359 :淫愚率主魔棲汰亜 ◆cxt6jyx9JU :2008/09/13(土) 23:28:07 Basically, English education in Japan is not so bad at all. Those who cannot speak English well say it is worse than ten thousand devil. That type of people would never be able to speak English after all. They just want to sit back where they are - they just want to think about their unbearable situation that they cannot speak it. They just want to believe it's because of English education that they had in their school days.
I strongly believe that >>348 or people of that kind would never make a complaint about the situation where they study it. Nothing truely valuable arises from ambition or from mere sense of duty. It comes rather strong will for the thing you want to accomplish and for objective things.
こんばんはぁ 明日は秋分っすねえ いいっすねえ I'll throw off Miyazaki Prefecture Education Board for they are useless. The Board is only people [ who never want basic change in education ]. Is today's education absolutely right? On the contrary, it is absolutely wrong [ because the people at the Board still grade students only by their intellecual abilities, [ humiliating students with less abilities ] ].
[Longer Ending of Mark] [ After Jesus rose from the dead early on Sunday morning ], the first person [ who saw him ] was Mary Magdalene, the woman [ from whom he had cast out seven demons ]. She went to the disciples, [ who were grieving and weeping ], and told them [ what had happened ]. But [ when she told them [ that Jesus was alive and she had seen him ], they didn’t believe her. Afterward he appeared in a different form to two of his followers [ who were walking from Jerusalem into the country ]. They rushed back [ to tell the others ], but no one believed them.
Still later, he appeared to the eleven disciples [ as they were eating together ]. He rebuked them for their stubborn unbelief [ because they refused [ to believe those [ who had seen him [ after he had been raised from the dead ] ] ].
And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone. Anyone [ who believes and is baptized ] will be saved. But anyone [ who refuses [ to believe ] ] will be condemned. These miraculous signs will accompany those [ who believe ]: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages. They will be able [ to handle snakes with safety ], and [ if they drink anything poisonous ], it won’t hurt them. They will be able [ to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed ].”
[ When the Lord Jesus had finished talking with them ], he was taken up into heaven and sat down in the place of honor at God’s right hand. And the disciples went everywhere and preached, and the Lord worked through them, [ confirming [ what they said ] by many miraculous signs ].
Let's talk about english education in English!! It will be a lot of fun and fruit.
69 名前:片岡数吉 ◆WBVlJkFAFk [2008/09/25(木) 19:58:28 ]
Yes, let's! English is a nice language, isn't it? It's used all over the world. It is [ why people anywhere on the earth try [ to learn English ] ]. But what in Japan? Students can't use English! This proves [ that present English education is not useful at all ] and [ that it is rather harmful than of any much use ].
I like autumn. Autumn air is cooooooooooooooooooooooooooool. I looooooooooooooove you, cooooooooooooool guys!
>>69 Hey, katakichi-san, Old Guy! What are you talkng about? Japan is an English-developing country, you see, in the meaning that English is an academic language in the country instead of only one way of comminucation. Here English should be learned for marks rather than for what is most important...to communicate internationally.
76 名前:片岡数吉 ◆WBVlJkFAFk [2008/09/25(木) 22:28:55 ]
And after all most students can not use English except a tiny part of students, [ who thinks [ that they are themselves high-quality men ] ], [ which itself defines [ that they thmselves are the meanest of all humans ] ].
I kind of agree with >>63. Young students should have physically and mentally healthy teachers as their role-models. Everyone gets depressed once in a while. When you are too tired, you shoud take a leave of absence. If that doesn't help you, probably you might have to decide, after all, teaching is not really your suitable job. I feel really awful about those who killed themselves, but they should quit their job (teaching) before doing something that tragic. Now, do you still think it's the board of education that killed them?
>>87 Young students must have honesth teachers as their counselling advisers. Everyone gets depressed once in a while. When you are too tired, you shoud take a leave of absence. If that doesn't help you, probably you might have to decide, after all, teaching is not really your suitable job. I feel really awful about those who killed themselves, but they should quit their job (teaching) before doing something that tragic. Even now, I think it's the board of education that killed them. I can never understand how learned and people-guiding men of the Board can drive weakened people into still heavier-burdening place. Whatever the reasons are of the problems they carry, I will think of other ways to help them than driving them into death!
92 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 [2008/09/27(土) 13:41:08 ]
>>91 >Whatever the reasons are of the problems they carry, >I will think of other ways to help them than driving them into death!
How would you have helped then? I said quitting the job might be an answer. If they find they can't do the job properly, they should quit. There are hundreds of other jobs. They had at least that option. Why didn't they? Tell me if you know some other ways you could help them. The job of the boards of education is, as far as placement of teachers goes, to let the teachers do their jobs properly.
93 名前:片岡数吉 ◆WBVlJkFAFk [2008/09/27(土) 14:07:45 ]
>>92 One thing I will do is listen to them. And I will think with them how the essence of the problems is. We can think of ways to overcome difficulties. We think together. It's as eay as that. No other way will get the burden-laden ones out of serious troubles. Most people think it none of their business. But its really your business to think together of the troubles of someone near you.
94 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 [2008/09/27(土) 14:23:12 ]
Everyone is selfish and even teachers are not free from being selfcentered. It is impossible for the boards of education throughout the country to satisfy every teacher, because most of the teachers want to teach in the stress-free schools. Someone has to take care of the students, as it seems you are doing right now? Suppose you are mildly depressed, and say you don't want to teach any of the difficult schools, what happens? Would the board of education say it is all right for you to keep on teaching only in good schools? I don't think so. No one was able to predict those teacher were going to kill themselves. I don't think it was the BOE's fault. It wasn't their closest friends' fault. Only advice I can think of is letting them find out some other jobs which suit them better.
