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ID試験用別館★羽生結弦&オタオチスレ part2

912 名前:名無し草 mailto:sage [2016/04/07(木) 01:09:03.51 ID:CVEEh+uf.net]
760 : 名無し草2016/04/07(木) 00:43:00.26
EXCLUSIVE: The National Skating Federation of Kazakhstan has commented on the Boston incident involving Denis Ten.

The head of the international department of the National Skating Federation of Kazakhstan Tatyana Rusinova gave a comment about
some mass media informing that the Kazakhstani federation received no apologies from their Japanese colleagues regarding the incident
during the World Championships in Boston. "I officially want to say this. First of all, on Monday I received a call from the Japanese Skating
Federation. Secondly, I received an official letter from them. Every day when I turn on my computer, I see messages from Japanese figure
skating fans. And they apologize for the actions of Yuzuru Hanyu. Some write that they're not fans of Denis, but fans of Hanyu, and that
with his actions he has put Japan to shame.", she said in an interview with a reporter from Kazinform.

#DenisTen #Worlds2016

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