VoyagerReadingのLesson6-3です。 お願いします。 The above-mentioned research has shown that people's ways of thinking about happiness and positive emotions tend to be different according to their cultures. But is there anything common to all cultures of the world that makes the human heart sing? Take wealth, for example, and all the dilightful things that money can buy. Once your basic needs are met, additional money does little to raise your sense of satisfaction with life. A good education? Neither education nor a high IQ leads to happiness. Youth? No, again. In fact, older people are more satisfied with their lives than the young. A recent survay found that people aged between 20 and 24 are sad for an average of 3.4 days a month, but it is just 2.3days for people aged 65 to 74. Watching TV? Not at all. People who watch more yhan three hours a day are unhappier than those who spend less yime in front of the box.
On the positive side, the most distinct traits of cheerful people were strong ties to friends and family, and time spent together with them. These traits were shared by the 10% of students who believe they are really happy. In other words, it's important to work on sosial skills, close human relationships and cosial support in order to be happy. A resercher observes that people between the ages of 30 and 50 are less happy than other groups. This is perhaps because they have less freedom and more responsibilities for kids, jobs and housing. People are happiest when they are given a certain amount of freedom and decision-making power in their jobs. After working in the field for 25 years, the researcher claims that happiness is related to how much you like the life you are living.