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【東京】福嶋揚氏「現代日本で、キリスト教神学は何かの役に立つのか?」 ジュンク堂で「カール・バルト」刊行記念講演会[10/08]

59 名前:やまとななしこ [2018/10/09(火) 04:21:39.30 ID:VaRraEig.net]



As an example, the study showed that in 1991, 37 percent of Russian and 39 percent of Ukrainian identified as
Orthodox, respectively. However, in 2015, that percentage almost doubled in both cases to 71 percent of
Russians and 78 percent of Ukrainians.

Though Christianity has bloomed following the fall of the Soviet Union, nowadays it is Christians in Communist
China who are heavily targeted by the atheistic regime.

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