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1 名前:132人目の素数さん [2016/11/26(土) 02:57:23.61 ID:4PyCwnJD.net]

2 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/26(土) 02:58:48.48 ID:4yD7g79E.net]

3 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/26(土) 02:59:07.85 ID:4yD7g79E.net]

4 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/26(土) 02:59:23.91 ID:4yD7g79E.net]

5 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/26(土) 02:59:44.22 ID:4yD7g79E.net]

6 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/26(土) 03:00:03.07 ID:4yD7g79E.net]

7 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/26(土) 03:00:19.31 ID:4yD7g79E.net]

8 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/26(土) 03:00:37.68 ID:4yD7g79E.net]

9 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/26(土) 03:00:55.01 ID:4yD7g79E.net]

10 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/26(土) 03:01:12.97 ID:4yD7g79E.net]

11 名前:132人目の素数さん [2016/11/26(土) 21:00:46.76 ID:edLyZnvt.net]

12 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/26(土) 23:12:41.50 ID:4yD7g79E.net]

13 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/26(土) 23:13:01.26 ID:4yD7g79E.net]

14 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/26(土) 23:13:17.53 ID:4yD7g79E.net]

15 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/26(土) 23:13:35.30 ID:4yD7g79E.net]

16 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/26(土) 23:13:52.82 ID:4yD7g79E.net]

17 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/26(土) 23:14:11.27 ID:4yD7g79E.net]

18 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/26(土) 23:14:32.99 ID:4yD7g79E.net]

19 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/26(土) 23:14:52.86 ID:4yD7g79E.net]

20 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/26(土) 23:15:12.72 ID:4yD7g79E.net]

21 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/26(土) 23:15:33.31 ID:4yD7g79E.net]

22 名前:132人目の素数さん mailto:sage [2016/11/27(日) 11:40:59.52 ID:KRcKCRG2.net]

23 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/27(日) 12:22:11.85 ID:Efqxhb2y.net]

24 名前:132人目の素数さん [2016/11/28(月) 11:09:52.77 ID:0xEidGqn.net]

25 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/28(月) 11:28:09.72 ID:V10OM89c.net]

>前科持ち変質者と絶対出会える掲示板 [無断転載禁止]
>1 名前:132人目の素数さん 2016/11/16(水) 21:02:24.40 ID:8UX5OsVV
> 変質者前科持ちと気が触れ合える掲示板
>11 名前:132人目の素数さん :2016/11/19(土) 08:36:12.59 ID:6KwDBI7h
> 変質者前科持ち=増田哲也
>12 名前:132人目の素数さん :2016/11/19(土) 09:04:39.15 ID:AZB04dZ8
> わざわざ言わんでもええ
>13 名前:出会える掲示板 ◆2VB8wsVUoo :2016/11/19(土) 15:58:01.20 ID:21LrO2+x
> 絶対に…
> ケケケ¥
>14 名前:132人目の素数さん :2016/11/19(土) 16:31:33.55 ID:6KwDBI7h
> 六十目前で父親逆恨みしたり掲示板逆恨みする根性の腐れっぷりは凄くて困る

26 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/28(月) 12:44:55.88 ID:V10OM89c.net]

27 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/28(月) 12:45:13.82 ID:V10OM89c.net]

28 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/28(月) 12:45:30.41 ID:V10OM89c.net]

29 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/28(月) 12:45:47.27 ID:V10OM89c.net]

30 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/28(月) 12:46:04.08 ID:V10OM89c.net]

31 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/28(月) 12:46:19.71 ID:V10OM89c.net]

32 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/28(月) 12:46:35.50 ID:V10OM89c.net]

33 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/28(月) 12:46:53.78 ID:V10OM89c.net]

34 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/28(月) 12:47:10.53 ID:V10OM89c.net]

35 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/28(月) 12:47:27.58 ID:V10OM89c.net]