95 名前:片岡数吉 ◆WBVlJkFAFk [2008/09/27(土) 15:05:48 ]
>>94 Everyone is selfish and selfcentered. It is impossible for the boards of education throughout the country to satisfy every teacher, because most of the teachers want to teach in the stress-free schools. Someone has to take care of the students, as I am doing right now. Suppose you are mildly depressed, and say you don't want to teach any of the difficult schools, what happens? The board of education will say only selected teachers can teach in good schools.
No one was able to predict those teacher were going to kill themselves. I can declare that the BOE could have estimate what can happen because of their decision. It can be their closest friends' fault. I estimate most cases have been eased with help of the closest people. Having them find out some other jobs is one way, but if you are really serious to carry a part of their burden, you can get them to overcome the present difficulty.
>>95 I still don't think you should feel responsible when your closest friend killed him/herself. You really feel upset and naturally you might start blaming yourself or some other things, but it's not really your fault or anything. When someone is so down and suicidal, they should ask for medical help. They shouldn't be teaching. I don't know how things go in the prefecture, but it seems unfair that the same group of people are moving from an easy (good) school to another...
>>97 I think you should feel responsible when your closest friend killed him/herself. You really feel upset and naturally you might start blaming yourself or some other things, but it's really your fault. When someone is so down and suicidal, they should ask for medical help, but people around him/her must be an anntena to detect what and share his/her agonies. They should rest. I know how things go in Miyazaki Prefecture, but it is quite unfair that the same group of people are moving from an easy (good) school to another... All this is becuse Board of Education is ruled mostly by college-going school teachers who have benn teaching only easy good schools and have been laying all the burdens on non college-going school teachers. After all they kill agonizing teachers. Espesially, there are times I doubt if they are not raising toasts afte they got to kill a some teachers.
Is the board of education ruled mostly by the officials who used to be teachers of highest-ranking schools where everyone's concern is only how they can get into "good" university? Strange. As far as I know, those who haven't taught "tough" schools seem to be looked down on. Real "tough" teachers should be able to deal with various kinds of students, their parents, and all. At least that's what is believed to be the case... and weaklings should just leave. Teachers should really be strong,
104 名前:片岡数吉 ◆WBVlJkFAFk [2008/09/29(月) 22:06:42 ]
>>103 That's how they are in the US, I presume. Things are quite different in Japan. Groups are hard-closed in Japan. And those secluding teachers are so stubborn that unpredujiced and just voice is alwayed suffocated.
>>103 Uh-oh, I don't know much about the U.S., because I've never been there. I'm talking about the education system here in Japan. Too bad for the teachers who got so depressed that they killed themselves. I, however, believe that they shouldn't have done that. If the job is too hard for them, they should find some other jobs. Teaching is not the only one job available to us. When something very difficult happens to you, it's all right to escape from it. Sometimes escaping from it can be the bravest thing because you've got to get over the chance you might be called a chicken, but you are NOT!
108 名前:片岡数吉 ◆WBVlJkFAFk [2008/10/01(水) 00:25:47 ]
>>107 I don't know much about the U.S. either, because I've never been there either. Too bad for the teachers who got so depressed that they killed themselves. They shouldn't have done that. But they were weak. There are weakones as well as strong ones, but everyone must be protected. If someone had listened to them and had persuaded them to quit the job and seek some other job truly thinking of and sympathizing with them, they would have found their way to live their future. Teaching is not the only one job available to us. When something very difficult happens to you, it's all right to escape from it. Sometimes escaping from it can be the bravest thing because you've got to get over the chance you might be called a chicken. I do escape because I am not God, I am a human, I do escape, I let them call me chicken, and I'm not ashemed at all, because I am a human.
109 名前:片岡数吉 ◆WBVlJkFAFk [2008/10/01(水) 00:27:12 ]
correcting as "I have never lived in any foreign country"
>>113 I'm not a christian but I like the hymn, too. When my uncle, who was a christian died, the song was played during his funeral. He was my favourite uncle, so I still remember how I felt that day especially when I hear the song. >>108 I should say I don't really like the way you use the part of my writing and change it a little to suit what you want to say. Are you making fun of the way I write? Anyway we don't seem to understand each other... Actually I do what you do. The workplace is extremely difficult and I, too, sometimes think I might quit. Those teachers who teach in "good" schools are lucky enough to have a nice rewarding job, whereas we have such a tough time making them be seated and listen to us. Unfair, isn't it?
119 名前:片岡数吉 ◆WBVlJkFAFk [2008/10/03(金) 02:20:42 ]
It sure is unfair, [ which we have absolutely agreed to with each other ], nice evening thi is, and in thirty minutes I shall be in my bed.
[ Tho' by your kindness my fond hopes were raised, Long, long ago, long, long ago ]. You by more eloquent lips have been praised, Long, long ago, long, long ago, But, by long absence your truth has been tried, Still to your accents I listen with pride, Blessed as I was [ when I sat by your side ]. Long, long ago, long ago.
②It determines the success or failure of the experiment ⑧[ which was performed ⑧[ as they attempted ⑧[ so that they might make new energy ] ] ]. なのです。一部を切り離すと ⑥The experiment was performed ⑧[ as they attempted ⑧[ so that they might make new energy ] ] ]. これの従属節を簡単にすると ⑥The experiment was performed ⑩[ attempting ⑨[ to make new energy ] ] ]. となるのです。10公式で全ては説明されるのです。507さん、500さんと同じ答なのです。 10公式は安心して使うことが出来る公式なのです。(^-^*) 10公式は最強なのです。 既成文法は何の反論も出来ないのです。