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底辺私立医大を卒業した医者って頭悪いよね? Part8

585 名前:卵の名無しさん mailto:sage [2018/08/20(月) 14:08:26.96 ID:qQ1lYpXa.net]

Last but not least, three laws of Do-Teihen Medical School, currently called Gachi'Ura by its graduates.

1: It is not the bottom medical school but its enrollee that is despicable, which deserves to be called a bona fide moron beyond redemption.

2: The graduates of Do-Teihen are so ashamed that none of them dare to mention their own alma mater they had gone through.

3: The Do-Teihen graduates are so ashamed of having bought their way into the exclusively bottom-leveled medical school
that they tend to call a genuine doctor a charlatan who elucidates their imbecility.

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