1 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/08/30(土) 07:22:04.12 ID:IvdUCeeU] このスレはピンクちゃんねるCEOで現2ch掌握者、ジムさんと英語でお話しようスレです 英語できる人はできれば英語で書いてくださいな ジムさんはとってもやさしいので、文法とか単語のつづりが「かなり間違ってる」英語でも きっとわかってくれますよん 念のため日本語の原文を添えてもらえれば状況に応じて支援あるかも 英語はどうしても無理って人は日本語で 文法が整ってる簡単な日本語はジムさんが翻訳して読んでくれます ※:機械翻訳だけを書いても意味不明な場合がほとんどです 機械翻訳の場合日本語を添えると優しい人が翻訳してくれるかもしれません ※.立派な英文投函される方も日本語で本意を示しておくことを推奨(蚊帳の外ゲーム強行?) Jim-san cap handles; xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★ 酉割れの話もあるので現在はvip40011.maido3.netやなどでホンモノ表示を行っています prev. thread Let's talk with Jim-san. Part31 pele.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1396445416/ ピンクちゃんねるCTO、Code Monkeyさんとお話ししたい方はこちらのスレで Let's talk with Code Monkey-san Part.4 pele.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1401039505/
397 名前:名無し編集部員 [2014/11/12(水) 02:15:43.84 ID:Yvh7Eoox] headline.2ch.net/bbynews/news.rss IEだと「2ちゃんねるヘッドライン」のフィードが購読出来ません dig.2ch.net/ 同じくIEだと「超スレタイ検索」が正常に使えません 修復をお願いします
398 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/12(水) 02:22:03.64 ID:3EyW42kb] >>397 ヘッドラインはこちらへ 修理場 Carpenter in operatex carpenter.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operatex/1410866565/ 検索はこちらへ 2ちゃんねるスレタイ検索 dig.2ch.net(ver 0.04)★3 carpenter.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operatex/1410715797/
399 名前:名無し編集部員 [2014/11/12(水) 02:38:55.99 ID:Yvh7Eoox] >>398 ありがとうございます!
400 名前:名無し編集部員 [2014/11/12(水) 16:32:07.28 ID:RKWK4vmC] Hi Jim-san 8ch.netの2ch専用ブラウザーへの対応はいつ頃出来そうですか?
401 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/14(金) 14:27:01.54 ID:VGvDis8H] たまりすぎだから何とかしろ ★ 長期未処理[スレッド依頼]報告 ★ qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/saku/1399639016/
402 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/14(金) 17:55:08.49 ID:qaEP+X/R] Jimさんへ 板設定荒らしの>>331 が活動を再開 ここで無視さた為に運用情報のスレに別の理由をこじつけて申請しました qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1408850375/398 ↑は漫画板も同じように申請すると宣言しています 悪質な荒らしと言う事でBEと浪人は停止させた方が良いと思います
403 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/15(土) 10:52:57.89 ID:Ezt73v3g] >>402 は悪質な荒らし 漫画系板に巣くう統一厨・ほか anago.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/tubo/1388710888/
404 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/15(土) 13:42:12.65 ID:uNJBAFVC] Hi,JIM-san. When writing in your VPN using VIP of 2ch, the alphabet "h" appeared at the last of ID, but what is this? Since it is shameful, I want you to stop. If this system comes to be used for other places, it will become impossible for me to be in the feeling which can continue subscription of your VPN.
405 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/15(土) 14:15:51.56 ID:uNJBAFVC] Rewriting -- HI,JIM-san. When written in VIP of 2ch using your VPN, "h" of the alphabet appeared at the last of ID. What is this? Since it is shameful, I want you to stop. If this system comes to be used for other places, it will become impossible for me to be in the feeling which can continue subscription of your VPN.
