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【座標禁止】ポケモンGO 実機位置偽装スレ Part54

28 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 mailto:sage [2018/03/21(水) 14:47:57.19 ID:fN+oRpP4.net]

If you are below iOS 11 and jailbroke you need to do the following:
1. Go into cydia and uninstall xCon and Pokepatch.
2. You will need to add the Liberty repo. Which is https://ryleyangus.com/repo/
3. Once installed go into your phone settings and scroll down near the bottomto find Liberty. Go into "Block Jailbreak Detection".
4. Find "Pokémon Go" and enable it in the list that shows up.
5. Make sure you have updated the PokeGo++ tweak to R63.
6. When all that is done open Pokémon Go and you should be able to play.

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