1. Don’t befriend or date us in an attempt to be different or unique compared to your peers. We are people not accessories
2. Don’t befriend or date us expecting to be taught English. There’s a place called “school” and many of us get paid to do this.
4. Stop singing about how much you love black people. Yes, yes…we get it, you love WHAT WE DO and HOW WE LOOK not WHO WE ARE. However, it gets uncomfortable and we’d prefer if you focus on the person standing in front of you and their qualities. We are not all the same.
8. Please don’t tell me you want to be black. This is not a compliment. You aren’t black, you will never be black and your reasons are always stupid or childish. We are not a magical subset of humans born with innate rhythm or spiritual nature. Love yourself please.
9. Please stop praising black people by / while putting down your own.
11. Stop worshiping black men or women’s bodies while shaming your own. It’s cringe-worthy. Love yourself or do something about it.
12. Stop trying to imitate black women in an attempt to impress us. If we wanted one, we wouldn’t come to you.
16. Please do not fetishize us and our bodies. It’s dehumanising and racist. We are people not objects
17. What you call ブラックカルチャーand B系 are only a very small fraction of what we do. I suggest you find better names for these trends. The majority of black people in the world are disconnected from these things.
28. Don’t assume all black people have big dicks. Do not set yourself up for disappointment.
29. Don’t date blacks because you wanna “try” or “know what it’s like”. Only to grow tired of us, throw us away and try something new like a fashion trend.
32. Do not assume what music we listen to. We do not all like hip-hop, R&B and reggae.
34. Getting braids, perming your hair kinky/curly or wearing urban styled clothes or any other styles emulating black people does not make you closer to us in our eyes.