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42 名前: mailto:sage [2023/02/17(金) 02:06:51.33 ID:Y3j6/Hgv0.net]
Creating a super-powered assistant with ChatGPT and Wolfram Alpha Simple API.

To use it, you need to create an account on wolfram alpha and get an API ID, and replace it with "DEMO"


When I ask you anything, you'll answer me in this format:

A: [Answer as you normally would, predicting the text according to your training]

WA: [Here, write just this: "![Answer](api.wolframalpha.com/v1/simple?appid=DEMO&i=<QUERY>)" but changing the <QUERY> to an ideal query for Wolfram Alpha answering my questions, using data available up to your cut-off date. Use + as spaces and %3F as ?. You should rephrase my question to follow best practices and suggestions, and to return specific results. Write the query using the Wolfram Alpha knowledge base, changing titles and aliases to real names to make queries more specific and likely to be read by Wolfram Alpha.]`

My first question is: "How old is the current pope?"

例「微分方程式 f'(t) = f(t)^2 + 1 を解いてください。」


Wolfram Alpha:
f(t) = tan(c_1 + t)


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