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631 名前:お前名無しだろ [2009/05/23(土) 21:05:45 ID:2y1wZxsM0]
Subud (pronounced [subud]) is an international spiritual association that began in Indonesia in the 1920s as a movement founded by Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo.
The basis of Subud is a spiritual exercise commonly referred to as the latihan kejiwaan which was said by Muhammad Subuh to represent guidance from the "Power of God" or "the Great Life Force".
Subud membership is open to any person over 17 years of age irrespective of the person's religion. The exception is that a person who is suffering from a mental illness cannot be initiated as a member.
It was introduced to the West in 1954 with the help of Husein Rofé and others such as John G. Bennett and those affiliated with the Gurdjieff Foundation in the United Kingdom (from 1957 onwards).
Muhammad Subuh saw the present age as one of 'reality' that demands evidence and proof, as people no longer just believe in words. He claimed that Subud is not a new teaching or religion
but only that the latihan kejiwaan itself represents a kind of proof that humanity is looking for. His 1957 world tour spread Subud globally,
there are now groups in over 70 countries throughout the world, with a current worldwide membership of about 10,000.

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