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Let's talk with Jim-san. Part32

1 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/08/30(土) 07:22:04.12 ID:IvdUCeeU]



Jim-san cap handles;
xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★

prev. thread
Let's talk with Jim-san. Part31

ピンクちゃんねるCTO、Code Monkeyさんとお話ししたい方はこちらのスレで
Let's talk with Code Monkey-san Part.4

545 名前:名無し編集部員 [2014/12/15(月) 20:00:11.93 ID:qH1Z+Gh/]
Dear Jim-san

The following sentences are opinions of one user of the TV program board.
Besides I post it in place of the person. Please read it. What do you think?

888 名前: ◆AOKI.Tk.m2 投稿日:2014/11/09(日) 22:51:06.31 ID:2raTMiv1O

On tv-program board, there are numerous comments that are obviously written in order to deny and/or defame some specified casts.
They often aim to the program itself, and those comments often appear even on other tv-programs' threads where those casts are unrelated.

If those statements were general we could recognize them as fair ones, but all those commemts are too biased and too selfish.

The biggest problem is that they are used to be done by different IDs with multiple words so NG system was not duly asserted against them.
In these several years many innocent users seemed to leave our board by being harraced by those vicious comments, for example being labeled as "fanatic fans", "paranoias" and "OTAKU" by them.

Many of us suspected that those comments were written only by a few vicious users so we decided to vote for name-of-prefecture display, and eventually the vote ended with too many doubtful "opposite".

40% of all votes were casted by softbank smart-phone from resemble IPs, and 99.4% of them voted for "opposite",and 10% of all opposite votes were from plala (provider) Saitama.
Actually 80% of all opposite-votes were casted from 3 providers in close areas.

We are not sure how to treat this result, fair or unfair while some of us believe that this result is the evidence of ID-changers' dirty deeds (done dirt cheap).

Please tell us what would be the best thing for us to do now.

テレビ番組板県名表示導入議論スレ Part.6ageteoff [転載禁止](c)2ch.net

546 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/12/15(月) 21:11:32.73 ID:???]
If you are unsure, then certainly I am unsure.
Perhaps, some more discussion is in order.

547 名前:543 mailto:sage [2014/12/15(月) 21:42:41.73 ID:h75hiiO9]
Dear Jim-san

I'm ">>543".
I don't have "RONIN".
So I couldn't write ">>543" on "qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1393063744/".

548 名前:545 [2014/12/15(月) 22:08:04.52 ID:XK0KjfBh]
Thank you Jim-san.
I think that we should discuss about this matter in a TV program board more.
Please let a couple of questions at the end.

(1) Do you think name-of-a-prefecture display is that it is effective against trolls change ID?
(2) Is there a more effective counter to trolls change ID other than name-of-a-prefecture display?

549 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/16(火) 00:36:30.99 ID:Yz5b96qe]
8ちゃんねるに522エラーを返されます 何かあったのですか?

8ch.net is 522 not found... Why?

550 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/16(火) 10:41:13.03 ID:6K6/M0Mh]
Dear Jim-san

It is a movie board.
I want put "End Roll" board on the menu.
I recommend the name "映画人" very much.
Because it mean "movie person".

551 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/16(火) 12:15:11.78 ID:iok0t7aw]
> Jim-san said, "This board is for cast and crew. Definitely a movie board."
Yes, Jim-san said so. Thus I said >>525

552 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/12/16(火) 22:08:14.13 ID:???]
Please try here.

553 名前:547 mailto:sage [2014/12/17(水) 05:00:54.94 ID:gJeVMN1m]
I applied here.

554 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/12/17(水) 17:10:54.64 ID:???]
This seems to be working.

555 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/17(水) 19:35:17.71 ID:xrGG5lth]
Are you going to reply to requests like >>543
when they are posted in operatex?
I don't think you will reply to them as >>553 is ignored.

556 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/17(水) 19:47:33.07 ID:yLP1jpEz]
law of bureaucracy:
when you are told to go to another window, you will never be heard anywhere.

557 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/12/18(木) 22:42:21.33 ID:???]
I don't look at Operatex. Maybe somebody
will see it.

558 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/12/18(木) 22:43:03.50 ID:???]

559 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/18(木) 22:53:58.76 ID:KQ+pW4iH]
In menu

Out menu

Why endroll is not on the menu? :-(

560 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/12/18(木) 23:05:43.17 ID:???]
Good idea, thank you.

561 名前:543 mailto:sage [2014/12/19(金) 01:24:58.69 ID:2o6OjqGA]
If it isn't operate, is it said that it's useless?

