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1 名前:名無しさん [2022/04/07(木) 01:00:18.54 ID:hPaHnh6I.net]
ん でぃろー デ でろ

 ンほ    ひ

2 名前:名無しさん mailto:sage [2022/04/07(木) 01:05:37.28 ID:0nOqOFWo.net]
Transmission, third World War, third round

A decade of the weapon of sound above ground

No shelter if you’re looking for shade

I lick shots at the brutal charade

As the polls close like a casket, on truth devoured

A silent play on the shadow of powe

A spectacle monopolized

The cameras eyes on choice disguised

Was it cast for the mass who burn and toil

Or for the vultures who thirst for blood and oil?

Yes, a spectacle monopolized

They hold the reins, stole your eye

All the Fist-a-gons, the bullets, and bombs

Who stuff the banks, who staff the party ranks

Lights out Guerrilla radio

3 名前:名無しさん [2022/04/07(木) 23:39:17.62 ID:0nOqOFWo.net]
None of the above. Fuck it, cut the cord.

4 名前:名無しさん [2022/04/07(木) 23:40:27.81 ID:ftHglz9Q.net]

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