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If BBSPINK is included in ID, she is a venus.

1 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2010/08/06(金) 00:19:12 ID:oNbDkuYo]
A previus thread
IDにBBSPINKが出たら神 Part2
Past log

747 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/18(土) 09:57:42.53 ID:???]
It is a good thing. No rain = No rice.

748 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/18(土) 10:04:14.23 ID:???]
The girls are making me pancakes. I will try to eat.

749 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/06/18(土) 13:24:43.42 ID:KdJO3EmC]
Good afternoon BBSPINKAys-san.
It is thin cloudy today.

Sounds good.
Were you eaten with good appetite in the pancake?

750 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/18(土) 15:35:58.86 ID:???]
I ate two pancakes. I will eat some oatmeal later. I am worried to eat. Really weak now, but the pissing from my ass seems to have stopped.

751 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/18(土) 21:52:59.52 ID:???]
It is back again, and my vision is blurry. i will go to bed and tomorrow go find the cure at the pharmacy.

752 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/06/19(日) 20:37:47.69 ID:Zazt7VhB]
Good evening 無名氏-san.
How is your health condition this evening?

753 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/20(月) 07:16:17.67 ID:7xHAiayg]
Good morning iN7YyCc4Vc-san, ERO-san.
iN7YyCc4Vc-san, おだいじに。

754 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/20(月) 08:48:40.84 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKSAys-san.

755 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/20(月) 21:52:33.65 ID:???]
Good night guys.

756 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/21(火) 00:22:15.92 ID:9ArCHBpY]
Good night.

757 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/06/21(火) 01:00:42.00 ID:IXQVx69S]
Good night.
It was raining and raining. That rain stopped at last tonight.

758 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/21(火) 07:13:05.81 ID:???]
Good morning Guys.

759 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/21(火) 07:13:57.11 ID:9ArCHBpY]
Good morning.

760 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=13,xxxPT】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc [2011/06/21(火) 21:59:46.90 ID:77a8vAeu]
Good night guys.

761 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/22(水) 07:34:53.48 ID:???]
Good morning guys.

762 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/22(水) 12:02:15.64 ID:Fzr5Ksh1]
Good morning iN7YyCc4Vc-san.
Lunch time.

763 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/22(水) 16:53:28.52 ID:???]
It is Miller time for me. Yomi is restored and set, venus, babiru, qiufen and idol are moved to banana3001. Some DNS will need to be updated, but all data is safe and secure finally.

764 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/22(水) 22:42:47.00 ID:???]
Good night

765 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/23(木) 00:11:13.96 ID:cBPmG6/I]
Good night.

766 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/23(木) 07:11:21.60 ID:cBPmG6/I]
Good morning.

767 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/06/23(木) 07:42:44.69 ID:HlpMEUrP]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

768 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/23(木) 09:01:46.63 ID:???]
Good morning guys. It is a grey day.

769 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/24(金) 00:25:40.96 ID:HlSlsoQ9]
お疲れ様でした >Jim-san

Good night iN7YyCc4Vc-san, ERO-san.

770 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/24(金) 07:09:00.62 ID:???]
Good morning guys,
>>768 I moved idol off of banana3222. Maybe dns has not updated yet?

771 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/24(金) 07:30:08.47 ID:8bp9pAP6]
Good morning iN7YyCc4Vc-san.

772 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/24(金) 08:00:46.00 ID:???]
I am using my ipad. I have no terminal so I can't check DNS.
Please do an nslookup and see what server it is showing up on.

773 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc mailto:sage [2011/06/24(金) 08:02:53.68 ID:???]
When I get money again I want to get the Asus TF-101. It is the next generation of computing. Like the ipad, with mouse support and it runs Android so you can have terminal on it.

774 名前:Mr.anonymous mailto:sage [2011/06/24(金) 20:21:48.59 ID:???]

775 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/06/24(金) 21:19:33.76 ID:???]
Good night guys.

776 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/25(土) 08:04:33.64 ID:cQm5mqNg]
Good morning Jim-san.

777 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=15,xxxPT】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc [2011/06/25(土) 08:22:51.04 ID:Isk8SihX]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san. It is still raining here.

778 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/26(日) 08:02:56.70 ID:qiMa9XDC]
Good morning.