36 名前:132人目の素数さん mailto:sage [2016/11/29(火) 13:48:59.68 ID:o0IEgquJ.net]

37 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/29(火) 14:53:30.93 ID:Hn/14aJB.net]

38 名前:◆2VB8wsVUoo mailto:sage [2016/11/30(水) 10:36:06.27 ID:xXCVnO0M.net]

39 名前:132人目の素数さん mailto:sage [2016/11/30(水) 14:00:02.11 ID:Grxid0IB.net]

40 名前:132人目の素数さん [2017/10/31(火) 13:50:07.55 ID:5CtsXFnR.net]

あたまをわるくするほうほうをおしえてください [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net

41 名前:132人目の素数さん [2017/10/31(火) 17:06:14.62 ID:BpdaIqKr.net]
Without your help, I would have been at a loss.

Without newspapers, which let us know
what is going on in the world every day,
we would realize how inconvenient life is

42 名前:132人目の素数さん [2017/10/31(火) 17:15:13.02 ID:BpdaIqKr.net]
Some students coming to the library
act as if they were in a coffee shop.

On days when there is no morning paper,
you do not know how to pass the time.
Usually you feel busy in the morning,
but without a paper
you feel as if time were passing slowly.

43 名前:132人目の素数さん [2017/10/31(火) 17:51:22.84 ID:BpdaIqKr.net]
My grandfather, who is seventy-five
years old,
gets up at six every morning
to take care of his flowers.

Hamamatsu is located to the east of
Lake Hamana, which is famous for
its beautiful scenery and delicious fish.
The climate is mild; not too hot in summer
and not too cold in winter. It is nice and
comfortable all through the year.

44 名前:132人目の素数さん [2017/10/31(火) 17:58:36.88 ID:BpdaIqKr.net]
I get nervous when I see someone taking
their eyes off the road while driving.
While walking hurriedly along the street,
I could not help thinking that
walking was far easier than driving.

45 名前:132人目の素数さん [2017/10/31(火) 18:10:10.11 ID:BpdaIqKr.net]
At an airport in Paris, there was a man
sitting on a suitcase, gazing into the air
with his chin on his hand.
When I was walking along
with three books under my arm,
one of them fell suddenly.
When I tried to pick it up,
another one also fell.

46 名前:132人目の素数さん [2017/10/31(火) 18:17:54.81 ID:BpdaIqKr.net]
He often wrote down on pieces of paper
what cane to mind.
It is a pity that, although people want to protect
their own privacy, they want to know
what others do in private.

47 名前:132人目の素数さん [2017/10/31(火) 18:29:20.96 ID:BpdaIqKr.net]
I read in the newspaper that
more and more people living in cities
are becoming interested in gardening.
Our society is aging rapidly,
and the number of young workers
is steadily decreasing.
Very few people realize that
happiness is often all around them.
A lot of people have personal computers,
but very few of them know
how to use them effectively.
Most people spend most of their time
working to live.
Some young Americans living in Japan
are beginning to say that
the U.S. should make more effort
to teach Americans the Japanese language.
If you are usually healthy,
you may make mistakes when you fall ill.
You often worry too much or too little
about your health.
If you have been to old European towns,
you must have been impressed
by how beautiful the streets were.

48 名前:132人目の素数さん [2017/10/31(火) 18:57:33.72 ID:BpdaIqKr.net]
If you live in a developing country for a while,
you have an opportunity to look at Japan
from a different point of view.
Once you have gotten into a bad habit,
it takes a lot of time and effort to stop it.
One out of three Japanese people
sees a doctor regularly or
complains about their physical condition.
It is said that seven out of ten young people
in Japan do not believe in religion.
These days, however, many students pray
at temples or shrines for success
in their entrance exams.
Tens of thousands of tons of detergent
and millons of liters of water are used every day
to wash towels that have been used only once.
The population of Sendai is more than
five hundred thousand, so it is no exaggeration
to say that it is the cultural center of Tohoku.
However, it is far more quiet than Tokyo.
Once the telephone starts ringing,
you have to answer it,
no matter what you are doing at that moment.
Therefore, when I make a call,
I try not to bother the person I am calling.
In Japan, business cards play an important part,
especially in business.
People usually exchange their cards
when they meet for the first time.
The cards are useful to Japanese,
who want to know what each other's status is,
because they tend to change their attitudes
and language, depending on who they are talking to.

