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939 名前:名無しさん@実況は実況板で [2017/02/23(木) 07:08:20.68 ID:0/q7SLHy.net]
It writes as Tokyo Tech but it is not written with Tokyo Institute of Technology ⇒ This is a fact!

But I have not denied that it is Tokyo Institute of Technology!

Writing of track and field boards is not current Tokyo Institute of Technology Mr. X
It should have been written that senior, so-called successive Tokyo Institute of Technology Wrote.

In Hokkaido Ekiden 's land section where I made Komaga big story
It was written that it is the only university in Tokyo.

Also, since it is a story of Isol for the molested Oriental, it is effective means to utilize the rival Komaga that time!

Yes, the delusion was rebuilt.

Read this threshing from the beginning or you'll be crazy!

So, what is the evidence of Asia?
Nothing has been proved yet, are you idiot?

Well, at best, go for it!

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