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【調査】日本人の英語力、さらに低下 88か国中49位 他国との差広がる 14位(2011年)→37位(2017年) 日本より下位は... ★8

476 名前:名無しさん@1周年 [2018/11/11(日) 01:57:37.65 ID:AAOBwuRX0.net]

Only when I want someone to see if my English is OK. To be frank, I don't want any advice when I'm just writing stuff in English.
And if I do want someone to correct my English, I'll definitely ask some native spekers for help, NOT YOU. Do you know why?
Because, first and fore most, you haven't proven anything as to how good yor English is.
There's no way I can be sure whether or not your advice is really worth believing.
On top of that, you're arrogantly self-assuredthat your English is better than his, calling his English trash and all that.
Do you want to listen to somebody calling your English poor without showing what they have on the ball? I pretty much doubt it.
So if you want to be a "teacher", the first thing to do is prove yourself, and then, advise your "pupils" in a polite way, not in a "I know all the answers" sort of way as you do right now.

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