前:(*´○`)ノ゙[28th] mailto:sage [2008/11/14(金) 06:10:51 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 120 AntiVir
2nd 94% 211 AVG
3rd 94% 212 Ikarus
4th 93% 247 BitDefender
5th 91% 321 F-Secure
6th 91% 334 Avast
7th 90% 383 Norman
8th 89% 411 Sophos
9th 89% 434 ClamAV
10th 89% 436 Microsoft
11th 87% 505 Kaspersky
12th 85% 583 DrWeb
13th 84% 603 CAT-QuickHeal
14th 84% 610 Rising
15th 84% 627 Symantec
16th 83% 642 VirusBuster
17th 83% 656 Fortinet
18th 83% 667 F-Prot
19th 81% 729 eTrust-Vet
20th 81% 751 Authentium
21st 78% 834 AhnLab-V3
22nd 78% 863 McAfee
23rd 78% 870 VBA32
24th 77% 910 TrendMicro
25th 76% 942 TheHacker
26th 76% 950 Panda
27th 65% 1368 Webwasher-Gateway
28th 47% 2076 NOD28w

564 名前:検知力テスト(2008年11月14日) mailto:sage [2008/11/15(土) 05:09:21 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 96% 121 AntiVir
2nd 94% 209 AVG
3rd 94% 213 Ikarus
4th 93% 248 BitDefender
5th 91% 322 F-Secure
6th 91% 335 Avast
7th 90% 380 Norman
8th 89% 413 Sophos
9th 89% 434 ClamAV
10th 89% 435 Microsoft
11th 88% 457 GData ★★★
12th 87% 506 Kaspersky
13th 85% 583 DrWeb
14th 84% 608 CAT-QuickHeal
15th 84% 608 Rising
16th 84% 628 Symantec
17th 83% 645 VirusBuster
18th 83% 656 Fortinet
19th 83% 668 F-Prot
20th 81% 731 eTrust-Vet
21st 81% 752 Authentium
22nd 79% 832 AhnLab-V3
23rd 78% 868 McAfee
24th 78% 868 VBA32
25th 77% 901 TrendMicro
26th 76% 945 TheHacker
27th 76% 949 Panda
28th 64% 1396 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 47% 2102 NOD29w ★★★

565 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2008/11/16(日) 05:39:31 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年11月15日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 97% 121 AntiVir
2nd 94% 208 AVG
3rd 94% 216 Ikarus
4th 93% 248 BitDefender
5th 91% 328 F-Secure
6th 91% 334 Avast
7th 90% 380 Norman
8th 89% 414 Sophos
9th 89% 433 ClamAV
10th 89% 434 Microsoft
11th 88% 454 GData
12th 87% 507 Kaspersky
13th 85% 587 DrWeb
14th 84% 609 Rising
15th 84% 614 CAT-QuickHeal
16th 84% 632 Symantec
17th 83% 646 VirusBuster
18th 83% 659 Fortinet
19th 83% 672 F-Prot
20th 81% 732 eTrust-Vet
21st 81% 756 Authentium
22nd 79% 835 AhnLab-V3
23rd 78% 871 McAfee
24th 78% 874 VBA32
25th 77% 898 TrendMicro
26th 76% 953 TheHacker
27th 76% 953 Panda
28th 64% 1433 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 46% 2138 NOD29w    ★(*´○`)ノ゙[29th]
30th 44% 2239 Ewido
31st 26% 2962 Prevx1

566 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2008/11/17(月) 05:53:53 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年11月16日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 97% 121 AntiVir
2nd 94% 207 AVG
3rd 94% 215 Ikarus
4th 93% 248 BitDefender
5th 91% 330 F-Secure
6th 91% 333 Avast
7th 90% 381 Norman
8th 89% 415 Sophos
9th 89% 433 Microsoft
10th 89% 434 ClamAV
11th 88% 452 GData
12th 87% 507 Kaspersky
13th 85% 587 DrWeb
14th 84% 609 Rising
15th 84% 614 CAT-QuickHeal
16th 84% 632 Symantec
17th 83% 646 VirusBuster
18th 83% 658 Fortinet
19th 83% 672 F-Prot
20th 81% 732 eTrust-Vet
21st 81% 754 Authentium
22nd 79% 830 AhnLab-V3
23rd 78% 871 McAfee
24th 78% 874 VBA32
25th 77% 889 TrendMicro
26th 76% 952 Panda
27th 76% 955 TheHacker
28th 63% 1458 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 46% 2163 NOD32v2  ★(*´○`)ノ゙[4031 malware]
30th 44% 2233 Ewido
31st 26% 2978 Prevx1

567 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2008/11/18(火) 05:36:29 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年11月17日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 96% 123 AntiVir
2nd 94% 208 AVG
3rd 94% 219 Ikarus
4th 93% 250 BitDefender
5th 91% 331 F-Secure
6th 91% 333 Avast
7th 90% 381 Norman
8th 89% 416 Sophos
9th 89% 433 ClamAV
10th 89% 435 Microsoft
11th 88% 450 GData
12th 87% 508 Kaspersky
13th 85% 589 DrWeb
14th 85% 610 Rising
15th 84% 620 CAT-QuickHeal
16th 84% 633 Symantec
17th 84% 645 VirusBuster
18th 83% 662 Fortinet
19th 83% 677 F-Prot
20th 81% 733 eTrust-Vet
21st 81% 758 Authentium
22nd 79% 830 AhnLab-V3
23rd 78% 874 McAfee
24th 78% 878 VBA32
25th 78% 880 TrendMicro
26th 76% 956 TheHacker
27th 76% 961 Panda
28th 63% 1496 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 45% 2197 NOD32v2   ★(*´○`)ノ゙[4060 malware]
30th 44% 2248 Ewido
31st 25% 3006 Prevx1

568 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2008/11/19(水) 06:24:58 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年11月18日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 96% 123 AntiVir
2nd 94% 204 AVG
3rd 94% 219 Ikarus
4th 93% 250 BitDefender
5th 91% 329 F-Secure
6th 91% 332 Avast
7th 90% 380 Norman
8th 89% 416 Sophos
9th 89% 432 ClamAV
10th 89% 432 Microsoft
11th 89% 443 GData
12th 87% 505 Kaspersky
13th 85% 589 DrWeb
14th 85% 603 Rising
15th 84% 620 CAT-QuickHeal
16th 84% 631 Symantec
17th 84% 642 VirusBuster
18th 83% 658 Fortinet
19th 83% 671 F-Prot
20th 81% 733 eTrust-Vet
21st 81% 750 Authentium
22nd 79% 820 AhnLab-V3
23rd 78% 852 TrendMicro
24th 78% 871 McAfee
25th 78% 871 VBA32
26th 76% 953 TheHacker
27th 76% 955 Panda
28th 62% 1496 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 45% 2193 NOD32v2                 ★(*´○`)ノ゙[4032 malware]
30th 44% 2227 Ewido
31st 26% 2978 Prevx1

569 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2008/11/20(木) 06:37:33 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年11月19日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 96% 122 AntiVir
2nd 95% 201 AVG
3rd 94% 219 Ikarus
4th 93% 249 BitDefender
5th 91% 329 F-Secure
6th 91% 332 Avast
7th 90% 378 Norman
8th 89% 416 Sophos
9th 89% 430 Microsoft
10th 89% 432 ClamAV
11th 89% 435 GData
12th 87% 504 Kaspersky
13th 85% 588 DrWeb
14th 85% 599 Rising
15th 84% 620 CAT-QuickHeal
16th 84% 628 Symantec
17th 84% 640 VirusBuster
18th 83% 656 Fortinet
19th 83% 669 F-Prot
20th 81% 732 eTrust-Vet
21st 81% 745 Authentium
22nd 79% 818 AhnLab-V3
23rd 79% 832 TrendMicro
24th 78% 865 VBA32
25th 78% 868 McAfee
26th 76% 951 TheHacker
27th 76% 951 Panda
28th 62% 1503 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 45% 2196 NOD32v2   ★(*´○`)ノ゙[4019 malware]
30th 45% 2210 Ewido
31st 26% 2966 Prevx1

570 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2008/11/21(金) 05:27:56 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年11月20日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 96% 122 AntiVir
2nd 94% 203 AVG
3rd 94% 220 Ikarus
4th 93% 248 BitDefender
5th 91% 328 F-Secure
6th 91% 332 Avast
7th 90% 377 Norman
8th 89% 417 Sophos
9th 89% 426 Microsoft
10th 89% 430 GData
11th 89% 433 ClamAV
12th 87% 503 Kaspersky
13th 85% 589 DrWeb
14th 85% 596 Rising
15th 84% 621 CAT-QuickHeal
16th 84% 628 Symantec
17th 84% 642 VirusBuster
18th 83% 656 Fortinet
19th 83% 666 F-Prot
20th 81% 734 eTrust-Vet
21st 81% 743 Authentium
22nd 79% 809 AhnLab-V3
23rd 79% 812 TrendMicro
24th 78% 860 VBA32
25th 78% 869 McAfee
26th 76% 948 Panda
27th 76% 955 TheHacker
28th 62% 1522 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 45% 2197 Ewido
30th 44% 2212 NOD30ww ★
31st 26% 2965 Prevx1          (*´○`)ノ゙[4016 malware]

571 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2008/11/22(土) 05:55:16 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年11月21日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 96% 128 AntiVir
2nd 94% 208 AVG
3rd 94% 226 Ikarus
4th 93% 254 BitDefender
5th 91% 335 F-Secure
6th 91% 337 Avast
7th 90% 383 Norman
8th 89% 422 Sophos
9th 89% 432 Microsoft
10th 89% 436 GData
11th 89% 438 ClamAV
12th 87% 508 Kaspersky
13th 85% 594 DrWeb
14th 85% 601 Rising
15th 84% 626 CAT-QuickHeal
16th 84% 633 Symantec
17th 84% 647 VirusBuster
18th 83% 661 Fortinet
19th 83% 670 F-Prot
20th 81% 739 eTrust-Vet
21st 81% 748 Authentium
22nd 79% 812 TrendMicro
23rd 79% 814 AhnLab-V3
24th 78% 867 VBA32
25th 78% 874 McAfee
26th 76% 953 Panda
27th 76% 965 TheHacker
28th 61% 1550 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 45% 2208 Ewido
30th 44% 2240 NOD30w
31st 26% 2993 Prevx1        (*´○`)ノ゙[4044 malware]