779 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=16,xxxPT】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc [2011/06/26(日) 10:59:34.03 ID:spTPslCu]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

780 名前:Mr.anonymous [2011/06/27(月) 02:39:06.32 ID:3wLF1Ufb]

781 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/06/27(月) 07:00:07.14 ID:???]
Good morning guys.

782 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/27(月) 07:41:16.74 ID:oUfhDRwC]
Good morning iN7YyCc4Vc-san, Jim-san.

783 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/06/27(月) 22:24:21.01 ID:???]
Good night guys.

784 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/28(火) 07:20:03.12 ID:v1s/1KhZ]
Good morning Jim-san.

785 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/06/28(火) 08:31:56.98 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san

786 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/06/28(火) 22:27:14.35 ID:???]
Good night guys

787 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/29(水) 00:06:43.44 ID:dSktYukS]
Good night Jim-san.

788 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/06/29(水) 05:36:24.73 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

789 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/29(水) 07:21:04.96 ID:dSktYukS]
>788 Good morning Jim-san.

790 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/06/30(木) 00:37:52.50 ID:???]
Good night guys.

791 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/06/30(木) 08:34:33.06 ID:nT3N+H63]
Good morning Jim-san.

792 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/06/30(木) 08:40:25.51 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

793 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/01(金) 07:23:33.90 ID:eHhp7uyl]
>792 Good morning Jim-san.

794 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/01(金) 11:14:39.27 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

795 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/02(土) 07:19:17.41 ID:???]
Good morning guys.

796 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/07/02(土) 07:48:24.11 ID:ArEdcohC]
Good morning Jim-san.
It is a beautiful weather today.

797 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/02(土) 08:00:18.40 ID:aWei6v30]
Good morning Jim-san, Ero-san.

798 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/07/02(土) 08:20:35.86 ID:ORIJcauM]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.
What is the weather in your place this morning?

799 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/03(日) 07:46:36.09 ID:RLtxm/JH]
Good morning ERO-san.
It is cloudy, and a forecast of rain to the back this morning.

800 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=18,xxxPT】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc [2011/07/03(日) 08:17:04.82 ID:au60ZOJE]
Wow, that weather is similar to here. It might be a little cooler here.

801 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/04(月) 08:44:49.09 ID:???]
Good morning and happy 4th of July.

802 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/04(月) 11:05:28.58 ID:B3Pcqpgg]
Good morning Jim-san, and Fourth of July.

803 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/05(火) 00:42:50.14 ID:AMRr8uAz]
Good night.

804 名前:jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/05(火) 06:56:14.53 ID:???]
Good morning guys.

805 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/05(火) 07:20:05.62 ID:AMRr8uAz]
Good morning.

806 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/05(火) 22:20:35.00 ID:???]
Good night BBSPINKAys-san.

807 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/06(水) 07:14:08.18 ID:dSngT2ED]
>>806 Good morning Jim-san.

808 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/06(水) 07:41:50.52 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

809 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=2,xxxP】 [2011/07/06(水) 21:40:56.49 ID:M30+PGXR]

810 名前:Mr.anonymous mailto:sage [2011/07/06(水) 22:15:48.01 ID:???]
Good night BBSPINKAys-san

811 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/07(木) 00:17:57.69 ID:5lGQq15Z]
Good night Jim-san.

812 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 ●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/07(木) 06:49:18.35 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

813 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/07(木) 07:06:13.30 ID:5lGQq15Z]
Good morning Jim-san.

814 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/08(金) 00:30:29.50 ID:IvGvWLX1]
Good night.

815 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 ●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/08(金) 07:16:40.01 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.
2ch wants to play a game with us. I don't know the rules though.
I told them we would play. Let's have fun.

816 名前:Mr.anonymous mailto:sage [2011/07/09(土) 10:07:47.67 ID:???]
Good morning guys

817 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/09(土) 10:30:05.78 ID:LDzcQice]
Good morning Jim-san.
To know the PINK CHANNEL well, it tries to read the site policy.

818 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=20,xxxPT】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc [2011/07/09(土) 10:39:44.89 ID:1U+Croyy]
The site policy has nothing to do with the game that 2ch wants to play.
Maybe they have a thread that talks about that game, so I can figure it out.
I don't know where the thread is though.
It is something about checkers.

