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506 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 [2008/11/08(土) 22:57:59 ]

ran outとほぼ同じ意味のものを1つ選択
@ had become impossible
A was completely exhausted
B was rushed
C had passed time

the gold rush changed the history of California and the whole Western United Statesと内容の一致するものを1つ選択
@ Even more than the agricultural workers, the cattle ranchers developed and changed the history of an area.
A Selling goods and food to miners was not profitable for the economy.
B The gold rush was actually very profitable for everyone.
C The economy was developed by miners who stayed and changed their jobs.

@ Gold rush fever is dangerous illness which killed many miners.
A The California gold rush was noted for its small size at the beginning.
B The Australian gold rush was started by miner who had taken part in the first gold rush.
C The Alaskan gold rush did not last as long as the Australian gold rush.
D If there is a gold rush, the economy tends to be developed in two ways.

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