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【混獲】ミンククジラ水揚げ サケマス定置網に入り込み/北海道・登別

161 名前:税金泥棒(石巻復興を騙って23億円ブッコ抜く) [2018/05/27(日) 19:33:08.57 ID:O3FgUO280.net]
The government has confirmed the ship was sitting off the World Heritage Listed Macquarie Island in the Southern Ocean.

Japanese whaler ordered to leave Australian waters
The Australian Government has ordered a Japanese whaling ship to leave Australian waters.
The government has confirmed the ship was sitting off the World Heritage Listed Macquarie Island in the Southern Ocean.
Australian Prime Minister, Julia Gillard says Japan has been told its whaling vessels are not welcome in Australian territorial waters.

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