406 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/15(土) 15:13:38.20 ID:d2DDoD9U] >>405 You could get more information about it there. maguro.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/mango/1415783462/
407 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/15(土) 23:21:53.10 ID:1w+a2aIn] nanJ attack notice to board of tennis(hayabusa6.2ch.net/tennis/ ) 錦織が負けたらテニス板に凸、待機場所 [転載禁止](c)2ch.net orpheus.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/livejupiter/1416061119/
408 名前: ◆Fu3PvkO9fs [2014/11/16(日) 02:53:38.73 ID:BtlLHGM9] Hi Jim. I am one of the Touhou Project board. Was decided to change the setting. [TATESUGI値]【TATESUGI】 8→32 [スレ保持数]【Maximum number of threads】 800→200 [即死判定レス数]【Instant death judgment】 25→35 <<About LR changes>> ・1 LRの板名にリンクを付ける Change BoardName to linked items on head.txt as follows. 【削除要請板】→<a href=qb5.2ch.net/saku2ch/index2.html/> 【削除要請板】</a> 【削除整理板】→<a href=qb5.2ch.net/saku/index2.html> 【削除整理板】</a> ・2 LRに避難所のリンクを追加する、以下が掲載予定文 Add links of refuge of Toho Board to the and of head.txt . Following is the sentence. ■鯖落ちなどで困ったら避難所へ <a href=jbbs.shitaraba.net/game/57993/> 東方板避難所</a> 《Relevance thread》 ・自治関連スレッド part3 [転載禁止]©2ch.net・ hope.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/touhou/1415198454/ ・自治議論投票スレ [転載禁止]©2ch.net・ hope.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/touhou/1414940948/
409 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/17(月) 19:27:33.03 ID:cpOuaa7r] Hi.Jim-san. Such a thing was written. Although truth is unknown, please look out for it. ttp://maguro.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/mango/1416097393/58-65 58 名前:Mango Mangüé ⭐ (ワッチョイ)[] 投稿日:2014/11/17(月) 18:18:57.04 ID:JaaFs5I50 fox.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/poverty/1416204319/92 92 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です:2014/11/17(月) 16:33:39.96 ID:7ngh6tWD0 >>82 これか 348 風吹けば名無し@転載禁止 2014/11/17(月) 04:15:10 ( hessel2.torservers.net ) 2ちゃん運営として潜入中ナリ 最近目立ちすぎた気もするがアホ外人共が相手なので問題なし 年内には●以来の祭りができそうですを ヒエッ 59 名前:Mango Mangüé ⭐ (ワッチョイ)[] 投稿日:2014/11/17(月) 18:26:41.55 ID:O/rA8ksq0 わくわく 60 名前:Mango Mangüé ⭐ (ワッチョイ)[sage] 投稿日:2014/11/17(月) 18:29:29.41 ID:9q2Mg9bv0 マジかよマンゴー最低だな 61 名前:Mango Mangüé ⭐ (ジグー)[sage] 投稿日:2014/11/17(月) 18:42:24.68 ID:Pyd9S9bfQ 捏造コピペか。 62 名前:Mango Mangüé ⭐ (ワッチョイ)[sage] 投稿日:2014/11/17(月) 18:47:51.85 ID:NkQawpLp0 >>58 これがMangoの書き込みなの? 63 名前:Mango Mangüé ⭐ (ササクッテロ)[sage] 投稿日:2014/11/17(月) 18:56:05.72 ID:T6pWwuyep 真実かどうかわかるわけないぞ 64 名前:Mango Mangüé ⭐ (アウアウ)[sage] 投稿日:2014/11/17(月) 19:01:58.73 ID:cptfq745a 祭りはよ 65 名前:Mango Mangüé ⭐ (スプー)[] 投稿日:2014/11/17(月) 19:11:13.02 ID:dbwhuZb2d >>61 捏造ではないぞ恒心教サイバー部って掲示板に書かれてる 書いてること本当かどうかは知らんけども
410 名前: ◆6z/ObZuRuU mailto:sage [2014/11/18(火) 22:50:49.91 ID:+YZviyqW] hi Jim-san 日本語で失礼します アニメ漫画業界板に荒らしが発生しております まず、テンプレートに「実況OK」の文字があり実況行為を行っています 【速報】アニメDVD・BDの売り上げを見守るスレ18174 [転載禁止](c)2ch.net kanae.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/iga/1416266434/ また荒らしによってスレが乱立しています ttp://2d.moe.hm/2d/img/2d112536.png なんとかしていただけないでしょうか
411 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/18(火) 23:00:47.08 ID:x7RJQmEY] >>410 kanae.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/iga/1416266434/3-4 ・実況禁止。実況は実況chでお願いします。売りスレ民用の実況スレがお祭りchにあります。 ~~~~~~~~~~ ↓ It should not be to live(jikkyo) in this thread.
