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ネオコンの女王ことビクトリア・ヌーランド国務次官、辞任wwww [878970802]

45 名前:番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です [2024/03/06(水) 07:03:50.30 ID:Dytu2XW50.net]
The designer leaves. What does Victoria Nuland's resignation mean?

March 5, 2024

The resignation of US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland was announced today . This is far from an ordinary American official. For more than 10 years (with a short break during the reign of Donald Trump), she was in fact the architect and designer of US policy towards Ukraine.

Almost everyone interested in politics in Ukraine remembers the Maidan-era meme about Nuland’s cookies and the wiretapped conversation she had with the US Ambassador to Ukraine about the political prospects of Arseniy Yatsenyuk, when she positively assessed his candidacy as the future Prime Minister of Ukraine.

But its influence on various kinds of processes in Ukraine and around Ukraine was much greater than what is known from the open press.

It was she who played (together with then Vice President Joe Biden) one of the key roles in building the system of post-Maidan power in Ukraine. She negotiated with Vladislav Surkov on the implementation of the political part of the Minsk agreements (the special status of Donbass) and came to Kyiv to agitate Verkhovna Rada deputies to vote for their implementation (which was never done).

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