819 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=20,xxxPT】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc [2011/07/10(日) 09:15:09.36 ID:ZgVfTr5X]
Good morning guys.

820 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/10(日) 11:51:39.58 ID:XVSxXRJR]
Good morning iN7YyCc4Vc-san.

821 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/07/10(日) 13:07:24.40 ID:rKYHt93W]
Good afternoon.

The condition of my arm is very bad recently.
My arm hurts and is being palsied.
Probably the cause is a posture.
A good chair and desk may better that.

822 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 ●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/10(日) 13:25:26.70 ID:???]
I have a nice office with an office desk and chair in it. That might be a good place to rest.

823 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/11(月) 07:26:33.78 ID:s2oQWGBR]
Good morning & good night.

824 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=5,xxxP】 ●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/11(月) 07:55:51.70 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

825 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 ●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/12(火) 07:24:25.62 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

826 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/12(火) 07:38:03.25 ID:Kb/Sa/Ma]
Good morning Jim-san.
Good night,

827 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/07/12(火) 11:06:07.49 ID:Fp5RJF/W]
Good morning.

I caught cold again.
My body temperature is somewhat high and there are runny nose, a pain of a throat, and a cough.
Probably, I need rest.

828 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 ●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/12(火) 14:23:53.09 ID:???]
One of my girls is sick now too. Maybe you both have AC fever.

829 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/07/12(火) 14:44:20.03 ID:Fp5RJF/W]
I am interested to AC.
However, that is not related to this cold of mine.

830 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=21,xxxPT】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc [2011/07/12(火) 21:45:32.54 ID:u/NGmhjt]
Good night friends.

831 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/13(水) 07:20:45.44 ID:r10JYab7]
Good morning.

It prays to improve.
Please take a rest slowly.

Good night.

832 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=21,xxxPT】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc [2011/07/13(水) 07:37:11.70 ID:fYlVdHn0]
Good morning Ero-san, hope you are feeling better. Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

833 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=21,xxxPT】 無名氏 ◆iN7YyCc4Vc [2011/07/13(水) 09:42:23.98 ID:fYlVdHn0]
You could be getting a rainy season disease.

834 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/07/13(水) 10:25:03.74 ID:R1RyXCxX]
Good morning.

Thank you for your kindness.

My condition got somewhat good.
The pain of my throat went away.
I have a runny nose a little. And I have a cough.
I do not have dengue fever. Maybe

835 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=1,xxxP】 ●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/13(水) 10:47:18.25 ID:???]
It sounds like sinusitus.

836 名前:●自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/14(木) 07:31:20.15 ID:???]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san. Good morning Ero-san. I hope you are feeling better.

837 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/07/14(木) 13:01:03.44 ID:3x12Gn3K]
Good morning 自夢-san.
My condition is so-so. (´・ω・`)

838 名前:●自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/14(木) 13:44:15.42 ID:???]
souda souda souda.

839 名前:○自夢 ◆IamTAAl4HA [2011/07/15(金) 06:34:26.52 ID:0I/ybXKy]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.

840 名前:◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/15(金) 07:14:22.64 ID:bhw+9TQy]
>837 Good morning ERO-san, Jim-san.

841 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/16(土) 07:52:18.91 ID:0+8FQSbK]
Good morning.

842 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/07/16(土) 08:12:32.90 ID:5+WZji7o]
Good morning BBSPINKAys-san.
Manila is this morning of nice condition.

843 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/16(土) 09:18:12.82 ID:???]
Good morning Ero-san and BBSPINKAys-san.
Yes it will be a fine day.

844 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/16(土) 23:02:26.18 ID:???]
Good night

845 名前:●jim ◆IamTAAl4HA mailto:sage [2011/07/17(日) 07:08:23.06 ID:???]
Good morning guys.

846 名前: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 ◆EROyVmNwwM [2011/07/17(日) 09:46:17.40 ID:/CCmsxlJ]
Good morning Jim-san.

847 名前: ◆BBSPINKAys [2011/07/17(日) 11:19:30.24 ID:CUYyX/7E]
Good morning Jim-san and ERO-san.

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