572 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2008/11/23(日) 08:25:11 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年11月22日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 96% 135 AntiVir
2nd 94% 215 AVG
3rd 94% 233 Ikarus
4th 93% 261 BitDefender
5th 91% 342 F-Secure
6th 91% 344 Avast
7th 90% 390 Norman
8th 89% 425 Sophos
9th 89% 438 Microsoft
10th 89% 443 GData
11th 89% 445 ClamAV
12th 87% 515 Kaspersky
13th 85% 601 DrWeb
14th 85% 608 Rising
15th 84% 633 CAT-QuickHeal
16th 84% 640 Symantec
17th 83% 654 VirusBuster
18th 83% 668 Fortinet
19th 83% 673 F-Prot
20th 81% 746 eTrust-Vet
21st 81% 751 Authentium
22nd 79% 812 TrendMicro
23rd 79% 821 AhnLab-V3
24th 78% 874 VBA32
25th 78% 881 McAfee
26th 76% 960 Panda
27th 76% 972 TheHacker
28th 61% 1557 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 45% 2215 Ewido
30th 44% 2247 NOD32v2
31st 25% 3000 Prevx1      (*´○`)ノ゙[4051 malware]

573 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2008/11/24(月) 08:36:34 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年11月23日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 96% 142 AntiVir
2nd 94% 222 AVG
3rd 94% 240 Ikarus
4th 93% 268 BitDefender
5th 91% 349 F-Secure
6th 91% 351 Avast
7th 90% 397 Norman
8th 89% 427 Sophos
9th 89% 445 Microsoft
10th 88% 450 GData
11th 88% 452 ClamAV
12th 87% 522 Kaspersky
13th 85% 608 DrWeb
14th 84% 615 Rising
15th 84% 640 CAT-QuickHeal
16th 84% 647 Symantec
17th 83% 661 VirusBuster
18th 83% 675 F-Prot
19th 83% 675 Fortinet
20th 81% 753 eTrust-Vet
21st 81% 753 Authentium
22nd 80% 812 TrendMicro
23rd 79% 828 AhnLab-V3
24th 78% 881 VBA32
25th 78% 888 McAfee
26th 76% 967 Panda
27th 75% 979 TheHacker
28th 61% 1564 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 45% 2222 Ewido
30th 44% 2254 NOD30w
31st 25% 3007 Prevx1             (*´○`)ノ゙[4058 malware]

574 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/11/25(火) 19:22:42 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年11月24日) ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 96% 145 AntiVir
2nd 94% 225 AVG
3rd 94% 243 Ikarus
4th 93% 271 BitDefender
5th 91% 352 F-Secure
6th 91% 354 Avast
7th 90% 400 Norman
8th 89% 428 Sophos
9th 88% 448 Microsoft
10th 88% 453 GData
11th 88% 455 ClamAV
12th 87% 525 Kaspersky
13th 84% 611 DrWeb
14th 84% 618 Rising
15th 84% 643 CAT-QuickHeal
16th 84% 650 Symantec
17th 83% 664 VirusBuster
18th 83% 676 F-Prot
19th 83% 678 Fortinet
20th 81% 754 Authentium
21st 81% 756 eTrust-Vet
22nd 80% 812 TrendMicro
23rd 79% 831 AhnLab-V3
24th 78% 884 VBA32
25th 78% 891 McAfee
26th 76% 970 Panda
27th 75% 982 TheHacker
28th 61% 1567 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 45% 2225 Ewido
30th 44% 2257 NOD30w     (*´○`)ノ゙[4061 malware]

575 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2008/11/26(水) 06:53:31 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年11月25日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 96% 150 AntiVir
2nd 94% 230 AVG
3rd 93% 248 Ikarus
4th 93% 276 BitDefender
5th 91% 357 F-Secure
6th 91% 359 Avast
7th 90% 405 Norman
8th 89% 431 Sophos
9th 88% 450 Microsoft
10th 88% 458 GData
11th 88% 460 ClamAV
12th 86% 530 Kaspersky
13th 84% 616 DrWeb
14th 84% 623 Rising
15th 84% 648 CAT-QuickHeal
16th 83% 655 Symantec
17th 83% 669 VirusBuster
18th 83% 679 F-Prot
19th 83% 683 Fortinet
20th 81% 757 Authentium
21st 81% 761 eTrust-Vet
22nd 80% 812 TrendMicro
23rd 79% 836 AhnLab-V3
24th 78% 889 VBA32
25th 77% 896 McAfee
26th 76% 975 Panda
27th 75% 987 TheHacker
28th 61% 1573 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 45% 2231 Ewido
30th 44% 2263 NOD32v2
31st 25% 3016 Prevx1       (*´○`)ノ゙[4067 malware]

576 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2008/11/27(木) 07:46:07 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年11月26日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 96% 157 AntiVir
2nd 94% 236 AVG
3rd 93% 253 Ikarus
4th 93% 280 BitDefender
5th 91% 362 Avast
6th 91% 366 F-Secure
7th 89% 412 Norman
8th 89% 437 Sophos
9th 88% 453 Microsoft
10th 88% 462 ClamAV
11th 88% 463 GData
12th 86% 534 Kaspersky
13th 84% 621 DrWeb
14th 84% 627 Rising
15th 84% 647 CAT-QuickHeal
16th 84% 650 Symantec
17th 83% 675 VirusBuster
18th 83% 678 F-Prot
19th 83% 690 Fortinet
20th 81% 758 Authentium
21st 81% 765 eTrust-Vet
22nd 80% 810 TrendMicro
23rd 79% 840 AhnLab-V3
24th 78% 895 VBA32
25th 77% 900 McAfee
26th 75% 980 Panda
27th 75% 992 TheHacker
28th 61% 1582 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 45% 2240 Ewido
30th 44% 2271 NOD30w      (*´○`)ノ゙[4074 malware]
31st 25% 3025 Prevx1

577 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2008/11/28(金) 07:44:01 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年11月27日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 96% 160 AntiVir
2nd 94% 238 AVG
3rd 93% 255 Ikarus
4th 93% 282 BitDefender
5th 91% 365 Avast
6th 90% 369 F-Secure
7th 89% 414 Norman
8th 89% 436 Sophos
9th 88% 449 Microsoft
10th 88% 464 ClamAV
11th 88% 465 GData
12th 86% 537 Kaspersky
13th 84% 624 DrWeb
14th 84% 629 Rising
15th 84% 648 CAT-QuickHeal
16th 84% 649 Symantec
17th 83% 676 F-Prot
18th 83% 677 VirusBuster
19th 83% 690 Fortinet
20th 81% 753 Authentium
21st 81% 766 eTrust-Vet
22nd 80% 798 TrendMicro
23rd 79% 840 AhnLab-V3
24th 77% 896 VBA32
25th 77% 900 McAfee
26th 75% 978 Panda
27th 75% 988 TheHacker
28th 61% 1585 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 45% 2234 Ewido
30th 44% 2270 NOD32v2
31st 25% 3018 Prevx1                     (*´○`)ノ゙[4066 malware]

578 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2008/12/03(水) 05:55:39 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年12月01日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 95% 171 AntiVir
2nd 93% 249 AVG
3rd 93% 266 Ikarus
4th 92% 293 BitDefender
5th 90% 374 Avast
6th 90% 382 F-Secure
7th 89% 424 Norman
8th 89% 432 Sophos
9th 88% 452 Microsoft
10th 88% 473 ClamAV
11th 88% 474 GData
12th 86% 549 Kaspersky
13th 84% 630 DrWeb
14th 84% 633 Rising
15th 84% 647 Symantec
16th 83% 656 CAT-QuickHeal
17th 83% 674 F-Prot
18th 83% 683 VirusBuster
19th 82% 696 Fortinet
20th 81% 750 Authentium
21st 81% 767 TrendMicro
22nd 80% 774 eTrust-Vet
23rd 79% 839 AhnLab-V3
24th 77% 897 McAfee
25th 77% 899 VBA32
26th 75% 979 Panda
27th 75% 990 TheHacker
28th 60% 1597 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 45% 2228 Ewido
30th 43% 2275 NOD32v2  ★(*´○`)ノ゙[4052 malware]
31st 25% 3005 Prevx1

579 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2008/12/03(水) 07:43:56 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年12月02日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 95% 173 AntiVir
2nd 93% 251 AVG
3rd 93% 268 Ikarus
4th 92% 295 BitDefender
5th 90% 376 Avast
6th 90% 384 F-Secure
7th 89% 426 Norman
8th 89% 433 Sophos
9th 88% 454 Microsoft
10th 88% 476 GData
11th 88% 476 ClamAV
12th 86% 551 Kaspersky
13th 84% 632 DrWeb
14th 84% 636 Rising
15th 84% 649 Symantec
16th 83% 659 CAT-QuickHeal
17th 83% 675 F-Prot
18th 83% 686 VirusBuster
19th 82% 698 Fortinet
20th 81% 751 Authentium
21st 81% 766 TrendMicro
22nd 80% 777 eTrust-Vet
23rd 79% 841 AhnLab-V3
24th 77% 900 McAfee
25th 77% 901 VBA32
26th 75% 982 Panda
27th 75% 993 TheHacker
28th 60% 1601 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 44% 2231 Ewido
30th 43% 2279 NOD32v2 ★(*´○`)ノ゙[4054 malware]
31st 25% 3008 Prevx1

