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686 名前:可愛い奥様 mailto:sage [2012/02/08(水) 09:27:17.40 ID:F/xnPtKE0]

In YouTube,
Korean people delete the animation of Miku.
This is Korean usual practice.
In Korea, both the government and the nation are Internet saboteur.
Therefore a lot of Koreans come for a net vote.
They are going to make Korea the first place.
Miku came first in the vote of the London Olympics.
Though the Korean voted for KPOOP.
Therefore the Korean was angry.
There was the before same thing.
In 4ch, injustice of Yuna-Kim became the topic.
Therefore the Korean struck anger, 2ch.
And the Korean forges the reproduction number of times.
Even if you are asked for unjust deletion, I can restore an animation.
Internet destruction work and the stealth bomber marketing are Korean usual practices.

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