412 名前:名無し編集部員 [2014/11/19(水) 22:05:08.11 ID:C3KA+UUL] 純邦楽 hope.2ch.net/hogaku/ こちらの板なんですが 過疎過ぎるせいか まる一日ぶりに書き込んでも 連続投稿ですか?8回と出るのですが。 この設定を変更する申し込みはどちらでお願いすれば宜しいですか? ちなみに浪人は持っていません。 設定変更告知しようにも書き込めません。
413 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/19(水) 22:12:18.77 ID:Mc1RuZC5] >>412 その板に自治スレ立てて住人で相談→Jimさんに設定変更依頼すればいいよ でも設定見たかぎりtimecount/timeclose設定はないみたいだけどね hope.2ch.net/hogaku/SETTING.TXT
414 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/19(水) 22:12:25.72 ID:K0qcEH6X] >>412 支援カキコしてくるわ
415 名前:名無し編集部員 [2014/11/19(水) 23:20:37.93 ID:C3KA+UUL] >>413 スレ立てたばかりでスレ立て出来ませんが、気長に待ってみます。 もしかしたら一生無理かも知れませんがw >>414 ありがとうございます。書き込めました。
416 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/19(水) 23:22:27.31 ID:C3KA+UUL] 今考えると、過疎板誘導ダム板の釣りは 「連続投稿対策にもなっていたのか?」 とも思ったりします。
417 名前: 【44.5m】 ● ◆BBSPINKNNTEA mailto:sage [2014/11/20(木) 00:20:06.81 ID:tXOp7Nro] Happy birth day Jim-san.
418 名前:名無し編集部員 [2014/11/20(木) 00:30:00.83 ID:dXctF7O7] hi Jim-san Please help us! アニメ漫画業界 board kanae.2ch.net/iga/ 【速報】アニメDVD・BDの売り上げを見守るスレ is so large.
419 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/20(木) 00:41:52.35 ID:PZroNnL5] 規制なくしたから、板がすごい荒れてるんですけど ニュー速(嫌儲) fox.2ch.net/poverty/ >>418 県名表示があるから居座るのだから おまCに県名表示入れてもらえばいいのではないかと思うのですよ
420 名前:名無し編集部員 [2014/11/20(木) 00:43:58.61 ID:YzkRqKtU] ニュー速も規制の設定が無くなっている hayabusa3.2ch.net/news/ setting of the news board regulation is lost. please take measures to troll.
421 名前:名無し編集部員 [2014/11/20(木) 00:58:35.29 ID:vHZMuJbJ] おい、嫌儲となんJが終わったんだけどJimさんよ
422 名前:名無し編集部員 [2014/11/20(木) 01:02:02.66 ID:el9AR6Cr] JIMはもう何週間も2chに書いてないみたいだから Twitterで伝えてみるのがいいかも twitter.com/xerxeswatkins
423 名前:名無し編集部員 [2014/11/20(木) 01:05:29.50 ID:BD0DEwNV] Happy birthday to Jim-san! from Anarchy-board folks.
424 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/20(木) 01:20:00.43 ID:PZroNnL5] スレ立て規制が解除されたせいでスレ乱立 競馬板あらされてます 競馬 yomogi.2ch.net/keiba/
425 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/20(木) 01:24:13.90 ID:yVqAvpvq] 8ちゃんねるが404エラーです 何かあったのですか? 8ch.net is 404 not found... Why? www.8ch.net/
426 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/20(木) 01:28:44.99 ID:2XWJrpmf] >>422 191 Grape Ape ★ 転載ダメ©2ch.net[sageteyon] 2014/11/18(火) 21:12:54.09 ID:???0 img.2ch.net/premium/2865484.gif I had already ordered inside the restaurant. No smoking inside, so I went outside to the convenient tables set up outside for smokers. I lit up and within 20 seconds the waitress came out the door and took the cigarette from me. It made me really angry because not a lot of place to smoke on the EMPTY streets of Nagoya by the train station. Maybe it was a no smoking area, but it certainly was not listed as one, and most decent establishments that set tables up outside have the tables there for smokers. I will never return to that Pancake Coffee Shop 88. They lost my business forever. JIM、店員に砂糖を取られた仕返しが怖い [転載禁止]©2ch.net [927213481] fox.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/poverty/1416231963/
427 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/20(木) 01:31:29.31 ID:bs323I6B] Bon anniversaire!
428 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/20(木) 01:45:21.06 ID:geNwuRrl] someone is causing the incident similar to Christmas of 2007. 2ちゃんねる BBS.CGI - 2014/05/07 (SpeedyCGI) +BBQ +ByeSaru=ON ページのおしまいだよ。。と
429 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/20(木) 06:53:53.22 ID:wSW/wvum] >>415 >>413 別にスレ立てなくても、既存スレ内で住人意見の集約ができればいいよ
430 名前:Apparently admin ★ [2014/11/20(木) 12:02:49.65 ID:???] The problem was solved rapidly. I am sorry for the inconvenience.