580 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2008/12/04(木) 07:37:36 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年12月03日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 95% 177 AntiVir
2nd 93% 255 AVG
3rd 93% 272 Ikarus
4th 92% 299 BitDefender
5th 90% 380 Avast
6th 90% 388 F-Secure
7th 89% 430 Norman
8th 89% 433 Sophos
9th 88% 457 Microsoft
10th 88% 480 GData
11th 88% 480 ClamAV
12th 86% 555 Kaspersky
13th 84% 636 DrWeb
14th 84% 640 Rising
15th 83% 652 Symantec
16th 83% 663 CAT-QuickHeal
17th 83% 676 F-Prot
18th 83% 690 VirusBuster
19th 82% 702 Fortinet
20th 81% 752 Authentium
21st 81% 762 TrendMicro
22nd 80% 781 eTrust-Vet
23rd 79% 841 AhnLab-V3
24th 77% 903 McAfee
25th 77% 905 VBA32
26th 75% 984 Panda
27th 75% 997 TheHacker
28th 60% 1605 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 44% 2233 Ewido
30th 43% 2283 NOD32v2
31st 25% 3008 Prevx1    (*´○`)ノ゙[4054 malware]

581 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2008/12/05(金) 06:39:49 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年12月04日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 95% 182 AntiVir
2nd 93% 259 AVG
3rd 93% 274 Ikarus
4th 92% 303 BitDefender
5th 90% 383 Avast
6th 90% 394 F-Secure
7th 89% 433 Sophos
8th 89% 433 Norman
9th 88% 459 Microsoft
10th 88% 481 GData
11th 88% 486 ClamAV
12th 86% 560 Kaspersky
13th 84% 638 DrWeb
14th 84% 645 Rising
15th 83% 654 Symantec
16th 83% 667 CAT-QuickHeal
17th 83% 676 F-Prot
18th 82% 694 VirusBuster
19th 82% 706 Fortinet
20th 81% 751 Authentium
21st 81% 752 TrendMicro
22nd 80% 786 eTrust-Vet
23rd 79% 842 AhnLab-V3
24th 77% 906 McAfee
25th 77% 906 VBA32
26th 75% 986 Panda
27th 75% 1001 TheHacker
28th 60% 1613 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 44% 2231 Ewido
30th 43% 2289 NOD32v2 ★  (*´○`)ノ゙[4053 malware]
31st 25% 3008 Prevx1

582 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2008/12/06(土) 06:00:22 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年12月05日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 95% 181 AntiVir
2nd 93% 257 AVG
3rd 93% 273 Ikarus
4th 92% 302 BitDefender
5th 90% 382 Avast
6th 90% 392 F-Secure
7th 89% 428 Norman
8th 89% 430 Sophos
9th 88% 454 Microsoft
10th 88% 477 GData
11th 88% 485 ClamAV
12th 86% 557 Kaspersky
13th 84% 634 DrWeb
14th 84% 640 Rising
15th 83% 649 Symantec
16th 83% 666 CAT-QuickHeal
17th 83% 670 F-Prot
18th 82% 691 VirusBuster
19th 82% 699 Fortinet
20th 81% 737 TrendMicro
21st 81% 743 Authentium
22nd 80% 784 eTrust-Vet
23rd 79% 838 AhnLab-V3
24th 77% 899 VBA32
25th 77% 900 McAfee
26th 75% 979 Panda
27th 75% 997 TheHacker
28th 60% 1612 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 45% 2218 Ewido
30th 43% 2284 NOD30w ★   (*´○`)ノ゙[4039 malware]
31st 25% 2998 Prevx1

583 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2008/12/07(日) 06:40:04 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年12月06日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 95% 182 AntiVir
2nd 93% 255 AVG
3rd 93% 274 Ikarus
4th 92% 303 BitDefender
5th 90% 383 Avast
6th 90% 394 F-Secure
7th 89% 426 Norman
8th 89% 429 Sophos
9th 88% 454 Microsoft
10th 88% 476 GData
11th 88% 483 ClamAV
12th 86% 557 Kaspersky
13th 84% 631 DrWeb
14th 84% 636 Rising
15th 83% 646 Symantec
16th 83% 664 CAT-QuickHeal
17th 83% 666 F-Prot
18th 82% 689 VirusBuster
19th 82% 696 Fortinet
20th 82% 725 TrendMicro
21st 81% 738 Authentium
22nd 80% 782 eTrust-Vet
23rd 79% 834 AhnLab-V3
24th 77% 895 McAfee
25th 77% 895 VBA32
26th 75% 975 Panda
27th 75% 994 TheHacker
28th 59% 1614 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 45% 2210 Ewido
30th 43% 2280 NOD30w ★ (*´○`)ノ゙[4029 malware]
31st 25% 2990 Prevx1

584 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2008/12/08(月) 07:57:43 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年12月07日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 95% 183 AntiVir
2nd 93% 256 AVG
3rd 93% 274 Ikarus
4th 92% 303 BitDefender
5th 90% 382 Avast
6th 90% 395 F-Secure
7th 89% 425 Norman
8th 89% 428 Sophos
9th 88% 451 Microsoft
10th 88% 477 GData
11th 88% 483 ClamAV
12th 86% 558 Kaspersky
13th 84% 631 DrWeb
14th 84% 635 Rising
15th 83% 646 Symantec
16th 83% 664 CAT-QuickHeal
17th 83% 666 F-Prot
18th 82% 689 VirusBuster
19th 82% 696 Fortinet
20th 82% 721 TrendMicro
21st 81% 737 Authentium
22nd 80% 781 eTrust-Vet
23rd 79% 831 AhnLab-V3
24th 77% 895 McAfee
25th 77% 895 VBA32
26th 75% 974 Panda
27th 75% 994 TheHacker
28th 59% 1616 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 45% 2210 Ewido
30th 43% 2281 NOD30w ★(*´○`)ノ゙[4027 malware]
31st 25% 2988 Prevx1

585 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2008/12/09(火) 18:01:34 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年12月08日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 95% 184 AntiVir
2nd 93% 257 AVG
3rd 93% 276 Ikarus
4th 92% 305 BitDefender
5th 90% 383 Avast
6th 90% 395 F-Secure
7th 89% 426 Norman
8th 89% 428 Sophos
9th 88% 451 Microsoft
10th 88% 475 GData
11th 88% 483 ClamAV
12th 86% 560 Kaspersky
13th 84% 632 DrWeb
14th 84% 635 Rising
15th 83% 647 Symantec
16th 83% 664 F-Prot
17th 83% 665 CAT-QuickHeal
18th 82% 689 VirusBuster
19th 82% 696 Fortinet
20th 82% 707 TrendMicro
21st 81% 734 Authentium
22nd 80% 781 eTrust-Vet
23rd 79% 825 AhnLab-V3
24th 77% 893 VBA32
25th 77% 895 McAfee
26th 75% 971 Panda
27th 75% 994 TheHacker
28th 59% 1620 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 45% 2202 Ewido
30th 43% 2280 NOD30w
31st 25% 2979 Prevx1   (*´○`)ノ゙[4017 malware]

586 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2008/12/10(水) 07:34:06 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年12月09日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 95% 189 AntiVir
2nd 93% 260 AVG
3rd 93% 280 Ikarus
4th 92% 309 BitDefender
5th 90% 386 Avast
6th 90% 399 F-Secure
7th 89% 429 Sophos
8th 89% 429 Norman
9th 88% 452 Microsoft
10th 88% 476 GData
11th 87% 484 ClamAV
12th 85% 564 Kaspersky
13th 84% 633 DrWeb
14th 84% 637 Rising
15th 83% 648 Symantec
16th 83% 660 F-Prot
17th 83% 669 CAT-QuickHeal
18th 82% 692 VirusBuster
19th 82% 693 TrendMicro
20th 82% 697 Fortinet
21st 81% 730 Authentium
22nd 80% 783 eTrust-Vet
23rd 79% 822 AhnLab-V3
24th 77% 894 VBA32
25th 77% 895 McAfee
26th 75% 967 Panda
27th 75% 997 TheHacker
28th 59% 1625 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 45% 2195 Ewido
30th 43% 2279 NOD32v2
31st 25% 2973 Prevx1   (*´○`)ノ゙[4008 malware]

587 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2008/12/11(木) 07:41:13 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年12月10日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 95% 189 AntiVir
2nd 93% 261 AVG
3rd 93% 279 Ikarus
4th 92% 311 BitDefender
5th 90% 387 Avast
6th 90% 399 F-Secure
7th 89% 427 Sophos
8th 89% 430 Norman
9th 88% 453 Microsoft
10th 88% 476 GData
11th 87% 485 ClamAV
12th 85% 564 Kaspersky
13th 84% 633 DrWeb
14th 84% 636 Rising
15th 83% 648 Symantec
16th 83% 658 F-Prot
17th 83% 669 CAT-QuickHeal
18th 82% 688 TrendMicro
19th 82% 693 VirusBuster
20th 82% 697 Fortinet
21st 81% 728 Authentium
22nd 80% 783 eTrust-Vet
23rd 79% 820 AhnLab-V3
24th 77% 894 VBA32
25th 77% 895 McAfee
26th 75% 967 Panda
27th 75% 998 TheHacker
28th 59% 1625 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 45% 2193 Ewido
30th 43% 2279 NOD30w ★   (*´○`)ノ゙[4005 malware]
31st 25% 2972 Prevx1

588 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2008/12/12(金) 07:34:19 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年12月11日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 95% 192 AntiVir
2nd 93% 263 AVG
3rd 93% 281 Ikarus
4th 92% 314 BitDefender
5th 90% 388 Avast
6th 90% 401 F-Secure
7th 89% 427 Sophos
8th 89% 431 Norman
9th 88% 454 Microsoft
10th 88% 478 GData
11th 87% 486 ClamAV
12th 85% 566 Kaspersky
13th 84% 635 DrWeb
14th 84% 637 Rising
15th 83% 649 Symantec
16th 83% 657 F-Prot
17th 83% 672 CAT-QuickHeal
18th 82% 685 TrendMicro
19th 82% 694 VirusBuster
20th 82% 696 Fortinet
21st 81% 727 Authentium
22nd 80% 784 eTrust-Vet
23rd 79% 821 AhnLab-V3
24th 77% 895 McAfee
25th 77% 896 VBA32
26th 75% 967 Panda
27th 75% 1000 TheHacker
28th 59% 1628 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 45% 2193 Ewido
30th 43% 2280 NOD30w ★ (*´○`)ノ゙[4005 malware] 
31st 25% 2973 Prevx1