562 名前:名無し編集部員 [2014/12/19(金) 02:29:08.66 ID:Da88TRpH]
When I was in KGS(mastiff), this popped up.
What does this message means?
I think this message means winning ticket (<--当たりクジ?), possibly.
(I can read easy English. )

563 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/19(金) 03:24:48.37 ID:HvatNDlh]
That means something was wrong with the server.
Usually it will get normal soon.
If that endures long, then people will start to complain.

The board name is determined '映画人' ? That's nice. GJ!

564 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/19(金) 10:31:41.94 ID:E2Y3Y485]
It is movie board.
Thank you sincerely.

565 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/12/19(金) 21:13:06.47 ID:???]
Perhaps you have the winning ticket.
Check this page out.

566 名前:名無し編集部員 [2014/12/19(金) 21:20:05.72 ID:wWtB5AEZ]

567 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/22(月) 09:39:46.11 ID:+nueruev]
Dear Jim-san

It is Endroll board. Could you make the title same Japanese as the menu?


I also want you to change NONAME agreed on an autonomy thread.
Autonomy thread is here.


568 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/12/22(月) 10:20:08.06 ID:???]

569 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/22(月) 10:46:13.16 ID:QJoJ/gQr]
Dear Jim-san
I am terribly sorry to take you time, but I appreciate your correspondence>>543

570 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/22(月) 14:08:05.09 ID:+nueruev]
Good job Jim-san!

571 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/12/22(月) 15:29:24.94 ID:???]
It is no trouble. I ignored that. This is Pink Channel.
Sometimes it is ok to talk about 2ch here.
Pink Channel and 2ch are like brothers.
However I think you should do your voting on
2ch, since that is about 2ch. I have never heard
of Sentako and don't know what that is.

572 名前:名無し編集部員 [2014/12/22(月) 20:42:33.60 ID:LsViUNJY]
Mnewsplus bord (hayabusa3.2ch.net/mnewsplus/) has become disorderly.
Drunker-san does not work.
He does not control any press CAP that violate.

【報告スレ】芸スポ速報+のルール違反スレなどを報告するスレッド★5 (c)2ch.net
448 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2014/12/22(月) 17:09:20.10 ID:Bo3KKQK30

449 名前:drunker ★[] 投稿日:2014/12/22(月) 17:15:43.35 ID:???0

573 名前:名無し編集部員 [2014/12/22(月) 21:00:23.06 ID:LsViUNJY]
For instance, he made thread based on video of the copyright violation.
He does not use news site.
ブリーフ仮面(第四十一期次席卒業生)φ ★

574 名前: ◆yO5aT3JbFuSX [2014/12/22(月) 21:04:51.66 ID:Q1lDZ/xh]
Dear Jim-san.
Can I ask a favor of you?
All board. I want to change this setting.

There is a board that has been left at the old settings.
Please to improve the inconvenient state.

575 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/12/22(月) 21:44:10.99 ID:???]
That would make everything dress right dress,
prim and proper. Cover down and align right.
I understand where you are coming from, and
I have felt the same as you before, but I have learned
that a little chaos in the order helps churn the
mass into a better butter. Thank you for your
comment. Let's take it board by board, not across
all boards.

576 名前:名無し編集部員 [2014/12/22(月) 22:39:14.89 ID:LsViUNJY]
Sorry to bother you again.
Drunker-san does not have even a thought to decide a Plus boad rules.
Some reporters are self-indulgence.

【報告スレ】芸スポ速報+のルール違反スレなどを報告するスレッド★5 (c)2ch.net
497 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[] 投稿日:2014/12/22(月) 22:06:23.07 ID:+CM9utYH0 [6/8]

498 名前:drunker ★[] 投稿日:2014/12/22(月) 22:09:29.92 ID:???0

Can't you do something?

577 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/22(月) 22:46:21.26 ID:fSYOqTfB]
It's buzz biz after all, so we need much ado about nothing :)

578 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/22(月) 23:07:50.58 ID:AB+odju+]
> I have never heard of Sentako and don't know what that is.
You should know sentaku.org (not Sentako, sentaku is 選択, selection),
since you accepted the request below:

It seems easier to do something dishonest like multiple voting on 2ch.

579 名前: ◆yO5aT3JbFuSX [2014/12/22(月) 23:59:34.88 ID:9oRYuwlZ]
Thank you for your reply.
Change please , akb board , news board.
The greater serves for the lesser.
Adverse effect does not occur.

580 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/12/23(火) 10:33:48.93 ID:???]
Do you think most 2ch users are dishonest?
I don't think like that.