431 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/20(木) 15:45:32.26 ID:Z39Ca1cx] >>430 >>408 未だに対処されておりません。 運営さんは対応してください。 よろしくお願いします。 Still it is not been addressed. Management Mr. please support. Thanks in advance.
432 名前:名無し編集部員 [2014/11/20(木) 17:41:45.22 ID:dXctF7O7] >>430 Jim-san Please help us! アニメ漫画業界 board kanae.2ch.net/iga/ 【速報】アニメDVD・BDの売り上げを見守るスレ is so much.
433 名前:Apparently admin ★ [2014/11/20(木) 19:44:15.39 ID:???] >>432 What is the url of your autonomy thread?
434 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/20(木) 19:49:08.25 ID:Br+lcFre] >>433 ★アニメ・漫画業界板 自治集会所・5★ [転載禁止](c)2ch.net kanae.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/iga/1414779183/ 自治スレです
435 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/11/20(木) 19:57:22.06 ID:???] >>434 kanae.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/iga/1414779183/790
436 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/20(木) 22:11:03.56 ID:WeeeUnK9] >>435 Jimさんへ 売り上げスレ問題を解決する為に「なんでもランキング板」を作ってください 対象は納税額とか映像出版関係の売り上げ等、順次更新されるランキングです 現在ランキングを扱うとしている格付け板が有りますがそれとは別にお願いします 強制ID、県名、スマフォ末尾表示付きで 既存板 格付け hayabusa6.2ch.net/ranking/ 格闘技や野生動物の強さ等を扱う格板です
437 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/20(木) 22:38:01.94 ID:BjxXdjWJ] jim-san お祭り会場@2ch掲示板hayabusa6.2ch.net/festival/ ↑Can you introduce the prefecture name in this thread?
438 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/20(木) 23:16:08.94 ID:dXctF7O7] >>435 thank you Jim-san 【速報】アニメDVD・BDの売り上げを見守るスレ's people is troll. They have invaded アニメ漫画業界 board. They play Jikkyo "実況". Please introduce BE into アニメ漫画業界 board.
439 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/20(木) 23:46:19.73 ID:4UKhRXWn] >>430 Jim-san Anime board, recently, has been roughened to some users They flooded a lot of thread, have a live chat on the board ID number ok Local display NG If in this setting they will go out I'd like a change of setting
440 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/21(金) 04:05:01.82 ID:/66C/zbu] I think your direct appeal is not good. You should be discussed in >>434 .
441 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/21(金) 08:06:42.28 ID:zvdY9UJp] Dear Mr. Jim 31 days have already passed since it came to be displayed on the ending of the thread title as "©2ch.net." However, when outlaw persons reproduce to their site, in order to remove it, it ended up with mere the board of 2ch.net having become busy as a result. Then, in order to make a thread title legible, I would like you to return by all means, although it is a wish. Please inquire, although I think that it is a difficult decision. Sincerely yours
442 名前:名無し編集部員 [2014/11/21(金) 19:25:55.36 ID:+VI7GBRO!] >>441 I am not sure what browser you are using, but there is no interference with my ability to read thread titles. Please tell me your browser. Perhaps talking to them will solve your problem. I am sorry for the inconvenience.
443 名前:RASCAL [2014/11/21(金) 20:19:09.21 ID:oumjNc21] Jim-san こんばんは。
444 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/21(金) 20:39:22.94 ID:J2ZbJC1u] warota
445 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/11/21(金) 20:59:35.45 ID:???] こんばんは
446 名前:RASCAL [2014/11/21(金) 20:59:42.93 ID:oumjNc21] >>444 Jim-san?
447 名前:RASCAL [2014/11/21(金) 21:00:44.26 ID:oumjNc21] >>445 おお、こんばんは。 さっきはありがとうございました。 よろしくおねがいします。
448 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/11/21(金) 21:03:22.75 ID:???] >>447 No problem, sorry for the delay in the reply. I was very busy.
449 名前:RASCAL [2014/11/21(金) 21:03:42.46 ID:oumjNc21] Jim-san Thank you very much for coming! Well, has other media representatives or reporters asked you an interview since this February?
450 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/11/21(金) 21:04:32.24 ID:???] >>449 The last one was Kyodo News. I think most are scared of me. They just talk about me, not to me.