589 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2008/12/13(土) 07:32:04 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年12月12日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 95% 194 AntiVir
2nd 93% 265 AVG
3rd 92% 282 Ikarus
4th 92% 315 BitDefender
5th 90% 387 Avast
6th 90% 399 F-Secure
7th 89% 423 Sophos
8th 89% 431 Norman
9th 88% 453 Microsoft
10th 88% 477 GData
11th 87% 487 ClamAV
12th 85% 564 Kaspersky
13th 84% 633 DrWeb
14th 84% 635 Rising
15th 83% 649 Symantec
16th 83% 656 F-Prot
17th 83% 670 CAT-QuickHeal
18th 83% 678 TrendMicro
19th 82% 694 Fortinet
20th 82% 695 VirusBuster
21st 81% 726 Authentium
22nd 80% 782 eTrust-Vet
23rd 79% 819 AhnLab-V3
24th 77% 893 McAfee
25th 77% 894 VBA32
26th 75% 965 Panda
27th 75% 998 TheHacker
28th 59% 1630 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 45% 2190 Ewido
30th 43% 2278 NOD30w ★  (*´○`)ノ゙[4000 malware]
31st 25% 2973 Prevx1

590 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2008/12/14(日) 09:45:01 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年12月13日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 95% 195 AntiVir
2nd 93% 268 AVG
3rd 92% 284 Ikarus
4th 92% 319 BitDefender
5th 90% 387 Avast
6th 90% 400 F-Secure
7th 89% 423 Sophos
8th 89% 435 Norman
9th 88% 448 Microsoft
10th 87% 481 GData
11th 87% 490 ClamAV
12th 85% 565 Kaspersky
13th 84% 631 DrWeb
14th 84% 633 Rising
15th 83% 647 Symantec
16th 83% 656 F-Prot
17th 83% 670 TrendMicro
18th 83% 671 CAT-QuickHeal
19th 82% 696 Fortinet
20th 82% 698 VirusBuster
21st 81% 726 Authentium
22nd 80% 779 eTrust-Vet
23rd 79% 816 AhnLab-V3
24th 77% 889 McAfee
25th 77% 895 VBA32
26th 75% 964 Panda
27th 75% 1000 TheHacker
28th 59% 1635 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 45% 2186 Ewido
30th 43% 2276 NOD30w ★  (*´○`)ノ゙[3996 malware]
31st 25% 2974 Prevx1

591 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2008/12/15(月) 07:43:16 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年12月14日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 95% 198 AntiVir
2nd 93% 272 AVG
3rd 92% 288 Ikarus
4th 91% 322 BitDefender
5th 90% 391 Avast
6th 89% 402 F-Secure
7th 89% 423 Sophos
8th 89% 437 Norman
9th 88% 451 Microsoft
10th 87% 484 GData
11th 87% 494 ClamAV
12th 85% 568 Kaspersky
13th 84% 635 DrWeb
14th 84% 637 Rising
15th 83% 650 Symantec
16th 83% 657 F-Prot
17th 83% 669 TrendMicro
18th 83% 675 CAT-QuickHeal
19th 82% 699 Fortinet
20th 82% 702 VirusBuster
21st 81% 727 Authentium
22nd 80% 782 eTrust-Vet
23rd 79% 819 AhnLab-V3
24th 77% 892 McAfee
25th 77% 899 VBA32
26th 75% 964 Panda
30th 42% 2280 NOD30w    (*´○`)ノ゙[3997 malware]

592 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2008/12/16(火) 07:42:40 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年12月15日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 95% 200 AntiVir
2nd 93% 273 AVG
3rd 92% 290 Ikarus
4th 91% 322 BitDefender
5th 90% 393 Avast
6th 89% 404 F-Secure
7th 89% 419 Sophos
8th 89% 439 Norman
9th 88% 453 Microsoft
10th 87% 484 GData
11th 87% 496 ClamAV
12th 85% 570 Kaspersky
13th 84% 634 DrWeb
14th 84% 635 Rising
15th 83% 647 Symantec
16th 83% 654 F-Prot
17th 83% 661 TrendMicro
18th 83% 678 CAT-QuickHeal
19th 82% 699 Fortinet
20th 82% 703 VirusBuster
21st 81% 723 Authentium
22nd 80% 783 eTrust-Vet
23rd 79% 815 AhnLab-V3
24th 77% 891 McAfee
25th 77% 901 VBA32
26th 75% 964 Panda
30th 42% 2280 NOD30w  (*´○`)ノ゙[3989 malware]

593 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/12/17(水) 07:41:30 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ (*´○`)ノ゙[3975 malware]
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 94% 200 AntiVir
2nd 93% 273 AVG
3rd 92% 289 Ikarus
4th 91% 321 BitDefender
5th 90% 392 Avast
6th 89% 404 F-Secure
7th 89% 417 Sophos
8th 89% 437 Norman
9th 88% 451 Microsoft
10th 87% 482 GData
11th 87% 495 ClamAV
12th 85% 569 Kaspersky
13th 84% 633 DrWeb
14th 84% 633 Rising
15th 83% 647 Symantec
16th 83% 653 F-Prot
17th 83% 657 TrendMicro
18th 83% 676 CAT-QuickHeal
19th 82% 696 Fortinet
20th 82% 702 VirusBuster
21st 81% 721 Authentium
22nd 80% 781 eTrust-Vet
23rd 79% 812 AhnLab-V3
24th 77% 890 McAfee
25th 77% 899 VBA32
26th 75% 962 Panda
30th 42% 2277 NOD32v2

594 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/12/18(木) 07:52:04 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ (*´○`)ノ゙[3977 malware]
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 94% 202 AntiVir
2nd 93% 273 AVG
3rd 92% 291 Ikarus
4th 91% 323 BitDefender
5th 90% 394 Avast
6th 89% 405 F-Secure
7th 89% 417 Sophos
8th 89% 437 Norman
9th 88% 453 Microsoft
10th 87% 482 GData
11th 87% 497 ClamAV
12th 85% 571 Kaspersky
13th 84% 634 Rising
14th 84% 635 DrWeb
15th 83% 649 Symantec
16th 83% 653 F-Prot
17th 83% 656 TrendMicro
18th 82% 678 CAT-QuickHeal
19th 82% 697 Fortinet
20th 82% 704 VirusBuster
21st 81% 720 Authentium
22nd 80% 783 eTrust-Vet
23rd 79% 814 AhnLab-V3
24th 77% 891 McAfee
25th 77% 900 VBA32
26th 75% 961 Panda
30th 42% 2279 NOD32v2

595 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/12/19(金) 07:33:31 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ (*´○`)ノ゙[3982 malware]
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 94% 203 AntiVir
2nd 93% 273 AVG
3rd 92% 292 Ikarus
4th 91% 324 BitDefender
5th 90% 395 Avast
6th 89% 405 F-Secure
7th 89% 417 Sophos
8th 89% 438 Norman
9th 88% 454 Microsoft
10th 87% 483 GData
11th 87% 498 ClamAV
12th 85% 572 Kaspersky
13th 84% 635 Rising
14th 84% 636 DrWeb
15th 83% 653 Symantec
16th 83% 653 F-Prot
17th 83% 656 TrendMicro
18th 82% 679 CAT-QuickHeal
19th 82% 698 Fortinet
20th 82% 705 VirusBuster
21st 81% 720 Authentium
22nd 80% 784 eTrust-Vet
23rd 79% 815 AhnLab-V3
24th 77% 892 McAfee
25th 77% 901 VBA32
26th 75% 961 Panda
30th 42% 2281 NOD32v2 ★

596 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/12/20(土) 17:59:12 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ (*´○`)ノ゙[3986 malware]
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 94% 204 AntiVir
2nd 93% 274 AVG
3rd 92% 292 Ikarus
4th 91% 325 BitDefender
5th 90% 396 Avast
6th 89% 406 F-Secure
7th 89% 417 Sophos
8th 89% 439 Norman
9th 88% 455 Microsoft
10th 87% 484 GData
11th 87% 499 ClamAV
12th 85% 573 Kaspersky
13th 84% 636 Rising
14th 84% 637 DrWeb
15th 83% 653 F-Prot
16th 83% 654 Symantec
17th 83% 656 TrendMicro
18th 82% 680 CAT-QuickHeal
19th 82% 699 Fortinet
20th 82% 706 VirusBuster
21st 81% 720 Authentium
22nd 80% 785 eTrust-Vet
23rd 79% 816 AhnLab-V3
24th 77% 893 McAfee
25th 77% 902 VBA32
26th 75% 962 Panda
30th 42% 2283 NOD32v2 ★

597 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/12/21(日) 12:43:47 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ (*´○`)ノ゙[3990 malware]
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 94% 209 AntiVir
2nd 93% 280 AVG
3rd 92% 295 Ikarus
4th 91% 331 BitDefender
5th 89% 402 Avast
6th 89% 410 F-Secure
7th 89% 418 Sophos
8th 88% 444 Norman
9th 88% 459 Microsoft
10th 87% 490 GData
11th 87% 505 ClamAV
12th 85% 578 Kaspersky
13th 83% 642 Rising
14th 83% 643 DrWeb
15th 83% 655 F-Prot
16th 83% 655 TrendMicro
17th 83% 657 Symantec
18th 82% 686 CAT-QuickHeal
19th 82% 702 Fortinet
20th 82% 712 VirusBuster
21st 81% 722 Authentium
22nd 80% 791 eTrust-Vet
23rd 79% 822 AhnLab-V3
24th 77% 897 McAfee
25th 77% 907 VBA32
26th 75% 967 Panda
30th 42% 2290 NOD32v2