49 名前:132人目の素数さん [2017/10/31(火) 19:05:23.76 ID:BpdaIqKr.net]
If you live in a developing country for a while,
you have an opportunity to look at Japan
from a different point of view.
Once you have gotten into a bad habit,
it takes a lot of time and effort to stop it.
One out of three Japanese people
sees a doctor regularly or
complains about their physical condition.
It is said that seven out of ten young people
in Japan do not believe in religion.
These days, however, many students pray
at temples or shrines for success
in their entrance exams.
Tens of thousands of tons of detergent and
millons of liters of water are used every day
to wash towels that have been used
only once.
The population of Sendai is more than
five hundred thousand,
so it is no exaggeration to say that
it is the cultural center of Tohoku.
However, it is far more quiet than Tokyo.
Once the telephone starts ringing,
you have to answer it,
no matter what you are doing at that moment.
Therefore, when I make a call,
I try not to bother the person I am calling.
In Japan, business cards play
an important part, especially in business.
People usually exchange their cards
when they meet for the first time.
The cards are useful to Japanese, who
want to know what each other's status is,
because they tend to change their attitudes and
language, depending on who they are talking to.

50 名前: mailto:sage [2017/10/31(火) 20:12:32.78 ID:yRKxpE8Y.net]

51 名前: mailto:sage [2017/10/31(火) 20:12:54.26 ID:yRKxpE8Y.net]

52 名前: mailto:sage [2017/10/31(火) 20:13:12.64 ID:yRKxpE8Y.net]

53 名前: mailto:sage [2017/10/31(火) 20:13:28.53 ID:yRKxpE8Y.net]

54 名前: mailto:sage [2017/10/31(火) 20:13:44.64 ID:yRKxpE8Y.net]

55 名前: mailto:sage [2017/10/31(火) 20:14:01.63 ID:yRKxpE8Y.net]

56 名前: mailto:sage [2017/10/31(火) 20:14:17.58 ID:yRKxpE8Y.net]

57 名前: mailto:sage [2017/10/31(火) 20:14:35.56 ID:yRKxpE8Y.net]

58 名前: mailto:sage [2017/10/31(火) 20:14:52.08 ID:yRKxpE8Y.net]

59 名前: mailto:sage [2017/10/31(火) 20:15:09.94 ID:yRKxpE8Y.net]

60 名前:132人目の素数さん [2017/10/31(火) 23:56:04.07 ID:LtALRcOq.net]
It is not unusual for me to call friends,
even if I have nothing special to talk about.
It is convenient to take the subway
in order to get around in the center of Tokyo,
where the traffic is heavy.
Nineteen years ago, I traveled by ship
from the U.S. to Australia.
About ten years ago, a famous painter
bought me a meal
at one of the best restaurants in Paris
I like taking pictures of birds.
Many years ago, I often went to the seashore
when I had free time.
The best thing about my stay with
an American family was that
the parents treated me just like their daughter.
Everyone should be free to decide
when to get married and whether
to have children.
It is said that there will soon be no room
left to dump trash in Japan.
We have no choice but to get more serious
about recycling.

