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【FF14】次元の狭間オメガ アルファ編攻略スレ 第303層 【零式】

709 名前:既にその名前は使われています [2019/05/31(金) 03:21:20.86 ID:ipq9a3mya.net]

As far as endgame goes, that's one thing Yoshida isn't changing:
"If we feel there is a need to deviate or make changes, we would consider it.
Right now, we feel like we have a good set of content for after you reach the level cap.
But that being said, we have made adjustments and revisions to items that drop in that content.
In terms of Savage drops, they aren’t going to be a direct form of a drop, per se —
of course, Turn 4 of Savage content (where you get the weapons) might not apply to this —
but whenever you open that coffer and obtain the item it should correspond to whichever job you are when you open it,
so you won’t have to worry about item drops that are for someone else’s job."


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