598 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/12/22(月) 11:55:08 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ (*´○`)ノ゙[3991 malware]
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 94% 211 AntiVir
2nd 92% 281 AVG
3rd 92% 297 Ikarus
4th 91% 332 BitDefender
5th 89% 404 Avast
6th 89% 411 F-Secure
7th 89% 418 Sophos
8th 88% 446 Norman
9th 88% 460 Microsoft
10th 87% 490 GData
11th 87% 507 ClamAV
12th 85% 580 Kaspersky
13th 83% 644 DrWeb
14th 83% 644 Rising
15th 83% 653 TrendMicro
16th 83% 655 F-Prot
17th 83% 658 Symantec
18th 82% 687 CAT-QuickHeal
19th 82% 703 Fortinet
20th 82% 714 VirusBuster
21st 81% 721 Authentium
22nd 80% 792 eTrust-Vet
23rd 79% 823 AhnLab-V3
24th 77% 898 McAfee
25th 77% 907 VBA32
26th 75% 967 Panda
30th 42% 2292 NOD32v2

599 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/12/23(火) 07:40:52 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ (*´○`)ノ゙[3986 malware]
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 94% 213 AntiVir
2nd 92% 283 AVG
3rd 92% 298 Ikarus
4th 91% 334 BitDefender
5th 89% 406 Avast
6th 89% 412 F-Secure
7th 89% 418 Sophos
8th 88% 448 Norman
9th 88% 462 Microsoft
10th 87% 492 GData
11th 87% 509 ClamAV
12th 85% 581 Kaspersky
13th 83% 646 DrWeb
14th 83% 646 Rising
15th 83% 652 TrendMicro
16th 83% 655 F-Prot
17th 83% 660 Symantec
18th 82% 689 CAT-QuickHeal
19th 82% 704 Fortinet
20th 82% 716 VirusBuster
21st 81% 721 Authentium
22nd 80% 794 eTrust-Vet
23rd 79% 825 AhnLab-V3
24th 77% 900 McAfee
25th 77% 909 VBA32
26th 75% 969 Panda
30th 42% 2296 NOD32v2

600 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/12/23(火) 15:02:32 ]

ESET Smart Security その13

715 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2008/12/22(月) 08:30:54
ESET Smart Security "epfw.sys" IOCTL Handler Privilege Escalation

601 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/12/24(水) 07:18:04 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ (*´○`)ノ゙[3956 malware]
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 94% 213 AntiVir
2nd 92% 283 AVG
3rd 92% 298 Ikarus
4th 91% 331 BitDefender
5th 89% 406 Avast
6th 89% 412 F-Secure
7th 89% 414 Sophos
8th 88% 447 Norman
9th 88% 459 Microsoft
10th 87% 487 GData
11th 87% 510 ClamAV
12th 85% 579 Kaspersky
13th 83% 642 TrendMicro
14th 83% 642 Rising
15th 83% 643 DrWeb
16th 83% 655 F-Prot
17th 83% 658 Symantec
18th 82% 689 CAT-QuickHeal
19th 82% 701 Fortinet
20th 81% 714 VirusBuster
21st 81% 719 Authentium
22nd 79% 793 eTrust-Vet
23rd 79% 819 AhnLab-V3
24th 77% 895 McAfee
25th 77% 905 VBA32
26th 75% 964 Panda
30th 42% 2289 NOD32v2

602 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/12/25(木) 08:00:33 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ (*´○`)ノ゙[3948 malware]
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 94% 215 AntiVir
2nd 92% 282 AVG
3rd 92% 300 Ikarus
4th 91% 334 BitDefender
5th 89% 408 Avast
6th 89% 412 F-Secure
7th 89% 414 Sophos
8th 88% 450 Norman
9th 88% 460 Microsoft
10th 87% 489 GData
11th 87% 512 ClamAV
12th 85% 581 Kaspersky
13th 83% 641 TrendMicro
14th 83% 644 Rising
15th 83% 646 DrWeb
16th 83% 655 F-Prot
17th 83% 659 Symantec
18th 82% 692 CAT-QuickHeal
19th 82% 703 Fortinet
20th 81% 715 VirusBuster
21st 81% 719 Authentium
22nd 79% 796 eTrust-Vet
23rd 79% 822 AhnLab-V3
24th 77% 896 McAfee
25th 77% 906 VBA32
26th 75% 964 Panda
30th 41% 2293 NOD32v2

603 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/12/26(金) 07:43:29 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ (*´○`)ノ゙[3915 malware]
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 94% 218 AntiVir
2nd 92% 281 AVG
3rd 92% 300 Ikarus
4th 91% 331 BitDefender
5th 89% 408 Avast
6th 89% 410 Sophos
7th 89% 411 F-Secure
8th 88% 448 Norman
9th 88% 458 Microsoft
10th 87% 483 GData
11th 86% 510 ClamAV
12th 85% 579 Kaspersky
13th 83% 635 TrendMicro
14th 83% 641 Rising
15th 83% 644 DrWeb
16th 83% 650 F-Prot
17th 83% 654 Symantec
18th 82% 689 CAT-QuickHeal
19th 82% 701 Fortinet
20th 81% 712 VirusBuster
21st 81% 713 Authentium
22nd 79% 793 eTrust-Vet
23rd 79% 817 AhnLab-V3
24th 77% 890 McAfee
25th 77% 901 VBA32
26th 75% 957 Panda
30th 41% 2288 NOD32v2

604 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/12/27(土) 09:55:53 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ (*´○`)ノ゙[3819 malware]
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 94% 215 AntiVir
2nd 92% 273 AVG
3rd 92% 287 Ikarus
4th 91% 317 BitDefender
5th 89% 395 Sophos
6th 89% 403 Avast
7th 89% 408 F-Secure
8th 88% 434 Norman
9th 88% 439 Microsoft
10th 87% 478 GData
11th 87% 494 ClamAV
12th 85% 549 Kaspersky
13th 83% 613 F-Prot
14th 83% 616 TrendMicro
15th 83% 621 DrWeb
16th 83% 629 Symantec
17th 83% 633 Rising
18th 82% 663 CAT-QuickHeal
19th 82% 676 Authentium
20th 81% 690 Fortinet
21st 81% 694 VirusBuster
22nd 80% 763 eTrust-Vet
23rd 79% 778 AhnLab-V3
24th 77% 854 McAfee
30th 40% 2255 NOD32v2

605 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/12/27(土) 16:21:31 ]

606 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2008/12/27(土) 20:14:49 ]
            |  ゝノ
           __|_______|_   ■■■■■■■■
           |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|  ■■■■■■■■■ナニヤッテンダヨ!バカモノガァ!
           |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii| ■■■■√ === │
           |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|■■■■√ ~ ミ ノノノ 彡 |
           |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|■■■√   ∀    ∀ \
           |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|■■■  ∵   (●  ●) ∴│  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
           |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|■■■    丿■■■(  │< 常にageとけって
           |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|■■■     ■ д ■  |   |  言ったじゃないかぁ!
           |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|■■■■   ■■ ■■ ■  \_________

607 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/12/28(日) 09:20:05 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ (*´○`)ノ゙[3737 malware]
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 94% 213 AntiVir
2nd 92% 269 AVG
3rd 92% 284 Ikarus
4th 91% 311 BitDefender
5th 89% 385 Sophos
6th 89% 399 Avast
7th 89% 407 F-Secure
8th 88% 423 Norman
9th 88% 424 Microsoft
10th 87% 475 GData
11th 87% 482 ClamAV
12th 85% 534 Kaspersky
13th 84% 593 F-Prot
14th 83% 599 TrendMicro
15th 83% 608 DrWeb
16th 83% 613 Symantec
17th 83% 625 Rising
18th 82% 650 CAT-QuickHeal
19th 82% 656 Authentium
20th 81% 681 Fortinet
21st 81% 685 VirusBuster
22nd 80% 748 eTrust-Vet
23rd 79% 752 AhnLab-V3
24th 77% 827 McAfee
25th 77% 846 VBA32
26th 76% 890 Panda
30th 40% 2229 NOD32v2

608 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2008/12/29(月) 08:55:36 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ (*´○`)ノ゙[3645 malware]
Rank Detects Missed Product
1st 94% 214 AntiVir
2nd 92% 267 AVG
3rd 92% 275 Ikarus
4th 91% 297 BitDefender
5th 89% 372 Sophos
6th 89% 388 Avast
7th 88% 407 F-Secure
8th 88% 410 Microsoft
9th 88% 413 Norman
10th 87% 466 ClamAV
11th 87% 467 GData
12th 85% 514 Kaspersky
13th 84% 571 F-Prot
14th 83% 589 TrendMicro
15th 83% 591 DrWeb
16th 83% 593 Symantec
17th 83% 616 Rising
18th 82% 629 CAT-QuickHeal
19th 82% 634 Authentium
20th 81% 666 Fortinet
21st 81% 669 VirusBuster
22nd 80% 722 eTrust-Vet
23rd 80% 725 AhnLab-V3
24th 78% 801 McAfee
25th 77% 822 VBA32
26th 76% 866 Panda
30th 39% 2201 NOD32v2