451 名前:RASCAL [2014/11/21(金) 21:07:17.98 ID:oumjNc21] hmm... Had the Kyodo guy published the story?
452 名前:名無し編集部員 [2014/11/21(金) 21:09:19.42 ID:+VI7GBRO] >>451 I am not sure, but I did immediately after the interview. I recorded it and published the interview to Youtube. He had made me upset, by coming to my office giving the security one ID with a name, but showing up with as a news reporter.
453 名前:RASCAL [2014/11/21(金) 21:09:50.54 ID:oumjNc21] And ( in case other medias thought about but withheld from proposing interview, ) one thing that shall be kidding is... one does not need to be scared to ask for an interview...
454 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/11/21(金) 21:11:18.67 ID:???] >>453 I have not seen a reporter since this date. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YIFVwCIqRs
455 名前:RASCAL [2014/11/21(金) 21:12:57.37 ID:oumjNc21] >>He had made me upset, by coming to my office giving >>the security one ID with a name, but showing up with >>as a news reporter. That is another typical version of “journalist”. I feel sorry for that, and I my self was a one once harassed by being done so.
456 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/11/21(金) 21:13:12.57 ID:???] >>453 He seemed scared for his life to be on the street instead of inside a hotel restaurant. Actually I think that Manila may be safer than Japan these days. https://twitter.com/AnonR4g/status/535740944474447872
457 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/21(金) 21:15:38.69 ID:ccANpBfC] >>456 hi Jim-san kanae.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/iga/1414779183/790 助けて欲しいことを確認したので見て下さい ★アニメ・漫画業界板 自治集会所・5★ [転載禁止](c)2ch.net kanae.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/iga/1414779183/
458 名前:RASCAL [2014/11/21(金) 21:16:17.37 ID:oumjNc21] Well in my feeling the impression of Zaitoku-kai and groups like that are exaggerated. Actually, they are not so influential nor have many members.
459 名前:hi everyone mailto:sage [2014/11/21(金) 21:17:35.59 ID:yRvEeTWG] Hi,Jim-san. >Actually I think that Manila may be safer than Japan >these days. https://twitter.com/AnonR4g/status/535740944474447872 I've known it. they are crazy.
460 名前:RASCAL [2014/11/21(金) 21:18:52.11 ID:oumjNc21] What was the incident you experienced most scary in the army? Where were you deployed at the time?
461 名前:名無し編集部員 [2014/11/21(金) 21:18:58.91 ID:+VI7GBRO] >>457 Please talk on your autonomy board. I am following it.
462 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/11/21(金) 21:21:26.35 ID:???] >>458 そうです、I agree with you. Japan is still safe. >>460 The scariest thing I ever did in the Army was flying in the fog during an evacuation because of a flash flood. We pushed the helicopters out of the rising water to high ground and flew them with 0 visibility to a golf course.
463 名前:RASCAL [2014/11/21(金) 21:27:51.76 ID:oumjNc21] >>462 And as for the current business, how do you feel? You have many conflicts in many aspect with LINE- Naver side . As you see, NAVER-LINE is strongly tied up with Korean government, 1 of the 2 cofounder of NAVER Mr. Lee has been working for Korean government system development. And another, Mr. Kim was detentioned in JFK Ariport 2012 by DHS, FBI and other agencies Joint team.
464 名前:名無し編集部員 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/11/21(金) 21:28:40.45 ID:OwX3eXnc] こんばんわジムさん。 IPの開示要求は、レースクイーン社にすればいいのですか? 民族マイノリティの友人が差別主義者の中傷に困っています。 彼は訴訟をしたくても要求先がわからないと言っていました。 Good evening Jim-san. IP of the disclosure requirements, Race Queen, Inc.? Friends of ethnic minorities have trouble slander of Racist. He says do not know the request destination may want to litigation. 日本のISPはログの保管期間が短い。 時間がかかりすぎると民事訴訟が難しい。 Japanese ISP has a short storage period of the log. Civil litigation is difficult and takes too long.
465 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/11/21(金) 21:34:14.46 ID:???] >>463 I read the news stories about that as well. Something about being a convicted felon. They seem genuinely smug and above the law. That might be true, if they are working for the government directly. Normal people, would not behave with such impunity.
466 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/11/21(金) 21:36:53.15 ID:???] >>464 That sounds like something to bring up with your Diet. We follow the law of the US, and also try to conform to good standards of conduct with other countries. Trolls be damned, I will try to keep this a good place for free speech. If we have a restriction it is because of trolls, not the law.
