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【USA】同性愛者の9歳少年がホモフォビック(同性愛嫌悪)いじめを受けて自殺 コロラド州デンバー

1 名前:みつを ★ mailto:sage [2018/08/28(火) 02:46:31.36 ID:CAP_USER9.net]

US boy, 9, killed himself after homophobic bullying, mum says
2018/08/27 8 minutes ago



A nine-year-old boy has killed himself after enduring four days of homophobic bullying at school in Denver, Colorado, his mother says.

Leia Pierce told KDVR-TV that her son, Jamel Myles, revealed to her over the summer that he was gay.
She said Jamel wanted to go to school and tell his classmates because he was "proud" to be gay.

Denver Public Schools (DPS) say crisis counsellors have been made available to students at Jamel's elementary school.

The school system sent letters to families on Friday about the additional counselling services for students, according to local media.

"It's always tough when a little one takes his life," DPS spokesman Will Jones said, reports the Denver Post.
"We have our crisis team there."

DPS did not immediately respond to a request for comment by the BBC.

Denver police are investigating the boy's death as a suicide, according to local media.
Jamel's body was found at home on Thursday, Ms Pierce told local media.

US school sued over bullied girl's suicide
He had begun attending fourth grade at the Joe Shoemaker Elementary School on Monday, she said.

"My son told my oldest daughter the kids at school told him to kill himself," Ms Pierce said.
"I'm just sad he didn't come to me. I'm so upset that he thought that was his option."

She said that when he had told her he was gay, he looked "so scared", but she reassured him she still loved him.
Ms Pierce said she hopes her son's death can raise awareness of the effects of bullying.


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