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実用英語技能検定1級 STEP Grade1 Thread Part54

1 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 [2008/09/16(火) 21:41:13 ]
【Test date of the 2nd term in 2008】
Application period: Aug. 1st-Sep. 25th
Paper test date: Oct 19th
Interview test date: Nov. 16th

【Criteria】Able to understand a broad range of English and to express one's views with fluency.
This level is roughly equivalant to advanced learners in university,
about a level of 10,000-15,000 vocabularies.

【Level of the test】
Reading: Able to understand a broad range of social English essays.
Listening: Able to understand a broad range of social English.
Speaking: Able to communicate in English on a broad range of social issues.
Writing: Able to write consistent essays on a broad range of social topics.

For more details, go towww.eiken.or.jp/exam/grade_1/about.html

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実用英語技能検定1級 STEP Grade1 Thread Part53

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