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【聯合ニュース】 王桜(染井吉野)をめぐる100年論争…韓中日3カ国に広がったが、「済州が真の原産地」★2[03/26]

499 名前:<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん@\(^o^)/ mailto:sage [2017/03/27(月) 01:55:16.40 ID:TaHbRRMm.net]
More than 80% of cherry blossoms coming out every spring in the entire Japan is Prunus yedoensi from Jeju Island, Korea.

Japanese merchants trading with Joseon took cherry blossoms from Jeju to Japan 100 years ago.

They planted the flowers in Ueno Park in Tokyo because they were fascinated by them.

It is the beginning of Prunus yedoensi in Japan.

The enhanced strains of Prunus yedoensi were spread around the world, including Washington DC and they came into Korea again.

Japan definitely records that the country of origin of Cherry blossoms is Jeju Island, Joseon.

Japan thought Jeju as their own land during the period of Japanese occupation.

Thus, they initially recorded the origin of the Japanese cherry trees is our island.

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