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【東京】福嶋揚氏「現代日本で、キリスト教神学は何かの役に立つのか?」 ジュンク堂で「カール・バルト」刊行記念講演会[10/08]

47 名前:やまとななしこ [2018/10/09(火) 04:17:25.90 ID:VaRraEig.net]


Inflationary paradigm in trouble after Planck2013

Recent results from the Planck satellite combined with earlier observations from WMAP, ACT, SPT and other
experiments eliminate a wide spectrum of more complex inflationary models and favor models with a single
scalar field, as reported by the Planck Collaboration. More important, though, is that all the simplest inflaton
models are disfavored statistically relative to those with plateau-like potentials. We discuss how a restriction to
plateau-like models has three independent serious drawbacks: it exacerbates both the initial conditions problem
and the multiverse-unpredictability problem and it creates a new difficulty that we call the inflationary
"unlikeliness problem." Finally, we comment on problems reconciling inflation with a standard model Higgs,
as suggested by recent LHC results. In sum, we find that recent experimental data disfavors all the best-motivated
inflationary scenarios and introduces new, serious difficulties that cut to the core of the inflationary paradigm.
Forthcoming searches for B-modes, non-Gaussianity and new particles should be decisive.

Inflationary schism
AnnaIjjasaPaul J.SteinhardtbcAbrahamLoebd

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