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【大統領年頭会見】「日本で反韓世論が全方位に拡散」 韓国紙「朝鮮日報」が文氏発言を批判 ★5

521 名前:at low altitude near a Korean ship → a lie
It was a threatening flight → a lie
Flight was close enough to shake the hull → a lie
We felt a danger by the flight of a patrol aircraft → a lie
It was an obstacle to relief activities → a lie
It was a rescue activity → a lie
We did not use radar → a lie
We used a radar to find a fishing boat → a lie
Called radio was weak → a lie
We thought that you were calling a marine police → a lie
English pronunciation was bad → a lie

As might be expected
 · With Visible distance
 · 121.5 MHz (VHF emergency frequency)
 · 156.8 MHz (international VHF)
 · 243.0 MHz (UHF emergency frequency)
 · Called at three frequencies
 · "Hull number 971" (in English)
It is impossible to say that you could not hear it.

Or rather "a lie"

Hey Korean people, What do you think about these lies?
The number of lies increases steadily. (LOL)

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