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Dr. Makary Says Natural Immunity Is More Effective Then Vaccine Immunity
Nicole Silverio 8/5/2021

Dr. Marty Makary, a professor at John Hopkins School of Medicine, during an appearance on The Vince Coglianese Show, said individuals formerly infected with COVID-19 are seven times more likely then vaccinated people to fight off the virus.

Makary said data from Israel revealed that natural immunity appears to be 6.7x more effective than being vaccinated when it comes to fighting off COVID-19.

“One of the great failures of our medical leadership has been ignoring the half of America with natural immunity, which is the half of non-vaccinated folks.”
Dr. William Hanage, an associate professor of epidemiology at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health, said that it is “impossible” to know whether the COVID vaccine or natural immunity is more protective against the virus due to the lack of knowledge regarding the level of protection natural immunity gives a person over time. Reinfection occurs in about 10% of people after having contracted the virus as a result of a decrease in immunity overtime.



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