467 名前:RASCAL [2014/11/21(金) 21:41:43.10 ID:oumjNc21] >>465 Absolutely, And the Naver CEO is an independent director of the MAIL.ru.... They are weird company. As a starting point, the company's purpose seemed not to be ordinary business and gain profit, rather, they are more eager to get access to information. And do you have special opinion on NicoNico Douga run by KADOKAWADOWANG? The company is listed in Tokyo market, but they mediate AFFIKASU MATOME SITE business in their website.
468 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/11/21(金) 21:44:44.35 ID:???] >>467 Wow, I didn't know mail.ru Maybe Mr. Putin is really the one in charge. Korea doesn't need so much information. A former KGB guy might though. Wouldn't that be a super conspiracy if Japan media was controlled by Russia by way of a Korean government owned public company. It could be time to wear an aluminum hat.
469 名前:RASCAL [2014/11/21(金) 21:45:59.32 ID:oumjNc21] >>465 In the interview by Kyodo, what did the reporter interested in and asked about you? Was that just like now I am asking, or did he have other impressive questions?
470 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/11/21(金) 21:49:56.65 ID:???] >>469 There were no impressive questions. He seemed to think I was a drug dealer selling something called 'ice' I had not even heard of ice until he explained it was methamphetamine. So the interview was actually uneventful. Since I don't sell ice.
471 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/11/21(金) 21:57:44.58 ID:???] >>470 The interview has moved to here. fox.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/poverty/1416574587/l25
472 名前:名無し編集部員 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/11/21(金) 22:06:35.71 ID:OwX3eXnc] >>466 Answer Thank you. Many things is difficult because politics and laws of Japan has been delayed. Racist is collusion with the Japanese government. Deplorable...
473 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/22(土) 00:23:37.43 ID:fC/lDfa4] Hi Jim-san I am one of the Touhou Project board. Excuse me for posting many times. Please apply following changes. We've already discussed and voted on them. 東方Project板です。何度もレスして申し訳ありません。 以下の変更を適用してください。既に議論と投票を終えています。 1, Changes of Board Setting Reason for changes: because we are suffering from arashi and too many insignificant threads. 変更理由:荒らしや乱立する糞スレ対策のため。 hope.2ch.net/touhou/SETTING.TXT ・TATESUGI値【TATESUGI】 BBS_THREAD_TATESUGI=8→32 ・スレ保持数【Maximum number of threads】 800→200 ・即死判定レス数【Instant death judgment】 25→35 2, Changes of LR ・LRの板名にリンクを付ける Replace these two board-names on head.txt by linked items as follows. head.txtの二つの板名をリンクされたものにしてください。 【削除要請板】→<a href=qb5.2ch.net/saku2ch/index2.html/> 【削除要請板】</a> 【削除整理板】→<a href=qb5.2ch.net/saku/index2.html> 【削除整理板】</a> ・LRに避難所のリンクを追加 Add a link Touhou Board Shelter to head.txt. Please put following text in the end of head.txt. 以下をhead.txtの末尾に付けてください。 ■鯖落ちなどで困ったら避難所へ <a href=jbbs.shitaraba.net/game/57993/> 東方板避難所</a> 《Relevant Threads》 We discussed and voted in these threads. 議論・投票したスレッドは以下。 自治関連スレッド part2 hope.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/touhou/1409651333/ 自治関連スレッド part3 hope.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/touhou/1415198454/ 【議論】スレッド保持数・その他設定値見直しスレ [転載禁止]©2ch.net・ hope.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/touhou/1414937674/ 【議論】LR見直しスレスレ [転載禁止]©2ch.net hope.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/touhou/1414924351/ 【議論】TATESUGI値変更スレ hope.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/touhou/1413464760/ 自治議論投票スレ [転載禁止]©2ch.net・ hope.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/touhou/1414940948/ And please ignore>>408 and>>431 . Thank you for your concern.
474 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/22(土) 13:43:34.24 ID:FnthmCRI] Jim-san Please please remove "©2ch.net" and "©bbspink.com"! Safari and iOS browsers cannot be made undisplayed!!
475 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/22(土) 16:19:37.16 ID:wPqJ9eTr] @2ch.net付けたのはJimだったかマンゴーだったか
476 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/22(土) 17:51:08.56 ID:dPP/OMFA] >>471 Jim-san Why don't you come there? Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★47 qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1408850375/
477 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/11/22(土) 18:40:01.40 ID:???] >>474 It displays fine in my Safari. i.imgur.com/RLrqbTG.jpg i.imgur.com/76NZPeu.jpg What are you really trying to get at? I think you have some ulterior motive.