61 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/01(水) 06:26:46.69 ID:cSPyhj3J.net]

62 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/01(水) 06:27:06.58 ID:cSPyhj3J.net]

63 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/01(水) 06:27:25.47 ID:cSPyhj3J.net]

64 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/01(水) 06:27:45.23 ID:cSPyhj3J.net]

65 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/01(水) 06:28:04.40 ID:cSPyhj3J.net]

66 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/01(水) 06:28:23.66 ID:cSPyhj3J.net]

67 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/01(水) 06:28:43.99 ID:cSPyhj3J.net]

68 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/01(水) 06:29:03.46 ID:cSPyhj3J.net]

69 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/01(水) 06:29:22.96 ID:cSPyhj3J.net]

70 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/01(水) 06:29:42.02 ID:cSPyhj3J.net]

71 名前:132人目の素数さん [2017/11/01(水) 19:37:22.75 ID:BqNohauv.net]
With the widespread use of the Internet,
sales of personal computers have been
rapidly increasing over the last few years.
Fewer and fewer swallows have been returning
to Tokyo for the last few years,
but no one knows exactly why.
Thanks to the map you drew me
the other day, I managed to get here
without getting lost.
Although it took us longer than we had
expected, we finally managed to reach
an agreement.
Scientists have to collect as many facts
as possible and examine them
in order to find a truth.
Needless to say, you should have
a critical attitude in order to think clearly.
Natsuko covered her face with her hands,
so that her parents would not see her tears.
When you climb a mountain,
you should take a map and a compass
with you, so that you won't get lost.

72 名前:132人目の素数さん [2017/11/01(水) 19:59:04.29 ID:BqNohauv.net]
He is flexible in his thinking,
so he will not reject a new idea
just because it seems strange.
He is always criticizing other people.
However, it seems that he is unaware of
his own faults. This is probably because
he was an only child and was spoiled
when he was growing up.
These days, we are all so busy
that we rarely see each other,
even though we live next door.
I have met so many people
in the last few days that I cannot remember
all their names.
Those who expect that schools should
teach children good manners simply prove
that they do not understand
what schools are for.
Manners should be taught at home.
Some people also say that,
if you go to the U.S., you will easily
make friends with Americans. This is not
the case. This is proved by the fact that,
although so many Japanese visit, or
live and work in the U.S., Japan and the U.S.
still cannot communicate well.
It does not necessarily follow that
young people today are less eager to learn
just because they read less.
Just because you are a woman,
it does not necessarily follow that
you are a bad driver. However, I do not think
that generally speaking, women drivers
have a good reputation.

73 名前:132人目の素数さん [2017/11/01(水) 20:27:55.09 ID:BqNohauv.net]
Whether a college is good or bad depends
not only on how intelligent its teachers and
students are, but on how many books
its library has and how good they are.
It is no exaggeration to say that your life
is determined by what kind of education
you have had.
The best way to learn the grammar of
a foreign language is to read and hear
as much of it as possible,
so that you can learn it in a natural way.
The best way for developing countries
not to repeat the mistakes
developed countries have made is
to learn from the past.
Ways of greeting people vary
from country to country.
It is interesting to study where these ways
of greeting come from.
When you speak Japanese,
ways of speaking it vary,
depending on whether you are a man
or a woman, and an adult or a child.
A lot of words of foreign origin are used
in the Japanese language, but
their pronunciations and meanings are often
quite different from those of the original words.
Japanese people, unlike Americans,
often tend to control their emotions.
For example, when they get a gift from someone,
they express their thanks for it,
but put it aside, acting as if
they were not at all interested in it.