581 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/23(火) 13:01:24.51 ID:PPGR2EP4]
I'm not 580, but...
"multiple voting" consists of a few dishonest people voting a LOT,
as if they were "most users."

582 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/12/23(火) 13:27:29.04 ID:???]
I think we all know when that happens.
We just put our thinking caps on.
I think you should vote again.

583 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/23(火) 16:41:05.49 ID:ax4CdspF]

584 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/23(火) 18:22:42.83 ID:4M3aXSit]
Do you have no comment about the first part of >>578 ?

585 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/12/23(火) 21:00:52.21 ID:???]
You make it sound like I don't want forced id
there. I do of course. It is better that way.
However I want you to vote again, as I am
not familiar with that other site you voted on.
This is 2ch and Pink Channel.

586 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/24(水) 12:32:45.20 ID:SOusd0Il]
> However I want you to vote again, as I am
> not familiar with that other site you voted on.
What vote?
>>584 doesn't ask you to change anything.
>>578 points out that there is a case that
you accpeted the request with the voting results on sentaku.org,
while >>571 says "I have never heard of Sentako".

587 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/12/24(水) 19:56:00.06 ID:???]
What are you, an attorney?
Fuck off.

588 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/24(水) 22:38:36.55 ID:Hbq5TQwB]

589 名前:名無し編集部員 [2014/12/25(木) 09:37:07.09 ID:iVKmmXhP]
日本ネット界の勢力を一夜で逆転させた人物とは&amp;#8212;&amp;#8212;&amp;#8212;2ch新管理人 ジム・ワトキンス氏 独占ロングインタビュー(前編)

590 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/25(木) 12:41:42.45 ID:QMcSxBEn]
Is it said that they vote in 2ch, not SENTAKU?

591 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/25(木) 20:27:05.69 ID:AV0XnMrg]



592 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/25(木) 23:00:50.40 ID:cHqNVJly]
455 名前:Mango Mangüé ★[agete] 投稿日:2014/12/25(木) 10:16:58.45 ID:???0 ?S★(824721)


I can't find any reasons why we have to buy 浪人 for such a rude volunteer.

593 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/25(木) 23:21:18.74 ID:6fB3Dg+q]

594 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/25(木) 23:32:56.42 ID:cHqNVJly]

You must learn business manner.

595 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/25(木) 23:46:22.77 ID:6fB3Dg+q]

You must learn human manner.

596 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/25(木) 23:48:18.46 ID:cHqNVJly]
What is ''human manner"?

597 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/26(金) 13:00:34.29 ID:WLfcAYqx]
> ブー太という単語が何度も使われているから
> 別れが近づいてる
> みんなとの 別れが近づいてる
> BBR-MD5:646b8ee5fdcb26473d19d5efe073374a(0)
> Rock54ed.


598 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/28(日) 12:49:56.37 ID:IAzcZznP]
I think the board users were well represented in the vote,
because it was widely advertised through direct notifications on hobby board threads.
The board was (ant still is) getting too much vandalisms to hold a vote peacefully.
That is why they resorted to vote at the external website.

Below are a few examples of the notifications sent to individual threads.


The sentaku.org website is sort of recognized among Japanese internet users,
as shown by this 2ch thread that's been maintained for years:

toro.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/esite/1399363493/ 【みんなの投票所センタク11【対応だ!】
toro.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/esite/1377074093/ 【みんなの投票所】センタク10【IP解除して!!】
toro.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/esite/1365766772/ 【みんなの投票所】センタク 09【一部ウザい】
toro.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/esite/1356181185/ 【みんなの投票所】センタク 08【だが最近は…】
toro.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/esite/1344602144/ 【みんなの投票所】センタク 07

599 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/28(日) 13:25:59.96 ID:YeAPTnns]

600 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/28(日) 17:42:41.59 ID:QgdDHTpV]
I heard they are replacing the servers physically ; actually many servers are down by spells today.

It's pity this kind of forenotices are not announced well.
I think the best place to display such announcements is the top page:

601 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/28(日) 22:10:54.49 ID:b27EQ4H3]
Was still more of Hiroyuki increases After seemed do not affiliate of measures
You caretaker of the qualification not.

602 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/28(日) 22:15:14.56 ID:b27EQ4H3]
I feel really question to be doing management people jim
Garbage Kaeseyo to Hiroyuki Because it is what Hiroyuki have made 2ch
The measures castle affiliate to have responsibility as the current caretaker Once seemed can not do it.

603 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/12/29(月) 20:32:11.25 ID:???]
Viper is recovered.

604 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/12/29(月) 20:33:03.66 ID:???]
hayabusa2 is recovered.

