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【政治】 民主・小沢氏 「キリスト教文明は排他的で、独善的な宗教。イスラム教も排他的」…仏教会会長と会談★3

468 名前:名無しさん@十周年 [2009/11/11(水) 15:36:08 ID:WAiDoLM/O]

135 名前:代表戸締役 ◆EP2zNwyYN2 :2009/11/11(水) 08:41:26.44 ID:BL4RNHM4P
Ozawa lashes out with scathing remarks on Christianity
Kyodo News
Ichiro Ozawa, secretary general of the Democratic Party of Japan, criticized Christianity on Tuesday,
saying the religion is "exclusive and self-righteous" and that Western society is "stuck in a dead end."

Ozawa lashes out with scathing remarks on Christianity

Ichiro Ozawa Ozawa also said "Islamism is also exclusive, although it's somewhat better than
Christianity" regarding exclusiveness.
The comments will no doubt cause a stir as he is the most influential figure in the ruling party.

He made the comments to reporters after meeting with Yukei Matsunaga, chairman of the
Japan Buddhist Federation, a body of 102 Buddhist sects and groups, in Koyacho, Wakayama

Christianity "is an exclusive, self-righteous religion. Western society, whose background is
Christianity, has been stuck in a dead end," Ozawa said.

"Modern society has forgotten or lost sight of the sprit of the Japanese people," he said.
"Buddhism teaches you how humans should live and how the conditions of the mind should
be from a fundamental standpoint."

140 名前:代表戸締役 ◆EP2zNwyYN2 :2009/11/11(水) 08:44:09.95 ID:BL4RNHM4P

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