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5 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 mailto:sage [2014/08/28(木) 21:07:29.76 ID:ScKJakWd]

As a model, the Congress of Vienna has an attractive echo for the Middle East’s monarchies and dictators,
as it was designed mainly by conservative autocrats as they sought ways to contain the subversive republican fervor unleashed by the French revolution.


These are beliefs that the establishment treats as common sense, as being a fact of life, just like the weather.
Not to subscribes to these beliefs is to be outside today's establishment, to be dismissed by it as an eccentric at best, or even as an extremist fringe element.


これみんなパッと見た瞬間に、これは「どの as だ」って分かるものなの?

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