605 名前:名無し編集部員 [2014/12/29(月) 21:27:58.97 ID:p1KUYoZR]
anago is still in troubleshooting.

606 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/30(火) 02:12:07.92 ID:qFwot9qZ]

607 名前:名無し編集部員 [2014/12/30(火) 03:47:20.29 ID:S1USQLjj]
Hello Jim.

608 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/30(火) 11:09:43.61 ID:R8nX8lwN]
Reprinted measures nor affiliate measures to without decent , make also fell server many times 2ch to top it off
You 're janitor disqualification
Increases towards the time of Hiroyuki

609 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/30(火) 12:49:42.54 ID:jVsOn1g1]
Is the reason repeated server down?

610 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/12/30(火) 21:55:58.97 ID:???]
The company that we lease space
from is closing down operations.
We are moving our servers to a new
data center. Actually the move is almost
over. The down time was hardware
that failed. Example: bad sectors on the hard
drive of Fox. So Fox died. The hard drives were replaced
with SSD..:) So really an upgrade.

611 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/30(火) 22:10:47.95 ID:W2uaY+E1]
Do you plan to move hayabusa6 and yomogi servers?

612 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/30(火) 22:19:17.09 ID:eAr/W6D9]
Good evening, Thank you for your explanation

613 名前: ◆Coffee/9IPBm mailto:sage [2014/12/30(火) 23:08:15.79 ID:QVS7kZCX]

Why People Troll and How to Stop Them

614 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/12/31(水) 00:26:58.62 ID:???]
I have read that article before.
It is interesting and useful information.

615 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/12/31(水) 18:44:05.33 ID:???]
I made some almond cookies for
New Years.

616 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/12/31(水) 21:15:58.20 ID:zpG5tyMo]
We usually make some Mochi (rice cake) for New Years.
It's interesting to see how the people in the world celebrate them in their ways.

I wish your happy new year!

617 名前:名無し編集部員 [2015/01/01(木) 01:21:43.44 ID:0i51j5Q8]
sever mastiff is heavy.
Please improved.

618 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2015/01/01(木) 09:16:01.93 ID:???]
Happy New Year. The server
seems to have gotten success.
We will have to plant more servers

619 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2015/01/01(木) 09:18:20.36 ID:???]
I made almond cookies and
pasta with cheese and mushrooms.
We all fell asleep before midnight.
Probably to many carbohydrates.
It will be a good year. I guess we
made it past May already.

620 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2015/01/02(金) 03:41:07.11 ID:r7ooy7v5]
Hello, Mr. Jim.
We are suffering from some troubles in the 2ch. ;-)
The sum of sentence's characters are being restricted just like as Lv.1 apprentice, even if Lv.40. Especially it is distinct in the newsplus.
Probably it is related with sudden attacks of Japanese Abe administration which marred the 2ch.
The members of neo-Nazi like PM Abe are troubled when whistleblowers reveal their crimes in the 2ch.
Therefore there are net agents called netouyo. Of course, they are also inside of the 2ch to prevent accusers from leaking the terrible truth.
Abusing permission of administrators, those agents prevent users from putting URLs on boards, as well.

It was found that Tamon of a manager who was publishing cap of the newsplus's board was a member of the LDPJ Supporters Club!

[Sad news] A man had sent an opinion to a newspaper publisher to criticize the LDPJ. Afterwards someone scattered his personal information in the newsplus's board of 2ch.

Jiminto Net Supporters Club
(A official agency of net agents for "Liberal Democratic Party (Japan)".)

621 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2015/01/02(金) 09:30:10.81 ID:???]
I am drinking coffee now. Tamun
has not been around here for many
months. Has Tamun reappeared?
The Ninja system is just a BE swag
system now. If you want more Ninja
level. Please get more BE points.
The old system became very evil,
and Codemonkey and I disabled it
permanently and forever.
I hope we have a pleasant and successful
Whistleblowers will be protected within the
limits of US law. Please see Edward Snowden
as a reference though. These times are troubling
for many people.
You will find your position difficult to gather popular
support. Good luck on that.

622 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2015/01/02(金) 15:48:38.72 ID:hp4yUwDU]
Happy New Year!

I like Tamon,
b/c it rhymes with Bakamon.

623 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2015/01/03(土) 19:33:24.21 ID:7NU3/5C3]
Thank you very much, Mr. Jim. I
I was surprised that you have read really opinions here.

> Whistleblowers will be protected within the limits of US law.

