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【無料UO】 uoforever Part2 【海外エミュ】

471 名前:名無しさん@いつかは大規模 mailto:sage [2014/02/04(火) 17:51:55.40 ID:/cft1Oyt]
One of the best ways to gain i have found:

Get a wooden box, Exceutioners axe, short spear, and long spear.
Put the shortspear in box and steal from 0 - 50.
Macro = Steal Target Short Spear, Drag back to box. Wait 10 secs, Loop.

at 50 replace short spear with long spear
75 repleace long spear with Ex axe

Skill Vs. Stone:
10 - 1 stone
20 - 2 stones
30 - 3 stones
40 - 4 stones
50 - 5 stones
60 - 6 stones
70 - 7 stones
80 - 8 stones
90 - 9 stones
100 - 10 stones

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