74 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/01(水) 20:58:39.92 ID:cSPyhj3J.net]

75 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/01(水) 20:59:02.19 ID:cSPyhj3J.net]

76 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/01(水) 20:59:22.03 ID:cSPyhj3J.net]

77 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/01(水) 20:59:40.61 ID:cSPyhj3J.net]

78 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/01(水) 20:59:58.77 ID:cSPyhj3J.net]

79 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/01(水) 21:00:16.23 ID:cSPyhj3J.net]

80 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/01(水) 21:00:34.89 ID:cSPyhj3J.net]

81 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/01(水) 21:00:52.27 ID:cSPyhj3J.net]

82 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/01(水) 21:01:11.96 ID:cSPyhj3J.net]

83 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/01(水) 21:01:30.96 ID:cSPyhj3J.net]

84 名前:132人目の素数さん [2017/11/01(水) 21:09:20.97 ID:BqNohauv.net]
People are alike in many ways, but
their languages and customs vary
from place to place.
Doctors and teachers are alike in that
both of them do not deal with things,
but with people.
I do not care how late you come home
as long as you do not wake me up.
I do not mind smokers as long as they
are considerate of those around them.
It really makes me angry to see
someone occupying two seats on a
crowded train, not feeling guilty about
it, even when there are other people
Far more serious is the fact that there
are so many people who do not feel
guilty about leaving their garbage in
public places.
You are young and healthy, so you
should do what you want to do, not
caring about any mistakes you may
When I went out into the real world, I
realized that people often cared too
much about what other people
thought about them, and that they
tried to know others from how they

85 名前:132人目の素数さん [2017/11/01(水) 21:22:58.90 ID:BqNohauv.net]
When I was at elementary school, I
was forced to read books and write
essays about them as homework.
Since then, I have disliked reading.
At first, he did not want to let her drive
his car, but she insisted and he ended
up agreeing.
I only got this watch repaired a few
days ago, but something is already
wrong with it.
When you want your children to learn
something, you should consider
carefully what they can do and what
they are interested in.
It was not until he saw police cars and
ambulances going around every day
that he realized that he had come to a
country totally different from Japan.
I have often heard him boast that he
can swim very well, but I have never
actually seen him swim.
Thank you very much for inviting me
to the party. Would you tell me the
best way to get to your house by car?
One of the purposes of studying a
foreign language is to learn about the
ways speakers of the language think
and live. Another purpose is to tell
people living abroad about your own
culture and thoughts.

86 名前:132人目の素数さん [2017/11/01(水) 21:52:47.55 ID:BqNohauv.net]
One of our teachers told us to read
one of the writer's original books and
write our feelings about it.
Those who grew up before the War
probably still remember that their
mothers scolded them, telling them
not to play in the garden.
When you read a book again that you
read several years ago, you are often
surprised to discover something new
you did not find when you read it for
the first time.
It is enjoyable to get letters, but
troublesome to answer them. I know
that I should reply to them, but I keep
putting it off until it becomes more
difficult to do so.
It was the heaviest rainfall in ten years,
and it damaged many houses.
I went to my junior high school class
reunion for the first time in thirty
years. At first, it was impossible to tell
who was who.
It is surprising that, in New York,
mothers can leave the hospital the
day after having babies, as long as
there have not been any problems.
Children start speaking at the age of
one and learn to express what they
think by the time they are five or six
years old. This is quite amazing when
you stop to think about it.

87 名前:132人目の素数さん [2017/11/01(水) 22:12:53.37 ID:BqNohauv.net]
My father has been dead for
twenty-five years. I have now reached
the same age as he was when he
died. So I must take especially good
care of my health.
It has been only a week since I began
to do a part-time job, but I have
already got used to it. When I told my
mother that the job was more fun than
studying, she looked worried.
It takes you about twenty minutes to
walk to the Opera House, but you can
get there in five minutes by subway.
Matsushima, which is only a one-hour
drive from Sendai, is a popular tourist
destination. You should not go by car
if you want to visit the town during the
tourist season.
Parents these days spend less and
less time with their children, and their
children feel more lonely.
For children born and brought up in
cities, spending their vacation in the
countryside is a very valuable
experience, no matter how short the
visit is.
Recent reserch shows that, when
waiting for the elevator to come or the
traffic light to change, most people
become irritated in only thirty
However, after several weeks I made a
mistake. All I remembered was 5:30.