609 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2008/12/30(火) 08:02:46 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年12月29日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 94% 212 AntiVir
2nd 92% 264 AVG
3rd 92% 267 Ikarus
4th 91% 285 BitDefender
5th 90% 355 Microsoft
6th 89% 357 Sophos
7th 89% 382 Avast
8th 88% 393 Norman
9th 88% 402 F-Secure
10th 87% 446 ClamAV
11th 87% 458 GData
12th 86% 495 Kaspersky
13th 84% 548 F-Prot
14th 84% 568 Symantec
15th 83% 572 TrendMicro
16th 83% 578 DrWeb
17th 82% 607 Rising
18th 82% 610 Authentium
19th 82% 612 CAT-QuickHeal
20th 81% 648 VirusBuster
21st 81% 653 Fortinet
22nd 80% 688 AhnLab-V3
23rd 80% 699 eTrust-Vet
24th 78% 765 McAfee
25th 77% 790 VBA32
26th 76% 829 Panda
27th 74% 909 TheHacker
28th 52% 1674 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 49% 1778 Ewido
30th 39% 2162 NOD32v2 ★
31st 23% 2721 Prevx1        (*´○`)ノ゙[3544 malware]

610 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2008/12/31(水) 08:17:31 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年12月30日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 93% 213 AntiVir
2nd 92% 263 AVG
3rd 92% 266 Ikarus
4th 92% 282 BitDefender
5th 90% 351 Sophos
6th 90% 351 Microsoft
7th 89% 381 Avast
8th 89% 387 Norman
9th 88% 401 F-Secure
10th 87% 438 ClamAV
11th 87% 458 GData
12th 86% 490 Kaspersky
13th 84% 540 F-Prot
14th 84% 563 Symantec
15th 83% 567 TrendMicro
16th 83% 573 DrWeb
17th 82% 601 Authentium
18th 82% 602 Rising
19th 82% 606 CAT-QuickHeal
20th 81% 642 VirusBuster
21st 81% 647 Fortinet
22nd 80% 680 AhnLab-V3
23rd 80% 692 eTrust-Vet
24th 78% 756 McAfee
25th 77% 782 VBA32
26th 76% 819 Panda
27th 74% 902 TheHacker
28th 52% 1678 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 50% 1753 Ewido
30th 38% 2154 NOD32v2 ★
31st 23% 2702 Prevx1    (*´○`)ノ゙[3517 malware]

611 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2009/01/01(木) 20:26:56 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年12月31日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 93% 212 AntiVir
2nd 92% 263 AVG
3rd 92% 264 Ikarus
4th 92% 280 BitDefender
5th 90% 340 Microsoft
6th 90% 349 Sophos
7th 89% 379 Avast
8th 89% 386 Norman
9th 88% 399 F-Secure
10th 87% 436 ClamAV
11th 87% 456 GData
12th 86% 487 Kaspersky
13th 84% 537 F-Prot
14th 84% 561 Symantec
15th 83% 565 TrendMicro
16th 83% 570 DrWeb
17th 82% 598 Authentium
18th 82% 600 Rising
19th 82% 603 CAT-QuickHeal
20th 81% 640 VirusBuster
21st 81% 644 Fortinet
22nd 80% 679 AhnLab-V3
23rd 80% 690 eTrust-Vet
24th 78% 754 McAfee
25th 77% 780 VBA32
26th 76% 817 Panda
27th 74% 897 TheHacker
28th 52% 1677 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 50% 1740 Ewido
30th 38% 2151 NOD32v2 ★
31st 23% 2694 Prevx1     (*´○`)ノ゙[3501 malware]

612 名前:検知力テスト(2008年12月) mailto:sage [2009/01/01(木) 21:03:27 ]
Date Rank Detects Missed Product  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
2008年12月01日 30th 43% 2275 NOD30w
2008年12月02日 30th 43% 2279 NOD30w
2008年12月03日 30th 43% 2283 NOD30w
2008年12月04日 30th 43% 2289 NOD30w
2008年12月05日 30th 43% 2284 NOD30w
2008年12月06日 30th 43% 2280 NOD30w
2008年12月07日 30th 43% 2281 NOD30w
2008年12月08日 30th 43% 2280 NOD30w
2008年12月09日 30th 43% 2279 NOD30w
2008年12月10日 30th 43% 2279 NOD30w
2008年12月11日 30th 43% 2280 NOD30w
2008年12月12日 30th 43% 2278 NOD30w
2008年12月13日 30th 43% 2276 NOD30w
2008年12月14日 30th 42% 2280 NOD30w
2008年12月15日 30th 42% 2280 NOD30w
2008年12月16日 30th 42% 2277 NOD30w
2008年12月17日 30th 42% 2279 NOD30w
2008年12月18日 30th 42% 2281 NOD30w
2008年12月19日 30th 42% 2283 NOD30w
2008年12月20日 30th 42% 2290 NOD30w
2008年12月21日 30th 42% 2292 NOD30w
2008年12月22日 30th 42% 2296 NOD30w
2008年12月23日 30th 42% 2289 NOD30w
2008年12月24日 30th 41% 2293 NOD30w
2008年12月25日 30th 41% 2288 NOD30w
2008年12月26日 30th 40% 2255 NOD30w
2008年12月27日 30th 40% 2229 NOD30w
2008年12月28日 30th 39% 2201 NOD30w
2008年12月29日 30th 39% 2162 NOD30w
2008年12月30日 30th 38% 2154 NOD30w
2008年12月31日 30th 38% 2151 NOD30w

613 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2009/01/02(金) 08:30:29 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2009年01月01日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 93% 211 AntiVir
2nd 92% 262 AVG
3rd 92% 262 Ikarus
4th 92% 277 BitDefender
5th 90% 336 Microsoft
6th 90% 346 Sophos
7th 89% 378 Avast
8th 89% 383 Norman
9th 88% 398 F-Secure
10th 87% 434 ClamAV
11th 86% 454 GData
12th 86% 485 Kaspersky
13th 84% 534 F-Prot
14th 83% 561 Symantec
15th 83% 562 TrendMicro
16th 83% 568 DrWeb
17th 82% 595 Authentium
18th 82% 599 Rising
19th 82% 601 CAT-QuickHeal
20th 81% 638 VirusBuster
21st 81% 641 Fortinet
22nd 80% 674 AhnLab-V3
23rd 80% 686 eTrust-Vet
24th 78% 750 McAfee
25th 77% 777 VBA32
26th 76% 813 Panda
27th 74% 895 TheHacker
28th 51% 1678 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 50% 1721 Ewido
30th 38% 2146 NOD32v2 ★   (*´○`)ノ゙[3477 malware]
31st 23% 2674 Prevx1

614 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2009/01/03(土) 07:47:50 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2009年01月02日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 93% 216 AntiVir
2nd 92% 265 AVG
3rd 92% 265 Ikarus
4th 91% 281 BitDefender
5th 90% 339 Microsoft
6th 90% 347 Sophos
7th 89% 383 Avast
8th 88% 387 Norman
9th 88% 400 F-Secure
10th 87% 439 ClamAV
11th 86% 458 GData
12th 85% 489 Kaspersky
13th 84% 535 F-Prot
14th 83% 561 TrendMicro
15th 83% 565 Symantec
16th 83% 573 DrWeb
17th 82% 596 Authentium
18th 82% 604 Rising
19th 82% 606 CAT-QuickHeal
20th 81% 643 VirusBuster
21st 81% 645 Fortinet
22nd 80% 679 AhnLab-V3
23rd 80% 691 eTrust-Vet
24th 78% 754 McAfee
25th 77% 780 VBA32
26th 76% 816 Panda
27th 74% 898 TheHacker
28th 51% 1684 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 50% 1723 Ewido
30th 38% 2152 NOD32v2 ★
31st 23% 2677 Prevx1    (*´○`)ノ゙[3477 malware]

615 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2009/01/04(日) 07:19:31 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2009年01月03日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 93% 216 AntiVir
2nd 92% 262 AVG
3rd 92% 266 Ikarus
4th 91% 279 BitDefender
5th 90% 336 Microsoft
6th 90% 343 Sophos
7th 88% 384 Norman
8th 88% 384 Avast
9th 88% 398 F-Secure
10th 87% 439 ClamAV
11th 86% 456 GData
12th 85% 488 Kaspersky
13th 84% 533 F-Prot
14th 84% 554 TrendMicro
15th 83% 565 Symantec
16th 83% 570 DrWeb
17th 82% 594 Authentium
18th 82% 601 Rising
19th 82% 602 CAT-QuickHeal
20th 81% 640 Fortinet
21st 81% 641 VirusBuster
22nd 80% 675 AhnLab-V3
23rd 80% 687 eTrust-Vet
24th 78% 752 McAfee
25th 77% 777 VBA32
26th 76% 814 Panda
27th 74% 893 TheHacker
28th 51% 1684 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 50% 1714 Ewido
30th 37% 2146 NOD32v2  ★    (*´○`)ノ゙[3459 malware]
31st 22% 2665 Prevx1

616 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2009/01/05(月) 07:48:43 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2009年01月04日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 93% 218 AntiVir
2nd 92% 263 AVG
3rd 92% 267 Ikarus
4th 91% 280 BitDefender
5th 90% 337 Microsoft
6th 90% 342 Sophos
7th 88% 385 Norman
8th 88% 385 Avast
9th 88% 399 F-Secure
10th 87% 441 ClamAV
11th 86% 458 GData
12th 85% 490 Kaspersky
13th 84% 533 F-Prot
14th 84% 551 TrendMicro
15th 83% 567 Symantec
16th 83% 571 DrWeb
17th 82% 594 Authentium
18th 82% 603 CAT-QuickHeal
19th 82% 603 Rising
20th 81% 639 Fortinet
21st 81% 641 VirusBuster
22nd 80% 676 AhnLab-V3
23rd 80% 686 eTrust-Vet
24th 78% 753 McAfee
25th 77% 778 VBA32
26th 76% 813 Panda
27th 74% 892 TheHacker
28th 51% 1688 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 50% 1709 Ewido
30th 37% 2149 NOD32v2
31st 22% 2660 Prevx1    (*´○`)ノ゙[3448 malware]

