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【LAA】Los Angeles Angels part91【ワッチョイ無】

364 名前:名無しさん@実況は実況板で [2022/05/20(金) 20:33:35.25 ID:T/K6K08i.net]

4/23 21球投げて6球がストライク 無失点
5/4 17球投げて8球がストライク 無失点
5/14 15球投げて6球がストライク 無失点

火曜のレンジャーズ戦 26球投げて11球ストライク 5失点ゼロアウト

Of the 271 pitches he’s thrown this season, only 56 percent have gone for strikes. Against Baltimore on April 23, he threw just six of 21 pitches for strikes but somehow didn’t allow a run. On May 14, he threw six of 15 pitches for strikes and again allowed no runs. On May 4 at Boston, he threw just eight of 17 pitches for strikes with no runs allowed.

It all caught up to him Tuesday against the Rangers: 26 pitches, 11 strikes. Five runs allowed and zero outs recorded.

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