88 名前:132人目の素数さん [2017/11/01(水) 22:27:00.82 ID:BqNohauv.net]
They often say that it is not until you
go abroad that you realize how
wonderful traditional Japanese culture is.
It was not until she died that I realized
that she was truly a good person.
I regretted that I had not been a little
kinder to her.
Very few people think that it is more
difficult to listen to others than to
speak to them.
The summer vacation, for example, is
far shorter than that in the U.S. or
European countries. Since older times,
work in Japan has always been
considered to be a good thing, while
leisure has been seen as a bad thing.
Far more people than you might
expect believe that they can control
their emotions.
If you ask a Japanese how many
colors there are in the rainbow, he or
she will answer, "There are seven, of
course." However, considering that
there are various languages in the
world, the answer is not as easy as
you might expect.
My memory is not as good as it used to be.
They say that young people do not
read as much as they used to.
However, considering how well the
books by popular authors sell, you
should not jump to the conclusion that
they don't like reading. Young people
today only do what interests them.

89 名前:132人目の素数さん [2017/11/01(水) 22:57:21.81 ID:BqNohauv.net]
The more technology advances, the
smaller the world becomes.
The more we learn about nature, the
more fully we realize how important it
is to preserve it.
When you are away from home,
nothing is as enjoyable as receiving a
letter from your parents.
When you are asked something about
your own country by someone from
abroad, nothing is as embarrassing as
being uable to answer.
Nothing is as enjoyable as getting a
book I have long wanted.
There is no city in the world where as
many languages are spoken as in New York.
The population of the town where I
live is smaller than that of yours, but it
has twice as many temples, probably
because an important priest used to live here.
In Japan, it rains a lot. Japan has
twenty times as much rainfall as
Greece, which is said to have very
little rain.

90 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/02(木) 01:00:29.33 ID:23MnTxXU.net]

91 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/02(木) 01:00:47.36 ID:23MnTxXU.net]

92 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/02(木) 01:01:05.61 ID:23MnTxXU.net]

93 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/02(木) 01:01:22.96 ID:23MnTxXU.net]

94 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/02(木) 01:01:40.94 ID:23MnTxXU.net]

95 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/02(木) 01:01:56.97 ID:23MnTxXU.net]

96 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/02(木) 01:02:14.84 ID:23MnTxXU.net]

97 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/02(木) 01:02:31.92 ID:23MnTxXU.net]

98 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/02(木) 01:02:50.55 ID:23MnTxXU.net]

99 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/02(木) 01:03:09.34 ID:23MnTxXU.net]

100 名前:132人目の素数さん [2017/11/02(木) 02:07:40.44 ID:iIsHQ/Na.net]
No matter how many books you may
read, it is no use if you do not try to
think for yourself. No matter how
seriously you may think, it is a waste
of time if you do not read books.
No matter how good you are at
driving, you might happen to get
involved in an accident caused by
someone else.
A monkey is still a monkey even if it
falls from a tree, but a politician
becomes an ordinary person if he or
she loses an election.
Some people boast that they are such
good swimmers that, even if they were
thrown into the sea, they would never
drown. However, these people should
know that swimming in a pool is very
different from swimming in the sea
with their clothes on.
If each country continues to regard its
own interests as more important than
what other countries need, the
opportunity to improve international
relations will be lost.
People wish they could live forever
and never become older. However, if
this wish came true, the earth would
be overcrowded.
I managed to catch the 3:00 express.
If I had missed it, I could not have
come back today.
If each of us had tried harder to
improve the situation at that time, we
would not have been criticized so severely.

