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【慰安婦問題】 タレントのフィフィが激怒「米国は非難の矛先を外に向けて誤魔化すんじゃないよ。先ずは自分らの行為を正しなさいな」★2

641 名前:名無しさん@13周年 [2013/05/20(月) 09:37:49.30 ID:ho5WSwkM0]
Hi everybody & MOMAIRA! Now, please recognize the historical truth!

Ian-fu were a quite common prostitutes same as those observed in every nation today.

This sort of prostitution was managed as a completely private business,
mainly by Korean traders who called for wealth,
which means it was exactly by Korean managers if women were percucuted at all.

The situation is just the case today, that the prostitution business is
mostly produced by the Koreans in Japan, in America, and in the West.

Somehow Ian-fu generally got a huge income through prostitution, as known by historical records,
and there is NO EVIDENCE that they were forced into it by Japanese Government.

It is Korean's conventional way to demand unreasonable compensation for
thier arbitrary fabrications.


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