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【韓国】 「任那日本府、倭が阿羅伽耶に派遣した使節だった」〜伽耶(カヤ)古墳群世界遺産登載推進団「研究叢書」発刊[07/17]

57 名前:<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん [2018/07/18(水) 13:11:05.75 ID:RT+0jAs7.net]

Chinese scholars participated in studies of the stele from the 1980s. Wang Jianqun interviewed local farmers and decided
the intentional fabrication had not occurred and the lime was pasted by local copy-making workers to enhance readability.
He criticized Lee Jin-hui's claim. He considered 倭 ("Wa") word meaning is not a country but a pirate group, and he also
denied Japan dominated the southern part of Korea.[39][40]

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