617 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2009/01/06(火) 06:50:30 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2009年01月05日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 93% 218 AntiVir
2nd 92% 264 AVG
3rd 92% 264 Ikarus
4th 91% 280 BitDefender
5th 90% 337 Microsoft
6th 90% 340 Sophos
7th 88% 382 Norman
8th 88% 385 Avast
9th 88% 398 F-Secure
10th 87% 438 ClamAV
11th 86% 458 GData
12th 85% 489 Kaspersky
13th 84% 532 F-Prot
14th 84% 548 TrendMicro
15th 83% 566 Symantec
16th 83% 570 DrWeb
17th 82% 593 Authentium
18th 82% 602 CAT-QuickHeal
19th 82% 603 Rising
20th 81% 637 Fortinet
21st 81% 638 VirusBuster
22nd 80% 672 AhnLab-V3
23rd 80% 683 eTrust-Vet
24th 78% 751 McAfee
25th 77% 775 VBA32
26th 76% 809 Panda
27th 74% 890 TheHacker
28th 50% 1690 Webwasher-Gateway
29th 50% 1699 Ewido
30th 37% 2147 NOD32v2 ★    (*´○`)ノ゙[3431 malware]
31st 22% 2646 Prevx1

618 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2009/01/07(水) 06:18:40 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2009年01月06日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 93% 217 AntiVir
2nd 92% 264 AVG
3rd 92% 264 Ikarus
4th 91% 281 BitDefender
5th 90% 338 Sophos
6th 90% 339 Microsoft
7th 88% 382 Norman
8th 88% 384 Avast
9th 88% 397 F-Secure
10th 87% 438 ClamAV
11th 86% 456 GData
12th 85% 489 Kaspersky
13th 84% 532 F-Prot
14th 84% 544 TrendMicro
15th 83% 565 Symantec
16th 83% 570 DrWeb
17th 82% 593 Authentium
18th 82% 601 Rising
19th 82% 602 CAT-QuickHeal
20th 81% 636 Fortinet
21st 81% 638 VirusBuster
22nd 80% 670 AhnLab-V3
23rd 80% 682 eTrust-Vet
24th 78% 751 McAfee
25th 77% 776 VBA32
26th 76% 809 Panda
27th 73% 890 TheHacker
28th 50% 1690 Ewido
29th 50% 1691 Webwasher-Gateway
30th 37% 2148 NOD32v2  ★    (*´○`)ノ゙[3419 malware]
31st 22% 2637 Prevx1

619 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2009/01/08(木) 05:46:55 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2009年01月07日)  ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
1st 93% 216 AntiVir
2nd 92% 262 AVG
3rd 92% 263 Ikarus
4th 91% 281 BitDefender
5th 90% 335 Sophos
6th 90% 336 Microsoft
7th 88% 379 Norman
8th 88% 382 Avast
9th 88% 395 F-Secure
10th 87% 437 ClamAV
11th 86% 455 GData
12th 85% 487 Kaspersky
13th 84% 532 F-Prot
14th 84% 536 TrendMicro
15th 83% 563 Symantec
16th 83% 567 DrWeb
17th 82% 593 Authentium
18th 82% 599 CAT-QuickHeal
19th 82% 600 Rising
20th 81% 633 Fortinet
21st 81% 636 VirusBuster
22nd 80% 667 AhnLab-V3
23rd 80% 678 eTrust-Vet
24th 78% 747 McAfee
25th 77% 772 VBA32
26th 76% 806 Panda
27th 74% 882 TheHacker
28th 50% 1676 Ewido
29th 50% 1691 Webwasher-Gateway
30th 36% 2145 NOD32v2 ★     (*´○`)ノ゙[3401 malware]
31st 22% 2625 Prevx1

620 名前:Rank Detects Missed Product(2009年01月08日) mailto:sage [2009/01/09(金) 06:07:31 ]
1st 93% 215 AntiVir     Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
2nd 92% 260 AVG        ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
3rd 92% 262 Ikarus
4th 91% 278 BitDefender
5th 90% 333 Sophos
6th 90% 333 Microsoft
7th 88% 376 Norman
8th 88% 380 Avast
9th 88% 393 F-Secure
10th 87% 434 ClamAV
11th 86% 452 GData
12th 85% 484 Kaspersky
13th 84% 529 F-Prot
14th 84% 531 TrendMicro
15th 83% 559 Symantec
16th 83% 564 DrWeb
17th 82% 589 Authentium
18th 82% 596 CAT-QuickHeal
19th 82% 596 Rising
20th 81% 628 Fortinet
21st 81% 633 VirusBuster
22nd 80% 664 AhnLab-V3
23rd 80% 675 eTrust-Vet
24th 78% 743 McAfee
25th 77% 767 VBA32
26th 76% 801 Panda
27th 74% 874 TheHacker
28th 50% 1665 Ewido
29th 50% 1692 Webwasher-Gateway
30th 36% 2142 NOD32v2 ★     (*´○`)ノ゙[3384 malware]
31st 22% 2613 Prevx1

621 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2009/01/10(土) 05:40:44 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product(2009年01月09日)
1st 93% 214 AntiVir     Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
2nd 92% 260 AVG        ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
3rd 92% 260 Ikarus
4th 91% 277 BitDefender
5th 90% 331 Sophos
6th 90% 331 Microsoft
7th 88% 375 Norman
8th 88% 380 Avast
9th 88% 393 F-Secure
10th 87% 433 ClamAV
11th 86% 450 GData
12th 85% 483 Kaspersky
13th 84% 525 TrendMicro
14th 84% 527 F-Prot
15th 83% 558 Symantec
16th 83% 563 DrWeb
17th 82% 587 Authentium
18th 82% 594 CAT-QuickHeal
19th 82% 594 Rising
20th 81% 626 Fortinet
21st 81% 633 VirusBuster
22nd 80% 661 AhnLab-V3
23rd 80% 672 eTrust-Vet
24th 78% 741 McAfee
25th 77% 763 VBA32
26th 76% 799 Panda
27th 74% 871 TheHacker
28th 50% 1657 Ewido
29th 49% 1691 Webwasher-Gateway
30th 36% 2138 NOD32v2 ★              (*´○`)ノ゙[3367 malware]
31st 22% 2604 Prevx1

622 名前:検知力テスト(2009年01月) mailto:sage [2009/01/25(日) 08:24:39 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Date Rank Detects Missed Product
2009年01月01日 30th 38% 2146 NOD30w
2009年01月02日 30th 38% 2152 NOD30w
2009年01月03日 30th 37% 2146 NOD30w
2009年01月04日 30th 37% 2149 NOD30w
2009年01月05日 30th 37% 2147 NOD30w
2009年01月06日 30th 37% 2148 NOD30w
2009年01月07日 30th 36% 2145 NOD30w
2009年01月08日 30th 36% 2142 NOD30w
2009年01月09日 30th 36% 2138 NOD30w
2009年01月10日 30th 36% 2134 NOD30w
2009年01月11日 30th 35% 2130 NOD30w
2009年01月12日 30th 35% 2129 NOD30w
2009年01月13日 30th 35% 2129 NOD30w
2009年01月14日 30th 35% 2125 NOD30w
2009年01月15日 30th 34% 2121 NOD30w
2009年01月16日 30th 34% 2121 NOD30w
2009年01月17日 30th 34% 2118 NOD30w
2009年01月18日 30th 34% 2117 NOD30w
2009年01月19日 30th 33% 2114 NOD30w
2009年01月20日 30th 33% 2111 NOD30w
2009年01月21日 30th 33% 2110 NOD30w
2009年01月22日 30th 33% 2106 NOD30w
2009年01月23日 30th 32% 2100 NOD30w

623 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2009/01/31(土) 00:45:18 ]
            |  ゝノ
           __|_______|_   ■■■■■■■■
           |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|  ■■■■■■■■■ナニヤッテンダヨ!バカモノガァ!
           |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii| ■■■■√ === │
           |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|■■■■√ ~ ミ ノノノ 彡 |
           |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|■■■√   ∀    ∀ \
           |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|■■■  ∵   (●  ●) ∴│  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
           |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|■■■    丿■■■(  │< 常にageとけって
           |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|■■■     ■ д ■  |   |  言ったじゃないかぁ!
           |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|■■■■   ■■ ■■ ■  \_________

624 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2009/02/08(日) 04:34:34 ]

625 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2009/02/09(月) 08:55:42 ]

626 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2009/02/16(月) 13:12:49 ]

627 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2009/02/16(月) 13:55:49 ]

628 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2009/02/16(月) 14:04:33 ]

629 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2009/02/26(木) 00:59:25 ]

× AVG BitDefender バスター Norton NOD32
× BitDefender NOD32
× NOD32

Adobe Reader/Acrobatに新たな脆弱性、Adobeがアドバイザリを公開

× AVG BitDefender McAfee NOD32 バスター

630 名前:検知力テスト(2009年02月) mailto:sage [2009/03/01(日) 07:41:32 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries
Date Rank Detects Missed Product    ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
2009年02月01日 30th 31% 2010 NOD31%
2009年02月03日 30th 30% 1995 NOD30%
2009年02月04日 30th 30% 1990 NOD30%
2009年02月05日 30th 30% 1986 NOD30%
2009年02月06日 30th 29% 1974 NOD29%
2009年02月07日 30th 29% 1959 NOD29%
2009年02月08日 30th 28% 1944 NOD28%
2009年02月09日 30th 28% 1914 NOD28%
2009年02月10日 30th 27% 1891 NOD27%
2009年02月11日 30th 26% 1863 NOD26%
2009年02月12日 30th 26% 1858 NOD26%
2009年02月13日 30th 26% 1855 NOD26%
2009年02月14日 30th 25% 1854 NOD25%
2009年02月15日 30th 25% 1853 NOD25%
2009年02月16日 30th 25% 1853 NOD25%
2009年02月17日 30th 25% 1847 NOD25%
2009年02月18日 30th 24% 1847 NOD24%
2009年02月19日 30th 24% 1842 NOD24%
2009年02月20日 30th 24% 1844 NOD24%
2009年02月21日 30th 23% 1844 NOD23%
2009年02月22日 30th 23% 1840 NOD23%
2009年02月23日 29th 23% 1838 NOD23%
2009年02月24日 30th 22% 1834 NOD22%
2009年02月25日 30th 22% 1836 NOD22%
2009年02月26日 30th 22% 1832 NOD22%
2009年02月27日 30th 22% 1826 NOD22%
2009年02月28日 30th 22% 1820 NOD22%