101 名前:132人目の素数さん [2017/11/02(木) 02:18:28.99 ID:iIsHQ/Na.net]
Without your help, I would have been
at a loss.
Without newspapers, which let us
know what is going on in the world
every day, we would realize how
inconvenient life is.
Some students coming to the library
act as if they were in a coffee shop.
On days when there is no morning
paper, you do not know how to pass
the time. Usually you feel busy in the
morning, but without a paper you feel
as if time were passing slowly.
My grandfather, who is seventy-five
years old, gets up at six every morning
to take care of his flowers.
Hamamatsu is located to the east of
Lake Hamana, which is famous for
its beautiful scenery and delicious
fish. The climate is mild; not too hot in
summer and not too cold in winter. It
is nice and comfortable all through the year.
I get nervous when I see someone
taking their eyes off the road while driving.
While walking hurriedly along the
street, I could not help thinking that
walking was far easier than driving.

102 名前:132人目の素数さん [2017/11/02(木) 02:28:52.32 ID:iIsHQ/Na.net]
At an airport in Paris, there was a man
sitting on a suitcase, gazing into the
air with his chin on his hand.
When I was walking along with three
books under my arm, one of them fell
suddenly. When I tried to pick it up,
another one also fell.
He often wrote down on pieces of
paper what came to mind.
It is a pity that, although people want
to protect their own privacy, they want
to know what others do in private.
It seems that they firmly believed that
every adult in the community must
teach the children good manners. This
belief enabled the children to realize
that they were members of the community.
They took it for granted that while
Japan was a country which attached
too much importance to someone's
academic backgrounds, that was not
the case in European countries.

103 名前:132人目の素数さん mailto:sage [2017/11/02(木) 11:21:54.88 ID:swN/GnGJ.net]

104 名前:132人目の素数さん [2017/11/02(木) 15:58:25.75 ID:ZQ7NdnR9.net]
はじめてボードゲームを作ってはじめてゲームマーケットに出店した ので、ひとり反省会をしてみる。

105 名前: http://www.d-laboweb.jp/special/sp312/

106 名前:132人目の素数さん [2017/11/02(木) 18:28:24.95 ID:6twByHue.net]
I read in the newspaper that more and
more people living in cities are
becoming interested in gardening.
Our society is aging rapidly, and the
number of young workers is steadily
Very few people realize that
happiness is often all around them.
A lot of people have personal
computers, but very few of them know
how to use them effectively.
Most people spend most of their time
working to live.
Some young Americans living in Japan
are beginning to say that the U.S.
should make more effort to teach
Americans the Japanese language.
If you are usually healthy, you may
make mistakes when you fall ill. You
often worry too much or too little
about your health.
If you have been to old European
towns, you must have been impressed
by how beautiful the streets were.

107 名前:132人目の素数さん [2017/11/02(木) 21:33:43.84 ID:6twByHue.net]
If you live in a developing country for a
while, you have an opportunity to look
at Japan from a different point of view.
Once you have gotten into a bad
habit, it takes a lot of time and effort
to stop it.
One out of three Japanese people
sees a doctor regularly or complains
about their physical condition.
It is said that seven out of ten young
people in Japan do not believe in religion.
These days, however, many students
pray at temples or shrines for success
in their entrance exams.
Tens of thousands of tons of
detergent and millons of liters of water
are used every day to wash towels
that have been used only once.
The population of Sendai is more than
five hundred thousand, so it is no
exaggeration to say that it is the
cultural center of Tohoku. However, it
is far more quiet than Tokyo.
Once the telephone starts ringing, you
have to answer it, no matter what you
are doing at that moment. Therefore,
when I make a call, I try not to bother
the person I am calling.
In Japan, business cards play an
important part, especially in business.
People usually exchange their cards
when they meet for the first time. The
cards are useful to Japanese, who
want to know what each other's status
is, because they tend to change their
attitudes and language, depending on
who they are talking to.

