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【MLB】イチロー暴行計画…シアトル紙衝撃報道 自分勝手なプレースタイルでチームメートから総スカンを食らい“制裁案”が★7

905 名前:名無しさん@恐縮です [2008/09/29(月) 15:46:15 ID:YdUwk1ks0]


Meanwhile, the Mariners' clubhouse remains toxic, sources say, with both Japanese players, Johjima and Ichiro

Meanwhile, the Mariners' clubhouse remains toxic, sources say, with both Japanese players, Johjima and Ichiro, drawing
resentment. Several starting pitchers dislike throwing to Johjima
and his new contract is a source of envy. Players also are jealous
of Ichiro, who follows his own training regimen and is perceived
by some to be selfish

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