631 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2009/04/20(月) 04:32:47 ]

632 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2009/05/06(水) 17:29:10 ]

633 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2009/05/06(水) 18:23:30 ]


148 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2009/05/05(火) 12:34:23
SRIランキング貼り付けてるヤツに忠告させてもらう。 一応聞くけど、asahi-net使ってるよね?
そこだけに貼り付けしてくれ。 じゃないと、またプロパイダ規制されちまうんでな。

152 名前:148 [sage] 投稿日:2009/05/05(火) 13:03:46
★090327 sec「Security Ranking」無差別投下荒らし報告
規制は 3月27日~4月27日の1ヶ月間で発動されてる。(初犯の場合、1ヶ月規制になる)
3月27日で、ぱったりとSRIランキングの転載が無くなったでしょ? あれ、狙い打ちで規制発動だったんだよ。

634 名前:>>633の続き mailto:sage [2009/05/06(水) 18:26:45 ]
150 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2009/05/05(火) 12:51:03


159 名前:156 [sage] 投稿日:2009/05/05(火) 13:15:38

161 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2009/05/05(火) 13:20:18


635 名前:>>634の続き mailto:sage [2009/05/06(水) 18:28:44 ]
163 名前:148 [sage] 投稿日:2009/05/05(火) 13:31:35
また、随分と思いこみの激しいレッテル貼りを...(苦笑 私は雑音じゃねぇよ。阿呆
次は再犯として荒らし規制されるので、実は結構やばい。 今、運営は結構簡単に規制発動するからね。

164 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2009/05/05(火) 13:31:42

165 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2009/05/05(火) 13:39:28
>随分と思いこみの激しいレッテル貼りを...(苦笑 私は雑音じゃねぇよ。阿呆


>ほんじゃ、問題出すぜ(笑 ①~⑧を答えなさい。

166 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2009/05/05(火) 13:43:49

636 名前:>>635の続き mailto:sage [2009/05/06(水) 18:30:10 ]
167 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2009/05/05(火) 13:46:46

168 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2009/05/05(火) 13:50:21

169 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [] 投稿日:2009/05/05(火) 13:54:06

170 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2009/05/05(火) 13:58:42

175 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2009/05/05(火) 14:09:52


637 名前:>>636の続き@更に運営板での悪事が指摘される mailto:sage [2009/05/06(水) 18:31:45 ]
162 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2009/05/05(火) 13:27:35

92 名前: ◆LaieAxHrT.  [sage] 投稿日:2008/12/29(月) 19:01:52 ID:b0iPKWoj0



93 名前: ◆LaieAxHrT.  [sage] 投稿日:2008/12/29(月) 19:06:04 ID:b0iPKWoj0

94 名前: ◆LaieAxHrT.  [sage] 投稿日:2008/12/29(月) 19:10:43 ID:b0iPKWoj0

638 名前:633 mailto:sage [2009/05/06(水) 18:36:42 ]

× ↑正義漢面して、NODに不利な>>631を、規制に持ち込んだ>>632の醜態がばれる。
○ ↑正義漢面して、NODに不利な>>630を、規制に持ち込んだ>>632の醜態がばれる。

639 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2009/05/06(水) 18:45:35 ]


640 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2009/05/06(水) 18:46:18 ]

641 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2009/05/06(水) 18:56:33 ]


642 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2009/05/06(水) 19:08:36 ]

643 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2009/05/06(水) 19:14:56 ]

 N O D 3 0 t h

644 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2009/05/06(水) 19:25:11 ]
にゃるほど、こういうことだったのね。 カワイソ(´・ω・) ス

175 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2009/05/05(火) 14:09:52


645 名前:検知力テスト(2008年) mailto:sage [2009/05/07(木) 06:59:07 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Date Rank Detects Missed Product
2008年04月21日 26th 72% 282 NOD26w
2008年05月01日 26th 62% 674 NOD26w
2008年05月11日 26th 67% 618 NOD26w
2008年05月21日 26th 71% 528 NOD26w
2008年06月01日 26th 72% 520 NOD26w
2008年06月11日 26th 72% 537 NOD26w
2008年06月21日 26th 72% 556 NOD26w
2008年07月01日 26th 71% 734 NOD26w
2008年07月11日 26th 71% 776 NOD26w
2008年07月21日 26th 71% 810 NOD26w
2008年08月01日 26th 71% 850 NOD26w
2008年08月11日 27th 70% 959 NOD27w
2008年08月21日 27th 69% 1016 NOD27w
2008年09月01日 27th 69% 1007 NOD27w
2008年09月11日 27th 69% 966 NOD27w
2008年09月21日 27th 71% 961 NOD27w
2008年10月01日 27th 68% 1109 NOD27w
2008年10月11日 27th 64% 1255 NOD27w
2008年10月21日 28th 61% 1395 NOD28w
2008年11月01日 28th 54% 1747 NOD28w
2008年11月11日 28th 48% 2029 NOD28w
2008年11月21日 30th 44% 2240 NOD30w
2008年12月01日 30th 43% 2275 NOD30w
2008年12月11日 30th 43% 2280 NOD30w
2008年12月21日 30th 42% 2292 NOD30w
2008年12月31日 30th 38% 2151 NOD30w

646 名前:検知力テスト(2009年) mailto:sage [2009/05/07(木) 07:02:28 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Date Rank Detects Missed Product
2009年01月01日 30th 38% 2146 NOD30w
2009年01月11日 30th 35% 2130 NOD30w
2009年01月21日 30th 33% 2110 NOD30w
2009年02月01日 30th 31% 2010 NOD30w
2009年02月11日 30th 26% 1863 NOD30w
2009年02月21日 30th 23% 1844 NOD30w
2009年03月01日 30th 21% 1815 NOD30w
2009年03月11日 30th 17% 1791 NOD30w
2009年03月21日 31th 12% 1784 NOD31w
2009年04月01日 31th 11% 1671 NOD31w
2009年04月11日 31th 9% 1481 NOD31w
2009年04月21日 31th 9% 1356 NOD31w
2009年05月01日 31th 9% 1109 NOD31w
2009年05月06日 30th 8% 960 NOD30w

647 名前:Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries mailto:sage [2009/05/07(木) 07:05:20 ]
Rank Detects Missed Product  (2009年5月6日)
1st 91% 93 Sophos ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/
2nd 89% 110 TrendMicro
3rd 86% 143 AVG
4th 85% 154 AntiVir
5th 85% 156 Microsoft
6th 84% 161 F-Prot
7th 84% 161 Ikarus
8th 84% 167 Authentium
9th 82% 184 BitDefender
10th 82% 189 Norman
11th 81% 194 F-Secure
12th 80% 205 Kaspersky
13th 78% 223 Symantec
14th 78% 225 Avast
15th 78% 226 GData
16th 76% 244 ClamAV
17th 75% 256 DrWeb
18th 75% 258 AhnLab-V3
19th 75% 263 Rising
20th 74% 265 VBA32
21st 74% 270 CAT-QuickHeal
22nd 74% 270 eTrust-Vet
23rd 72% 290 Fortinet
24th 70% 314 McAfee
25th 69% 319 VirusBuster
26th 69% 324 Panda
27th 67% 348 TheHacker
28th 50% 523 Ewido
29th 11% 929 Webwasher-Gateway
30th 8% 960 NOD32v2 ★    (*´○`)ノ゙[1053 malware]
31st 8% 961 Prevx1

648 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2009/05/07(木) 07:55:22 ]

649 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2009/05/07(木) 07:58:34 ]

650 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [2009/05/15(金) 14:25:07 ]
       / \  /\ キリッ
.     / (ー)  (ー)\      
    /   ⌒(__人__)⌒ \    カスペをインストールしていない奴は低学歴
    |      |r┬-|    |      
     \     `ー'´   /      
    ノ            \
  /´               ヽ              
 |    l              \
 ヽ    -一''''''"~~``'ー--、   -一'''''''ー-、.    
  ヽ ____(⌒)(⌒)⌒) )  (⌒_(⌒)⌒)⌒))

651 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2009/05/17(日) 12:34:17 ]

652 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2009/05/17(日) 12:54:20 ]

653 名前:検知力テスト(2009年) mailto:sage [2009/06/07(日) 05:38:59 ]
Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries

Date Rank Detects Missed Product
2009年01月01日 30th 38% 2146 NOD30w
2009年01月11日 30th 35% 2130 NOD30w
2009年01月21日 30th 33% 2110 NOD30w
2009年02月01日 30th 31% 2010 NOD30w
2009年02月11日 30th 26% 1863 NOD30w
2009年02月21日 30th 23% 1844 NOD30w
2009年03月01日 30th 21% 1815 NOD30w
2009年03月11日 30th 17% 1791 NOD30w
2009年03月21日 31th 12% 1784 NOD31w
2009年04月01日 31th 11% 1671 NOD31w
2009年04月11日 31th 9% 1481 NOD31w
2009年04月21日 31th 9% 1356 NOD31w
2009年05月01日 31th 9% 1109 NOD31w
2009年05月11日 29th 10% 719 NOD29w
2009年05月21日 30th 8% 335 NOD30w
2009年06月01日 30th 8% 314 NOD30w
2009年06月06日 29th 8% 300 NOD29w

654 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2009/06/18(木) 23:58:49 ]
159 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2009/06/18(木) 23:45:44
今大変なことになっている新種のウイルス「Nine-Ball ナインボール」を検出できるのはわずか(米セキュリティ企業公表)


250 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [ageman] 投稿日:2009/06/18(木) 23:49:57


655 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2009/09/09(水) 00:23:27 ]


656 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2009/09/09(水) 06:51:57 ]

657 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2009/09/09(水) 22:18:32 ]

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