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816 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2016/11/30(水) 16:26:21.98 ID:r2t6iIbr.net]

The internet technology far enhanced our possibility of the international communications,
because, de facto, it has broken through the national borders.

Not until the appearance of the internet could we get a lot of information from foreign
countries. We could read only a few imported publications or the reports by domestic mass media,
but now through the internet we’ve gotten free and direct access to the foreign information.
Similarly, by E-mail, to correspond with foreigners is no harder than that of the domestic post.

I am of the opinion that there is no doubt that the internet essentially involves the internation-
alism; in fact, the internet seems to encourage the international cooperation and the unity of
the world strongly.

Hence, it follows that the rightist (nationalist) movement on the web totally contradicts itself and
NETOUYOs, the web-rightists are nothing but incurable morons.


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