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【衆院選】山本太郎氏、“当落線上”の情勢に焦り隠せず 「党名を書いてもらうのはなかなかハードルが高い」 [ボラえもん★]

2 名前:ニューノーマルの名無しさん [2021/10/21(木) 13:01:12.32 ID:RzUUv6SK0.net]
Hello. I am an American who stayed in Japan until three years ago and I am quite perplexed to hear that Japanese youths support the LDP (Ziyû-Minsyu Tô) more strongly than the older people do. This tendency has, I fancy, got much to do with the deterioration of their education.

It has been a few decades since the Japanese government adopted the education policy so-called "Yutori-method", so that students were to learn much less than their seniors did.
Let us take their English skill for example; in the postbellum era, the students of the Japanese eminent universities were able to read B. Russell in English, whose works used to be quoted in the entrance exam.
I was pretty amazed to hear that the Tokyo University, once in the Taisyô era, had quoted an essay of J. S. Mill, which is tough even for modern Anglo-Americans to read.

Likewise, It is the important fact that the video game and the mobile phone deprives them of the time to read and study.
Indeed, the internet is not poisonous per se, for the good use of it affords as much knowledge as the book. Such effect, however, is found only among a few students of love of learning.

Thus, Japanese youths have worsened their intelligence, with the result that they choose (without realising) the party which has been doing harm to them,.

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