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【菅談話でおわび】 「日本国民は全員、菅談話の『あやまちを反省』を共有してほしい」…韓国政府★5

170 名前:名無しさん@十一周年 [2010/08/11(水) 05:02:38 ID:33MPrLpR0]

韓国の英字紙(中央日報、Korea Herald)を見ると、「wrongdoing」になっている。
wrongdoingとは、過ちどころでなく、悪行, 悪事、犯罪を意味する。

“We take note that Prime Minister Kan said he would like to be honest in looking back on Japan’s past wrongdoing
and hope that the awareness is shared by all Japanese people,” Kim said

The Korean government welcomed the statement, saying it helped fulfill Japan’s promise to deal with its past wrongdoings honestly.
“We hope all Japanese people share this perspective,” the Foreign Ministry said.


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