108 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/03(金) 06:47:50.98 ID:fn4ojm6A.net]

109 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/03(金) 06:48:09.92 ID:fn4ojm6A.net]

110 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/03(金) 06:48:29.30 ID:fn4ojm6A.net]

111 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/03(金) 06:48:53.50 ID:fn4ojm6A.net]

112 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/03(金) 06:49:12.54 ID:fn4ojm6A.net]

113 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/03(金) 06:49:32.19 ID:fn4ojm6A.net]

114 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/03(金) 06:49:52.84 ID:fn4ojm6A.net]

115 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/03(金) 06:50:11.20 ID:fn4ojm6A.net]

116 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/03(金) 06:50:32.28 ID:fn4ojm6A.net]

117 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/03(金) 06:50:51.40 ID:fn4ojm6A.net]

118 名前:132人目の素数さん [2017/11/03(金) 13:58:26.44 ID:gyo4gWSV.net]
It is not unusual for me to call friends,
even if I have nothing special to talk about.
It is convenient to take the subway in
order to get around in the center of
Tokyo, where the traffic is heavy.
Nineteen years ago, I traveled by ship
from the U.S. to Australia.
About ten years ago, a famous painter
bought me a meal at one of the best
restaurants in Paris.
I like taking pictures of birds. Many
years ago, I often went to the
seashore when I had free time.
The best thing about my stay with an
American family was that the parents
treated me just like their daughter.
Everyone should be free to decide
when to get married and whether to
have children.
It is said that there will soon be no
room left to dump trash in Japan. We
have no choice but to get more
serious about recycling.

119 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/03(金) 20:51:12.68 ID:fn4ojm6A.net]

120 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/03(金) 20:51:31.71 ID:fn4ojm6A.net]

121 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/03(金) 20:51:55.79 ID:fn4ojm6A.net]

122 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/03(金) 20:52:16.34 ID:fn4ojm6A.net]

123 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/03(金) 20:52:38.40 ID:fn4ojm6A.net]

124 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/03(金) 20:53:00.38 ID:fn4ojm6A.net]

125 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/03(金) 20:53:19.04 ID:fn4ojm6A.net]

126 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/03(金) 20:53:40.21 ID:fn4ojm6A.net]

127 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/03(金) 20:54:00.42 ID:fn4ojm6A.net]

128 名前: mailto:sage [2017/11/03(金) 20:54:21.42 ID:fn4ojm6A.net]

129 名前:132人目の素数さん mailto:sage [2017/11/05(日) 19:29:26.01 ID:9cLr18hq.net]

130 名前:132人目の素数さん mailto:sage [2018/01/05(金) 00:05:34.52 ID:TIUiz4a3.net]


131 名前:132人目の素数さん mailto:sage [2018/01/30(火) 04:58:40.82 ID:Z5rBZZAJ.net]
アホは治るよ こうすりゃ治る
蚊取り線香 粉にして 蕎麦にふりかけ 食ってみろ
       … 竹本浩三:作詞 「アホの坂田」(1972)

132 名前: mailto:sage [2018/04/06(金) 14:16:05.84 ID:I+Mybrk/.net]

133 名前: mailto:sage [2018/04/06(金) 14:16:26.85 ID:I+Mybrk/.net]

134 名前: mailto:sage [2018/04/06(金) 14:16:48.03 ID:I+Mybrk/.net]

135 名前: mailto:sage [2018/04/06(金) 14:17:08.75 ID:I+Mybrk/.net]

136 名前: mailto:sage [2018/04/06(金) 14:17:27.45 ID:I+Mybrk/.net]

137 名前: mailto:sage [2018/04/06(金) 14:17:46.99 ID:I+Mybrk/.net]

138 名前: mailto:sage [2018/04/06(金) 14:18:04.33 ID:I+Mybrk/.net]

139 名前: mailto:sage [2018/04/06(金) 14:18:27.68 ID:I+Mybrk/.net]

140 名前: mailto:sage [2018/04/06(金) 14:18:46.11 ID:I+Mybrk/.net]

141 名前: mailto:sage [2018/04/06(金) 14:19:15.84 ID:I+Mybrk/.net]

142 名前:過去ログ ★ [[過去ログ]]
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