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28 名前:おーにっちゃん  [2017/11/23(木) 22:39:12.04 .net]

And, many foreign people may think, Japanese law is not clear sentense, including constitutional law, that is the problem of Japan.

If Okinawa NOT reversed to Japan, now Japanese Government goes to the WW3, and Okinawa's people could say "that's wrong" to Japanese Government.

I sevealy think, Okinawa had NOT to reversed to Japan!!! ... for World peace.

Anyway, today, I rode one article reporing news of Osaka and San Francisco,



"米市が大阪と姉妹都市解消へ" means, San Francisco decided the contract of sister city between Osaka withdrawal.

But, I read the article, and I understand, not San Francisco but Osaka decided the sister city withdrawal.

The sentence is too easy, so if Japanese elementary school student read this, and I ask somebody a question
to them "Who decided the sister city withdrawal?" they may say "Osaka!".

... So, that is too easy, then, why "Nifty" reversed the main constituent?

I think that is "press control" by Japanese Government.

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