478 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/11/22(土) 18:47:59.24 ID:???] >>473 Your request is past my tier of operator maintenance. You need to talk to Codemonkey about this. It requires editing of some scripts that I tend to break if I touch. That doesn't make anyone happy.
479 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/11/22(土) 18:52:30.28 ID:???] >>472 It is probable that you are correct. I don't know the inside details on it. I am reading the news just like everyone else. I am personally upset by hatespeech, but am disgusted by any government attempt to suppress it.
480 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/22(土) 18:58:51.17 ID:VKaWhTC3] >>478 ok.Thank you.
481 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/22(土) 20:38:28.08 ID:FnthmCRI] >>477 I have no secret intention. Outlaws are deleting and reproducing "@2ch.net". They have to receive punishment. Therefore, I want you to return for us. Please.
482 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/22(土) 21:05:45.14 ID:ZNwfZcNP] Hi Jim san It is a movie board. It is arguing now about the new genre board which Jim-san proposed. A film director, an actor board, etc. are a candidate. However, the argument has stopped because of the fault of those who do not yield saying "It is the same as dividing the board denied by Jim to make a new board." Please tell me about your opinion of "new genre board establishment = board division."
483 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/11/22(土) 22:10:53.65 ID:???] >>482 I have been reading that thread too. It comes up in the search at dig.2ch.net/ The solution is not found yet. I don't think the discussion is stopped. I think we need more categories and boards here on Pink Channel. Something refreshing and new. I want to go see a movie soon. Can you make a good recommendation?
484 名前:名無し編集部員 [2014/11/23(日) 01:34:46.52 ID:B/AiImOz] >>483 Jimさんへ 自治案件で投票の告知と言ってマルチポストするケースが増えています 凄く迷惑なのでハッキリ禁止してください hissi.org/read.php/iga/20141122/bnpvTHJUakow.html kanae.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/iga/1416431457/261 >261 : ◆aWU6w2bMaY (東京都) :2014/11/22(土) 20:52:06.05 ID:nzoLrTjJ0 >【投票告知】 >アニメ漫画業界板荒らし対策設定変更投票スレ [転載禁止](c)2ch.net >kanae.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/vote/1416656656/ > >現在アニメ漫画業界板では荒らし対策のため板設定変更議論が行われています >このスレではアニメ漫画業界板における設定変更の賛否を問う投票を行います >投票の際には説明をよく読んで間違いのないように投票してください > >【投票期間】 11/22(日) 00:00:00.00 〜 23:59:59.99 > >【投票様式】 >・名前欄には fusianasan のみ記入([注意]fusianasanでリモートホストが表示されます) >・投票は以下の様式とします。同一レス内で改行して書き込んでください >・本文 > - 県名表示廃止に賛成の場合は 【廃止賛成】 のみ記入 > - 県名表示廃止に反対の場合は 【廃止反対】 のみ記入 > - 書き込みBE必須に賛成の場合は 【書込BE賛成】 のみ記入 > - 書き込みBE必須に反対の場合は 【書込BE反対】 のみ記入 > - TATESUGI値を上げるに賛成の場合は 【T上賛成】 のみ記入 > - TATESUGI値を上げるに反対の場合は 【T上反対】 のみ記入 > - スレ立てにBE導入に賛成の場合は 【スレBE賛成】 のみ記入 > - スレ立てにBE導入に反対の場合は 【スレBE反対】 のみ記入 > - BBS_USE_VIPQ2=8の導入に賛成の場合は 【民スト賛成】 のみ記入 > - BBS_USE_VIPQ2=8の導入に反対の場合は 【民スト反対】 のみ記入 > - BBS_SLIP=verbose導入に賛成の場合は 【ID末尾賛成】 のみ記入 > - BBS_SLIP=verbose導入に反対の場合は 【ID末尾反対】 のみ記入 > > >(全部で6行になるため注意して下さい) >(【】は忘れずに入れてください。無いと無効になります)
485 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/23(日) 07:30:50.17 ID:kQGlZ3J8] >>483 I think "film director and actor board" is good. Because the present movie board is too fast-flowing, the thread of minor supervisors or actors will fall immediately. If a board is newly made, they are protected and will develop. By the way, discussion thread is here 映画作品板の新ジャンル板をJIM-sanに提案するスレ [転載禁止]©2ch.net・ yomogi.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/cinema/1415507531/
486 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/11/23(日) 22:05:55.13 ID:???] >>485 That makes sense. Finally I am understanding. Maybe it should be called "credits"
487 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/23(日) 22:19:06.38 ID:hJExQSKf] Do you really need to include actors? We already have actor board and actress board and can easily foretell the new board will be overwhelmed by actor threads... so maybe it's better specialising in staff, production or filmmaking.