Oh, Japanese authorities often disclosed the 2ch by frame-ups in old days.
This powerful reinforcements cheer whistleblowers, I think.
Japanese mass media is being corrupted with massive scale which you can hardly imagine:
Media reporters have LDPJ'S gratis dinners in a compartment room. Reporters easily cede the mind and are controlled.

A reporter says LDPJ holds gratis Offcon with a compartment room although the expenses are shared in the case of DPJ.
Reported by News Post Seven in Nov 4, 2014 at 7:00am JST.
(redundant part omitted.)
"Democratic Party of Japan's administration was meanness. Abe administration is different from that. A compartment room is reserved in a luxurious restaurant when the ruling party call us.
Of course, that's gratis. Therefore we wanna prop up them because the expenses were often shared in the case of DPJ.", an experienced reporter says.
It is LDPJ's tradition that LDPJ bribes reporters. What poor mind those reporters are, ceding their mind easily so much!
For not only Japanese people but also resistance against neo-Nazi marring the world, the 2ch is the last standing.

Some dubious troubles still emerge now though I cannot confirm whether Tamon did it or not. I think I will report phenomenons later.

I hope that God will bless Mr. Jim, Mr. Codemonkey, and the 2ch in this new year.

624 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2015/01/03(土) 20:02:18.98 ID:???]
Reporter has a different meaning
in the Philippines. Here there is press
freedom. The reporters report, even
under the threat of death. In fact there
was a time not so far back when Only
Iraq had a higher death rate for reporters
than the Philippines. Freedom of the press
is an important right, that is not to be taken
lightly. Isn't there one of those fancy UN proclamations
about it? Maybe not, but still it is important.
I can't imagine a real reporter being bought over a fancy
dinner. Their reporting is probably not worth reading.

625 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2015/01/03(土) 20:10:16.78 ID:W1Zx+U42]
Unfortunately, our government is once again seeking to remove the freedom of press
just like the prewar period.

2ch is the last resort for the freedom of speech
and also is hosting really hideous hate speech at the same time ...
Your role is very very important there, Jim-san!

626 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2015/01/03(土) 20:55:39.17 ID:???]
Let's see how it goes. We made it
past May anyway. Happy New Year.

627 名前:名無し編集部員 [2015/01/05(月) 08:04:29.53 ID:5mMvOR0T]

628 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2015/01/05(月) 09:02:06.08 ID:???]
Good morning to you too.
Please taste the candy pig.

629 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2015/01/05(月) 09:34:07.01 ID:???]
Hayabusa2 will have maintenance.
Tomorrow morning at 4 AM.
It is expected to be offline for 3 hours.
I hope it will be faster, but I am expecting
3 hours. I am sorry for the inconvenience.

630 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2015/01/05(月) 10:01:50.30 ID:7ln0xDof]

4-7 AM, that is? Then that won't affect too many people.
How it would be nice if all the maintenances are done
at that time of day, early in the morning!

631 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2015/01/05(月) 10:08:40.53 ID:FR28GVBC]
Jim-san good morning.
thanks for announcement.

632 名前:名無し編集部員 [2015/01/05(月) 10:16:30.18 ID:UNomzpI1]


633 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2015/01/05(月) 15:16:40.41 ID:???]
Most maintenance is catostrophic
repairs. I will try to schedule maintenance
for this time of day.

634 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2015/01/05(月) 15:18:27.76 ID:???]

635 名前:あひるちゃん ◆2gpD9lKn5TVE [2015/01/05(月) 21:16:25.84 ID:xdq7mmDy]
 ( ・>
( つ ) right wing

<・ )
( つ ) left wing

(  )
( * ) neutral

636 名前:名無し編集部員 [2015/01/05(月) 22:24:48.37 ID:KMREi9EJ]

637 名前:名無し編集部員 [2015/01/06(火) 00:05:32.92 ID:1lywDIws]

638 名前:名無し編集部員 [2015/01/06(火) 00:12:43.01 ID:3GbluYz4]

639 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2015/01/06(火) 00:24:02.90 ID:4wmvm7cL]
Let's eat world-famous Osiruko and Zenzai.

640 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2015/01/06(火) 00:30:41.64 ID:H/Vmti0D]


641 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2015/01/06(火) 00:35:28.13 ID:QM1Dyntg]
Please taste the candy pig.

642 名前:名無し編集部員 [2015/01/06(火) 00:43:07.65 ID:3GbluYz4]

643 名前:名無し編集部員 [2015/01/06(火) 00:57:51.02 ID:NoRaaly7]




644 名前:名無し編集部員 [2015/01/06(火) 00:59:03.75 ID:3GbluYz4]

645 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2015/01/06(火) 07:06:30.68 ID:4CD5wgCq]

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