488 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/23(日) 22:34:28.92 ID:soK0G1a/] 鯖に負荷かけて喜んでる馬鹿がVIPにいるので対応していただきたいのですが 【毎年恒例】 都道府県別最速1000 【勤労感謝の日】 [転載禁止]©2ch.net viper.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news4vip/1416749007/
489 名前:Apparently admin ★ 転載ダメ©bbspink.com mailto:sageteyon [2014/11/23(日) 22:53:53.87 ID:???] >>487 That is why I said credits would be a good board name. The people that are listed at the end of the movie.
490 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/23(日) 22:59:45.66 ID:hJExQSKf] indeed. btw we already have "credit" board for credit cards and loans. movie credits are also called as "end roll."
491 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/24(月) 10:14:21.20 ID:JDTe59bU] >>486 Indeed. I think that a film credits board is a wonderful idea. I want you to realize by all means.
492 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/25(火) 00:18:03.82 ID:ElvnTXXF] hi Jim-san Please stop ken.cgi and innovated BBS_SLIP=verbose in アニメ漫画業界 board. 投票 アニメ漫画業界板荒らし対策設定変更投票スレ [転載禁止](c)2ch.net kanae.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/vote/1416656656/ 議論 ★アニメ・漫画業界板 自治集会所・6★ [転載禁止](c)2ch.net kanae.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/iga/1416658537/ 結果 県名表示の廃止に賛成13票 書き込みBE必須に賛成7票 TATESUGI値を上げるに賛成7票 スレ立てにBE導入に賛成10票 BS_USE_VIPQ2=8の導入に賛成7票 BBS_SLIP=verbose導入に賛成19票
493 名前: ◆X7rWHqfbJA mailto:sage [2014/11/25(火) 00:20:21.99 ID:aNMtSCgW] Hi,jim-san >>492 は捏造なので相手にしないでください 投票結果では何も変えないことが決まっています ★アニメ・漫画業界板 自治集会所・6★ [転載禁止](c)2ch.net kanae.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/iga/1416658537/130 > 130 名前:名無しさん名無しさん(東京都)[sage] 投稿日:2014/11/25(火) 00:16:08.59 ID:0w4OG2UN0 > 投票方式は > 11/23と11/24に二度投票 > 同じIPの投票だけ有効票 > > 11/23のIP > kanae.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/vote/1416656656/90 > > 11/24のIP > kanae.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/vote/1416656656/105 > > kanae.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/vote/1416656656/ > 107 名前: ◆X7rWHqfbJA [sage] 投稿日:2014/11/25(火) 00:10:32.89 ID:ekfgBOsh [4/4] > 集計 > > 賛成 反対 > 1票 9票 県名廃止 > 0票 10票 書込BE必須 > 1票 9票 立てすぎアップ > 0票 10票 スレ立てBE必須 > 0票 10票 VIPQ2=8 > 3票 7票 ID末尾設定 > > > というわけでこの投票では何もしないで決定
494 名前:名無し編集部員 [2014/11/25(火) 07:31:06.94 ID:kanKce7z] Hi Jim-san >>492 He is fake. His writing is all a lie He is trying to confuse us. Where we cannot forgive him >>493 Correct is his.
495 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/25(火) 07:54:33.48 ID:ElvnTXXF] >>493 >>494 They are troll. Please take note.
496 名前:名無し編集部員 [2014/11/25(火) 08:29:59.84 ID:iPmdqWdM] ID:ElvnTXXF=Do not believe a damn thing. He is not truth. Please check the Hash tag. >>493 is correct. The same Hash tag ◆X7rWHqfbJA Adjudicators is his. Please look at the Hash tag.
497 名前:名無し編集部員 mailto:sage [2014/11/25(火) 08:41:22.16 ID:fgyXV3mL] In "urisure", evil troll, he calls himself "薄毛" ravages over a year. This time he faked vote result. He also ravages Anime-ita,love-live-ita. You should control tihs vicious troll as soon as possible.